Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 40 Let me love you, no matter day or night

Chapter 40 Let me love you, no matter day or night (24)
Old Man and New Love (3)
"He..." Well, she can only feel sorry for the contractor.She wanted to stay with He Chiyuan.But when she saw He Chiyuan's clear expression of "I knew it a long time ago", she gritted her teeth.She seemed to be eaten to death by him?What a pity!
At this time, the doctor came to condolences.When the doctor saw He Chiyuan, he nodded to him as a greeting.The last time Ye Wei suffered a threatened miscarriage, it was this doctor who saw her.

He Chiyuan asked the doctor, "What's the situation with my wife now?"

"You guys are really careless. Mrs. He had a threatened miscarriage last time, and the fetal heart rate was already very unstable. This time, she couldn't keep it up after a fall."

He Chiyuan nodded deeply.The doctor continued: "However, Mrs. He is still very young and recovers quickly. She can plan to have another child in a month or two."

"Thank you." He Chiyuan replied politely.The doctor turned his gaze to Ye Weiyin, "Mrs. He, you can go for a B-ultrasound later to make sure your uterus is clean."

Ye Weiyin nodded blankly.After the doctor explained other precautions, he went out to see other patients.He Chiyuan sat back beside her bed and saw Ye Weiyin's face was pale with his head lowered.He comforted her: "The child is gone, don't be sad."

Seeing that Ye Weiyin didn't respond, He Chiyuan continued to comfort him persistently: "It's very easy to want a child. After you recover, I will fulfill your wish immediately."

"..." Ye Weiyin finally shook his eyes.She raised her head and looked at He Chiyuan silently.Those eyes seemed to be enduring great pain!Apparently extreme sadness - no more tears to cry.

He Chiyuan's heart throbbed fiercely, he never expected Ye Weiyin to be so sad.He didn't know how to comfort him for a while, and thought for a long time, as if he had made a great determination, he tightly held Ye Weiyin's slightly cold hand, and said deeply: "I swear, I will let you conceive another baby." If you don't get pregnant, you will never give up."

Ye Wei was stunned by this sentence, stared at him dumbfounded, and finally nodded speechlessly.

Ten minutes later, the contractor came with three bowls of lean meat soup in his hand.He Chiyuan calmly took the lean meat soup from the contractor's hand, opened the lid and smelled it: "Well, it's Ximen's."

Ye Weiyin swallowed hard, impatiently hoping that He Chiyuan would serve her a bowl.

"Are you hungry?" He Chiyuan asked the contractor.

The contractor shook his head desperately.He wouldn't tell He Chiyuan that he had already ate out and almost burst his stomach.

"I know you are hungry, you can eat the remaining two bowls."

The contractor was dumbfounded, and Ye Weiyin was also dumbfounded.Ye Weiyin hurriedly yelled, "I can eat two bowls, he must not be hungry." Ye Weiyin was out of selfishness.She was so hungry that her chest was on her back, and sharing a bowl with He Chiyuan was definitely not enough.The contractor is very grateful to Ye Weiyin for his "understanding".He really can't eat it anymore!

"You still want to eat? You're going to have a B-ultrasound later. You need to be on an empty stomach." After He Chiyuan dropped a bomb, the cold wind swept over the contractor, "I know you're very hungry, why don't you eat?"

So the contractor ate the lean meat soup with tears in his eyes, and he would not have stolen it if he knew it!Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness, and the tricks are exhausted, but it is desolate.Sure enough, He Chiyuan should not offend easily!Ye Wei looked at the contractor eating lean meat soup with hatred, and his stomach growled instead of her silent roar!Abuse, blatant abuse!Seeing the uneven expressions of the two, He Chiyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and calmly ate the lean meat in his hand.

Mmmm, so delicious.

The contractor almost exhausted the two big bowls of lean meat soup with all his strength.He also liked to eat this stuff before.He thought, after this time, the next time he sees Lean Pork Soup, he will feel sick, so he will just take a detour.As for Ye Weiyin, watching others eat is a kind of torment, plus she has put all her energy into the anger of He Chiyuan, and she is already angry.

The contractor didn't want to stay any longer, he was afraid of what He Chiyuan would do to him, so he immediately resigned: "That Mr. He, I have something else to do, I want to go first."

