Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 50 Let me love you, no matter day or night

Chapter 50 Let me love you, no matter day or night (34)
Don't make the same mistakes again and again (2)
Clara yelled angrily: "Don't be complacent, do you think you are great? When He Chiyuan had a woman, you were still drinking milk. He would be serious about you? You daydream! He Chiyuan No heart, you are only his responsibility, if you are not his wife, you are nothing. You can live your life by relying on your identity." Then Ye Weiyin heard the busy tone.

Clara must have gone mad, but her words reached Ye Weiyin's ears.

Ye Weiyin thought, is he really only his responsibility?He Chiyuan, who has been in love for a long time, is really careless. He can be so indifferent to the woman he has been with before, and treat him as a stranger for a moment. How can she become his special?He Chiyuan didn't cheat, Ye Weiyin was very happy at first, but at the moment he was a little upset.

She can't see happiness in the future that He Chiyuan gave her, just like the future that Lin Munian gave her back then...

As if, turned around and went back to the beginning.

Should she give up?
Ye Weiyin's cell phone rang again.Ye Weiyin looked at the caller ID, it was Lin Munian's.She was a little hesitant, not sure if it was Lin Munian who called her, or Clara thought of angry words to scold her again.She didn't want to hear Clara's abuse.After hesitating again and again, Ye Weiyin still chose to answer.

The call was from Lin Munian.

"I'm sorry, Weiyin, I was in the bathroom just now, and Clara answered the phone. Judging by Clara's appearance, I feel that you two had an argument. Are you... all right?" Lin Munian knew Ye Weiyin too well, so he didn't know how to quarrel. will cry.

Ye Weiyin replied: "I'm fine. Are you having dinner with her?"

"Yeah. We're discussing going back to France."

"Are you going back?"

"Well, the procedures here have been completed, and there is no reason to stay any longer." Lin Munian's tone was a little disappointed and helpless.

Ye Weiyin didn't know what to say: "Are you free tonight? I invite you to have a farewell dinner."

"it is good."

The two were scheduled to meet at a French restaurant at 06:30 pm.After Ye Weiyin hung up the phone, he went to his room to catch up on sleep.I don't know how long she slept, she was woken up by the phone.It was He Chiyuan's secretary who called her and asked if she was at home.Ye Weiyin said that she was at home, and the secretary said that she would go there later.

Ye Wei was stunned for a moment, and was a little confused for a while.But when she took over the divorce agreement drafted by He Chiyuan from the secretary, she immediately became irritable.He Chiyuan has always been responsive to her requests and completed them quickly.He also handles the divorce easily.Because Ye Wei gritted his teeth and pinched the divorce agreement, he scolded He Chiyuan from head to toe in his heart, almost to the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

OK, divorce is divorce.She is still young and can afford it.She, Ye Wei, couldn't live without He Chiyuan.Ye Wei signed his name generously and threw it to He Chiyuan's secretary, who rudely kicked the secretary out of the house.

Filled with anger, Ye Weiyin tidied himself up casually, and went out to see Lin Munian.

Ye Wei thought that he had arrived half an hour earlier, so he would have to wait, who would have thought that Lin Munian came earlier than her, when he saw her, the corners of his mouth slightly curved and smiled at her.Ye Weiyin felt sincerely, Lin Munian is really a warm man, his smile is like the sunshine in spring, and it is ironed to the bottom of his heart.

"Why did you arrive so early?" Ye Weiyin forced a smile as he sat across from him.

Lin Munian said, "Stop laughing, your smile is uglier than crying."

Ye Weiyin curled her lips and changed the subject: "I'm so hungry, let's order." She called the waiter and ordered a lot of dishes, which seemed to be for several people.

Lin Munian didn't stop him either.After all, after getting along for many years, he knows that Ye Wei likes to eat because he is unhappy.

The waiter served the drinks first.Because Ye Wei ordered a bottle of red wine with the highest price, he drank a glass when it came up.Lin Munian looked distressed: "Wei Yin, did you have a conflict with He Chiyuan?"

"Divorced." Ye Wei raised her voice dryly because of pride, but she couldn't hide a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

If it had been when he had just returned to China, Lin Munian would have been very happy to hear the result.But now he is not happy.He already understands that the girl he used to be is far away from him, and she still loves someone, but that person is not him anymore.

Lin Munian said, "Why?"

Ye Weiyin groaned twice: "My heart is dark."

"You didn't tell the truth." Lin Munian said straight away.

Ye Weiyin sighed: "You're so smart." She drank two more sips of wine, "The reason for breaking up with you is similar. I'm afraid of the future." She pouted again, "I dare not bet on He Chiyuan. His goodness is really only known by the women around him. For a while, I was very glad that I was his woman. But it was only temporary. He has a lot of criminal records, and he treats the relationship between men and women too lightly. I'm not sure what his feelings for me are. He married me with bad motives. He was kind to me not only because of his promise to me, but also because of his agreement with his father. Although he later added that he was sincere to me, But I feel like a pet. When he is happy, he loves me in every possible way. If he is not happy? Will he abandon me or give me away? It’s hard to say. I am timid and afraid, and I can’t take risks. Forget it if you think about it, let’s go our separate ways in the future.”

