Chapter 460 0460 The Creator (Add More)

Another thousand times of teleportation, Li Chen came to the edge of a strange river system.

After a long period of teleportation, Li Chen found a planet with life, but he did not find any traces of civilization. Part of the time is spent meditating to restore strength.

Due to the space-time ocean currents, compared with the spiritual sea, the primordial universe has the characteristics of a day in the sky and a year in the earth. Of course, the time ratio between the two must not know this point.

Although Li Chen made calculations secretly in his mind when traveling through time and space, there were always mistakes and omissions.

Moreover, the final disaster will not give Li Chen too much time to find a chance to save this disaster.

Coming to the edge of the river system, Li Chen suddenly felt tired.

Therefore, I stopped and prepared to take a rest in this river system.

The river system has long been scanned by Li Chen's willpower. Like other river systems, there is no higher civilization, only some low-level life without wisdom.

After teleporting for a long time, Li Chen also had some guesses.

Li Chen guessed that the primordial universe was only in the middle of the Big Bang at this moment, and perhaps all the galaxies were formed at this moment, so there was no civilization yet. After all, the birth of civilization is based on the wisdom of life.

At this moment, the life seen in the countless river systems that Li Chen has experienced is nothing but single-celled life.

Li Chen has seen a stellar life in a star, but the form of this life is too fragile. In the process of Li Chen's research, he just encountered a big riot in the star where he lived, and almost none of them died. .

Originally, Li Chen wanted to intervene in the demise of this star life, but he was locked in by a dark will, and he felt that as long as he intervened, he would suffer catastrophe.

Therefore, Li Chen can only watch the death of this star life.

At this time, Li Chen deeply felt the hostility of the universe towards life.

If you want to survive in this vast universe, you must not only give birth to life, but also give birth to the light of wisdom and ignite the fire of civilization!

Only the blazing fire of civilization can turn humble but great beings into creators to transform this cruel world where the weak prey on the strong and natural selection prevails.

Stopping to move forward, Li Chen stayed in a star system that was somewhat similar to the solar system in his memory.

This star system has one more planet than the solar system, with nine planets!

The ninth planet is very far from the star, almost half the distance that the eighth planet is from the star.

But the eight planets closest to the star, the distance from the star is almost the same as the distance of each planet in the solar system in Li Chen's memory.

Of course, there are several points that are different from the solar system. First, there is no asteroid belt; second, the planet corresponding to the earth does not have a satellite like the moon; third, the planet corresponding to Saturn does not have such a beautiful halo, etc. wait.

The planet Li Chen stayed on was ranked fourth, the planet corresponding to Mars.

The main reason is that this planet has already begun to give birth to life, and some moss-like life begins to grow from the edge of the ocean to the shore.

The planet that originally only had three colors of blue, white and yellow has an additional color of life - green.

The temperature of the planet at this moment is about 70°C, which is relatively harmonious compared to the temperature of other star systems, which is often ±100°C or even higher (lower).

Li Chen landed on this planet, felt the hazy acid rain in the sky, and felt a little bit of emotion in his heart that life was hard-won.

It is incredible that such a prosperous civilization can be born on the earth in the previous life.

"Perhaps there really is a Creator in the world..."

During the process of breath adjustment, Li Chen couldn't help feeling emotional.

At this moment, Li Chen was like a bolt of lightning flashing through his mind.

The whole person suddenly froze.

'The Creator?Why don't you come to be the creator?Although I was planning to change the life of that star before, it was stopped by the will in the dark, but it does not mean that the universe prevents the birth of life, maybe it is just that the universe does not want the process of natural selection of life to be interfered by external forces...'

Thinking of this, Li Chen suddenly became excited.

In this universe, my power is extremely limited, and I cannot create the world, and even life cannot be created, but I can use the existing life to transform it.

For Li Chen, transforming life is as simple as eating and drinking.

However, in order to transform creatures that can adapt to the original universe, Li Chen must have a goal and repeat the transformation process so that the results will be guided by this goal.

Needless to say, the goal is naturally myself.

After all, if the level of life can't even compare with himself, let alone compare with the legendary creature that transcends the universe and doesn't know what level it is.

Thinking of this, Li Chen immediately stopped adjusting his breath.

One step teleported to the beach.

If life on this planet is allowed to evolve naturally, it is estimated that the most primitive plants will evolve in a few years.

As for animals, I don't know how long it will take, maybe [-] million years, maybe a billion years, maybe longer.

For Li Chen, it is definitely not possible to wait for such a long time.

With his own cells as a template, Li Chen used this primitive cell as a carrier, and began to weave the information of life into a double-stranded gene chain and inject it into it.

However, it is a pity that cells with double-stranded genes cannot survive in this relatively harsh environment, and they often collapse under the influence of the environment as soon as they leave Li Chen.

After trying to modify it hundreds of times, Li Chen turned to another method...

In my fantasy world mirror, there are still the true spirits of those powerful people in the past. Maybe I can weave these true spirits into genetic information and inject them into the lives of this world, combine with the lives of this world, and use the three-chain gene form to create a soul?

Do it when you think of it.

When Li Chen successfully weaved the first true spirit into three strands of genetic information and injected it into this weak cell without any collapse, Li Chen knew he had succeeded.

After that, countless true spirits were woven into genes, integrated into cells one by one, and spread to the whole world by Li Chen.

What these transformed cells will eventually develop and evolve into is beyond Li Chen's ability to intervene.

Because when Li Chen was about to intervene after the transformation was completed, the hidden will appeared again.

After completing all this, Li Chen can only hope that these beings can awaken themselves and be born successfully.

After finishing all this unconsciously, Li Chen just felt that the power in his body was gone in the process.

Sensing the situation on his body, Li Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.

After finding a mountain range with relatively good terrain, Li Chen immediately immersed himself in recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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