He Chiyuan finished eating the lean meat soup in his hand, and said very generously: "Oh, fine. I've handed over all my wife's shop to you, and I hope to hand over the work a year ago."

"Don't worry, it will be done." The contractor has already experienced He Chiyuan's duplicity. Even if he works day and night, he still has to complete the task.

"Then let's go. Take the garbage away by the way, thank you." After finishing speaking, He Chiyuan ignored the contractor, and stretched out his hand to gently touch Ye Weiyin who was lying unconscious on the bed.

When the contractor learned that he was released, he fled immediately.

He Chiyuan raised his wrist and looked at his watch. There were still more than 20 minutes before the time the doctor told him.For the first time, he felt that time was so tormented.

A few minutes later, the door of the ward was knocked open anxiously.He Chiyuan looked at the door, only to see He Rongguang running over in a hurry, and asked him in a panic: "What's going on? You only said on the phone that Wei was hospitalized. What's wrong?"

He Chiyuan said: "Because there was a threatened miscarriage before, it was inherently unstable. This time, I fell and lost the child."

He Rongguang saw that Ye Weiyin's anger was like a gossamer, and he yelled: "How can you be a husband? You can't even take care of your wife."

Ye Wei was very weak because of her hunger, she knew that He Rongguang was here, so she deliberately pretended to be weaker to make He Rongguang feel sorry for her.Unexpectedly, He Rongguang lost his temper with He Chiyuan so much, he became anxious, quickly opened his eyes, tugged at He Rongguang's sleeve, and said softly: "Father, don't scold A Yuan, he takes good care of me .It was my fault this time."

He Chiyuan really had nothing to say to her, and didn't want him to be scolded for being innocent.

He Rongguang saw that Ye Wei benefited from protecting He Chiyuan so much, and his complexion immediately improved.He lightly patted Ye Weiyin's hand that was tugging at the corner of his clothes: "Don't scold, don't scold."

Ye Weiyin looked up at He Chiyuan.Originally thought that He Chiyuan would show a mocking and disdainful smile like last time, but he pursed his lips with complete self-blame on his face.

"Weiyin, your parents don't know about this yet, so I'll call your parents first. Ah Yuan, come out with me, I have something to tell you." He Rongguang greeted Ye Weiyin and said hello. out.Just as He Chiyuan was about to follow, Ye Wei tugged at his sleeve worriedly.

He Chiyuan smiled at her reassuringly, and patted her hand lightly, signaling her to be at ease.

Ye Wei let go of his hand because of this.She felt that when she was discharged from the hospital, she must continue to work hard to improve the relationship between the father and son.

After about half an hour, He Chiyuan came back.As soon as he came in, Ye Weiyin smelled a smell of tobacco.She knew that He Chiyuan came back from smoking.Getting along these days, Ye Wei somewhat understood He Chiyuan's habits.He is not addicted to smoking, and generally does not smoke, except for entertainment, he only smokes when he is bored.

Is he annoying?

He Chiyuan walked up to Ye Weiyin, and said to her: "Go, I'll take you for a B-ultrasound." Then he leaned over, put one hand through the back of her neck, and the other into the hollow of her leg, a typical princess hug.Ye Weiyin wrapped his arms around his neck naturally, and buried his face in his chest.

"Are you dizzy from hunger? You can eat after the B-ultrasound."

"Where's Dad?" Ye Weiyin asked in a mosquito-like voice.

"Go back first. I'm afraid your mother will look at him with reproachful eyes."

Ye Wei was a little dumbfounded.He Rongguang is really crazy about her mother, he can't accept this.She couldn't help asking He Chiyuan: "Do you think your father is ridiculous? For my mother, he couldn't ask for it, but he wanted it. How silly."

Ye Wei waited for He Chiyuan's satire on He Rongguang.But she waited for a long time, but no one spoke up.Finally, she raised her head impatiently, and the first thing she saw was He Chiyuan's slightly bearded chin.The curve of the jaw is beautiful.Looking up along the graceful arc, it is a full and beautiful lip.

She continued to move her gaze upwards, only to see a pair of lonely and indifferent eyes looking down at her.

Ye Weiyin couldn't help shaking.Those eyes really don't match him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ye Weiyin asked a little nervously.