Lin Munian didn't speak, picked up the goblet and took a sip of the red wine, his eyes were deep, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that Lin Munian didn't express his opinion, Ye Wei also took a sip of wine and stopped talking.

"Wei Yin." Lin Munian finally spoke.

Ye Weiyin looked up at him, waiting for him to speak.

Lin Munian pursed his lips, thought for a while, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I really don't want to say these words. For me, it's best for you to divorce him. I can take advantage of it. But your My heart is no longer with me, so my chances are not great." Lin Munian looked at Ye Weiyin, "You must have learned this fable when you were in elementary school, right? At the top of the mountain, I walked all the way down the mountain, and everything I saw was very fresh. At the foot of the mountain, the little monkey saw a sesame seed on the ground, which he had never seen before, and thought it was a good thing, so he took it away. A corn on the cob, the little monkey thought, corn on the cob is bigger than sesame seeds, isn’t it better than corn on the cob, so he threw away the sesame and picked up the corn on the cob. Going on all the way, passing a watermelon field, the little monkey threw it away immediately I picked up the corn and brought back the watermelon. But the watermelon was really heavy, and the little monkey felt hard on the road while holding it. Suddenly, a little rabbit jumped out not far away. The little monkey changed his mind and still thought the little rabbit was better, so he threw away the watermelon. I started chasing the little rabbit. How could it outrun the little rabbit? As a result, the little monkey was empty-handed and didn’t pick up anything in the end. Your feelings are probably the monkey. I feel that what I have in my hands is not good enough. There are better ones. You give up easily, pick and choose, have you ever thought that you will end up empty-handed? Feelings are subtle and cruel. If you miss it once, it may be a lifetime, or it can allow you to miss it again and again, but it is absolutely not Never ending. When you broke up with me, you said I didn’t love you, you didn’t feel that I was special to you. It’s not like that, it’s your self-righteousness. I love you more than you imagined. It’s my badness The expression misunderstood you, you abandoned me, you want to find someone who treats you well, someone who holds you in the palm of your hand. He Chiyuan treats you well enough? But you are not familiar enough because of He Chiyuan, a big watermelon Or it is cracked and you want to give it up, but you ignore its refreshing and sweetness. Can you guarantee that you can catch that rabbit in the end? Can you guarantee that that rabbit will be the most suitable for you in the end? Wei Yin, Happiness is not given by others, but grasped by yourself. Happiness is not getting everything you want, but enjoying everything you have. Happiness is harder than quicksand. If you hold it tightly, happiness will go faster Cherish the person in front of you, give him a chance, he will prove that he is your happiness. Don't give up so easily. It is cruel to you and him."

Ye Weiyin fell silent.Lin Munian seemed to have stabbed her heart.She may care too much about the so-called happiness, using selfishness as an excuse, doing cowardly things, and dreaming of happy dreams.With her like this, happiness might become a daydream, right?
Is she someone who gives up so easily?no.In order to open a dessert shop, make desserts, and fight against her mother, she finally went to France to learn from Master Julien.She never gave up, how could she give up so easily?

Feelings are different from dreams.A dream is a goal, stare at it, run towards a goal, no matter how tired or hard, as long as you don't give up because of the potholes and obstacles on the road, the dream is just around the corner.But feelings are different.Feelings are like a living thing, it can move and run, it can get hurt and even die.It's not something you just chase and get.It needs your care and your sincerity.

The happiness she wants is a dream with feelings.But she mistakenly took happiness as a goal, stared at it, but accidentally injured it.

Ye Weiyin drank a whole glass of wine, and finally put down the glass heavily, and then cried to Lin Munian.She said, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry she misunderstood him.

I'm sorry she missed him.

Sorry, she fell in love with someone else.

I'm sorry, she's about to give up on love again.

Sorry, she got it wrong.

Lin Munian looked at her with tears in his eyes.He looked away, recalling the year when he lost Ye Weiyin, he wanted to prove to Ye Weiyin how much he cared for her.He went to Africa alone and had close contact with all kinds of wild animals. In the past, he hated taking pictures and painting to freeze the moment of creatures, but before he knew it, he found that what was frozen was not the past, but the beauty.

Some pasts are worthy of nostalgia and memories, because those beautiful things will make the future more sunny.

After Ye Weiyin finished his meal, he shook hands with Lin Munian to say goodbye.When parting, Lin Munian asked Ye Weiyin: "Have you ever thought about trying to go back the same way and pick up the sesame seeds you left behind?"

"I don't plan on chasing rabbits anymore, but I'm holding a watermelon in my hand, so I can't spare a hand to grab sesame seeds!" Ye Weiyin smiled at him.

"You!" Lin Munian laughed, "I wish you happiness."

"I wish you happiness more than anyone else." Ye Weiyin looked at him seriously.

