Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 51 Let me love you, no matter day or night

Chapter 51 Let me love you, no matter day or night (35)
Don't make the same mistakes again and again (3)
Mother Ye smiled: "I hope they can become one."

Sure enough, it's best not to separate the one you love the most and the one you care about the most, because it's not complete without a part.Once, she thought that as long as a man treated her well, it was enough.After meeting He Chiyuan, she realized that real happiness is when he treats her well and loves her sincerely.It's so beautiful that two people can be together and have the same heart.

Fortunately, she, Ye Wei, knew that she was lost, and it was not too late.


ten months later...

Ye Weiyin's previous basic skills are very solid, and what He Chiyuan taught her, she has basically learned it.After coming to France, Master Julien gave advice at any time, and Ye Weiyin's dessert making has reached the highest level. Master Julien said that she can become a teacher.Ye Weiyin didn't want to go back to China, so he stayed in Master Julien's dessert restaurant.After her chef's desserts were appreciated by customers several times, Ye Weiyin was the chef on the days when Master Julien flew to various countries to make desserts.

On He Chiyuan's side, it can be said that the situation has changed suddenly.He Chiyuan resigned from his position as the general manager of the He Group, set up his own business, and started a microfinance financial institution, which specially provided convenience for those aspiring young people who wanted to start a business but lacked funds, and also thought of strategies for them.The company only earns interest on the loan.At the beginning, there were only a dozen employees. In just ten months, there were thousands of successful cases, and the number of employees also increased to hundreds.He Chiyuan's company is well-known in the middle stage of the entire C city.He finally put aside He's name and started his own career.

He Rongguang's health gradually improved, and after retiring to the second line, he moved to the front line again, continuing to create extraordinary years for the He family.Occasionally, I will meet Ye's father and Ye's mother for tea, and still love Ye's mother silently, and still silently do not reveal.Mother Ye is still not surprised.Papa Ye always pretended that he didn't know.

In a few days, it will be Christmas again.It has already been snowing heavily in France.At ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Weiyin was discussing Christmas arrangements with the waiters in the restaurant after finishing the last business deal.At this time, the hanging bell at the door of the restaurant rang, and there are guests visiting?
Ye Weiyin looked up and saw a man with snowflakes on his shoulders.His face was flushed with cold, and he stood at the door with a laptop in his hand, smiling at her.Ye Weiyin also showed him a big smile, and welcomed him, "You haven't been here for a long time."

The man came over: "I went to take pictures of the aurora again. I was recruited by my parents to celebrate Christmas together."

Ye Weiyin muttered: "After Christmas, what are the plans?"

"Be a backpacker and exile yourself for two years." Lin Munian said while scratching his hands.Because the weather outside was too far from the inside, the sharp temperature difference made his hands itchy.

Ye Weiyin watched, got up and found hand cream from the bar and threw it to Lin Munian: "Wipe, this hand cream relieves itching."

Lin Munian picked up Dabao brand domestic hand cream, opened the hand cream and squeezed out a little, rubbed it on his hands while teasing: "He sent it to you?"

"He personally delivers it every month." Ye Wei shrugged, looking helpless.

"Handguard expert." Lin Munian couldn't help laughing at He Chiyuan's eccentricity.Ye Weiyin is also very helpless, but his mother's theory has deeply affected him.I'm afraid this disease will never get better.But he will probably not collect messy hand creams anymore, and he will not waver in focusing on domestic Dabao.

After Lin Munian wiped his hands, he began to fiddle with his laptop.When the laptop was turned on, Lin Munian directly logged on to Twitter.While operating, he said, "Wei Yin, is He Chiyuan 30 years old?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Ye Weiyin brought the dessert she made, and put it lightly beside his notebook.

"Look at what he has posted." Lin Munian moved the screen of his notebook to show Ye Weiyin.Ye Wei knows that this is Twitter, which is very similar to domestic Weibo.

This is a person's home page.

