CH 456 0456 The Horrible Empress
Perhaps it was because Pan Gu and others had been under control longer than Gaia, and there was no sign of waking up. If Li Chen hadn't sensed that Pan Gu's spiritual will was still there, they might have thought that Pan Gu was dead.

Li Chen studied the cerebrum, and found nothing special about the cerebrum except for its extremely strong mental power and the terrifying ability to infect this evil force.

There may be other characteristics, but in a short period of time, Li Chen doesn't expect to be able to research anything.

The power emanating from the brain worm is more corrosive than the power emanating from the void brought by Namo Calamity, it seems that these powers have their own will.

After researching for a while, but did not find anything clear, Li Chen prepared to destroy these brain worms.

After all, maintaining the seal of these cerebrates is quite exhausting.

Usually, I don't feel much, but at critical moments, this energy-hungry user will be a fatal flaw.

Besides, with the end of the disaster coming, it is not particularly difficult to study this brain worm. Although it is rare, if you look carefully, there will still be some.

As if sensing Li Chen's thoughts, the brain worm in the seal struggled harder, but it seemed to have lost its language and wisdom after being separated from the biological brain, and could only neigh meaninglessly.

Li Chen shook his hand immediately, and a huge force acted on the four brain worms through the seal.

Without the protection of its body, the cerebrate was very fragile, and it was directly crushed into a puddle of meat under this force.

If this brain worm is divided according to the level of cultivation, it also has the power of the eternal state, at least the spiritual power has reached or even exceeded this level.

Although it was crushed into a puddle of meat paste by Li Chen's power, it did not die immediately, but struggled to regroup and return to its original state.

Seeing this, a pale flame ignited in Li Chen's hand, and including the seal, it turned into nothingness in the flame.

The cerebrum struggled to break through the flame, but under Li Chen's strength, it couldn't break through the palm of the square inch.

It can only die passively in the calamity fire.

Faintly, Li Chen seemed to hear a sentence: The Queen Mother will not let you go...

Seeing Li Chen destroy the four cerebrates, Gaia opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

After all, this brain worm was discovered by Li Chen, and even he was saved by Li Chen.He has no position and no right to ask Li Chen to do anything.

Although he was still curious about this Zerg that could control himself and others, Gaia cleverly changed the subject:

"Although I was under the control of this insect, I knew what fellow daoist did during this period. It was not my wish to open the door of origin. Fortunately, the source of the disaster was sealed before fellow daoist opened it, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable .Now we are going to the primordial universe to look for the method to deal with the catastrophe. I don't know what will happen to the friendship?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Chen and waited for Li Chen's reply.

Although Li Chen is a backward person, his qualifications, age, and mana are not as good as his own "old man" who has lived for countless ages.

But Li Chen is lucky, he forged a magic weapon that can make the Eternal Realm reach the peak of the Eternal Realm, and even exceed the power of the Eternal Realm.

From the point of view of strength and combat power, Li Chen is not much weaker than himself and these 'old people'.

Therefore, Gaia did not boss him around, and treated Li Chen completely as an equal.

Seeing that Li Chen didn't respond, Gaia went on to say: "If the black hand behind the disaster reaches the original universe and swallows the original universe first, we don't have to do anything, just run for our lives, although the eternal realm is strong. Candidates cannot leave the big universe for too long, but there is still a chance to go to other big universes..."

As he spoke, he looked straight at Li Chen, and said with a chilly gaze: "You must not want to be a desperado, a bereaved dog, and be chased so that you have nowhere to hide..."

Just as Li Chen was thinking, Li Chen suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart, as if some very serious danger was coming.

I feel danger in the fantasy world mirror, which means that it is not something that the current self can resist.

That must be the threat posed by the powerhouses above the Eternal Realm or even higher-level powerhouses.

The one who can bring such a sense of crisis to himself now, needless to say, must be the so-called empress of the deceitful lord.

"He's coming." Li Chen muttered to himself.

Seeing that Li Chen didn't answer him, but instead said that he was coming, Gaia couldn't help being taken aback.

But for a quarter of an hour, even Gaia sensed a burst of destructive despair, and her mind kept reminding of the approaching danger.

At this moment, Gaia doesn't need to guess and knows what Li Chen means by saying that he is coming.

"Hurry up, enter the primordial universe, only the primordial universe can barely block this terrifying existence!" Gaia roared at Li Chen.

Li Chen took Gaia out of the illusion mirror in a hurry, and then fell towards the gate of origin that had been opened under his feet.

Even if the speed of the two is very fast, the danger comes faster.

A scaly hand grabs from beyond nothing...

Yes, in Li Chen's senses, this hand was directly grabbing towards him.

The void world erupted a powerful force of repulsion against this arm, but it had no effect. Every inch of void space continued to shatter under the power of this hand.

Almost half of Li Chen's body fell into the gate of origin, but the other half of his body did not enter.

This scaly hand slapped directly at the gate of origin, causing almost one-third of Li Chen's body to shatter directly.

It was so shattered that it could not be recovered at all, and Li Chen's body that had not yet entered the gate of origin was directly erased from a higher level.

Gaia was even worse, a step behind Li Chen, causing nearly half of his body to be wiped out directly.

This force cannot be resisted by humans at all. Facing this force is like facing the way of heaven and the great way when the cultivation base is still weak.

Without obliterating Li Chen and Gaia, a roar came from outside the nothingness.

Li Chen didn't turn his head to check and knew how angry the owner of the voice was.

"You can't escape, I will find you..."

Intermittent mental power was transmitted to Li Chen's ears through the gate of origin, and only this sentence remained.

The two looked at each other, and Gaia couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that the real crisis is coming soon. If the door of origin is not opened, it can still block the empress. But you opened the door of origin, although you still have a very strong suppression on the empress. , but it is no longer able to block the invasion of a strong man of the empress level."

"Why is this?"

Li Chen asked.

"There is a very interesting class on Earth..." Gaia seemed to be changing the subject, Li Chen didn't interrupt her, but waited for her to continue, presumably Gaia would not mention Earth for no reason.

"This class is a biology class..."


(End of this chapter)

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