Chapter 109 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (17)
life and death (3)
Li Xintong was a little embarrassed at first, but seeing other people smiling at her enthusiastically, she felt a little more relaxed.This group of people are all from City A, reported to the travel agency under Huadong Tourism, and formed a group to travel to the South China Sea Islands.After more than a day of communication, they were already familiar with each other, and Li Xintong just listened to them quietly.

"I think that tourism in the South China Sea Islands has no special features. It's just swimming and surfing, listening to general explanations from tour guides, and eating and playing are all provided by big hotels. It's not interesting."

"Yeah, I won't come next time."

Song Ling also added: "Everyone praises the tourism characteristics of East China, but that's all."

"That's right..." Everyone agreed unanimously.

Li Xintong was thinking at the time, is Song Ling really the son of the Chairman of Huadong Tourism?Lifting a rock and hitting one's own foot, isn't this breaking one's own food?

After chatting for a while, everyone felt bored and planned to play a game.The game is mainly based on poker. Thirteen cards are drawn, ranging from A to K, and there is also a king, which is exactly divided among fourteen people.The person who got the king will randomly designate the two who got A to K, and make demands on them, no matter how excessive they are, they must complete them.Of course, it cannot be more than principled.

Li Xintong found this very interesting and agreed to participate.

She was very lucky, she won the king in the first set, so she, who loves to play tricks, actually asked 6 and 9 Kiss.Tragedy came out, 6 and 9 are men...

So she successfully set up two enemies and set a precedent.

In the next few games, she was a spectator, and the request in a few games was the same as hers, that is, to kiss each other.Of course there were men and women, and the atmosphere climaxed wave after wave.Song Ling was very unlucky to be drawn, but the ones he kissed with were all men.

Finally, there was a game where Li Xintong was not spared and was hit, and the other partner was actually Song Ling.When the two stood up, they couldn't laugh or cry, but at the same time, they also felt that fate was a wonderful thing.Of course, it cannot be avoided, and the requirement is naturally Kiss.

You have to do it if you don't want to.Song Ling walked in front of Li Xintong and smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, please accept."

Li Xintong had made sufficient psychological preparations, but still said with some embarrassment: "Come on."

Song Ling kissed her.


Li Xintong felt that Song Ling had taken advantage of her again.When he kissed a man, he stayed for a short time, but when he kissed her, he stayed for a long time.The moment their lips parted from each other, Li Xintong saw Song Ling's slightly red face through the light.

The people around started booing again, and even shouted: "Together, together..."

Song Ling smiled at her and returned to his original position.

Li Xintong froze on the spot, staring around in embarrassment, but froze at one point.She saw a tall black figure looking at her coldly in front of her.Holding the shawl he gave her in his hand, he must have come out to look for her because he was afraid that she would be cold, but he didn't expect to see this scene.

At first Li Xintong was a little worried about Song Zimo, but unexpectedly Song Zimo just smiled at her, turned and left.Li Xintong wanted to chase after her to explain, but her feet were nailed in place like that, and she couldn't move.What is the use of her going?Does Song Zimo care about her explanation?No, he won't care.From the day she knew him, he has been like this, no matter how hard she tries, he always doesn't care.

After having fun, Li Xintong was obviously a little absent-minded.But fortunately, Li Xintong was a spectator in the next few games, watching them make a fuss, but she stopped laughing heartlessly.She just sips her beer, mindlessly.Song Ling could see her performance.When the crowd dispersed, Li Xintong and Song Ling sat by the sea and stared blankly together.

Song Ling came over with his coat, he lent it to Li Xintong, and Li Xintong kept drinking.

"I saw him just now." Song Ling said suddenly.

"If you have any ideas, just say it." Li Xintong said.

Song Ling didn't know the relationship between Li Xintong and Song Zimo, but only knew that Song Zimo was her boyfriend now and they lived together.Song Ling said: "He's not suitable for you, you shouldn't like him."

"I knew this a long time ago." Li Xintong looked at the sea, took a big sip of wine, and said melancholy.

"Then why do you care?" Song Ling asked.

Li Xintong sneered, "Maybe I've liked him for too long and it's become a habit. Before he appeared, I was very desperate for life and only wanted to make a lot of money. But after he appeared, I found that my life was even worse. I couldn't find a purpose in life because he solved my reason for living. That was money. But because I didn't have a purpose, I lost my sense of security in life, and I kept pretending that I started living simply."

Song Ling was silent for a while: "You can't find a sense of security in him?"

"There is no sense of security at all. He will leave me at any time. He doesn't love me." Li Xintong smiled bitterly, took another sip of wine, and after drinking heavily, she said, "Hey, I really want to find a man I'm married, but unfortunately no man wants it."