——The countdown is 2142 days, I will wait for you, don't worry. @lin
——The countdown is 2141 days, only one day, and I miss you. @lin
——The countdown is 2140 days, you are still my wife, right? @lin

——The countdown is 2100 days, and according to Julien, you have gained a lot of weight.Husband doesn't care if you are fat or thin, he only cares that his wife is you. @lin

——The countdown is 2000 days, I only buy big treasures, and I will collect them when they come out.My wife's hands will definitely be smoother. @lin

Ye Wei knew that He Chiyuan@ was Lin Munian, and the record he started posting was counted from the day Lin Munian returned to France.The above are slow love words, all of which reveal the essence of He Chiyuan's "deranged".Ye Weiyin was almost dumbfounded.

Lin Munian rested his forehead in annoyance, pouring bitter water on Ye Weiyin: "Do you think He Chiyuan is childish or not?"

He Chiyuan @ him in every post, all the love words he said were for Ye Weiyin.This couldn't be more obvious, it's to remind Lin Munian not to have any wrong thoughts, because Ye Wei is famous, he reminds him once a day, which means that he will never give up and never give up.Was this trick really done by a 30-year-old man?Not only childish but shameless.

Ye Weiyin's face was surprisingly pale.

When Lin Munian saw that Ye Weiyin was abnormal, according to the normal logic, he was either moved to tears or burst out laughing, so he looked as if he was mourning his concubine.

"Wei Yin, express your opinion."

But Ye Weiyin burst into tears: "I never thought that boring gourd He Chiyuan would have such a provocative side. Hey, it's so touching, I really want to see him right away."


It's Christmas time again.A festival that the West attaches great importance to.Just like last year, the streets were lit with colorful lights, and Christmas songs filled my ears. Master Julien was invited to make desserts for a nobleman, Ye Weiyin watched over the shop.

Today's business is particularly good, Ye Weiyin has never been out of the kitchen.She was busy like a raging fire, and the waiter from the restaurant came to the kitchen to look for her: "Miss Ye, a distinguished guest asked you to order 'Fusang'."

Fusang is Master Julien's signature dessert.Taken from the story of hibiscus, love is always fresh.Ye Weiyin has been studying for more than three months, and has done it for many customers.To make Fusang dessert, the chef needs to personally deliver it to the guests to show respect and support.

Most of them are used by young men to express their love to their beloved women.Ye Weiyin was no longer surprised.On a day like Christmas, showings of affection are perfectly normal.

But when she delivered the desserts, she discovered that her so-called guest was He Chiyuan.

There is an empty seat opposite him.

He Chiyuan looked the same as when we met last month, neither fat nor thin, only her in his eyes.

He Chiyuan stretched out his arms, spread his palms and pointed at the place opposite him, and said, "I gave you this fusang, why don't you sit and eat?"

Knowing that he has been very well-behaved for the past ten months, he has no women around him, and even his secretary has been replaced by men, Ye Weiyin still pouted on purpose: "Mr. Can't find someone to confess?"

He Chiyuan smiled faintly: "Last year today, I found a girlfriend for the rest of my life. Today I just want to tell that girlfriend that she is my Fusang."

Ye Wei couldn't help but want to take revenge because he thought of the tragic experience he had when he was a popsicle outside.Anyway, she has the initiative now, so what is she afraid of?So she made a brazen request: "I can eat it if you want, but I don't have time now, so I can eat it when I am free. How about you wait outside the store first? The store is busy now, you are occupying a seat, no it is good."

As smart as He Chiyuan, why didn't he know what Ye Weiyin was thinking?He Chiyuan agreed with a smile, and then gracefully stood guard at the door.

Because of the dark wind in his heart, Ye Wei smiled secretly, "I'll freeze you to death, freeze you to death!"Then she smiled and went to the kitchen to continue making desserts.