"You think my dad is stupid, don't you?"

"A hopeless love, if you persist in it all the time, without any return, it's not worth it at all, isn't that stupid?" Ye Weiyin couldn't help but ask back.

He Chiyuan just smiled, neither agreeing nor denying, and carried her to the B-ultrasound room.Seeing him silent, Ye Wei also felt bored, so she nestled in his arms obediently.She really likes He Chiyuan's embrace, especially in this cold winter, it is like a stove, warming her from head to toe.

Ye Weiyin couldn't help but put his icy hand into He Chiyuan's neck.Under the icy cold attack, He Chiyuan shivered reflexively, and couldn't help but stop and glance at Ye Weiyin who was winking mischievously at him.He Chiyuan pursed his lips and remained silent.With He Chiyuan's acquiescence, Ye Weiyin stretched his whole hand into his neck without fear.

"Hiss." He Chiyuan took a deep breath.

For a woman like Ye Wei, it is typical for a little sunshine to shine, but He Chiyuan has already given her the whole sun.Seeing He Chiyuan's forbearance, Ye Wei couldn't help giggling.

"Believe it or not, I'll just put you down and let you walk to the B-ultrasound room." He Chiyuan threatened her warningly.

Ye Weiyin shut up immediately, she was very self-aware, given her current state of fasting, let alone walking to the B-ultrasound room, she couldn't even crawl.Seeing that Ye Weiyin was being honest, He Chiyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, supported Ye Weiyin's body, and strode forward.

Ye Weiyin buried her head firmly in He Chiyuan's arms.There are many people in the hallway, and she is very shy when she is so ostentatious.

The B-ultrasound room is located on the 8th floor, which is the orthopedic floor.The obstetrics and gynecology department is on the 13th floor, logically He Chiyuan would choose the elevator instead of the stairs.At the stairway with few people, Ye Weiyin finally had the courage to raise his head, and asked curiously, "Why are you taking the stairs?"

"The elevators in the hospital are always overcrowded. It takes up too much space for me to hold you."

"..." Ye Weiyin was speechless.

"Besides, with so many people staring at you, your flat face must be pressing hard on my chest. I have a broken sternum, and your face is even flatter."

"..." Ye Wei touched his face, and then looked at He Chiyuan's three-dimensional and perfect face, suddenly felt inferior, and buried his face in He Chiyuan's arms aggrievedly.

He Chiyuan added: "We are a good match, with good bumps."

Ye Weiyin feels that He Chiyuan likes to make fun of her recently, she thinks this feeling is even more strange, she has the urge to "laugh instead of angry".Although he was nice to her before, she felt that he was restraining himself, as if the man who appeared in front of her was trying his best to pack himself up, afraid that she would get a glimpse of his true appearance.

What is He Chiyuan's real appearance?Is his change, is he slowly peeling himself off, so that she can see his truth?

She is so looking forward to it.

He Chiyuan carried Ye Weiyin to the orthopedics department on the eighth floor, the bright lights of the orthopedics department reminded Ye Weiyin that it was time for her to press her face on He Chiyuan's chest desperately.Seeing Ye Weiyin hiding in his arms so "shyly" again, He Chiyuan couldn't help crying and laughing, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace, wanting to have a B-ultrasound as soon as possible, and then take her to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Although your fingers are connected, your nerves are not what they used to be, but you can still draw without any problem."

"I didn't draw anymore for a long time."

Ye Weiyin's ears seemed to whistling over this passage, short but shocking.She wanted to look up to see who was talking, was it him?But she didn't have the courage, or rather she was afraid to see him.The predecessor is a sunflower to some people, leading the other half to find their own sunshine.But for some people are poppies, untouchable but fatally tempting, struggling with the choice of touching or not.

Lin Munian is Ye Weiyin's beautiful poppy.She thought about what it would be like to meet her when he came back to this city one day, whether they had a partner and smiled at each other, or both were still single and the old relationship rekindled, or he had a partner and she Seeing him happy?
Yes, she never thought that she had a partner first, and he was still single.She knows herself too well, and she thinks she knows Lin Munian very well - she is mediocre, but he is excellent, and the excellent ones should find a partner before the mediocre ones.