Song Ling watched her silent and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.Li Xintong suddenly squinted his slightly drunk eyes and looked sideways at Song Ling: "If you don't dislike it, you can take me."

Song Ling was startled, then laughed, "You're drunk."

Li Xintong also laughed: "Yeah, I'm still quite drunk." Li Xintong finished the last bottle of beer, put her hands on her knees, and muttered, "Dad..." She gradually fell asleep.

Song Ling put on the clothes for her, looked at her quietly, feeling pity in his heart, and a special feeling burst out from the bottom of his heart.Could this be the spark of love?
he does not know.He only knew that there was a feeling telling him that he was right to treat her well.


When Li Xintong woke up, the first thing she saw was the beautiful sunrise.The orange disc floated on the sea level, and half of the sun seemed to be still in the sea, illuminating the deep blue water with a bright yellow color.Seeing the sunrise for the first time, Li Xintong excitedly pushed and pushed Song Ling who was sleeping next to her.Song Ling frowned, and was still in a half-drowsy state, when Li Xintong said excitedly: "Sunrise, sunrise, so beautiful."

Song Ling looked up, not surprised.He had seen her many times, but he didn't want to spoil her interest, so he said seriously: "It's really beautiful."

Li Xintong wanted to take a picture, but she didn't bring her mobile phone, so she was a little frustrated.Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he hastily asked Song Ling who was beside him: "Do you have a mobile phone?"

Song Ling nodded.Li Xintong was very excited: "That's good, you can take a picture for me."

Li Xintong ran away with a smile on his face, turned his back to the sunrise, and smiled brightly at Song Ling's camera.Song Ling was in a daze for a moment.He had never seen her smile so contentedly since he knew her.When he pressed the camera button and stared at the frozen photo, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

She has a beautiful smile.He wanted to keep that smile.

Li Xintong eagerly ran to him to see the photos he took of her.Song Ling handed her the phone, and Li Xintong was very satisfied when she saw herself in the photo: "Fortunately, beauty matches beauty."

"..." Song Ling couldn't laugh or cry, this woman must be too narcissistic.

"Handsome guy, do you want to be in the scene too?" Li Xintong pushed him in front of the camera with his mobile phone, as if he wanted to take a photo.Song Ling laughed stiffly, and Li Xintong said to him, "Forget it, you'll be paralyzed."

Song Ling smiled naturally instead.

Afterwards, Song Ling asked Li Xintong why he liked sunrise so much?Li Xintong said: "I had three dreams when I was young: I would be with my favorite person, I would watch the sunrise with my favorite person, and I would take my favorite person to the Taj Mahal."

Song Ling was silent.

Li Xintong sighed: "The fly in the ointment is that you are the one watching the sunrise with me. But forget it, because you are a handsome guy."

Song Ling didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why are you going to the Taj Mahal?"

"I hope someone loves me like Shah Jahan." Li Xintong said as a joke, "Of course, I was too young and ignorant at that time, and I didn't realize the cruelty of reality."

Song Ling said: "There is a Taj Mahal bar in City A, do you know?"

"I've heard of it, but I heard from my friends that it's a mess there, so I dare not go."

Song Ling was stunned: "Is it messy? It's a lively place, maybe because of the name, it's not very famous. Now I know what Taj Mahal means."

Li Xintong continued to take pictures of the sunrise, yawned, and sent each of the photos she took to her mobile phone via WeChat.She returned Song Ling's phone, and said a little tiredly, "I'm so tired. I drank too much wine yesterday. I want to go back and sleep for a while."

Song Ling looked at the time, it was six o'clock in the morning, it was getting late.He nodded: "I'll take you back."

"Cut, don't say it so nicely, we live in the same hotel."

Song Ling smiled helplessly.Why doesn't this woman believe in his gentlemanly demeanor?
Li Xintong lives in 1233 and Song Ling lives in 1237. The rooms are very close to each other. The two get on the elevator together, get out of the elevator together, and walk in the same direction together, giving the illusion of living together.It so happened that on the way back to the room, I ran into my teammates who were having fun together last night. Seeing the situation of the two of them, Li Xintong put on his coat and gave an ambiguous "oh".

Li Xintong smiled awkwardly.Song Ling coughed twice to ease the embarrassment, and asked his teammates, "Why did you get up so early?"

"I'm sorry, how did you find out what you did last night?" The teammate said with a smirk.

Song Ling had no choice but to say, "Okay, you'd better go and do your work." His teammates laughed a few times and bid them farewell.Song Ling watched his teammates leave, and smiled awkwardly at Li Xintong: "These people don't know what to think. They all think wrong."

Li Xintong said: "If it were me, I would also want to be crooked."

Song Ling immediately had nothing to say.Indeed, anyone with a brain will think crookedly...

