Chapter 108 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (16)
life and death (2)
Song Zimo handed her a bottle of mineral water to the lost one.Li Xintong suddenly looked up, and saw a big backpack next to Song Zimo, which was full of food.Song Zimo said: "It is said that the rain will last for two days and three nights. I was thinking, if I don't come, you must starve to death."

"Then have you ever thought that if you dare to come, you might drown?"

"Didn't I win the bet? We won't die." Song Zimo took out the zongzi from his backpack and handed it to her.

Li Xintong was startled.Song Zimo said: "Eating this will not make you hungry."

"Don't you know that eating zongzi at night is bad for your stomach?"

Song Zimo was stunned for a moment, and wanted to take it back, but Li Xintong snatched it, opened the rice dumpling leaves, and began to eat in small mouthfuls with mineral water.Song Zimo watched her eat and smiled silently.Li Xintong thought, at that moment, she fell in love with the rice dumplings, which are soft and sweet.

She looked at Song Zimo who was standing opposite and looked at her with a smile on his face. She felt that he was so handsome and charming, which fascinated her.


There are no entertainment facilities in the restaurant. To be honest, the two stared at each other for a long time.In the end, it was Song Zimo who broke the deadlock: "Why is that rich second generation here?"

Li Xintong was startled, and it took him a long time to realize: "Coincidentally, he also came to travel."

"What a coincidence." Song Zimo muttered for a while, which made Li Xintong feel that he was unhappy because of it.

This is natural, even if the child who ruined his family was related by blood, he would still be unhappy with Song Ling.Li Xintong didn't want to make Song Zimo more upset, so he deliberately changed the subject and asked, "How is Auntie doing?"

Song Zimo obviously didn't expect that Li Xintong would suddenly ask about this. He curled his lips and smiled superficially: "After the transplant operation, I was a little repulsed in the first few years, but now it's much better."

"That's pretty good." Li Xintong smiled, and was sincerely happy to learn that the kind mother whose face had never been rosy in memory was well now.When she chased Song Zimo back then, if it wasn't for Song's mother helping her, Song Zimo would not have compromised so easily and tried to associate with her.

"Why is your father also suffering from uremia?" Song Zimo felt that life was a bloody drama. His mother had just recovered from the serious illness of uremia. Unexpectedly, Li Xintong's father also had the same disease.

"Maybe I'm holding back my urine." Li Xintong told Song Zimo in a completely joking tone.

Song Zimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Johns Hopkins Hospital has top-notch medical care and a wide range of sources of organs. Your father will get organs one day."

Instead, Li Xintong looked at him in surprise: "How do you know that my dad is at Johns Hopkins Hospital?" She suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized, "I forgot, you checked me. Do you think I'm quite capable? Can you get my dad to Johns Hopkins?"

Song Zimo smiled without saying a word.

Li Xintong said: "However, I thank God for making my father suffer from Alzheimer's disease while he was seriously ill. He doesn't know who I am, so he won't feel sorry for me anymore. Just treat the disease with peace of mind, so I don't worry a little bit less. "

Song Zimo stretched out his arm, embraced her shoulder, and patted her shoulder, which was silent comfort.

In such an atmosphere, in such a place, there is really nothing else to do except chat.Li Xintong came out of the sad mood, and suddenly became enlightened. He regarded himself as a friend, and suddenly asked gossip: "By the way, why did you divorce Ling Ke?"

Song Zimo was startled, and looked at her carefully, and found that her eyes were twinkling, and she was asking him with a very sincere attitude.But Song Zimo didn't like her sincere attitude very much, he frowned impatiently: "You don't need to worry about this matter."

Li Xintong felt that she had fallen from a tall building, and the fall was very painful.She thought that the relationship between the two had improved, but she didn't expect that he still didn't like her and didn't want to get too close to her. The distance between their two hearts has always been far away.Li Xintong said very dissatisfied: "Why are you like this? I care about you. Didn't I hope that you and Sister Ling Ke will love each other and live forever? I don't want this touching love to end without a problem like this."

Song Zimo's face darkened immediately, and he said mockingly: "You really hope that Ling Ke and I will love each other and live forever?"

