457 Biology Class 0457

'If every big universe is a biological cell, then there is a reasonable explanation for the end disaster and the passage.

Before the door of origin is opened, although this primordial universe is in danger of being destroyed in various ways, no matter how powerful the external force is, it will not be destroyed until it penetrates this thick layer of shell and reaches the core. .

But after opening the door of origin, it is like activating this original universe.

The primordial universe began to selectively absorb foreign matter and energy.

Those external forces that can affect the normal operation of the world are also sneaking into the core of the world to steal the power of the world through various methods.

Just like a strip of viral DNA borrows chickens to lay eggs, breaking cells from the inside, making them a breeding ground for viruses.

This last disaster is like this virus DNA, which poses a powerful threat to this world.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and so is the world. Perhaps for the original universe, the actions of Li Chen and others are part of the world's resistance.

After all, as long as you don't transcend the world, no matter how powerful you are, your actions will still be affected by the world to a certain extent.

Comparing the last disaster to a virus is also because the last disaster does have the characteristics of a virus.

For example, there are the terrifying contagiousness of the virus, the crazy destructiveness of the virus, and the purposeful deception of the virus.The power of the end disaster can infect the surrounding time and space through one or two sources of infection, the power of the end disaster can destroy the infected host in a short period of time, the master of deceit that appears in the end disaster, etc. These are controlled and disguised powerhouses Wait to find out.

It is almost consistent with the characteristics of the virus. There are viruses, there are end disasters, and there are end disasters that viruses do not have.

It can be said that the last disaster is an enlarged version of the super virus. '

Listening to Gaia explaining the relationship between the doomsday disaster and the original universe with viruses and cells in biology, Li Chen, although some of them are still confused, still have a certain understanding of the relationship between the two. I understand.

But Li Chen is still puzzled by the opening and closing of the door of origin to the ability to resist the end disaster.

"Why can't the door of origin be able to resist the invasion of strong men like the Queen Mother after it is opened?" Li Chen continued to ask.

Gaia glanced at Li Chen, and continued: "Viruses in biology are neither living nor non-living. They are composed of DNA or RNA and protein shells. When they reach the cell surface, they will not directly invade In the host's cells, there is a layer of cell membrane on the surface of the cell, which will prevent the virus from invading. This layer of cell membrane is the cosmic wall of our original universe!"

"At this time, the deceptive nature of the virus began to deceive. Just like those strong people controlled by the Doom, the deception induced Li Chen to open the door of origin, allowing him to enter the original universe."

"After the virus enters the cell and achieves its purpose, the virus will shed its protein shell, release the genetic material and nucleic acid, hijack the host's cell system, turn the cell into a virus production line, and start replicating itself continuously and in large quantities. "

"Similarly, after entering the primordial universe, the strong and creatures infected and controlled by the Doomsday will cause more and more creatures to be eroded through infection, hijacking the strong in the primordial universe, and constantly attacking the primordial universe."

"Fellow Daoist opened the door. Do you still remember that the Queen Mother's purpose is to catch you? It's because you have the key to open the door. This key is also the guide to enter the primordial universe. The words of the universe will take a big detour, and may even get lost in the long time vortex of space and ocean currents. But relatively speaking, this will only delay the invasion of the Doomsday at most, and will not stop the invasion of the Doomsday When it comes to the original universe, it can be said that once the door is opened, the invasion of the Queen Mother cannot be prevented..."

"Of course, it doesn't mean that if you don't open the gate of origin, the last calamity will not be able to invade the original universe. If you don't open the gate of origin, the last calamity will need to carry out a strong attack if you want to enter the original universe, which will take more time. It just prolongs the death of the original universe a little bit."

"At any rate, after opening the gate of origin, you and I also have the opportunity to find opportunities to fight back in the original universe..."

Hearing Gaia's explanation, Li Chen nodded thoughtfully.

It is really a very similar metaphor to compare the end disaster with the virus.

When talking about the end of the disaster, the two did not stop, constantly discerning the direction in this space-time ocean current.

Entering the gate of origin does not mean that one can directly enter the original universe, it can only be said that after entering the gate of origin, one is qualified to enter the original universe.

To truly enter the primordial universe, without the guidance of a 'key', one can only try one's luck in this space-time ocean current.

Li Chen has the key, but he won't get lost in the currents of time and space.

Communicating with Gaia, Li Chen was also sensing the guidance given by the Chaos Orb in his heart, and kept flying in the direction given somewhere in the dark.

The time and space in the entire space-time ocean current are changing, but Li Chen has his own method of correcting the time.

In Li Chen's revision, he and Gaia flew in this time-space ocean current for nearly a thousand years.

But in the induction of the outside world, it seems that only a moment has passed.

It can be seen that without the guidance of the "key", everything can only rely on luck, and it will take a longer time to break through the blockade of space-time ocean currents and reach the interior of the original universe.

But these are not issues that Li Chen needs to consider.

Li Chen wished that the time for the Doomsday to come to the original universe would be extended indefinitely, so that he would have more time to prepare and find a way to deal with the Doomsday.

As the two got closer, Li Chen felt more and more pressure on his body.

The sequelae caused by the annihilation of part of the body due to the Queen Mother also began to attack.

Since Li Chen's body has been transformed by the Gate of Origin, it is no longer a separate structure of will crystallization, the effectiveness of the methods used to restore damage is much smaller.

Although the missing part was simulated by Li Chen with power, as he got deeper and deeper into the original universe, the speed of the power dissipating from the wound became faster and faster.

In desperation, Li Chen could only move forward after recovering from his injuries.

You know, this little injury is not called an injury at all in the nihilistic world.

But in this primordial universe, under the influence of laws, all the laws that are biased towards the fantasy side are beginning to disappear, causing the mana that Li Chen needs to consume to become larger as he enters.

Turning to look at Gaia, only to find that Gaia is worse than himself, and the whole person is about to become transparent.

After all, Gaia was a step slower than himself at that time, and suffered more damage than himself.

Therefore, Li Chen said: "Friend Daoist, the laws of physics in this primitive universe are strong, and the laws of mythology are retreating. It is uncertain what will happen to you and me at that time. You and I may as well take a rest to recover, otherwise , I'm afraid that before I enter the primordial universe, the power in my body will be dissipated. What do you think?"


(End of this chapter)

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