Chapter 441 Chapter 0441 Key

Hearing this, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned. After all, he has never mastered any 'keys'. Could it be that Gaia and others made a mistake?
I went through all the things on my body again, but still couldn't find anything related to the key.

'Could it be said that this key is not that key?In this way, there is only one thing that can be related to the key...'

Li Chen couldn't help thinking, of course, most of it was Li Chen's guess, and Gaia had to point out what it was, so he pretended not to know anything and expressed his doubts to Gaia.

"I don't remember what key I have? If you don't mind, can you tell me?"


Gaia paused, but did not refuse Li Chen's request, and said directly:

"The key is far away in the sky and right in front of you. It is none other than the Tongtian Tower in your hand! It is rumored that the Tongtian Tower is a dilapidated treasure of detachment. The powerful refining treasures used to connect the spiritual sea and the primordial universe. Combining it with the gate of origin can support the channel between the spiritual sea and the primordial universe, so we call it the key. If there is no Tongtian Tower, we will Entering the original universe not only needs to pass through the cosmic membrane, but also needs to block the impact of the torrent of ray energy from the singularity explosion at the beginning of the original universe. In this way, as far as our eternal realm is concerned, if we want to cross the spiritual sea and the original The natural danger between the universe can be described as difficult and difficult, comparable to climbing to the sky..."

Li Chen frowned slightly, with a displeased expression on his face.

"It seems that you know the Tongtian Tower very well. Could it be that you guided me to get the base of the Tongtian Tower?"

After all, no one wants their most powerful treasure to be deliberately arranged by others in their hands. Such a treasure feels hot to hold, and who knows if there will be any other hidden dangers.

"No, no, it wasn't our arrangement that Fellow Daoist got the Tongtian Tower, and we only paid attention to Fellow Daoist after he arrived in Honghuang..."

Gaia said so, how much truth in the words, how much falseness is beyond Li Chen's ability to know.

But Li Chen doesn't care, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, after all, it's Gaia and the others who want something from him, not himself from others.

The so-called beggars are grandsons. Of course, Gaia and others are not to the extent of being grandsons...

Li Chen has already understood most of the situation, but he still has a little doubt about the door and key of origin.

Looking back at the process of obtaining the Tongtian Tower, if it was done by a strong person in the eternal realm, it would not take that long to gather the materials and treasures needed to upgrade the Tongtian Tower.

This is where Li Chen's doubts lie. Why Gaia and other powerhouses in the Eternal Realm didn't make a move, but used their own hands to perfect the Tongtian Tower.

And when he was weak, he had many opportunities to snatch the Tongtian Tower as a strong person in the Eternal Realm.

Thinking of this, Li Chen continued to ask his doubts with the idea of ​​solving it once and for all.

But Gaia's answer was beyond Li Chen's expectation. Gaia looked at Li Chen with a foolish look on his face and said:
"Fellow Daoist, if he knew who this Tongtian Tower was in the last era, he wouldn't have such an idea. Although we don't know whether there are other realms after transcending the realm, even the strong who transcend the realm also have strengths and weaknesses. In addition, its owner, Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, is one of the best existences among the transcendent powerhouses. In the heyday of this Tongtian Pagoda, it was comparable to a transcendent powerhouse. In addition, there is a trace of residual will of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian. , if it is not a person approved by it, even if you get the remnant of Tongtian Tower, you will not be able to use half of it."

What Gaia means is that there is still a trace of the power of will left by Venerable Taixuan Tongtian in this Tongtian Tower, but after I became a strong person in the eternal realm, I have trained the Tongtian Tower many times, but I have not found anything about Taixuan Tongtian. The remaining power of will of the Venerable Sky is because his own strength cannot meet the conditions for discovering the remaining willpower of the Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, or is it because the remaining willpower of the Venerable Taixuan Tongtian in the Tongtian Pagoda has been used by him time and time again? Dissipated in the process of merging the treasure and purifying the Tongtian Tower?

Thinking of this, Li Chen was in no mood to continue talking with Gaia.

Tongtian Tower is an important part of its own strength, if someone picks the fruit, it can be regarded as the scene of a car accident.

Now Li Chen's only thought is to conduct an all-round and in-depth inspection of the Tongtian Tower after leaving the Tongtian Tower. Li Chen even messed up the fusion concept of the Tongtian Tower and reassembled it. There is the remaining power of will of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian in it, no matter how this remaining power of will can be hidden, it will not help.

Seeing Li Chen turned around to leave, Gaia spoke again.

"Fellow Daoist, are you leaving just like that?"

Li Chen turned his head and looked at Gaia puzzled: "Is there anything else you need?"

"Now you and I are both grasshoppers on the same line. If you don't let me go, it seems that you still don't believe me..." Seeing Li Chen like this, Gaia didn't know what was going on. It's just that Li Chen doesn't completely trust himself.

But think about it, if anyone said that the void world of the spiritual sea and the original universe would suffer an unprecedented disaster, and this person was still hostile to him, even he couldn't believe it all at once.

"As for what Gaia you said, I will naturally find a way to verify it, but it is not because of this that I left..."

Gaia suddenly realized: "Fellow Daoist must be because of the remaining power of will of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian."

Speaking of which, Gaia looked at Li Chen with a strange expression on his face: "Don't fellow Taoists know that the remaining power of will of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian has already dissipated?"

In Gaia's thinking, Li Chen, as a powerhouse in the eternal realm, must have retrained the Tongtian Tower long ago. The Tongtian Tower is still safe and sound in Li Chen's hands, which shows that the remaining power of will of the Venerable Taixuan Tongtian has dissipated Understand.

"is it?"

Li Chen's tone was a little suspicious, and he didn't particularly believe Gaia's words.

"Don't fellow daoists know that no matter whether you are in the realm of transcendence or the realm of eternity, you can't survive in the treasure of life that is also in the realm of eternity or even the powerhouse above? After Tongtian Pagoda was promoted to the treasure of transcendence, everything Has the foreign matter been repelled? If the remaining willpower of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian still exists, he probably left the Tongtian Tower at that time. At this moment, the other party is probably hiding in a corner of nothingness to recuperate... ..."

Gaia's tone was full of gloating, and there was a faint trace of greed, but Li Chen didn't notice it.

Li Chen didn't believe everything Gaia said, nor did he deny everything.

Silently quit the Tongtian Tower, but started to completely remodel the Tongtian Tower according to his own ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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