Chapter 451 0451

After the entire Fantasy Mirror was integrated with tens of thousands of treasures, both its power and the appearance of the Fantasy Mirror underwent earth-shaking changes.

Although I don't know how far its power has grown, but from the extent of the expansion of the inner world of the fantasy world mirror, we can know that it is extraordinary.

Originally there were only [-] 'Sky Pillars' made of treasures, but now there are tens of thousands of 'Sky Pillars' alone.

If the inner world is reduced, the pillars of the sky can be described as densely packed, just like the legendary bed of nails (an instrument of torture called rolling nail board during the reign of the Qing Dynasty).

However, the scope of the inner world is not the same as before, but has been increased by thousands of times on the basis of only eighteen "Tianzhu" before.

Moreover, the distance between the two 'Pillars of Heaven' is very far, and it would take at least hundreds of years for a monk of the Daluo level to fly from one 'Pillar of Heaven' to the other 'Pillar of Heaven'. the distance between them.

Such a distance is simply unimaginable for ordinary monks.

With such a big improvement, the power of the entire fantasy mirror has become extremely powerful.

Perhaps because of the incomplete fusion, Huanshijing's control of power is not so perfect, and a little power leaks from time to time.

But Li Chen wanted to come, the situation should get better after a while.

Even so, the level of power occasionally leaked made Li Chen feel a bit depressed, it seemed that it was the power that could be used by existences above the Eternal Realm.

However, Li Chen is the owner of this fantasy world mirror, and the fantasy world mirror is Li Chen's natal treasure. Li Chen can know that this fantasy world mirror has not broken through the level of the transcendent treasure.

The so-called treasure of detachment is detached from the limitations of the world.

As for what kind of existence is above the Treasure of Transcendence, Li Chen has no cognition at the level of the Eternal Realm.

Therefore, even if the Magic World Mirror is billions of times more powerful, without the injection of new Dao, it can only be at the level of the treasure of detachment.

Moreover, as a tool, the Fantasy Mirror was born without any consciousness under Li Chen's deliberate circumstances.

As the magic world mirror becomes more and more powerful, the probability of the birth of consciousness becomes smaller and smaller.

The core of Huanshijing is just the rules written by Li Chen for him, and everything must run according to Li Chen's will.

No matter how powerful this fantasy world mirror becomes, it can only exist by relying on Li Chen.

The relationship between Li Chen and this fantasy world mirror has also become closer with each sacrifice.

But these are not the point, the point is that the magic world mirror becomes stronger, which is undoubtedly good for Li Chen, enough to make Li Chen avoid countless open and dark arrows.

But for those mice hiding in the dark to plot against Li Chen, it is probably the worst nightmare.

Thinking about it, it was supposed to be a gluttonous feast, but the hunters found that their identities suddenly changed with their prey. This picture is not too beautiful.

Alright, let's not talk too much, I'm afraid that Li Chen's pride will swell.

Besides, after Wanbao merged into the Magic World Mirror, Li Chen was not in a hurry to go to the Gate of Origin.

Instead, he came to the place where the boundless boundary array was located.

The Boundless Boundary Formation no longer had its original appearance. The huge energy made the Boundless Boundary Formation directly condense a huge, boundless, high-quality, high-density continent in the void.

Li Chen could even predict that a civilization that belongs to this continent may be born on this continent in the future, but Li Chen knows that he must not be able to see it now.

At this moment, the Boundless Boundary Formation in the void is still growing, but the magnitude of the increase is a bit weak compared to the huge Boundless Boundary Formation.

But talking is better than nothing, and some growth is considered good, at least it is not going downhill.

From this point of view, it should be no problem to persist this seal for one or two eras.

Perhaps Gaia couldn't wait any longer, and teleported to Li Chen's side when Li Chen appeared in the Boundless Boundary Formation.

"Thousands of years, it seems that fellow Taoist's cultivation has increased a lot..." Gaia felt a little bit, and said to Li Chen.

The Magic World Mirror was taken into Li Chen's body, and the fluctuations from time to time resembled the instability of the realm when he first broke through the realm.

Li Chen didn't guess Gaia's careful thinking. After all, his cultivation has increased slightly in ten thousand years, although the increase is not very large.

However, Li Chen would not explain to Gaia, but just told the truth lightly: "I have a little insight, I have a little insight, but compared to you, fellow daoist, it's much worse——"

You must know that Gaia is so much higher than Li Chen in terms of Taoism and deeds.

Of course, Taoism does not mean force, and with the addition of the Tongtian Tower before, Li Chen was able to overwhelm Gaia.

Gaia didn't say anything when he heard Li Chen's answer, but looked at Li Chen with probing eyes for a long time before opening his mouth to break the silence.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist is being modest."

However, after changing the subject, he continued: "Now the final calamity is temporarily sealed by the power of the Taoist formation, but this matter will not last long. I wonder if you can find a solution?"

Li Chen shook his head.

The answer is clear and straightforward.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know why the original world is called the original world?"

Li Chen shook his head.

Seemingly sensing Li Chen's puzzled eyes, Gaia said with a somewhat smug accent:

"Primitive represents the beginning of everything, the beginning of all things, and it is a real place of beginning. Our nihilistic world is very big, right?"

Li Chen nodded, and Gaia continued: "Compared to the spiritual sea, the nihilistic world is just a drop in the ocean. If the spiritual sea is an ocean, our nihilistic world is the most ferocious fish in this ocean. The well-deserved overlord of this ocean."

After a pause, Gaia continued: "The primitive world is the basis for the existence of this sea of ​​spirits. You know your hometown—the earth, right? Compare the primitive world to the earth, and The spiritual sea is just a certain lake or sea on the earth."

"It is conceivable that our nihilistic world is too small for the primitive world."

Gaia shook her head as she spoke, as if expressing regret.

Li Chen looked at Gaia with some doubts, and didn't understand why he talked for a long time without mentioning a single point, just to introduce himself to knowledge about how big the primitive world was, which had no nutritional value.

Therefore, Li Chen couldn't help but frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist, if you have something extraordinary to say, just say it!"

Gaia was a little embarrassed. For Li Chen, before opening the door of origin, Gaia had no confidence to confront Li Chen head-on, and she didn't know the reason.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Gaia simply spread everything out.

"The formation seal has been completed, even if it is a powerhouse in the eternal realm who wants to break it, it will not be able to do it in a short time. Why don't you go to the wider primitive world to find a solution..."

Gaia's intentions are clearly on display.

Li Chen suddenly realized, after all, he began to urge himself to open the door of origin quickly.

But even the Sky Tower was smelted by myself, this is the key to open the door of origin...

(End of this chapter)

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