Li Xintong arrived at the door of the room one step ahead. She returned the coat to Song Ling, and was shocked to find that there was vomit on the coat, which must have been caused by her vomiting yesterday. She said, "I'll return the clothes after washing."

Song Ling originally wanted to say no, but seeing Li Xintong's sincere face, he thought about using this as an excuse to meet again, so he said, "Thank you."

She said goodbye to Song Ling, opened the door with her room card, and walked in.Song Ling stared blankly, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.He knew who was in the room, and he began to feel blocked...


Li Xintong deliberately tiptoed into the room, afraid of waking Song Zimo up, who would have thought that Song Zimo would have woken up long ago, or hadn't slept at all.He stood by the window, looking at the sea view outside.Li Xintong suddenly felt very embarrassed, and didn't know how to say the first sentence.

morning?Why are you still awake?
She just felt that her throat was very dry and she couldn't speak a word.This feeling is very strange.She felt that she was right, but she also felt sorry for Song Zimo, which was very contradictory.

She coughed twice, trying to get Song Zimo's attention.But Song Zimo didn't intend to turn around, he was still standing by the bed like a sculpture, not moving.

Li Xintong said, "Are you up?"

Song Zimo didn't speak.Li Xintong felt that he didn't plan to talk to her anymore, and she was also sensible, went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas, and went out to hide under the covers to sleep.When she was comfortable and going to sleep, Song Zimo still didn't turn around, but just called her name: "Li Xintong."

Li Xintong said "Ah", which was his answer.

Song Zimo asked, "Do you still love me?"

Li Xintong was stunned by this question.She didn't understand why Song Zimo suddenly asked such an oxygen-deficient and ridiculous question.Indeed, this question is difficult, because she has never thought about it.To say she is heartless is to say that she is avoiding this problem.

"Answer me." Song Zimo still didn't turn around, but from his tone, he could hear a trace of seriousness and the courage to give up until he knew the answer.

Li Xintong pondered for a long time, and said to him in an unbelievable tone: "Are you afraid that I will pester you in the future? Don't worry, I know that you have something to belong to. As long as you want, you can return to Ling Ke's side at any time. I won't get in your way, don't worry."

Song Zimo was silent, because his back was facing her, Li Xintong couldn't see his expression now.

Deadly silent.

Li Xintong thought he didn't talk anymore, so she said again: "I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep first..." She turned on her side and fell into a deep sleep.She was really sleepy, and she wanted to use this to forget some fantasies she shouldn't have.She is no longer a girl, so she shouldn't have fantasies that she shouldn't have.

Song Zimo was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding Li Xintong's mobile phone tightly in his hand, on the mobile phone was a photo of Li Xintong and Sunrise, smiling sweetly and beautifully.The previous photo was a group photo of Song Ling and Sunrise, also smiling happily.

Song Zimo remembered that Li Xintong told him that she had three wishes.

——I have three dreams: I will be with my favorite person, I will watch the sunrise with my favorite person, and I will take my favorite person to Taj Mahal.

Song Zimo looked out the window and watched the sun gradually rise. When the time came, the sunrise... was gone.

In the next few days, Song Zimo took Li Xintong to various developed or undeveloped islands to investigate and study their tourism value.In two days, Li Xintong used up nearly a bottle of sunscreen, and her legs could no longer be straightened.Li Xintong really wanted to complain, but what about doing business for personal gain?What about her travel and relaxation?

Sure enough, he coaxed her to play.

On the last day in the South China Sea Islands, Song Zimo retired from the hotel room and planned to live in a fisherman's house.When Li Xintong led Song Zimo to Zhang Jing's home, Zhang Jing was doing homework.Li Xintong enthusiastically waved to Zhang Jing and said, "Quiet."

Zhang Jing raised her head and looked at Li Xintong: "Sister." Then she looked at Song Zimo standing next to Li Xintong with a serious face, "This uncle is..."

Song Zimo frowned deeply.

Li Xintong chuckled, "This uncle is the same age as my sister..."

Zhang Jing blushed, and said to Song Zimo embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, because you look too old."

Song Zimo was already ashamed.Li Xintong pinched Zhang Jing's face with a smile: "Jing Jing, why are you so cute?" Song Zimo squinted at Li Xintong dissatisfied.Li Xintong received Song Zimo's dissatisfied emotional waves, and immediately smiled, "You are a beautiful uncle."

Zhang Jing laughed softly: "Well, uncle... ah, my brother is very good-looking."

Song Zimo decided not to join forces with them anymore, he looked around and said, "You are the only one at home?"

"My grandma went to sell fish, and it will take about half an hour to come back."

Song Zimo nodded: "Then where do we live?"

"My sister's room has been packed, but my family provides a room."

Song Zimo said, "I'll just live in the same room with her."

Zhang Jing was startled: "There is only one bed in that room."

(End of this chapter)

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