As time went by, Ye Wei felt that his business was getting less and less, and the orders brought by his clerks were not as many as in normal days.Finally, she ran out of desserts.Ye Wei was quite puzzled, so he walked out of the kitchen to see what was going on outside.

Good guy, there are only a few customers in the huge restaurant. After she looked at the door, she finally knew why she had no customers.He Chiyuan's Plague God stood there, and when guests came, he would stare at them expressionlessly.It's not that Ye Weiyin didn't experience He Chiyuan's expression before, it was so frightening that his whole blood could freeze in a second.

Ye Weiyin looked at the clock, He Chiyuan had been standing guard outside the snow-covered area for 3 hours, which was beyond her limit at that time.But men should be more tolerant than women, and she will never soften her heart.When she was "strengthening herself", He Chiyuan looked back, saw Ye Weiyin, was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and then... He Chiyuan fainted gracefully as if suddenly losing strength up.

Ye Weiyin was the first to rush towards He Chiyuan like a clockwork.

A passer-by tried to rescue He Chiyuan first, but Ye Wei pushed him away because of brute force, and shook He Chiyuan in his arms: "He Chiyuan? A Yuan? Huh... Husband, wake up!"

"Do you want to take him to the hospital?" the passer-by asked kindly.

"No, send it to the hotel." Ye Weiyin rubbed his hands together, put his hands next to her mouth and breathed, trying to warm his hands.

"You can tell it's freezing at first glance, how do you send it to the hotel? It's better to just put it in the store to keep warm, and you don't need to send it to the hotel so much. I think it's better to send it to the hospital." The passer-by reminded again.

Ye Weiyin's mind seemed to suddenly clear up, that's right, she fainted from the cold at that time, why did He Chiyuan send her to the hotel instead of the hospital?It is better to put it directly in the restaurant than to send it to the hotel!Ye Weiyin looked at He Chiyuan's face purple from the cold strangely, his long and curled eyelashes quivered slightly with moisture, his tall nose was red, his soft and sexy lips were purple... without skin color By the way, the facial features all show abnormal colors, but they are still so handsome!

Although she was full of doubts, she still sent He Chiyuan to the hotel.He Chiyuan, who had been pretending to be dizzy, let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything is developing as expected.

This time, Ye Weiyin still chose the room from last year.After the person carrying He Chiyuan left, Ye Weiyin went to bring hot water to wipe He Chiyuan's body.She was sweating profusely from work, and seeing He Chiyuan's complexion improved, the big stone in her heart was finally let go.At this time, He Chiyuan opened his eyes leisurely, looked at Ye Weiyin and smiled slightly: "You must eat the Fusang I prepared for you."

Ye Weiyin was taken aback, what time is it, and he is still thinking about it?But seeing He Chiyuan's stubborn expression, she had no choice but to compromise and said: "Okay." She rushed directly to the store and brought back two boxes of Fusang.

When He Chiyuan saw it, his expression was a little unhappy: "Why did you take two boxes? There is only one copy of love." As he spoke, his tone was a little stubborn.

Ye Weiyin handed him a box: "This is for you."

When He Chiyuan heard this, his eyes froze, and his usually cold face suddenly became angry, as if he was a different person.

The two finished eating the pastry silently in front of each other, and then Ye Wei said that he was going back to the shop to close, He Chiyuan said "Oh", and took off his clothes on his own.I haven't seen him for more than ten months, seeing his outstanding figure, Ye Weiyin swallowed hard.Hey, married women are really different, without the innocence and shyness of girls.

"Why are you taking off your clothes?" Ye Weiyin couldn't help giving him a white look.

"Sleep." He Chiyuan was innocent.

Seeing his charming eyes and handsome facial features, Ye Wei rushed to the bedside and hugged He Chiyuan...

Handsome trick, success.He Chiyuan snickered in his heart.