Lin Munian didn't answer her, but just waved goodbye to her.Ye Wei called He Chiyuan because he was sitting in the car.The phone was still connected quickly.He Chiyuan's voice was low and hoarse, and he sounded not in a good mood.


Ye Weiyin is also a person who can't lose face, his tone is completely opposite to his current state of mind: "I have signed the divorce agreement, have you received it?"


Just a "huh"?Ye Wei asked because he had nothing to do, "Would you like to have a last supper? From now on, we don't know anyone."


"..." Ye Wei gritted his teeth, she let him go down the steps, and he didn't know how to go down her steps?Ye Wei said angrily: "Come out, after you played with me, you want to pat your ass and leave?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and He Chiyuan's voice was choked with sobs: "Ye Weiyin, I, He Chiyuan, either stop playing or play to the end. Before I met you, I didn't know what love is at all. Someone told me Said, my fate has not yet arrived. I used to think that there is no fate if I don’t meet, but now I know that it is really no fate if I get it and lose it. I respect your choice, after all, I have to pay for the insincerity of my original intention cost."

Ye Weiyin pursed his lips: "You mean... everything is up to me?"


"You really like me?"

"I love you."

Because the corners of Ye Wei's mouth were upturned, his eyes were smiling.But the tone of her voice fully expressed her coldness and nobility: "Hmph, trust a man, a sow can climb a tree."

"Go to Baidu, enter sows climbing trees, and you will see a bunch of sows climbing trees."

"..." Ye Wei couldn't get up because he felt that he was glamorous and noble.She controlled her "crying and laughing" and continued to be glamorous and noble, "I can forgive you. You have to do three things. If you do these three things, I will reconcile with you and continue to burn passionate years."

On the other end of the phone, He Chiyuan was silent for a while, and finally said two words with a heavy heart: "Say it."

Ye Weiyin said: "The first request, I want to take Master Julien as my teacher, you can help me get it done."

"I arranged this for you a long time ago, but Master Julien has an apprentice who has not yet graduated, so I have been waiting."

He knew how to think about her.Ye Weiyin snorted, and said again: "The second request, you tore up the agreement you signed with your father."

"Unfortunately, I just tore it up today."

Ye Wei feels inexplicably agitated, why is He Chiyuan always one step ahead of her?
"What about the third one?" He Chiyuan's tone was obviously full of expectation, as if he had already prepared the third one.

This feeling of being overwhelmed by others, Ye Weiyin felt terrible.

She said impatiently: "Thirdly, since you are six years older than me, I will give you six years of trial time. During these six years, if you have not changed your mind, I will be with you. I am young anyway, six years There will still be a beautiful girl in the next year, will uncle be willing to spend it?" Ye Weiyin was sure that He Chiyuan would never have guessed that she would make such an excessive request.Six years later, He Chiyuan is 35 years old, and many things can happen in six years.Just like last year's Christmas, she and He Chiyuan started acquaintance, hated each other, and then fell in love, but it took only half a year.

He Chiyuan remained silent for a while, and finally said with a slight smile: "Okay, I promise you."

"If I change my mind within these six years, don't blame me." Ye Weiyin pouted, looking like a villain.

This is a blatantly unequal treaty.People who have always been favored are always confident.

"It's okay. You can't change your mind." He Chiyuan said such confident and unbeatable words very calmly.

Ye Weiyin puffed up his cheeks: "Why?"

"You'll never find someone who treats you as well as I do."

"Where did your confidence come from?"

But He Chiyuan said to Ye Weiyin sincerely: "If someone treats you well, I will treat you better. I will always treat you better than others. I will not allow anyone to treat you better than me."

Ye Wei laughed angrily because he suddenly lost his temper.

Within a few days after making a verbal agreement with He Chiyuan, Ye Weiyin moved out of He Chiyuan's apartment and returned to his home.She didn't say a word about the reason for the divorce, which made her parents' hair turn gray.They talked to her every day, if they didn't make too many mistakes, they would just remarry.

For the so-called six years, she insisted on ignoring her parents.Days are like years.Sometimes, she also wanted to give up. This kind of self-inflicted feeling is really terrible.Fortunately, half a month later, Ye Weiyin received an invitation from Master Julien to learn desserts in France.This made Ye Weiyin so happy, when she was packing her luggage, she whistled and hummed, looking like a female hooligan.

Mother Ye frowned and said, "It's just learning a dessert, why should I be so happy?"

Ye Weiyin shook his head and sang a few lines happily before taking Mama Ye's words: "Master Julien is my dream. You don't understand."

Mama Ye smiled and shook her head, but her face showed her usual connivance.In a person's life, who has no dream, but who can realize it?She missed a lot of things in her life, and she once complained and hated, which messed up her heart.With the last time, the lake in her heart has become clear, but she understands that those clumps have not disappeared, but are at the bottom of the lake.So she was careful not to touch it.

Before Ye Weiyin boarded the plane, Ye Weiyin took his mother and asked alone: ​​"Mom, if Dad and Uncle He asked you to choose one again, who would you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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