CH 447 CH 0447

At this moment Li Chen has a crazy idea, a crazy idea that is likely to turn defeat into victory.

With the entire nihilistic world of hundreds of millions of worlds as the eye of the formation, a great formation of supreme seals is laid to delay the arrival of the doomsday.

At this moment, the prehistoric world has already occupied half of the void world, and the endless timeline spreads out in all directions centered on the original prehistoric world.

Although the power of each timeline is limited, the combined power of countless timelines is enough to destroy the world.

It's just that if you want to use the power of the prehistoric, you still have to ask for the wishes of everyone in the prehistoric.

If he disagrees, Li Chen can only find another way.

After all, Li Chen is not a big devil who has no scruples. He is here to save the world, not to destroy it. Doing it forcibly will only lead to war first. Will you take the risk?At that time, even if the nihilistic world does not perish due to the end disaster, it will be destroyed due to various battles.

As for why the other side world is not used, there are two main reasons. One is that the other side world has already merged with Li Chen's fantasy world mirror, becoming a part of the fantasy world mirror and cannot be separated.The second is that the power of the world on the other side is far inferior to that of the prehistoric world, even if it is sealed, it will not be able to seal the end of the disaster for a long time.

Having not been to the prehistoric world for a long time, Li Chen felt a strange feeling about the prehistoric world.

In the world line of the prehistoric world, Hongjun occupies the top of almost all timelines, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the Dao realm, becoming the only existence in the prehistoric world that has reached the peak of the Dao realm. Even Yang Mei, who is with Hongjun, is not in the middle of the Dao stage. Realm, strong cultivation base makes Hongjun sit on the title of the teacher of all saints and the ancestor of all ways.

He sat down, Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Jieyin, Zhunti, Nuwa and other saints are saints, but their cultivation bases have all reached the realm of heaven, and Laozi has broken through the peak of realm of heaven and reached the stage of the early stage of realm of dao , Secondly, the introduction also reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and it was only a chance to reach the Great Dao Realm.

When Li Chen came to the prehistoric period, Hongjun, together with all the sages and the rising stars among the prehistoric ones, who had reached the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm (sage realm) had already been waiting for Li Chen's arrival in Zixiao Palace.

Li Chen was taken aback when he first saw Hongjun, thinking that Hongjun was so powerful that his every move could be calculated by him.

It was only after Li Chen asked Hongjun that he realized that it was not that he was included in the itinerary by Hongjun, but that Hongjun also understood the vision in nothingness.

Originally, Hongjun gathered a group of powerful saints in the prehistoric period, and he was planning to bring everyone together to find Li Chen, Dao Dao, and Gaia.

Before leaving the 'door', Li Chen came to the door himself.

This can be said to be a complete coincidence.

Regardless of whether Li Chen believed it or not, Hongjun himself believed it anyway.

After ordering the boy to prepare a futon for Li Chen, Hongjun fell silent.

After waiting under Li Chen's seat, all the powerful eyes in the entire Zixiao Palace fell on Li Chen, but among these powerful people, it can be said that there are not many who are more familiar with Li Chen, so almost no one took the initiative to communicate with Li Chen. It was transformed by Chen.

After hesitating for a moment, Hongjun finally asked, "If it wasn't for fellow daoists coming to Honghuang, we would probably go to nothingness to find fellow daoists soon."

"Dare to ask my friend, I don't know what happened in nothingness? We have felt several huge earthquakes before, as if the world was overturned, which is really frightening. Although we are inherently holy, we are not afraid of life and death, but there are many creatures in the prehistoric. I can't bear to wait for my life to be ruined, so I have this question, I hope fellow Taoists can clarify."

"I'm ashamed to say..." You Hongjun took the initiative to ask, and Li Chen told Hongjun about the last disaster.

After all, even if he doesn't say anything, Hongjun is a great power in the Dao realm, so he can go and investigate by himself.

What's more, this matter endangers the entire void world and even the entire spiritual sea, which is simply not something that one person or one force can afford.

Not to mention that Li Chen is going to use the prehistoric world to form a formation, so he has to deal with Hongjun and others.

