Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 41 Let me love you, no matter day or night

Chapter 41 Let me love you, no matter day or night (25)
Old Man and New Love (4)
As soon as she was about to go out, she saw the nurse who usually took care of her. The nurse asked, "Mrs. He?"

Because of Ye Wei's quick thinking, she laughed dryly: "I'm going for a walk outside."

The nurse looked at the dark blue sky outside, and said with a little concern: "It's getting cold outside, remember to wear more clothes."

Ye Weiyin nodded like pounding garlic.The nurse had nothing else to say, and pushed the cart away.Ye Weiyin let out a big breath, and walked towards the elevator, just as the elevator came, she walked in directly.

After leaving the hospital, Ye Wei was very purposeful, she wanted to go home and see what dessert He Chiyuan made for her.

At the door of the house, in order not to let He Chiyuan find out, she opened the door on tiptoe, fearing that the closing sound would be too loud, so she chose not to close the door!She came to the kitchen on tiptoe, squatting, and found that the kitchen was empty, only the steam engine was running.

Where did He Chiyuan go?Ye Weiyin was full of doubts.She turned to the bedroom, lowered the sound of the door opening, and poked her head inside.He Chiyuan wasn't there either.

He Chiyuan usually goes to three places at home, either the kitchen, the bedroom, or the study.Now only the study remains.The moment Ye Weiyin opened the study and smelled the fragrance of jasmine, he was sure that He Chiyuan was in the study.She walked in shyly, and was shocked to find that He Chiyuan had fallen asleep in front of the computer.

Because Ye Wei has been He Chiyuan's secretary, he knows that He Chiyuan has always been meticulous in his work, and he pays great attention to his image, so he definitely won't just sleep on the table.The only explanation was that He Chiyuan was really tired.

Because of Ye Wei approaching him, he didn't respond at all, it can be seen that he was in a deep sleep.

He Chiyuan was still holding a signature pen, and there were a lot of documents stacked under his palm.Due to He Rongguang's health, most of the rights have been subtly handed over to He Chiyuan.

Seeing He Chiyuan working so hard, Ye Wei felt that he was too ignorant.He Chiyuan put her first, and put her first in everything. When she was so busy, she deliberately made trouble, but He Chiyuan blindly accommodated her and tolerated her.

Look, when we first met, what did the mighty He Chiyuan look like after being tortured by her?

Ye Wei had mixed feelings, sweet and distressed.

Suddenly, He Chiyuan's body moved, and Ye Wei hid out reflexively. Although there was no movement inside, Ye Wei didn't dare to go in again.With He Chiyuan's nervousness towards her, knowing that she sneaked out, she must have no good fruit.

She also didn't want to cause trouble for He Chiyuan.It's better to take good care of your body obediently, and to eat delicious food as soon as possible is the greatest help to He Chiyuan.

Ye Wei chose to go back to the hospital silently, and from then on, he will be a new man!

It's just that Ye Weiyin was still on his way home, and there was already a lot of trouble at the hospital.He Rongguang went to the hospital to see Ye Weiyin, and found that Ye Weiyin was gone. He asked the nurses everywhere, and all the answers were "shaking his head".Is this worth it?It disappeared suddenly without any trace of kidnapping, and it looked like it left by itself.Why did you leave when you were fine?Must be overwhelmed.

The shock of losing a child must have been too great for Ye Weiyin, he couldn't think about it for a while, and committed suicide?

The more He Rongguang thought about it, the more frightened he became, he hurriedly called He Chiyuan.He Chiyuan was awakened by the ringing of the phone, his deep and dark eyes suddenly opened, and he immediately answered the phone.

He Rongguang slapped his head and covered his face: "Wei is missing, so it is very likely that I can't think about finding a place to commit suicide!"

He Chiyuan was taken aback, and said that he would handle it, then hung up the phone, grabbed the coat on the chair, and rushed out of the house.On the way to the hospital, He Chiyuan called everyone who could help.

In less than 10 minutes, people from all directions in the city began to search the city.

He Chiyuan felt that this was not enough, so he immediately contacted the radio stations and media in City C.

