Chapter 442 0442 Transforming the Babel Tower

Although the Tongtian Pagoda has reached the level of the treasure of transcendence, and its power is extremely powerful when used, it is still far from the power that Li Chen imagined.

I didn't notice it when my cultivation base was low, but after I improved my cultivation base, the uncomfortable feeling in the process of using the treasure became more and more clear.

It's as troublesome as going straight from one point to another, but having to make a big circle.

Moreover, Tongtian Tower's swallowing of fusion treasures will be affected by the level of the swallowed treasures, which undoubtedly makes Li Chen very unhappy.

The power of the Tongtian Tower was shackled.

Li Chen didn't know if this was the way it was, or if Venerable Taixuan Tongtian did it.

Before Gaia mentioned Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, Li Chen had the idea of ​​reorganizing Tongtian Pagoda, and after Gaia mentioned Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, this idea became more firm.

The eighteen-story Tongtian Tower represents eighteen treasures, and the power of the entire Tongtian Tower is brought about by these eighteen treasures.

It can be said that these eighteen treasures are very important.

But these eighteen treasures are not the most important things in the Tongtian Tower, and they are not even as important as the Chaos Orb that Li Chen fused into the top of the tower.

Not to mention the ray of forbidden power in the core of Tongtian Tower.

Without the Tongtian Divine Forbidden, it is impossible for this Tongtian Tower to devour other treasures to upgrade itself. It can be said that the Tongtian Divine Forbidden is the manifestation of the fusion concept of the Tongtian Tower, and the entire Tongtian Tower, except for the tower base, is almost entirely Li Chen's. thing.

Tongtian Pagoda was able to grow from an incomplete tower base to its current level, which can be said to be an indispensable contribution. What Li Chen has to do now is to break up this tower base and turn it into the most basic source of fusion concepts. Then construct a new treasure with the source of fusion concept again.

Maybe the newly constructed treasure will be stronger than the current Tongtian Tower, or weaker than the current Tongtian Tower, but for Li Chen, no matter what it becomes, it will be a comfort to his mind, at least he doesn't have to worry about himself. The natal treasure rebelled...

Tripods, pagodas, mirrors, bells, swords, pictures, flags, beads, etc. are all common shapes of treasures in the prehistoric world. According to Li Chen's wishes, he actually likes sword-shaped treasures very much.

But the problem is that Tongtian Tower's fusion of various treasures is mainly based on change. After it is transformed into a sharp sword, there will be a little more sharpness but less mystery of change, and the true meaning of the original concept of fusion will be lost for nothing.

Therefore, although this sword-shaped treasure is Li Chen's favorite, it is also the first shape that was excluded by Li Chen.

Ding-type treasures are very powerful, but most of them are used for support or defense. They are not used much for fighting. The so-called offense is the best defense, and the tripod-type treasures also lack a little change, so they were also excluded by Li Chen. Lose.

I won’t say much about tower treasures for the time being. The Tongtian Tower is that. It’s quite enough to change the true meaning, but it’s biased towards restraint and suppression. Moreover, after Li Chen knew that the Tongtian Tower might be the product of other people’s schemes, he didn’t particularly like towers. It is a kind of treasure, so it has not been considered for the time being.

Li Chen, the treasure of clocks, immediately denied it when he thought of it. The reason is very simple and the meaning is not good.Sending the bell or sending it to the end... You must know that there are three owners of the Kaitian Zhibao, and two of them are intact until they become holy. Only Taiyi died in the Lich War, and Taiyi's natal treasure is the bell. One of the treasures, the Chaos Clock.

Graphical treasures are not bad, they can be attacked or defended, sleepy or suppressed, they tend to be moderate, it is a better choice for Li Chen.

For Li Chen, flag treasures, Li Chen doesn't particularly like them. Among the prehistoric times, the most famous one is the Wufang Banner transformed from chaotic green lotus leaves. It is said that collecting all the Wufang Banners has the prestige of innate treasures. I don't know if it is true. Fake.

As for the jewels, there are more treasures. The Chaos Orb must be the number one in the prehistoric world, followed by the Dinghai God Orb and the Opening Heaven and Earth Orb. The Sea God Beads, each with a bright blue light, I like it very much when I look at it, so this bead treasure is one of the shapes that Li Chen is going to shape.

To be honest, what Li Chen likes most is mirrors. A mirror is a device used to reflect images, and it is also the only device that can reflect the world in it without any power.

It can be said that the power of the mirror is very great.

Of course, the power of mirrors without special treatment can only be said to be average or even non-existent.

Without a trace of power, the mirror is a natural thing to gather yin.

It has a strong attraction for ghosts and spirits.

The power of the processed mirror will increase geometrically.

Such as the Bagua mirror, which can seal the dirty things sucked into it.

Like a demon mirror, it can detect the true body of the monster.

Like a coffin mirror, it can protect the coffin from being harassed by lonely ghosts...

After some careful thinking, Li Chen decided to recast the Tongtian Tower into a treasure mirror, a treasure mirror with thousands of abilities.

Just do what you say, under the control of Li Chen, the base of Tongtian Tower is separated, and it returns to the dilapidated appearance when Li Chen just got it.

The body of the tower became uncertain due to the lack of a base, and the fused treasures in it seemed to be flying out of the fusion state, but after all, Tongtian Tower has become a transcendent treasure, even if the very crucial tower base is missing, it still has a huge The power maintains the form of Tongtian Tower, so it will not be destroyed immediately.

Because it was Li Chen's natal treasure, he did not encounter the slightest resistance during the whole process.

This also proves to a certain extent that the power of will left by Venerable Taixuan Tongtian is indeed gone in Tongtian Pagoda.

A pale flame continued to burn the base of the tower under Li Chen's control, and the entire base of the tower began to melt slowly under the burning of the fire.

A ball of red liquid was peeled off by Li Chen, and what was left was a ball of blue-gray liquid.

This red liquid is full of the origin of the fusion concept, and it seems to Li Chen that nothing can be tolerated, even if he can be integrated into it.

Following Li Chen's thoughts, the mass of red liquid began to elongate continuously, turning into silk threads, intertwined and connected with each other, forming miniature formations one by one.

Many of the formations were deduced by Li Chen based on the divine prohibition of the Tongtian Tower, and many formations were temporarily added by Li Chen.

There are many uses of formations, there are formations that can speed up the devouring effect, there are formations that can store power, and there are formations that can change forms...

After doing this, those bluish-gray tower bases that were refined into a liquid state immediately wrapped the entire formation frame formed by the red liquid with the concept of fusion.

The concept level, the fusion of the concept origin is under Li Chen's willpower, like an army of orders and prohibitions, changing the inherent format, different forces are integrated, and truly become a perfect one.Until the mirror was made——

One side of the treasure mirror is smooth and flat, which can reflect the human figure, and the skin and hair are also clearly visible.

On the back of the mirror are engraved pieces of integrated treasures, as if surrounded by a long river of treasure energy, and countless formations appear on it, just like the formation of heaven and earth, it is extremely wonderful.

After the Tongtian Pagoda, which lacked its base, was cast in the precious mirror, Li Chen threw it directly into the precious mirror when he saw it.

Because they are originally one, there is no obstacle at all, and the two become one.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. To fully integrate, it will take a period of running-in time.

So far, the transformation of Tongtian Tower has been initially completed.

Li Chen named this newly born treasure mirror: Magic World Mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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