"...If we don't solve the worries of the end of the disaster, not to mention the prehistoric world, even the nothingness will be destroyed once, so, so..." Li Chen couldn't help but pause, and then he will use the prehistoric world to form a formation But he didn't know where to start.

Seeing this, Hongjun's eyes darkened.

Li Chen told himself and others about the prehistoric and imaginary world's predicament, but now he hesitates, there must be something unspeakable.

At this time, it is definitely not a good thing to be able to get involved with Honghuang or even himself and others.

"If you can't avoid the catastrophe of the end, you'll just die anyway. We're prepared in our hearts, but fellow Taoists say it's okay." Hongjun is like a wise man who transcends life and death, with a calming power in his words.

This power is not aimed at Li Chen, but at the many great powers above the Jinxian realm of Hunyuan Daluo gathered in Zixiao Palace.

After all, it is only Hongjun who has a good mentality, and Hongjun cannot know the thoughts of other people.

Hongjun has always been the strongest among the prehistoric powers, and he is respected by the prehistoric powers. Even Li Chen's prestige may not be as good as Hong Jun among the prehistoric powers.

Moreover, Hongjun's hidden power only serves to calm people's hearts. Only when he calms down can he think seriously and choose the best option.

The Zixiao Palace, which was originally somewhat chaotic, suddenly became quiet. If Li Chen looked at it through the power of will, he could see that many strong people were communicating with each other through their spiritual consciousness.

"If the final disaster cannot be pacified, even if we hide in the ends of the earth, we will not be able to escape, and we will lose our early advantage. This is not advisable."

"I think about the end disaster, and I want to use the method of suppressing the seal to delay the arrival of the end disaster, and then use great magic power to find a way to resist the end disaster. The seal suppression here is to rely on the prehistoric world, so that the seal can last for a long time. "

Li Chen slowly expressed his thoughts, and when he heard Li Chen say that he would use the prehistoric array, if Li Chen was not still talking about it at this time, maybe many powerful people would start to question Li Chen emotionally.

Li Chen closed his words and looked at Hongjun. Hongjun closed his eyes, as if he was thinking, and did not respond to Li Chen.

This matter involves hundreds of millions of living beings in prehistoric times, indeed, Hongjun dare not make a decision at will.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them one by one, and I will naturally answer them for you."

Therefore, Li Chen turned his target to the prehistoric powers present in Zixiao Palace.

In the prehistoric age, the style of master and apprentice prevailed, and almost all the practitioners were inextricably linked with everyone in Zixiao Palace.

If he can convince all the strong men in Zixiao Palace, his plan will definitely take a big step forward.

"What your lord said, you need the prehistoric world as an eye for formations. We know that your lord has a world on the other side, which used to be comparable to the prehistoric world. I don't know why your lord didn't use the other side of the world as the base to set up formations? Is it a lie? My prehistoric strong man is weak?"

With a blank face, I bowed to Li Chen, and then he opened his mouth to speak, but what he said directly pointed at the weak point in Li Chen's words.

Li Chen pondered for a moment and responded: "Taking the prehistoric world as the frontier, it has been carefully considered by me.

There are three reasons...

First, I take the prehistoric world as the eye, not only the prehistoric world, but many worlds in the void world, and I use the prehistoric world as the eye after the prehistoric world swallows the world in nothingness, Only by gathering the power of the nihilistic world in this way can the disaster be suppressed.

Second, compared to the prehistoric world, my world on the other side is only a small world at this moment. Now the prehistoric world occupies most of the world of nothingness, which cannot be compared with it. There are hundreds of millions of worlds in nothingness, and Honghuang is no exception. After all, Honghuang occupies most of the power of nothingness.

Thirdly, although I use the prehistoric world as an eye to endanger the prehistoric beings, I don’t just let the prehistoric beings die, I can receive the true spirits of the prehistoric beings in my most precious fantasy world mirror, and when the disaster is settled, I can reshape the bodies of all living beings..."

After the three reasons were finished, Li Chen paused and said, "I don't know if what I said can answer your doubts?"


After listening to what Li Chen said, I bowed to Li Chen to thank him for clearing up my doubts...

(End of this chapter)

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