448 Chapter 0448

After Lao Tzu asked, Yuan Shi got up and bowed to Li Chen from afar and asked:
"May I ask my lord, what are the characteristics of this enemy? How powerful is it to destroy all time and space?"

Li Chen didn't answer Yuanshi's question, but put the memory he observed into the Zixiao Palace. Seeing this scene, all the strong men were shocked as if they were at the syndrome.

From the memory projected by Li Chen, the source of this disaster is the twelve dark beams of light, to be precise, it is the dark beasts gushing out of the twelve dark beams of light.

Although the power of this dark beast is not strong, the strange power on its body is like a virus, which is highly contagious.

After the realms in the void were infected by this power, all the creatures in them lost their sanity and alienated into monsters similar to this dark beast.

Even those who are strong in the Dao of Heaven are no exception!
In Li Chen's memory images, there are many people who are powerful in the Dao of Heaven and Saint Realm who have been infected.

Compared with those low-level monks, it was just a matter of time.

Rao Yuanshi was already at the Heavenly Dao Realm at this time, and when he saw this scene, he also had the mentality of being cunning and dead, not to mention other prehistoric powerhouses with slightly lower cultivation levels.

The Zixiao Palace, which was originally slightly noisy, suddenly became silent, only the gasps were left, and everyone turned their attention to the memory reflected by Li Chen.

Even Hongjun was no exception, the expression on his face that was casual at first became serious.

When Li Chen saw that all the strange beasts were wiped out and sealed with one blow, his face was obviously relaxed. When he saw that the sealing ball that sealed the remaining power of these dark strange beasts was continuously infected by its power, it changed from white to dark. At that time, Hongjun's face was full of shock.

Leaving aside the level of Li Chen's cultivation, just saying that the residual power of this dark beast can infect the power of Li Chen, a strong man in the eternal realm, is enough for everyone to pay attention to.

What's more, in the video, Li Chen's method of sealing this residual power is first-class. Even the existence of Hongjun, who has a cultivation base of Daojing, is partially unclear. It can be seen that this seal is real and predictable of.

Even so, the seal was also infected by the power of this dark beast.

Hongjun didn't dare to imagine, who else in this nihilistic world could resist these seemingly weak monsters.

It didn't take long for the memory image to finish playing.

Li Chen nodded to Yuan Shi, Yuan Shi just silently bowed to Li Chen and sat down.

The atmosphere in Zixiao Palace became silent at this moment.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help sighing: "Fellow Daoist is a strong man in the eternal realm. He could have done it with force, but now he doesn't hesitate to put down his body to discuss with us. The old Daoist has no objections. If Fellow Daoist needs my meager Force, just open your mouth, I will not delay!"

Hongjun opened his mouth to break the silence in Zixiao Palace, and Yang Mei quickly responded.

Like Hongjun, not only did he not have any opinions, but he also promised to be on call.

The two big bosses in the prehistoric world have no objections, and the remaining strong men have no objections.

As Hongjun said, Li Chen could have acted forcefully, but he put down his posture to discuss with himself and others.

If you still don't know how to do this, if you really can't see your own position, then you are really brain-dead.

In the prehistoric world, beings who can cultivate to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or above are definitely smart.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he would have died of various "accidents" before his current cultivation base.

Seeing that everyone in Zixiao Palace had no objections, Li Chen nodded slightly.

The first step is to persuade the prehistoric powers, and the second step is to collect the true spirits of many creatures in the prehistoric world.

The true spirit is the core component of the life born in the chaos, and it is located in the soul of the living being.

Usually it looks unknown, but in fact, it silently packs and compresses all the memories of a creature's life and its understanding of Tao.

Because the true spirit is indestructible and has the nature of immortality, if the prehistoric people are regarded as independent NPCs, the true spirit is the database of each NPC, or a separate storage hard disk.

That is to say, as long as the true spirit is not damaged, even if the creatures in the wilderness fall, they still have a chance to be resurrected.

And the conditions for this resurrection can be fulfilled as long as the quasi-sage is above the realm.

Naturally, the higher the cultivation level, the easier it would be to revive others.

Li Chen's cultivation has reached the eternal state, not only among the prehistoric, but even among the nothingness.

It can be said that it is easy for Li Chen to resurrect others through the true spirit.

Even if there are billions of trillions of resurrected creatures.

You must know that the lower the cultivation base of the creature was, the lower the backlash it will receive when it is resurrected.

And the backlash brought by the resurrection of hundreds of millions of creatures with low or no cultivation level is not as great as the backlash brought by the resurrection of a strong person in the Dao of Heaven.

For Li Chen, the backlash of resurrecting a strong man in the Dao realm is just the extent of losing a hair.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but it's because Li Chen's cultivation is like the difference between an ant and an elephant compared to the Heaven Realm.

Compared with the Eternal Realm, the Dao Realm is the difference between a kitten and an elephant.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

After telling Hongjun and others about his second thoughts, everyone bid farewell to Li Chen and Hongjun, and left Zixiao Palace.

But as Li Chen said, he went to collect the true spirits of hundreds of millions of living beings in the wild.

"Fellow Daoist, aren't you worried at all?"

Seeing many great powers leaving Zixiao Palace, seeing Hongjun still calm, Li Chen asked.

I saw Hongjun stroking his beard, and said with a smile: "Worry? Why isn't the poor one worried, but the poor one has limited ability, but he can't do much, and besides, there is the venerable you to support him..."

Closing his words, Hongjun stared at Li Chen with burning eyes and continued: "My lord, please save my life. The old Taoist thanked my fellow Taoist here..."

"Old friend, why is this so? I can save myself from this matter. If it wasn't for the creatures in the world of nothingness, I wouldn't care about the life and death of this world of nothingness." Li Chen shook his head and said.

Although Li Chen's real reason was not like this, it was almost the same.

Li Chen's words are very credible to Hongjun and Yang Mei. After all, Li Chen, as a strong man in the eternal realm, even if he is helpless against this catastrophe, he can just walk away and hide far away of.

In this way, Mo Calamity will not be able to find Li Chen for a while.

Moreover, with the conceptual body of a strong person in the Eternal Realm, it may not be eroded by the Doomsday (no one has done experiments).

It may not be possible to achieve a state of detachment within a limited period of time, break away from the shackles of the original universe and the spiritual sea, escape from the prehistoric universe, and not be affected by the doomsday.

The topic is far away, and it is said that all the great powers in Zixiao Palace followed Li Chen's intention, turned into streamers and flew to the prehistoric land one after another.

Extract the true spirits of hundreds of millions of creatures in the wild.

The whole process took hundreds of years to complete.

After all, these tasks are divided into layers, and each person is not assigned a lot. Hundreds of years are completely enough.

(End of this chapter)

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