444 Chapter 0444

Although Da Dao heard Li Chen's voice, he didn't see the scene outside. If it weren't for Gaia's action, whether he could escape Li Chen's search is one thing.

Dao didn't know what happened outside during this time, didn't Gaia still know?
Li Chen reworked the Tongtian Pagoda. Although Gaia wanted to stop him, he didn't make a move.

After all, not only will there be no benefits for making a move, but it will also cause the traces of the two of them to be revealed to the public.

What's more, Gaia is not sure about defeating Li Chen, and it's useless to shoot.

Originally based on Gaia's knowledge of the Tongtian Tower, it was impossible for Li Chen to find the hiding place of himself and Dao through the Tongtian Tower.

But Gaia didn't expect that his avatar would tell Li Chen most of the information, and he didn't expect that after Li Chen re-refined the Tongtian Pagoda and turned it into a fantasy mirror, the power of the fantasy mirror would be so powerful.

It is simply the nemesis of all hidden methods. Finding people and objects is like observing tattoos on the palm of your hand, and it doesn't need to consume Li Chen's mana at all.

Dao thought that Li Chen was deceiving the two of them, but Gaia knew that the situation Dao said did not exist at all, because Gaia also "seeed" everything that appeared in the fantasy mirror.

Hearing what Dao said, Gaia shook his head and said: "Chang Ming has found our hiding place, so let's go out and meet him for a while, otherwise it seems that I am afraid of him, a junior-"

After all, he took Da Dao out of the gap in the gate of origin.

Although the gap in the gate of origin is a gap, it is very strange in space.

Its interior is infinitely large, yet infinitely small, so a powerhouse in the Eternal Realm like Gaia can use his own Tao to forcibly prop it up into a shelter, so that it will not change all the time.

If a strong person from the Eternal Realm enters, maybe the space within the gap in the Gate of Origin will collapse directly due to the powerful energy, and although it will not cause death, it will also be disgraced.

After leaving the gap of the gate of origin, the size of the two people's bodies swelled in the wind, and they returned to their original size in an instant.

"Fellow Daoist, you're being polite..." Gaia bowed to Li Chen.

It's like meeting old friends, it seems that the person who fought against Li Chen before was not himself but someone else.

"Fellow Daoist made it easy for me to find. If I hadn't recast the Tower of Tongtian and created the Mirror of the Illusory World, the two of you would probably have to hide in front of others until I left."

Da Dao has been standing behind Gaia since he came out, with his head down, as if afraid of Li Chen's sudden attack.

When Gaia heard Li Chen's words, there was no expression on her face, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

After a while, he opened his mouth slowly: "Fellow Daoists have come from behind in cultivation, I am not as good as I am, so I can only hide in XZ in order to survive, but unexpectedly misfortune and good fortune are unpredictable, Fellow Daoists actually recast the Tongtian Tower and refined the phantom tower." Shijing, such a treasure that restrains invisibility, illusion, and other false and real ways, is just one move away from me. Presumably my clone has told you about Venerable Taixuan Tongtian, although I don’t know why you followed my clone. I got this kind of news everywhere, and I don’t know how many secrets my clone has revealed to you, but I thought that my clone must have reached an agreement with you, or something important happened, otherwise it would not be the case, dare to ask friends no?"

Gaia stared at Li Chen, as if she wanted to see a flower on Li Chen's face, but Li Chen was not moved by Gaia's guess.

Instead, he nodded.

I don’t know whether to express understanding of what Gaia said, or to admit that Gaia’s words are correct...

"Forget it, I won't go around with fellow Taoists any more. I will not blame the past for the time being, and I will return your avatar to you. As for the Dao... well, although I don't know why you are trying to protect the Dao, but the death penalty can be avoided. Living crime is inevitable, so I will store it with you for the time being. As for me, I will practice in seclusion on the other side for a period of time, and when disaster strikes, I will naturally come to open the door of origin."

Li Chen said, the fantasy world mirror floated in the back of his mind, just like the golden gate of merit and virtue in Buddhism. Compared with the golden gate of merit and virtue, Li Chen's fantasy world mirror is much stronger.

A stream of light flew out, Li Chen waved his sleeves, and landed beside Gaia.

Taking a closer look, it is clearly Gaia's clone.

As soon as Gaia's avatar came out of the illusion mirror, it synchronized with Gaia's memory.

The scenes in Tongtian Tower are vivid in my mind, as if I have personally experienced them.

In the end, I saw the avatar slowly disappearing into the air.

As he said, Li Chen didn't have the trouble of finding Gaia and Dao, and disappeared into the place of origin as a stream of light.

Seeing this, Gaia and Dao had different reactions.

Gaia shook his head and smiled wryly, but Dao was full of joy, as if he was glad that Li Chen would no longer hunt and kill him.

After all, the pursuit of a strong Eternal Realm is still very troublesome, especially for those who have not yet reached the Eternal Realm, it is simply hopeless, just like myself.

Li Chen didn't return to the other side of the world immediately. He was going to test the power of the fantasy world mirror, but it was interrupted because of Gaia and Dao.

Naturally, this trip is to test the power of the Magic Mirror.

When used as the Tongtian Tower, only one of the eighteen treasures that form the Tongtian Tower can be used at the same time, even if it is upgraded later, at most two pieces can be used.

Now it has become a fantasy world mirror, but there are no such restrictions.

But relatively speaking, there is no good control.

Li Chen basically had to keep multitasking when using the Magic World Mirror.

Fortunately, this is trivial to Li Chen in the Eternal Realm.

Eighteen treasures attack together, their power is not comparable to that of one or two treasures alone.

Under the attack of the eighteen treasures, the boundless nothingness was directly shattered, and the large-scale void space was like broken glass, and an astonishing aura was revealed from the cracks.

Compared with the worlds of Level [-], Level [-], Level [-], and even Level [-] and above, the first level of space is stronger than the first level, and its sense of existence is also much weaker than that of the first level.

And the void space is not really nothingness, but a space that is stronger than ordinary space and has a more hidden sense of existence.

It seems that nothingness has its own will. After the broken void space appeared, it immediately began to repair it.

It's like a wrinkled paper being smoothed out.

Compared with general space restoration, it is even more magical.

But Li Chen didn't care about this, the joy on Li Chen's face at this moment was visible to the naked eye.

The most important thing is that the power of the fantasy world mirror not only met his expectations, but also exceeded his imagination.

After all, Li Chen didn't fully mobilize the power of the Fantasy Mirror in this blow. It is conceivable that if Li Chen fully mobilized the power of the Fantasy Mirror, he could wipe out any opponent with one blow, even Gaia would have to fight against him. Li Chen was hit hard by one blow.

This is just the attack power of the fantasy world mirror!
For other abilities of the Fantasy Mirror, at this moment, the rainbow bridge in the pillar of the super world in Li Chen's Fantasy Mirror mainly mobilizes the power of the Fantasy Mirror.

With Li Chen's thinking, the scenery in the fantasy mirror changes unpredictable, and finally freezes to the Palace of Asking in the other side of the world.

The projection of Wenwen Palace appeared in front of Li Chen, as if it were real.

Li Chen stepped towards the projection, time and space rotated, and stars moved, and Li Chen instantly appeared in Wendao Palace.

Compared with the previous Rainbow Bridge, this transmission is not only much faster, but also much more convenient, especially in terms of positioning.

(End of this chapter)

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