443 Chapter 0443

Illusionists are changeable.

The imaginary world means that the big one means that the universe is infinitely changing, and the small one means that all kinds of dharmas emerge one after another, which is endless.

The reason why a mirror is a mirror is that it is the master of reflection. It reflects people's hearts, all things, and the sky. Everything is in the mirror.

It can be seen from this that Li Chen still has very high expectations for this fantasy world mirror.

At this moment, the fantasy world mirror has not yet reached its peak, and the remaining parts of Tongtian Tower have not been completely swallowed and fused. It will take nearly a thousand years to reach the point of fusion.

This is because Li Chen strengthened the power of swallowing and fusion when constructing the formation, otherwise, according to the original speed of swallowing and fusion of the Tongtian Tower, ten thousand years would be considered short.

The entire process of refining the fantasy world mirror seems short, but in fact it took tens of thousands of years, but the time is nothing to Li Chen, a strong man in the eternal realm, and he can only sleep in ten thousand years It's just time.

It's unimaginable for Li Chen when he was on the earth.

But for Li Chen now, he is used to it.

The so-called "do as the Romans do as the Romans do" is probably what they are talking about.

Li Chen just returned to the other world to give three lectures to his apprentices and some powerful people in the other world. Thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, and the magic world mirror swallowed the Tongtian Tower and it came to an end.

The Imaginary World Mirror at this moment is not as sharp as it was at the beginning. It feels like an ordinary mirror. If there is something more eye-catching, it is that the carved patterns on it are very exquisite.

Whether it is the four-dimensional beasts or the patterns of the rise and fall of various civilizations, it feels as if it is real. Normal ordinary people stare at these small patterns for a long time, and even the alternation of various civilizations will appear in their minds. Ten Thousand Realms, an epic scene of the origin of mythology.

However, in the eyes of practitioners, it is just that, and there is nothing surprising about it.

I can only think that it is a more exquisite mortal thing.

The whole process of the body part of the Tongtian Tower being swallowed and fused by the Magic World Mirror is very smooth. After all, the two have the same root and origin. The whole process of legal prohibition can be described as a matter of course.

After the entire Tongtian Pagoda body is fused by the fantasy world mirror, the space opened up by the inner treasure naturally becomes a part of the fantasy world mirror.

However, it is different from when it was used as the Tongtian Tower. When it was used as the Tongtian Tower, each floor of the tower is a big world, and the eighteen-story tower is eighteen big worlds.

Relatively speaking, the power has been dispersed, which is why the Tongtian Tower is strong, but its suppression ability is much stronger than its attack ability.

But in the fantasy mirror, all the worlds are fused into a super huge world, and every treasure is the pillar of the world, supporting and suppressing the existence of the world.

The world is also constantly feeding back power to cleanse the various treasures that have turned into Tianzhu, so that they can be steadily improved.

The eighteen treasures stand on all sides of the world. Compared with the eighteen-story tower of the Tongtian Tower, it is not as simple as one plus one. What's more, there is a huge magic circle formed between the eighteen treasures. In terms of magic level, it has surpassed the strongest formations in the prehistoric world, Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation, Twelve Capitals Tianshensha Great Formation, Immortal Execution Formation, Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and other super formations.

After all, Li Chen, as a powerhouse at the Eternal Realm level, even if he is not specialized in formations, his understanding of formations cannot be lower than that of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation.

After all, Li Chen's cultivation at this moment is in the Eternal Realm. At that time, Emperor Jun, who created the Zhoutian Star Dou Grand Formation, was only able to create it because of the Hetu Luoshu; The formation left by Pan Gu can only compete with Di Jun's Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, which shows that it is not much better than the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array relatively speaking, but thinking that it is the backhand left behind by Pan Gu for his resurrection It is understandable that its power is not as powerful as Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation and can only be on par with it; Zhu Xian Formation, although it is now owned by Tongtian, was created by Luo Hu, a demon ancestor who is at the same level as Hongjun, so the power is naturally not needed. More to say, but it is similar to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation and the Twelve Governors of the Gods and Demons; as for the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, it is just created by Tongtian combined with Jiejiao Qi Luck. Compared with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation and other three formations It is said that it is weaker.

In any case, compared with the creators of these formations, Li Chen has a different vision and a different perception of power, and the level of power of the natural formations is also worlds apart.

With the heaven and earth as the formation, the treasure as the eye, and the precious mirror as the support, create the mirror of the supreme fantasy world.

That's why from the very beginning, Li Chen had great expectations for Huan Shi Jing.

Recasting the Tongtian Pagoda into a fantasy world mirror is not only to wipe out the Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, but also to make the fantasy world mirror more suitable for one's own way. For some, even 80.00% is difficult to achieve, not to mention that Tongtian Tower is a treasure refined by others, so the fit is even lower.

The reason why he didn't recast it before was because he couldn't do it well. Even if the base of Tongtian Pagoda was in a damaged state, Li Chen couldn't change it a little bit.

Being able to become the most powerful person in the previous era shows that his cultivation level is at least above the Dao realm.

Considering that the purpose of refining the Tongtian Tower is to cross the barrier between the spiritual sea and the original universe, then his cultivation level is also above the eternal realm.

After all, the Dao Realm doesn't have the ability to refine the Tongtian Tower and cross the two realms.

Although the Tongtian Pagoda was refined into a phantom world mirror, its functions were not only preserved, but even improved due to the formation and prohibition that Li Chen joined.

In Li Chen's mind, if Tongtian Tower can be the key to open the passage between the two worlds, then the Magic World Mirror must also be able to open the passage between the two worlds.

When the Magic World Mirror devoured the peak of Tongtian Pagoda, Li Chen took out the Magic World Mirror, ready to try its power.

Before Li Chen's mana had been input, the power of the fantasy world mirror had already begun to manifest.

Gaia's body and Dao, which had been missing all the time, appeared in the mirror of the fantasy world, but Li Chen was a little speechless where he was hiding.

He couldn't help but patted himself on the head, because Li Chen also made a mistake of being dark under the light.

Gaia and Dao did not pass through the gate of origin, nor did they leave, but hid in the crack of the gate of origin...

From Gaia's avatar, Li Chen got a lot of news, so he didn't yell for beating and killing as soon as he came up.

For the time being, I didn't test the power of the fantasy world mirror, but said lightly:

"Gaia, Dao, come out, I have already found you..."

There was no one in front of Li Chen, and he seemed to be talking to the air, but Gaia's body and Dao hidden in the crack of the Gate of Origin were suddenly startled.

Dao: "My lord, that Chang Ming must be deceiving us, we must not be fooled..."


(End of this chapter)

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