CH 445 0445 Pillar of Dark Light
At this time, the Magic World Mirror has integrated the power of the Rainbow Bridge. Not only does it not need to be derived from the Rainbow Bridge, but also in the process of using it, the speed is more than a step faster, and the power is also unbelievably powerful.

Every time a treasure is swallowed, a pillar of heaven will be formed in the world in the fantasy world mirror. The treasure is integrated into the fantasy world mirror, unlike the Tongtian Tower in the past, where the power of the treasure is cast into each layer of the tower.

Instead, it is integrated into the net of world rules and completely becomes the power of the fantasy world mirror.

In other words, if Li Chen uses the Magic World Mirror at this moment, no matter which treasure's function is used, all the power of the Fantasy World Mirror will be used.

Li Chen returned to the other side, quietly waiting for the arrival of the disaster that Gaia said would cause a devastating blow to the original universe. After all, seeing is believing and hearing is deceiving. Only after seeing it with his own eyes, Li Chen is willing to open the door of origin.

Li Chen doesn't want a group of strong men whose power breaks through the sky to run into the universe to cause disasters because of his own reasons. Although Li Chen doesn't know how powerful the rules in the original universe are, whether he can retain this eternal body after descending into the original universe Environment cultivation base.If you can keep it, how much you can keep, these are things that you can only know after experiencing it yourself.

This level is countless times, and the prehistoric world that has developed into a parallel timeline has covered most of the void, time and space in the void world.

When he grew up, Li Chen's world on the other side was refined into the fantasy world mirror by him, and he swallowed 347 treasures with different functions and powers.

Combined with the 365 existing treasures, the power of a total of [-] treasures was smelted into the magic world mirror.

It can be said that the Imaginary World Mirror at this moment has almost integrated all the high-end treasures owned by Li Chen. Even Li Chen is not clear about the power of the Fantasy World Mirror.

During this period, in the other world, Li Chen's disciples have basically reached the realm of heaven, and some of them have even reached the realm of Dao realm. It is only a matter of chance to break through.

After the world on the other shore was refined into the fantasy mirror by Li Chen, there was no world in the entire void that could compete with the prehistoric world. Therefore, the prehistoric world developed very rapidly, and most of the entire void world was occupied by the timeline of the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric saints even took advantage of this east wind, and basically reached the Dao realm.

As for Hongjun, the teacher of all saints, he is already at the peak of the Dao Realm, and it is only a matter of chance to reach the Eternal Realm.

The so-called heroes in troubled times, in addition to these relatively well-known strong men, there are also many rising stars who Li Chen does not know have broken through the realm and achieved the realm of saints, heaven, and avenues.

It seems that the world subconsciously feels the threat coming, which increases the output of the strong.Just as in every troubled world, there must be a hero who saves the world.

However, during the meeting between Li Chen and Gaia, when Li Chen asked this question, Gaia just shook his head and said: "The power of the Doomsday is destructive, and the resistance of the world is futile..."

Li Chen summed up Gaia's narration: the original universe is like a growing tree, and the last disaster is like one of the three plagues, the locust plague, where no grass grows.

Even if the 'giant tree' of the primordial universe fought back, it still couldn't get rid of the fate of the doomsday.

At this time, although Li Chen's cultivation base hadn't taken a step closer to transcendence, Li Chen had a deeper understanding of the power of the eternal realm in the long period of time.

Not to mention being invincible in the world, at least be able to run away when facing the siege of several eternal realm powerhouses.

After all, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. Li Chen still knows this wise saying.

At this moment, the world on the other side has also been collected by Li Chen in the fantasy world mirror. Relatively speaking, Li Chen has no worries about the future.

Facing the end of the disaster, Li Chen also wanted to know what Gaia said about despair and terror.

As a neighbor of the prehistoric world for many years, Li Chen naturally did not want the entire army of the prehistoric to be wiped out.

After telling the news of the end disaster to Hongjun and the three emperors of the human race who had crossed paths with him, Li Chen sat cross-legged in nothingness, waiting for the end disaster to come.

Tell Hongjun and the three emperors of the human race and others that the most important thing is not to let them be caught off guard by the disaster.


There are thousands of changes in nothingness, as if to compress the time of hundreds of millions of years into a short period of time.

Under an unknown force, the various secondary and tertiary worlds faintly form a huge formation.

The rhythm of the prehistoric world devouring nothingness has also become faster.

The whole emptiness was filled with a feeling that a storm was about to come.


At some point, twelve jet-black beams of light entered the spiritual sea from beyond nothingness, as if the penetrated spiritual sea reached the primordial universe.

Li Chen stood up immediately, looked at the twelve pitch-black beams of light, and muttered to himself: "Could this be the end of the disaster that Gaia talked about?"

It wasn't that Li Chen suspected, but that these twelve pitch-black beams of light didn't have any power fluctuations at all, like dream bubbles, and even the induction of Li Chen's willpower didn't work.

Under the induction of the power of will, there is nothing in the place where the twelve beams of light are located.

Li Chen frowned unknown, because the evil door of this beam of light was beyond his comprehension. Although he didn't know what the beam of light was for, it was foreseeable that the end disaster that Gaia mentioned must be related to this beam of light.

In desperation, Li Chen's willpower was always on guard against the twelve beams of light.

Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and this beam of light has been standing in nothingness for thousands of years.

From the beginning, there was still a faint light overflowing from the dark beam of light, but now the dark beam of light is completely black, like a black hole, swallowing all the light.


The entire void world suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred, and the time and space of the entire void world began to have some small cracks due to the shock, but with the powerful healing power of the void world, it returned to its original state in just a few minutes.

But Li Chen knew that this was just the beginning.

Sure enough, not long after, there was another huge earthquake, and Li Chen faintly felt that the entire world of nothingness was turned upside down.

More dense space-time cracks spread in nothingness, especially the closer to the twelve dark beams of light, the more time-space cracks, the closer to various second, third, fourth, and fifth-level worlds, the more space-time cracks Less, almost none.

It can be seen that all levels of worlds in the entire nothingness have the function of suppressing time and space.




A total of twelve huge earthquakes, the void time and space shattered and healed, healed and shattered, and so on.

Li Chen also went from being shocked at the beginning to being numb now.

In Li Chen's mind, this huge earthquake is probably not the real end disaster. The real end disaster must come to the void world after these twelve huge earthquakes...

(End of this chapter)

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