In less than 10 minutes, every large open-air screen in the city that was originally broadcasting advertisements immediately switched to a missing person notice.

Ye Weiyin also happened to pass by a large open-air screen, and suddenly heard in her ears: Now there is a missing person announcement, Mr. He's wife, Ms. Ye, is missing. She has a round face, big eyes, fair skin, and long hair. He was wearing the hospital gown of the First Hospital of City C, and a beige sweater over it.Notable features, height 157, did not wear high heels when leaving.Citizens of City C, please look down and take a look, it's convenient.Now Mr. He and his family are very worried. If you encounter him, please contact Mr. He.There are heavy rewards.Phone XXXXXX.

After hearing this missing person notice, Ye Wei's mind went blank, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

A junior high school student walked past her, she was looking down, and then her eyes met Ye Wei unexpectedly.The junior high school student said in surprise, "I found it!"

Ye Weiyin was about to cry.The school uniform worn by the junior high school students happened to be the middle school she attended in junior high school.Junior high school students have to look down to see her?What do children grow up eating today?

Ye Weiyin asked calmly: "Do you have a mobile phone? Lend me to make a call?"

The junior high school student took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Ye Weiyin.

Ye Weiyin never remembers the number, and it took her cell phone number almost a year before she remembered it.Only then did Ye Weiyin realize that there were only two phone numbers in his mind.One is your mobile phone number, and the other is your landline at home!
The plan to call He Chiyuan was shattered.

Ye Weiyin had no choice but to call his home.Without suspense, no one answered at home.

She has to report that she is safe, at least an hour after she returns to the hospital.In desperation, Ye Weiyin resorted to his trump card, dialed 114, and inquired about the number of the No. [-] Hospital in City C.

The call got through as expected, and as soon as she explained her purpose, the nurse on the other end of the phone knew her, and asked her in detail where she was now, don't move around, just stand where she is, and someone will pick her up later.

Ye Weiyin was stunned for a while, wondering why this nurse was so quick to do things?As if waiting for her call.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Weiyin thanked the junior high school student and returned the phone to her.

The junior high school student stayed with Ye Weiyin and the others.Ye Weiyin looked at the junior high school student and asked helplessly, "It's so late, you should go home."

"I just sent a text message to tell my mother. My mother expressed her understanding."

"Why do you want to stay with me? Do you want a lot of money?"

The junior high school student laughed: "Did you sneak out of the hospital?"


"What's wrong with you?"

"you guess."

"The average mental patient will not admit that he is mentally ill."

"..." Dare to think that she is mentally ill, that's why she stayed?

After a while, a luxury car stopped in front of them, and He Chiyuan got out of the car. Without saying a word, he took off his clothes and put them on her body, wrapping her hands with his big hands: "Go home Bar."

Ye Wei thought that He Chiyuan would blame her, and his attitude made her a little at a loss.When Ye Weiyin was pushed to the car door by He Chiyuan, Ye Weiyin seemed to think of something suddenly, she turned her head and asked He Chiyuan: "Do you have any money with you?"

He Chiyuan took out the wallet from his pocket and gave it to her directly.His clear eyes had already told her that he knew what she was going to do.

He Chiyuan also knows the micro-cause of leaves.

Ye Weiyin grabbed a wad of money from his wallet and handed it to the junior high school student with a smile.

The junior high school student stared at the money stupidly.

"Take it."

"Why give me money?"

"telephone fee."

"Too much."

"Don't worry about being mentally ill." Ye Weiyin forced the money to the junior high school student, and then rushed into the car.In Ye Weiyin's view, rewards are inevitable for such a kind child.The junior high school student was in a hurry and kept knocking on the car window.Seeing that Ye Wei didn't intend to get out of the car, the junior high school student wanted to return the money to He Chiyuan who hadn't gotten into the car yet.He Chiyuan smiled and refused: "Just take it."

"It's really too much."

"My wife thinks you deserve what you deserve. If you don't accept it, my wife's illness will attack, and I will pay her more money for her treatment. If you were me, would you like to spend less money or more money?" He Chi Yuan looked at the junior high school student, his deep eyes seemed to be able to speak, the junior high school student was a little embarrassed by him, so he obediently kept the money.