"Isn't it?" Li Xintong smiled at him neatly.

Song Zimo stopped talking. He took out a bottle of mineral water, opened the lid, took a few sips of water, tightened the plastic bottle cap, and put the mineral water by the table.Li Xintong watched his movements step by step, thinking that he was about to start talking, but Song Zimo didn't speak, but stood up and walked to the window to watch the heavy rain.

Li Xintong tilted her neck and looked at his slender back, feeling as if she had passed away.What Song Zimo gave her the most was the back view.She tried to run, hoping to get close to him, but she couldn't reach him.Because Song Zimo's positive side has always been reserved for Jia Lingke.She watched his back again and again, and got used to his back over time.

He is a shore she cannot reach, a luxury she can never reach, and a luxury she can never hope for.

Li Xintong let him stand by the window and watch the rain, and took out his mobile phone to play the game of matching cubes.She was easily fascinated by playing games, so she ignored Song Zimo directly, so that she didn't even know that Song Zimo was standing next to her watching her play games.

"Hit this..." Song Zimo looked anxious and reached out to help her.Li Xintong, who was too fascinated, jumped up, terrified.

So Song Zimo continued to play her game.Li Xintong pouted and looked at him dissatisfied: "You don't have a mobile phone!"

"I will play this childish game?"

"Then what am I playing?"

"I'll give it back to you when I game over."

Li Xintong pursed her lips, even though she was very dissatisfied, she forgave him.The guy who is emotionally hurt has just been stimulated by his own words, and needs to find something to calm down. Obviously, Song Zimo is anesthetizing himself with games, and she shouldn't disturb him now.Li Xintong, who felt that he was very kind, was lying on the table, looking around aimlessly, so bored, his eyelids began to droop, and finally closed slowly, and went to find Zhou Gong.

In her dream, she dreamed that Song Zimo broke her record, and then kissed her with a smile.His lips were moist, soft, and warm.


Li Xintong woke up early the next morning.It was still raining heavily outside, beating the soft soil, stuffy.Li Xintong looked at Song Zimo who was also sleeping on the table, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, but he just felt that no matter how he looked, he was a beautiful man.

Next to Song Zimo's right hand is Li Xintong's mobile phone. She picked it up and opened yesterday's game, and was shocked to find that Song Zimo had already broken her record.Yesterday's dream was really true, as for whether he kissed her, Li Xintong didn't hold out hope, Song Zimo didn't like people who were intimate with her that much.

Li Xintong was looking for something to eat in his backpack for breakfast.What Song Zimo brought most was mineral water, then a pile of rice dumplings, and a few packs of compressed biscuits.This made Li Xintong very depressed, but he understood him.After all, the incident happened suddenly, there was no requirement for food, and Song Zimo was a man who didn't like snacks, let alone put large and small bags of snacks in his backpack.

She tore open a pack of compressed biscuits and began to chew on it with mineral water.Song Zimo woke up after eating a third of it, and he looked at her with a smile: "Are you awake?"

Li Xintong nodded.

Song Zimo approached her slowly.Li Xintong was a little stiff and at a loss.I saw Song Zimo approaching her chest, holding Li Xintong's hand holding the compressed biscuit with one hand, and put the compressed biscuit in her hand into his mouth.Li Xintong knew his plan, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Why do you want to eat mine? There is still in it."

Song Zimo smiled: "I wanted to kiss you, but I didn't brush my teeth, so I had to kiss you indirectly."

"..." Li Xintong felt that Song Zimo was very shameless, and when he said this, his face didn't blush and his heart skipped a beat.Fortunately, he has the love of his life in his heart, otherwise he must be a lover, cheating the girl to death.

Song Zimo finished eating the compressed biscuits, turned his head to look out the window, and sighed: "When will it rain?"

"Who knows, it won't stop for a while."

Song Zimo was struggling with how to pass the time when he suddenly heard someone shouting outside: "Is anyone there?"

