Chapter 452 0452 The Key to the Gate of Origin

"I already understand what fellow daoist means, but after talking with fellow daoist, my Supreme Treasure Tongtian Pagoda has been smelted into a new treasure, the key to the gate of origin... Well, we might as well open up or find another place to pass through On the way to the primitive world, how about friends?" Li Chen said, looking at Gaia with some hesitation.

To put it bluntly, it means "the key to the gate of origin (Babel Tower) in your eyes has been melted by me, and the gate of origin has been abolished."If you want to enter the original world, you can only open up the road again. '

The words seem to be asking, but they are actually testing Gaia.

Who knows if there will be someone behind him.

You must know that Li Chen has experienced everything since he came to Honghuang, as if there is a pair of black hands behind the scenes manipulating everything.

On the surface, it seems that Gaia is the only person behind the scenes, but apart from Gaia, who knows if there is anyone else in this nothingness who is behind the scenes.

So melting the Tongtian Tower seems to be just to eliminate the hidden dangers of Venerable Taixuan Tongtian. In fact, there is a deeper purpose, which is to test Gaia and the possible strong behind Gaia.

After all, the Tongtian Tower is gone. According to normal thinking, the key to the Gate of Origin is basically destroyed.

In this way, Li Chen is useless.

Maybe Gaia will restore its true face at this time, and if there is really someone behind Gaia, it may also jump out at this time.

After all, no one cares what a useless person thinks.

However, the plot did not evolve as Li Chen imagined. Gaia shook her head and smiled when she heard what Li Chen said:
"As a key, no matter if it is Tongtian Tower or any other shape, it will not affect its essence as a key. Fellow Daoist, you are too obsessed with appearances."

Li Chen looked at Gaia with a strange expression on his face: "Fellow Daoists are still profound in Buddhism..."

Gaia was stunned, the goddamn Buddhism is profound, when did he, a strong man in the eternal realm, have anything to do with the prehistoric Buddhism.

However, Gaia didn't get too entangled in this and continued: "When fellow daoists formed the formation before, it was the treasure you smelted that pushed the prehistoric world, right? At that time, fellow daoists put the treasure you smelted on the gate of origin Above, the key will naturally appear."

Li Chen nodded to express his understanding. Simply put, he doesn't care about anything, and when the time comes, just put the Magic World Mirror on the Gate of Origin and it's over.

"How long this formation can last, I don't have a specific figure. However, given the current situation where the Doomsday Disaster does not worsen, I estimate that it can last up to 9 yuanhui. In this way, we will go to the gate of origin now, don't It's a waste of time. After all, we don't know how long the original world of the Nine Yuanhui in the nihilistic world will pass. We can gain one more day, and the world will gain a glimmer of hope..."

As Li Chen said, he set off for the Gate of Origin under Gaia's somewhat surprised gaze.

Gaia thought it would not be so easy for Li Chen to open the door of origin, and the rhetoric he had prepared seemed to be useless, but Li Chen told Gaia that he was indeed going to open the door of origin with practical actions.

Speechless for a while, I tried my best to catch up with Li Chen who had already set off.

Having been to the Gate of Origin once, he is naturally familiar with the location of the Gate of Origin.

Looking at the Gate of Origin again, I was still shocked by the power of the Gate of Origin.

It is indeed not something that the existence of this era can create.

The location of the Gate of Origin in the nothingness is relatively marginal, far away from the location where the Last Calamity appears.

It took the two of them nearly a week just to get here.

Fortunately, neither of them is weak, otherwise the time will be longer.

There is no up, down, left, or right in nothingness, and the two of them landed on this gate of origin as if they landed on a continent.

The patterned runes on it made Li Chen feel depressed.

Glancing at Gaia, seeing the unbearable excitement in Gaia's eyes, Li Chen held out the fantasy world mirror stored in his body.

The Huanshijing's fusion of Wanbao has not yet been fully fused, and there is a huge force surging in it, and a breakthrough is urgently needed.

But under Li Chen's suppression, he became calm.

This is also a backhand that Li Chen prepared for himself.

A follower who can survive in a desperate situation and turn the tables.

After all, no one knows who is plotting whom...

Everything is waiting for Li Chen's final answer.



As if sensing Li Chen's thoughts and will, the radiant light bloomed in the fantasy mirror, like a little sun.

A bead that was almost forgotten by Li Chen flew out of the fantasy mirror.

This bead is nothing else, it is the first treasure that Li Chen obtained after coming to this strange world - the Chaos Bead.

It is also one of the core components of the Tongtian Tower that Li Chen thought.

Ever since he placed it on the top of the Tongtian Tower and became the tower bead of the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen has not used his power. As time passed, he almost forgot his existence.

Seeing this Chaos Orb again now, Li Chen was deeply moved.

"This is……"

Li Chen couldn't help looking at Gaia.

The Chaos Orb Li Chen knew, but it was just a treasure of the Chaos Supreme Treasure level.

But Li Chen didn't know why such a treasure at the level of Chaos Supreme Treasure would be this giant, the key to the Gate of Origin.

If it is a strange object whose details cannot be grasped, or a treasure that cannot sense the level at all, you have to think a little bit more, but just this treasure of chaos is a bit hard for Li Chen to accept, after all, there is a huge difference between the two. too big.

"If fellow Daoists think that this Chaos Orb is just a treasure, you are wrong. You must know that this Chaos Orb must first be a seed, and then a treasure. It is the seed of a world, a The seed of hope is a seed of Tao... It is precisely because of its particularity that it can be used as the key to open the door of origin, so that it will not be destroyed due to disaster. Under the protection of the world's luck, whether it is In the spiritual sea, or in the primordial universe, it can turn danger into safety, gather supreme luck, and perform supreme merit."

Li Chen saw Gaia's eyes with a trace of greed, and even felt that Gaia would violently snatch the Chaos Orb at any time.

But Gaia didn't do that, but tried to calm down her thoughts.

This made Li Chen a little strange.

As if he could sense Li Chen's confusion, Gaia said, "This thing is extremely spiritual. If you don't hold it, you will have bad luck and even be cursed by the entire universe. Of course, I just got these from some ancient books, and I don’t know if it’s true or not. But I don’t want to try…”

Following Gaia's voice, the light emitted by the Chaos Orb seemed to shine on the giant gate with some kind of strange power.

Under the power of this light, the seemingly lifeless lines all over the face began to awaken a force.

Wow... Wow... Wow

This is the sound of the sea sweeping.


This is the sound of magma flowing.

Li Chen even heard the heartbeat of "thump...thump...thump".

I feel that my whole body is surrounded by the light from this chaotic bead, which is warm and white, which makes people feel peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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