CH 446 0446
Li Chen's guess that there were twelve huge earthquakes was not without evidence. Although each vibration was carried out around the twelve pitch-black beams of light, there was still a distinction between primary and secondary.

Each dark beam of light mainly shakes once, and twelve is twelve times.

Even if it is not twelve times, it will be a multiple of twelve.

No. 11 times.

No.12 times...

The time and space around the 12 dark beams of light were shattered and never healed again, and 12 huge pitch-black voids were formed around the beams of light.

The void is terrifyingly dark, like a monster that cannibalize people without spitting out bones, and even the light cannot escape.Under the cover of the void, the twelve beams of light, except for those who can see it with the power of consciousness or will, look as if the space that should exist has been forcibly erased by the naked eye, visually giving people a very awkward feeling. Feel.

A strange beast full of tyranny struggled out of this dark beam of light, with a head like a giant crocodile, two curly horns, and a mouth full of sharp teeth, which seemed to be able to break gold and stones.The body is like a fierce horse, with no hair on its body, and it is completely covered by dark scales.The feet are like ox hooves, and the tail is like nine long snakes, which makes people feel frightened when they see it.

The strange beasts that struggled out of each dark beam of light were different, and this was just one of them, and the other strange beasts were no less than this kind of strange beasts.

Moreover, after each strange beast struggled out of the dark beam of light, it did not make any other movements, but guarded around the dark beam of light.

As more and more beasts struggled out of the dark beam of light, it seemed that the difficulty of struggling out of the dark beam of light became much easier, and dark beasts gushed out of it almost at any time.

"Is this the last disaster?"

Li Chen frowned, not because of anything else, but because this dark beast was very weak in Li Chen's induction, and its strength was not at the level of Daotianxian.

If this is the power of the Doomsday, then he alone can quell the entire Doomsday.

Li Chen did not disturb these dark beasts, but scattered the power of will to follow every move of these dark beasts.

After a long period of observation, Li Chen discovered a strange phenomenon. In the world around the dark beam of light, these dark beasts did not swarm up and attack forcibly after they discovered it. Instead, there were many dark beasts rushing forward. The world explodes.

This is a purposeful self-destruction!

Li Chen immediately thought of it.

Sure enough, the power after the explosion of the dark beast was like a virus, and all aura substances that had been in contact with it were infected by this virus-like power and raged wildly in the world.

A world that is not too big, not too small, has fallen without being attacked at all.

After watching all this, Li Chen couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

After a world is completely infected by the power of this dark beast, the creatures in it are also transformed into monsters similar to the dark beast under the transformation of this power.

Raiding a world, the power of the dark beast suddenly increased.

As more and more worlds fell into the hands of dark beasts, Li Chen finally couldn't help but make a move.

The fantasy world mirror in his hand shot out streaks of unrivaled power, directly crushing the dark beasts around the beam of light. Suddenly, countless dark beasts were crushed by Li Chen's power almost at the same time.

The strange power is eroding the surroundings even if the dark beast dies, even the nothingness is no exception.

But this is not a problem for Li Chen, all the things and time and space infested by the dark beasts were cut and sealed by Li Chen with huge power along with the time and space.

Gaia had appeared by Li Chen's side at some point.

Seeing Li Chen's actions, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist, this is futile. Not only will it not prevent the arrival of the doomsday disaster, but it will also accelerate the arrival of the doomsday disaster, making the world destroyed more quickly and completely."

As the dark beasts were cleaned up by Li Chen, the dark beam of light seemed to be angry.

As Gaia said, the twelve beams of light contracted with each other, and the huge force caused the time and space of the void world to begin to collapse.

When the twelve beams of light turned into one point, a huge explosion sounded.

The entire void world seems to have experienced a magnitude 12 earthquake.

The explosion did not end the disaster, but accelerated the arrival of the disaster.

After the explosion subsided, the twelve beams of light disappeared, and what was left in the nothingness at this moment was a huge counterclockwise-rotating hollow similar to the size of the Land of Origin.

Li Chen tried to repair the hole with the power of the fantasy world mirror, but found that even the power of the fantasy world mirror was just a drop in the bucket for the hole, and had no effect at all.

The entire void exudes a cold light in nothingness, like a dark sun.

Not long after, countless dark beasts gushed out of this hole like a tide, and the tide of strange beasts was mixed with more powerful beasts from time to time. At this moment, Li Chen sensed that the power of the strongest dark beast actually had the golden fairy realm So powerful.

"Is it really invincible?"

Gaia beside him shook his head with an erratic voice.

"If it can be solved so easily, then the last era will not be destroyed..."

After a pause, Gaia continued: "Our nihilistic world is just a world evolved from the spiritual sea. The power of the world is easily polluted, but the rules in the original universe are strict, and it is not easy to be infected by this evil power. ..."

The implication is to let Li Chen make a decision early, open the door of origin, and enter the primordial universe.

Li Chen shook his head: "Even if it can't be destroyed, I will seal it, let's not talk about opening the door of origin, if the real thing can't be opened, it won't be too late."

Li Chen dragged on opening the door of origin because he was too enthusiastic about opening the door of origin.

Just because he knew a little bit of information from the previous era, he thought it was hopeless to fight against the doomsday disaster, and he didn't even try to resist, but he just wanted to enter the original universe to escape. Li Chen couldn't help but doubt it.

Although Li Chen has no evidence to prove whether Gaia's intentions are good or bad, he doesn't want to be led by Gaia.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Gaia shook her head and said, "Sealing is just useless, just look at the alien power you sealed before..."

Following Gaia's words, Li Chen looked at the strange power left behind by the death of the dark beast that split the seal of time and space after he shot it before, but he saw that almost half of the original white sealed ball had been infected into black by this strange power. This force is still spreading in the void.

Li Chen couldn't help but twitch his brows, even the absolute emptiness couldn't seal this force, which simply exceeded his own cognition.

However, it didn't make Li Chen despair. Li Chen found that under the condition of sealing, the infection speed of this alien force was much slower.

If the entire counterclockwise-rotating cavity is sealed, thousands of seals will be laid, and it will take a very long time even for this alien force to infect.

During this period of time, even if Li Chen couldn't analyze the alien power, he would still have a certain understanding of its characteristics.

Li Chen does not want to see the void world fall. After all, the void world, as the largest world in the spiritual sea, represents the power of the spiritual sea. The spiritual sea and the original universe are two sides of one body. Far……

(End of this chapter)

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