Li Xintong and Song Zimo's eyes lit up.Li Xintong couldn't wait to open the door of the restaurant, and waved to the rescue team outside: "We are here." A person rushed towards Li Xintong from a distance.When that person got closer to Li Xintong, Li Xintong finally saw the person coming.

Song Ling?

Song Ling grabbed Li Xintong and looked up and down worriedly: "Is there any injury?"

Li Xintong was startled and shook her head.

"That's good. Are you freaking out?"

Before Li Xintong could answer her, Song Ling's expression changed immediately because he saw Song Zimo coming out of the restaurant.Song Zimo's expression remained calm, and he smiled politely when he saw Song Ling, and put his hand on Li Xintong's shoulder naturally.

Li Xintong seemed to feel the chill emanating from Song Zimo's body.There is no doubt that he can have such a big mood swing, because standing in front of him is his younger brother who he regards as an enemy.Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Song Ling treated Li Xintong well and worried about her.Although Li Xintong wasn't sure if Song Ling liked her, at least he didn't regard her as a passer-by in his life.The current Song Zimo is obviously demonstrating against Song Ling, and Li Xintong is his man.

Li Xintong felt that she was in an extremely awkward position.She quickly broke the deadlock, and said to the rescue team behind Song Ling: "Oh, you really deserve the taxpayers' money, so desperate to save me."

One of the rescuers said: "The orange alert has passed, and it is our duty to save people as soon as possible. Mr. Song said that he wanted to collect your body, so he also came here."

Li Xintong's smile froze instantly, and he shot Song Ling with dangerous eyes.Song Ling smiled happily, without explaining.

"It's just that the report says that there is only one person on Amber Island, this gentleman..." The rescuers looked curiously at Song Zimo who seemed to be very close to Li Xintong.Song Zimo cast a sideways glance at Li Xintong: "I thought she was dead, and I came here to die for love."

"..." Everyone was silent.

Li Xintong just wanted to cry up to the sky, what kind of men are these!


Back at the main island of the South China Sea Islands, Li Xintong was already drenched.On the way home, Li Xintong suddenly admired Song Zimo's courage in sacrificing himself to save her.The boat shakes badly, it is difficult to grasp the direction, not to mention, the navigation is often disturbed, coupled with the rain, people with low psychological endurance may want to jump into the sea directly.Obviously, Li Xintong is a glass-hearted person.

Originally, Li Xintong helped Song Zimo book a fisherman's room, but because most of the fishermen's bathrooms are open-air bathrooms, taking a bath in an open-air bathroom on a rainy day is an extremely weird thing, so Song Zimo took Li Xintong to the hotel to open a room.No doubt there was only one open.

Li Xintong took a bath before Song Zimo.When she entered the bathroom, she saw that it was in the shape of a bathtub, and she thought of a joke.She poked her head out from the bathroom door and said to Song Zimo outside, "Do you want to take a mandarin duck bath?"

Song Zimo turned his head and squinted at her.Li Xintong giggled twice, shaking her eyebrows: "Mandarin ducks are playing in the water."

"You think?" Song Zimo began to unbutton his shirt.

Li Xintong laughed meanly: "Dream." Then he slammed the door shut.

Soon, Li Xintong walked out of the bathroom while wiping her wet hair.Song Zimo was looking at the computer, and Li Xintong knew without looking at it that Song Zimo must be on business again.Li Xintong said: "I've finished washing, you go wash."

Song Zimo called Li Xintong to come over: "Come over here and take a look at this proposal."

Li Xintong walked up to him and leaned over to look at the computer.

On the computer screen is a construction map of the resort.The layout is huge, covering almost the entire main island.Reconstruction of a high-star hotel with full services, expansion of the yacht club, more entertainment items, and even celebrity concerts and multi-person weddings.

"Not bad." Li Xintong expressed his opinion.

Song Zimo said, "Don't you think it's normal?"

"Most resorts are like that."

Song Zimo frowned.Seeing his worried look, Li Xintong stretched out his hand to help him unbutton his shirt: "Don't think so much now, go take a shower first, and think about work after you feel comfortable, OK?"

Song Zimo watched Li Xintong help him undress with a smile on his face.Song Zimo said, "Why do you like taking off my clothes so much?"

