CH 461 0461 Myth Revival
Before Li Chen retreated and adjusted his breath, he had sacrificed the magic world mirror to cover the planet he was involved in.

Under the blessing of the fantasy world mirror, the time flow of this planet has been accelerated by thousands or tens of thousands of times compared to the time flow of the normal universe.

Li Chen did not intervene in the subsequent evolution of these lives, but only accelerated the time, and did not attract the attention of the will of the universe.

After dealing with the will of the universe many times, Li Chen has figured out the bottom line of the will of the universe.

As long as you don't touch the bottom line, it won't care about you even if you destroy the universe, but if you touch the bottom line, even a trivial matter will attract the attention of the will of the universe.

Under the blessing of the genetic chains transformed by many powerful and true spirits, these primitive lives seem to be opened up.

Originally, it took tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years, tens of billions of years to evolve into the primitive life of intelligent creatures, but intelligent life appeared in tens of thousands of years.

Perhaps it is because of the true spirits of the great masters in the spiritual sea, these born lives are more or less branded by those great supernatural powers of the prehistoric world.

Such as Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Yahweh, Brahma, etc. reappeared in this world.

Of course, these people don't have the power to destroy the world like in the prehistoric at this moment.

However, compared to this forbidden universe, these lives born because of Li Chen still have some special powers.

In terms of the earth, it is the existence of supernatural powers.

To some extent, it is possible to interfere with the real world through the power of the mind (spiritual power).

Moreover, the powerhouse who has awakened the power can communicate with the spiritual sea outside the universe to a certain extent.

Through the connection between the two, more powerful extraordinary power can be continuously obtained from the spiritual sea.

Of course, although the name of this newborn life overlaps with the name of the prehistoric strong man, it is not because everyone has restored the memory of the prehistoric, but a choice in the dark, maybe even the dark The existence of the world does not want the prehistoric to disappear...

In the endless years, the creatures on this planet evolved from scattered individuals into tribes, and the tribes annexed each other, evolved into a slavery dynasty, and finally evolved into a feudal imperial dynasty.

Among them, the Heavenly Court is dominated by Emperor Jun, the Immortal Dynasty is dominated by Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, etc., the Buddhist Kingdom is dominated by Western Jieyin, Zhunti, and Brahma, and the Holy Dynasty is dominated by Yahweh.

Just like the Earth's ancient Warring States period, these dynasties and empires refused to obey anyone.

War breaks out on this planet...

At the same time, it took thousands of years for Li Chen to recover to his peak state.

After leaving the customs, the planet I saw was such a state of intertwined forces from all sides.

Li Chen did not intervene to unify this planet by force, but observed silently in the dark, or changed his body to enter this civilization created by himself.

Although this planet is divided into so many forces, all the forces have a common sacrifice object, that is the Tao in transmission.

Sentient beings don't know what the "Tao" looks like, they don't know whether the "Tao" is strong or weak, but through the time ability, they can go back to the beginning of life on this planet and see the tall But the vague figure undoubtedly confirms the existence of 'Tao'.

Yes, the life on this planet created by Li Chen regards Li Chen as the way to create all things.

Maybe it's because of Li Chen's powerful power, or maybe it's because of the existence in the universe, no ability can go back in time beyond Li Chen to a more ancient and distant past.

It seems that Li Chen was supposed to be the beginning of everything, the origin of all things.

Therefore, all life on this planet worships the figure of Li Chen in the long river of time as the supreme 'Tao'.

Of course, as far as Li Chen's current state is concerned, the name of the party's "Tao" is enough.

Li Chen didn't take this to heart.

After all, sacrifices belong to sacrifices, and Li Chen doesn't think that once he shows up and says he is the Tao, he can get the loyalty of these powerful people.

Just like those human beings who worship Buddhas and gods on the earth, if the gods and Buddhas really appear to enslave human beings, it is undoubtedly the reason that those high-level people will resist at the first time.

Of course, if one is strong enough to forcibly subdue a group of strong men, this is another result.

However, Li Chen didn't want to do this. After all, in terms of combat power, all the supernatural beings on this planet are not half as powerful as himself.

Although there are powerful people such as time abilities who can reverse the flow of time, this is only based on the fact that the time of the original universe is not so esoteric.

But for the primordial universe, although the countercurrent time is simple, it is not so easy to intervene in the countercurrent time. The correction power of the huge time river will let the existence of disturbing time know why the flowers are so red...

There are too many rules in the original universe that are very different from the world in the spiritual sea. In terms of time and space, the time and space of the original universe are very basic. It is very easy to recognize the time and space of the original universe, but It doesn't mean that you can easily interfere with time and space.

Every interference with time and space consumes a huge amount of energy.

But in the void world of the spiritual sea, time and space are very difficult to learn, and it is said that time is king and space is respected.

But once you master the laws of time and space, you will be almost invincible under the same realm.

This shows the gap between the two.

Since no one of the major forces can do anything to this planet, each force has its own title for naming the planet.

For example, the Heavenly Court where Emperor Jun lived called it "Heaven Realm", the fairy dynasty where Sanqing and Nuwa lived called it "Earth Immortal Realm", the temple where Jehovah lived called it "Garden of Eden", and the Buddhas where Jieyin Zhunti and others lived The country calls it the 'Buddhist world' and so on.

As time passed, life on the planet began to explode, and wars and resource shortages began to follow.

Although everyone has great power, the technology-side power that is the mainstream of the original universe has also begun to prevail in this world.

However, the technology that appeared on this planet is a combination of the fantasy side and the technology side.

For example, a high-energy radiation weapon without a switch, how to use it?It can be used through the link of spiritual power.

For a spaceship, all control methods are carried out on the control ball of the spaceship, and of course they are also linked through spiritual power.

Rather than saying that this planet is climbing a technology tree, it is better to say that it is a technological magic weapon developed by the primordial refiner and the technology of the original universe.


(End of this chapter)

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