Afterwards, Ye Weiyin irresponsibly said to He Chiyuan: "At that time, the human body's hormones were causing trouble. I was not clear-headed, and everything was just an accident. Besides, I opened this room, and you voluntarily stayed in it." In my room, so..." She tossed 5 yuan to He Chiyuan very chicly, "You did a good job, I'll reward you."

Then, Ye Wei left because he patted his butt.

He Chiyuan looked at the 5 yuan thrown on the bed dumbfounded. Before he came, he had already made up his mind. Wait six years, let's say six years, and he will make atonement for his former wandering flowers. Who made his former self so ignorant? Childish too!He still sends hand cream to Ye Weiyin every month, but he doesn't go to France anymore, he's afraid that he won't be able to control his longing for her.

After three or four months, it was time for spring flowers to bloom again.

That day, just as He Chiyuan got off work, he received a call from Ye Weiyin. She said that she had returned to China and asked him to pick her up at the airport.He Chiyuan was both surprised and delighted, the accelerator creaked, and he rushed to the airport as fast as he could, only to find out that Ye Weiyin's plane would not arrive until ten o'clock in the evening.

He was four hours early, and the most impatient of all, he waited for four hours, but he was happy, he didn't have any temper at all, he was only filled with the joy of seeing Ye Weiyin.

Ye Wei came out from the VIP exit, and He Chiyuan was already standing in the most conspicuous place waiting for her.She squinted her eyes, well, her man is still so beautiful, with a tall and straight height, exquisite facial features, and the affectionate eyes that only see her.

He Chiyuan thought countless times what to say when he saw Ye Weiyin, but when he really saw Ye Weiyin and her protruding belly, he actually said the most vicious sentence: "Why are you Are you so fat? You have a lot of belly fat."

Ye Wei just gave He Chiyuan a blank look, "I'm pregnant."


Ye Wei looked at him wrongedly: "You don't want to be responsible?"

"Of course, even if it's not mine, I'll treat it as my own..."

Well, Ye Weiyin decided to ignore the last sentence, and only heard the word "want" that she wanted to hear.She handed the luggage to He Chiyuan sadly, who knows, He Chiyuan took it more sadly than her.Ye Weiyin was puzzled, he used to beg her ancestors to hope that she would change her mind, but now that she has returned to him, why is he more sad than himself?

"Are you unhappy that I'm back? Could it be that you are hiding in the golden house?" Ye Wei asked angrily.

He Chiyuan said: "Wei Yin, we are together again because of the bondage of the child."

Ye Weiyin froze for a moment, and understood He Chiyuan's worry.At the beginning, they came together because of an accident, because of the sudden arrival of a child, and even because of his interests and her selfishness.After so much experience, no one wants to be the original self.

Ye Weiyin laughed, and pulled He Chiyuan's arm: "Fool, although we are together because of the bondage of our children this time, it is because of love, only love."

He Chiyuan paused: "Is the six-year period void?"

"Well, it's invalid. I used to think that being together is like a report card, with points. I thought how imperfect it would be if it didn't have a hundred points. Now I understand that there are only two choices of being together. If you want to With you, why waste the time we spend together? Flowers have a reopening day, and no one is young again."

He Chiyuan pressed the back of her head and kissed her forehead.

Ye Weiyin suddenly asked: "By the way, when will I register for remarriage?"

"Huh? How can you remarry without getting divorced?"

"Ah? Didn't I sign the divorce agreement?"

"I didn't sign it. I suppressed the agreement. You have always been my wife."

"I finally know why you let me go abroad so confidently. Whenever there is trouble with me, you... um..." Ye Weiyin was kissed by He Chiyuan before he finished complaining.

He Chiyuan still didn't get rid of his bad habit of being authoritarian and domineering.He let go of Ye Weiyin's lips, put his head on her forehead, and said softly: "My wife, also known as Youyou, this one is my exclusive. You must wear this title all the time, not for a moment. of leaving."

Ye Weiyin laughed, leaned forward and kissed He Chiyuan.

Marriage is only for love.


(End of this chapter)

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