Chapter 458 0458 Recovery
Hearing this, Gaia nodded after thinking for a while, expressing her agreement.

The two sat cross-legged and repaired the damage on their bodies. Suddenly, the entire ocean current became silent except for the sound made by the movement of time and space.

Li Chen is better, his body has undergone the transformation of the gate of origin, and he only needs the strength in his body to stimulate the wound, and the wound will continue to form granulation as if time has been accelerated.

But Gaia is different. Perhaps because it is not the owner of the key and has not been converted through the gate of origin, the recovery is much slower.

Li Chen recovered [-]% and Gaia failed to recover even half of it.

Looking at Li Chen's recovery speed, his eyes were full of envy, but Gaia didn't have any decadent thoughts.

Slow down, slow down, at least there is a possibility of recovery.

This ability is only available when one's cultivation reaches the Eternal Realm.

If it is only a cultivation base of the Great Dao Realm, it is estimated that in the boundary wall of this original universe, it is impossible to recover its own damage. Even if it descends into the original universe, it may only exist as a piece of information or a piece of energy. .

As a powerhouse in the Eternal Realm, compared to the original universe, the Dao in the body can already weave for itself a gene chain unique to the material world, and with the help of the gene chain, it can build a body that can exist in the material world.

But it is estimated that there is a lack of some kind of existence. For an eternal realm powerhouse like Gaia who has not been transformed by the gate of origin, it can only be transformed into a half-material, half-energy existence.

But it is precisely because of this that Gaia has the opportunity to recover from her own damage.

Li Chen is different, the structure in the body has already been transformed into a triple helix gene structure by the gate of origin as early as when the gate of origin was opened.

Moreover, it is a complete genetic structure. As it gets closer to the original universe, the Tao in the body transforms more rapidly.

The endless Tao constitutes the divine substance that composes Li Chen's body, which is different from the cold substance of the original universe, but it will not be rejected by the original universe.

Time passed bit by bit, until Li Chen's body was repaired...

The wound healed, and the Dao Yun on his body no longer passed away, making Li Chen look mediocre again on the surface.

After completing all this, Li Chen felt that the original rejection from the world disappeared instantly, and he could leave this space-time ocean current at any time and enter the interior of the primordial universe.

A long howl caused waves in the time and space ocean currents, but after the restoration of the world, it suddenly returned to calm.

Gaia on the side is less than [-]% recovered from his injuries at the moment.

Li Chen repaired himself, seeing that Gaia was still healing, he didn't rush to leave, but continued to silently strengthen the injury he had just repaired.

After all, there is a big difference between the injury he repaired by stimulating the body and the transformation of the gate of origin, just like the normal creature after the injury, the body repair cannot be compared with the original one. This is a reason.

Only by continuous strengthening can the repaired body be comparable to the original one.

As Li Chen strengthened the repaired body over and over again, the injured part was getting closer and closer to the normal part.

Countless hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Gaia's injuries still haven't been repaired much.

Every time the time passes by one second, the time for this universe to be eroded and swallowed is getting closer and closer.

Li Chen didn't know when the empress's subordinates would enter this primordial universe, so he could only fight for time as much as possible to achieve his goal.

If it weren't for the fact that the injury on his body might affect his strength after entering the primordial universe, maybe Li Chen wouldn't even care about this injury on his body.

After all, Li Chen still needs to maintain a little combat power to deal with the Doomsday when it enters the place of origin.

Therefore, Li Chen got up and said to Gaia: "Daoist friend, my injury has been repaired, but it is time to enter the original universe, but the injury of Daoist friend..."

He hesitated for a moment while speaking.

Gaia slowly opened his eyes, looked at Li Chen and said, "Fellow Daoists can go on their own, and I will stay here at the junction of space-time ocean currents and the primordial universe until my injuries are fully healed, then I will naturally enter the primordial universe to find fellow daoists." ..."

"So, I will take a step first. There are no living beings here, but it is a place of cultivation. Fellow Daoist, you can cultivate here with peace of mind, and wait for me to go and find out."

As he spoke, Li Chen cupped his fists towards Gaia, intending to leave.

But Gaia hurriedly called to stop Li Chen.

Li Chen was puzzled, but Gaia said, "Of course, I don't have any opinion on going to the primordial universe. I don't know if the three fellow daoists are awake?"

"If you wake up, Daoist Bufan will leave it behind. After all, you entered the original universe without being familiar with the rules of the original universe. I worry that everyone will be directly annihilated by the laws and rules of the original universe..."

If it wasn't for Gaia's reminder, Li Chen would have forgotten the Pangu trio who were still in his fantasy mirror.

The divine sense probed into the mirror of the fantasy world, and it was easy to know the situation in it.

At this moment, all three of them have awakened and are expelling the evil power similar to the end of the catastrophe.

The three of them were very calm about the world opened up by Li Chen's Fantasy World Mirror. At any rate, they were ancients who didn't know how long ago, and they still had some knowledge of the Supreme Treasure Space.

Li Chen didn't directly throw the three of them out of the fantasy world mirror. After all, they are all Eternal Realm powerhouses like him. From another angle, if he was thrown out of a certain space at will, he would probably be very angry.

Therefore, Li Chen directly communicated with the three through his spiritual consciousness.

"Three fellow daoists, I am Venerable Changming. I saw that you fellow daoists are being controlled by insects, so I will help you. Now I am in the time-space ocean current between the primordial universe and the spiritual sea. I want to go to the primordial The universe, fellow Taoists, if you are willing, you can go forward together, but because of the laws of the primordial universe, you may not be able to leave the magic world mirror of my natal treasure at that time. But you can also stay in the current of time and space , Transform your physical strength to reduce the oppression of the original universe, and try to enter again at the right time. My fellow Taoists bring it out, and please don’t resist..."

As he spoke, following Li Chen's thoughts, a gentle force descended on the three of them.

In the blink of an eye, everyone came out of the fantasy world mirror and came to the current of time and space.

As soon as I came out, I felt endless pressure oppressing from all directions.

The figures of the three of them all seemed a little slack under the pressure.

Immediately sat down cross-legged, learning from Gaia to use her own way to build her own genetic chain.

With the departure of the three of them, Huan Shi Jing also became a little lighter.

After all, the three eternal realms, and even the powerhouses who have transcended the realm, still have a certain influence on the fantasy world mirror in the fantasy world mirror.

Building a gene chain is a process of transforming an informational creature into a material creature, compressing endless information into its own genetic chain of body shape.

The three completed the opening part very quickly.

However, it will take a long time to complete the conversion.

So after stabilizing their bodies, the three got up and thanked Li Chen:

"Thank you for your great kindness. If fellow Taoists are useful in the future and get us, feel free to come and we will definitely help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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