She didn't want a reunion, she wasn't ready, and she didn't want to be.

Then parallel forever, she is really scared!
Ye Wei finished the B-ultrasound very quickly, and she was only in the early stages of pregnancy, and the baby hadn't even grown a heartbeat, so the miscarriage did not cause much harm to the body, and it would be enough to take care of it for a month or two.He Chiyuan specially emphasized: "Doctor, do you mean that my wife will be able to conceive again in a month or two?"

The doctor replied: "Yes, but before that, you need to take a good rest."

Ye Wei blushed again when he heard what He Chiyuan asked.

However, He Chiyuan was extremely calm, after asking, he picked up Ye Weiyin and walked back.Ye Wei pinched him with all his strength, and He Chiyuan asked back, "Are you tickling me?"

Ye Wei moved his lips, speechless.

He Chiyuan said with a firm expression: "It is my duty to let you have a baby, and I will do what I say."

Ye Weiyin just wanted to burst into tears.She is really not particularly sad, there is no need to stress over and over again that she will give her one!But looking at He Chiyuan's firm belief that people can't look directly at, as if the child is the future of his existence, she doesn't have the courage to break his will.

During the few days in the hospital, Ye Wei felt that she was treated like a queen mother.Even when she wanted to get out of bed, He Chiyuan wanted to hug her, and was bumped into by the nurse several times.Ye Wei gradually felt very embarrassed, so she mentioned to He Chiyuan that the service was too attentive.He Chiyuan explained that she can't walk now, which is bad for her health.Because Ye Wei didn't understand anything, he didn't object anymore.

Because Ye Wei didn't eat the hospital's food, He Chiyuan would go home and prepare food for delivery to the hospital every day.One day, when He Chiyuan went home to cook, Ye Wei lay on the bed watching TV on his tablet because he was bored.The nurse came in and said, "Mrs. He, the weather is so nice today, why don't you go for a walk?"

Ye Weiyin managed to look away from the tablet, looked at the nurse, and asked the nurse, "Can I walk?"

The nurse said: "Of course, in fact, you are almost better. It's just that Mr. He is nervous about you and wants you to stay in the hospital for observation. Mr. He really loves you." The nurse's face clearly showed envy.

Anyone would envy Ye Weiyin, right?Sometimes Ye Wei is very envious of himself because of himself.She is not considered a beauty, and her height is below average, but she found a 24-year-old filial husband who is good-looking, financially capable, and takes good care of her. Daydream.

When Ye Weiyin thought of He Chiyuan's busy figure for her, his concerned expression when greeting her, and his occasional intimacy with her, her heart would suddenly quicken, and then she would smirk like honey.

This is probably... love.

In the evening, He Chiyuan hurried to the hospital.Ye Wei smiled like a flower when he saw the thermos in He Chiyuan's hand: "What's delicious today?"

He Chiyuan put the thermos on the bedside table, unscrewed the lid, and a smell of meat mixed with Chinese herbs floated into Ye Weiyin's nose.Ye Weiyin asked: "Did you put Chinese medicine?"

"Yeah, I've been cramming up on this knowledge recently, so come try my new work." He Chiyuan filled a bowl and handed it to Ye Weiyin, Ye Weiyin took a sip from the spoon and said with a frown : "The smell of traditional Chinese medicine is too strong, it's not good to drink, so I don't drink it."

"Hey, drink a little, I tried a lot." He Chiyuan coaxed Ye Weiyin, but Ye Weiyin refused to obey, He Chiyuan felt helpless, so he had to say: "Then you don't eat, there is nothing to eat tonight gone."

Ye Weiyin held He Chiyuan's hand with a smile, waved it, and said coquettishly, "Eat dessert."

He Chiyuan frowned and said nothing.

"Is it okay? Is it okay?" Ye Wei insisted on being coquettish and unwavering.

He Chiyuan reluctantly nodded.

Ye Wei watched He Chiyuan leave, not to mention how proud he was.The god who used to be indifferent to her now relies on her for everything, which is really a sense of accomplishment.

Half an hour after He Chiyuan left, Ye Weiyin couldn't sit still.Staying in the hospital was too boring, and the tablet couldn't soothe her manic heart.So she put on a coat and planned to escape from the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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