Li Xintong stopped unbuttoning his hand.She raised her eyes and looked at him strangely: "Aren't you pretty and delicious?"

"Okay." Song Zimo continued to laugh.

Li Xintong was dissatisfied with his complacent look, and pushed him away with both hands: "You go take a shower, I didn't sleep well yesterday, I'll go to bed first." Ignoring Song Zimo's emotions, Li Xintong fell directly on the bed, wrapped the quilt tightly, and fell asleep with her head covered .

Seeing her like this, Song Zimo didn't say anything, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Li Xintong heard the sound of unkempt water falling sparsely on the tiles.As expected, she knew that Song Zimo was taking a shower.Song Zimo once said that apart from his own bathtub, he only takes showers.She said he was obsessed with cleanliness, but he emphasized that it was just hygienic.

The sparse sound disappeared, and Li Xintong knew that Song Zimo had finished taking a bath.She immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep.Soon she heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, and a scent of shower gel wafted into her nose, which smelled very comfortable.She thought, Song Zimo would continue to sit by the computer and work, right?She opened her eyes tentatively, only to see Song Zimo taking off his bathrobe in front of her, revealing his strong figure.

Li Xintong opened her eyes in fright: "What are you doing?"

Song Zimo just laughed, and then his tall body rushed towards her...


Li Xintong has never seen a sunrise by the sea.She wanted to see the beautiful scenery, but Song Zimo worked so hard that she was very tired. When she woke up, it was around ten o'clock in the evening.Song Zimo was still full of energy. He got up early and sat by the computer to concentrate on the resort project.

Li Xintong sat up with her breasts protected. She leaned on the bed and said to Song Zimo who was working not far away: "I want to watch the sunrise."

Song Zimo stopped what he was doing, raised his eyes to look over, and frowned: "Now?"

Li Xintong's face was full of black lines: "Where can I see it now? I'm just telling you what I think."

"Good idea." Song Zimo agreed with her, and continued to look at the computer.

Li Xintong sighed boredly, lay back on the bed and tossed and turned, intending to continue to sleep, but her sleep was really full, and she couldn't fall asleep at all.She sat up abruptly, put on her clothes neatly, and went out alone.

Song Zimo saw her series of actions, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.Li Xintong didn't expect him to do anything. Although she and Song Zimo were normal boyfriend and girlfriend, she couldn't understand how deep his feelings for her were.He doesn't care about her feelings, and she doesn't want to speculate on his thoughts.

Li Xintong crossed her arms and strolled along the beach, her long hair fluttering in the direction of the wind.She didn't pretend to be melancholy or show beauty, she just felt cold.There was no Lixia at all, and the seaside at night was at least five degrees Celsius lower than during the day. She came out in a hurry, wearing only a sleeveless dress, and it was inevitable to be cold.

But she didn't want to go back, so she could only walk with her arms folded.

At night like this, there are not many people walking by the seaside.I have to say that Li Xintong and Song Ling are really destined.Song Ling and the group were having a barbecue when Li Xintong happened to pass by.Li Xintong didn't look carefully at the barbecue crowd, it was Song Ling who called her to stop first.Only then did Li Xintong shift her gaze to the crowd.Song Ling was wearing a white T-shirt, beige cropped pants, barefoot, and walked towards Li Xintong with several skewers in his hand.While eating the barbecue, he handed it to Li Xintong: "Hey, why are you here alone?"

Indeed, according to the normal procedure, Li Xintong should stay next to her boyfriend and love each other.But Li Xintong doesn't like to be too restrained, and he is not "dedicated to his duty", and Song Zimo is also a boyfriend with a very special personality, and he is not harsh on her.So the two don't have too many restrictions.Thinking of this, Li Xintong took Song Ling's barbecue and took two bites.

Song Ling looked at her strangely: "Are you hungry?"

Li Xintong nodded: "Hungry and cold." Speaking of it, she only ate compressed biscuits in the morning all day long, and then she didn't eat.

Song Ling looked at her sympathetically, "Come here and enjoy the fire."

(End of this chapter)

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