Chapter 459 0459 Unknown River System
Li Chen also returned the salute to everyone.

"Fellow daoists, we will see you in the primordial universe in the future, and I will go..."

Speaking of which, Li Chen turned around and stepped towards the ocean current of time and space that seemed to be only one step away.

Seeing Li Chen's figure getting farther and farther away, Gaia and the others' eyes were full of envy and determination.

After greeting each other for a while, they were immersed in the process of repairing their injuries and transforming themselves.

But after Li Chen crossed the time-space ocean current that seemed to be a step away, Li Chen was a little surprised by what he saw.

Li Chen did not come directly to the original universe, but came to a strange world.

The creatures in this world have countless time tributaries scattered every second, and countless time tributaries are destroyed because of the end of the world.

The time that has passed remains constant and unshakable.

Unexperienced time is unpredictable and elusive.

Countless time tributaries are intertwined with each other, layer upon layer.

And the space is also amazing, giving Li Chen the feeling that it is like a combination of the prehistoric world and his own world on the other side.

Just looking at this bizarre world, countless information poured into Li Chen's mind.

Most of this information is about the composition of the world, as large as a galaxy and river system, as small as a stone or a leaf.

Different from the nihilistic world of the spiritual sea, many of the information in the nihilistic world are the same, but every piece of information in this primitive universe is different, even if two pieces of information express leaves, the two pieces of information are the same. The information is completely different.

Such brainstorms poured into Li Chen's mind, like the avenue of heaven and earth explaining the supreme truth to Li Chen.

It even gave Li Chen the urge to completely negate the Dao foundation forged in the void world of the spiritual sea.

The Eternal Realm is always the Eternal Realm, and the grasp of one's own way has surpassed everything, and one will not be so easily affected and shake one's Dao Heart.

In just a quarter of an hour, Li Chen had already stabilized his mind and discarded all useless information.

He even sealed part of his senses.

All of a sudden, all the changes in front of me, without the tributary of time, the feeling of disordered space.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

Only Li Chen knows that this is just the surface layer of everything in the original universe, but the real form is what he saw before.

After recovering normal vision and seeing the situation in front of him, Li Chen knew that he had entered the primordial universe.

But everything in front of him made Li Chen a little confused.

There is no life around, just galaxies countless light-years apart.

The entire primordial universe was extremely quiet, yet extremely noisy.

Quietness uses the sense of hearing of normal creatures to detect the surroundings. To the ears of normal creatures, the entire universe is still very quiet.

The noise is observed with the hearing of extraordinary creatures. The ubiquitous stellar storm in the entire universe is violently blowing, like the sound from hell, hoarse but ethereal.

Coming to the primordial universe, many changes took place in Li Chen.

The primordial universe forbids the use of extraordinary power. Although Li Chen has transformed his body and his own power, he is still within the exclusionary range of the primordial universe.

Among other things, the strength of the primordial universe can be seen just from the fact that the scope covered by this power of will has shrunk significantly.

If it turned out to be in the Sea of ​​Nothingness, Li Chen's willpower would definitely cover the entire primordial universe with more than enough area.

But now, the primordial universe rejects extraordinary power. Under the suppression of the primordial universe, Li Chen's willpower can only cover the size of a river system at most.

It must be known that there are countless river systems in the entire universe, such a small area is like a basin, a vat, or a spoonful of water compared with the entire ocean, there is simply no comparison at all.

So, what is the difference between a pot, a jar, and a spoonful of water?

It's not that Li Chen has become weaker, but that the original universe is too strong in size and essence, so strong that the entire spiritual world is incomparable.

But Li Chen thinks that there is nothing difficult to understand, after all, the entire spiritual world is just a derivative of the original universe.

There are thousands of planets in front of Li Chen's eyes, red, white, blue, gray, green... The planets of various colors reflect a colorful scene in front of him, this is also the power of Li Chen's will It can still be used, because the senses are extremely powerful.

According to the vision of ordinary creatures, it is impossible to distinguish the colors of so many planets, maybe even the light reflected by these planets cannot be seen...

Li Chen stood in the empty space, after a short period of confusion, he regained his confidence and cheered up.

The first thing, of course, is to explore the environment in which you are.

After some investigation, Li Chen found that the river system he descended on was completely different from what he had imagined.

The huge power of will swept across the river system. Under the cover of the power of will, Li Chen did not find any trace of life, and Li Chen even discovered a strange phenomenon.

There are no more than seven planets in each galaxy in this river system, and there is even only one sun.

You know, in Li Chen's memory, there are eight planets in the solar system located on the outskirts of the spiral arms of the Milky Way.

There are countless galaxies with more than a dozen planets, not to mention that compared with superclusters such as Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Coma, the Milky Way is not at the same level at all.

And the galaxy system where Li Chen is currently located has only seven planets in the galaxy system with the most planets, and the entire river system can be imagined.

Li Chen even wondered if the place he landed in was not the desert of the universe, it was simply a desert in the universe.

Not to mention the birth of civilization, it is a luxury to have life in such a rare planetary system.

After understanding the specific situation of the current environment, Li Chen immediately had no intention of staying in this barren river system.

The space was torn apart immediately, and came to the edge that the power of will could reach.

When he reappeared, Li Chen was in a vacuum between river systems.

With a teleportation, Li Chen's power directly decreased by about [-]%, which shows how the primordial universe suppresses extraordinary power.

If it were in the spiritual sea, with such a small distance, the power consumed would probably not even be 0.001%.

However, this also shows that the power of the original universe is unquestionable, otherwise, the doomsday that can easily break through the spiritual sea will not be temporarily blocked from the turbulent flow of time and space, and Li Chen will be given a little breathing time.

Li Chen teleported thousands of times, and stopped to meditate nearly a hundred times on the way because his strength was exhausted.

There is almost no difference between the river system encountered in the first few hundred times of teleportation and the land of descent. If he hadn't held the idea that he would encounter a normal river system after teleporting a few more times, Li Chen would doubt the place he arrived at. Is not a normal universe.

Until later, the river systems encountered became richer and richer than each other. From the first galaxy with only seven planets to the latter galaxy with dozens of planets, the leap in it was not too big.

But now Li Chen has not encountered a planet with civilization, and the planets he has encountered have at most given birth to simple life.

I don't know if I didn't reach the River of Life or if the whole universe is like this.


The information of all the galaxies he has experienced is stored in Li Chen's mind, and Li Chen did not find any galaxy clusters related to the astronomical information he knew in his previous life.

After meditating to recover his strength, Li Chen sighed and continued to teleport...

(End of this chapter)

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