"Thank you." He Chiyuan smiled, "Then let's go first." He Chiyuan also got into the car and drove away.

The junior high school student looked at the back of the car, and his heart beat fast.So what, she thought, if she was mentally ill?Having a husband who loves her like a mental patient is king!
inside the car.

Ye Weiyin sneaked a glance at He Chiyuan who was driving seriously.She said nonchalantly, "The beauty trick you used just now is awesome."

He Chiyuan ignored her.

Ye Wei was so weak that he couldn't straighten up: "I'm sorry."

The atmosphere is one degree below zero.After a long time, He Chiyuan suddenly said something irrelevant: "Remember my phone number in the future, is that okay?"

"I'm sorry, don't be angry, I don't like to remember numbers. I promise to remember them in the future." Ye Wei thought that He Chiyuan was most angry because he didn't remember his phone number.

He Chiyuan sighed: "Wei Yin, I'm angry not because you didn't remember my phone number, but because you don't know how to protect yourself. In case something happens to you and you need help, you don't even know the phone number of the people around you." Didn't remember, who did you ask for help? Not all strangers are like that junior high school student, do you understand?"

Ye Wei nodded madly.

"Fortunately, I know you well. I know that if you see the missing person notice, you will call the hospital. But after this incident, I think I need to force you to do something. It's not good to follow you too much."

Ye Wei suddenly wanted to laugh because he saw He Chiyuan was educating her seriously like a father, but the most intense thing was the sweetness overflowing in his heart.He Chiyuan never asked her anything, but he knew her so well.Knowing her thought process, knowing that she didn't remember anyone's phone number, knowing things about her that she didn't even know herself.

He has been silently trying to understand her and take care of her.On the contrary, she was too ignorant of him, and was too heartless towards him.She was addicted to his care and didn't know his hard work.The hospital, the family, and the company run three ways, with so many documents to deal with, and no time is wasted.But she was willful and wasted his precious time.Ye Wei's heart was almost melted by happiness because of staring at He Chiyuan's serious and serious handsome side face.

Ye Weiyin asked a little stupidly: "A Yuan, you know me a lot, don't you? You know me a lot, don't you?"

He Chiyuan didn't speak.Yeah, he knew she liked a good boy.

Seeing that He Chiyuan didn't speak, Ye Wei didn't say anything more.But she was saying to He Chiyuan in her heart - A Yuan, do you know?I'm in love with you.

After losing the child, Ye Weiyin felt that He Chiyuan was treating her better, but he became more and more attached to hand cream, and he used her as an experimental sample every time, applying several kinds a day.

Finally one day Ye Weiyin broke out: "I'm so oily from being wiped by you!"

He Chiyuan took out another one, squeezed out a little and wiped it on her hand, and said softly, "When you were pregnant, I didn't dare to try it on you. Now I can try all the hand creams I have collected for so many years." Now, choose the one that suits you best, and I will stick to that one in the future, and I don’t need to collect those hand creams anymore.”

Ye Weiyin couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, watching him silently helping her to melt the hand cream on her hand.He Chiyuan has a pair of beautiful sword eyebrows, which have never been trimmed, but the shape of the eyebrows is very neat, just like a painting.

Song Zimo and Lin Munian are of the same type, they are delicate and good-looking, and you can't take your eyes away from the first sight.He Chiyuan is also good-looking, but this is only secondary. His fatal point is his temperament, the natural kingly demeanor, which makes people intimidated and wants to get close.

Ye Wei was afraid of He Chiyuan because he first came into contact with He Chiyuan.Feelings about him are mixed.She cares about his past, but is obsessed with his present. This kind of mood is very contradictory.She likes his kindness to her, which is long and unassuming, but makes people feel his care and love.

Maybe this is what she wants.Handle her life carefully, without arguing or arguing, give her a bunch of warm sunshine, bring his generous shoulders to accompany her to grow old together.

Ye Wei couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed He Chiyuan's forehead, her face was blushing, and she pursed her lips in amusement.

He Chiyuan looked up at her: "Is it so happy to take advantage of me?"

Ye Wei nodded with a smile, folded his hands and touched each other: "Just this one, don't pick it."

"This one is made in China..." He Chiyuan shook his mouth.

"What's wrong with domestic products? Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's bad. Whether something is good or bad depends on whether the user is suitable for it. If it suits me, I think it's good." Ye Weiyin spoke convincingly, not at all unambiguous.

He Chiyuan couldn't help laughing, and kissed Ye Weiyin: "Then, as a user, do you think I'm suitable?"

Ye Weiyin kissed him back: "It's still delicious, it can be used for a long time."

He Chiyuan smiled and opened his arms to hug her.The petite Ye Weiyin was nestled in He Chiyuan's broad arms, with the corners of her mouth full of satisfaction, she couldn't help but rub against his arms.

The decoration of the store was successfully completed in one month.As the Spring Festival was approaching, He Rongguang told her not to open the business for now until after the New Year.Ye Weiyin also complied, and started to work on the Spring Festival matters in a hurry.In previous years, Ye Wei was passively dragged out to work by her mother.But this is the first year of her marriage, the first time she spends the New Year at her husband's house, and she wants to be a virtuous daughter-in-law.

On New Year's Eve, Ye Weiyin dragged He Chiyuan to buy New Year's goods everywhere, and the purchases were very good.He Chiyuan has never celebrated New Year's Eve before. In previous years, New Year's Eve was no different from usual. He never thought that New Year's Eve would take such a toss.Ye Weiyin couldn't help mocking him: "Now you know how much your father spent on such trivial matters to celebrate the New Year with you, right? How many times have you been home?"

He Chiyuan didn't speak.

Ye Weiyin went on to say: "Actually, Dad doesn't care about you. He knows that he is sorry for you, and he is afraid of the thorns all over your body, so he only dares to treat you carefully at a place a little far away from you. You can't see his kindness to you." .”

He Chiyuan was still silent.

Ye Weiyin added: "My parents have always had a very good relationship. The best way to describe it is to respect each other as guests. They hardly quarrel. I used to think that this is how much they love each other. After I got married, I realized that not quarreling is not Because they love each other, but cherish this relationship. I asked my mother if I love my dad. My mother said that it doesn’t matter whether I love or not. She will live with him for the rest of my life. If one day my dad is gone, She thought this was the most painful thing in the world. I asked my dad again if he loved my mother. My dad smiled, and he said that once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud."

He Chiyuan was taken aback, obviously surprised.

Ye Weiyin pouted: "My dad is the person my mother cares about the most, and your dad is the person my mother loves the most."

He Chiyuan looked at Ye Weiyin with a complicated expression, his voice was very dry, and he said: "The most caring and the most beloved can be separated."

Ye Weiyin sighed: "This is life."

He Chiyuan patted her head, but couldn't say anything.He asked back: "Will you separate the person you love the most from the person you care about the most?"

This seems like a serious question.

Ye Weiyin thought about it carefully, then looked up at He Chiyuan's shining eyes, her heart trembled three times in an instant.Ye Weiyin pursed his lips, showing a deliberate look.She said: "I should be inseparable, I haven't reached this level yet."

He Chiyuan smiled, and said with a sigh of relief: "Let's go, there are still many years to buy, so I have to run for a day."

Seeing He Chiyuan's whole body suddenly relaxed and full of energy, Ye Wei was also full of energy.The so-called men and women match, work is not tiring, the two returned to the old house early, at that time, the sun had just set.The two came to the old house in a hurry, and the housekeeper Jin was waiting at the door.

Seeing Butler Jin waiting outside the door for a long time, Ye Wei felt very sorry, and hurriedly gave Butler Jin a bag of candies: "Butler Jin, eat some candies."

Butler Jin shook his head and politely refused.

He Chiyuan gave Ye Weiyin a blank look: "You are too dishonest."

When Ye Weiyin was in a daze, He Chiyuan gave Butler Jin a handful of money: "Butler Jin, take the money."

Butler Jin accepted the money with a smile.

"..." Ye Weiyin twitched his lips, and put a candy in his mouth boredly.

(End of this chapter)

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