Chapter 403 [415] Yijian was once a master of millions

"I'm curious how you hacked him to death?"

Among the five Sky players in this round, Mu Wanli's development can be said to be second only to Wei En. He has a head and a line of soldiers, and he has not fallen too much regardless of equipment level. However, because the team is behind, there is still a gap. What's more, the opponent still has the big dragon BUFF at the moment, so it is surprising that they can play a solo kill in this situation.

After the initial excitement, Zhang Heng asked curiously.

Mu Wanli had just pushed down the first tower of TLR's bloody bottom lane with his pawn line, and continued to move towards the second tower. He seemed to be stunned when he heard this question, "Just cut it... His equipment is basically all Blood volume, I have a percentage damage, the skills are more accurate, if you don’t get charged, you will definitely be able to kill.”

Zhang Heng was at a loss for words for a while, and felt that this guy's calm tone sounded a bit like Jiang Jingbai's style.

But anyway, they were all killed, so it didn't matter how they killed. He just wanted to watch the process and wait for the replay after the game. After he re-purchased the equipment, he waited for the resurrection to help lead the line.

This wave of destroying the opponent team will undoubtedly be the turning point of the whole game. Although the overall situation is still inferior to Sky, but TLR is advancing with the big dragon BUFF, and the crystal cannot be taken all the way.

——Of course, the two highland towers in the upper and middle roads are gone. Whether Sky can continue to defend the crystal remains to be seen.

However, a wave of group annihilation is not just an improvement in morale. Shen's double kill and Wei En's triple kill are real kills. For Sky, who is in a disadvantaged situation, it can be said that he has greatly continued his life.

In the team battle just now, if we say that the person who played the most eye-catching performance is undoubtedly Wei En, but if we look deeper, Shen's role is by no means weaker than Wei En.

Big Chongzi has two interrupting skills, that is to say, when a team battle breaks out, it is difficult for Shen to support him in the first place even if he has two support skills, the ultimate move and the teleportation.

Taking a step back, Shen can come to support, and bugs also use teleportation, so they can also support them. If both top laners come to the battlefield—a bug with plate armor turned on, it may lose half of the tube if it bites on Shen. Blood, and if it bites on Wei En, it can be directly disabled or even instantly killed by cooperating with teammates.

It is absolutely impossible for Vayne to have such a harvesting environment just now, and once all teammates are killed, Vayne is restricted by bugs and cannot harvest, then what kind of situation Sky will face is completely conceivable...

This is why everyone was so happy when they found out that Shen had single-handedly killed the bug.

The next little dragon still has nearly 5 minutes to refresh, and the big dragon will be 1 minute later. Before that, sky can stay on the high ground without going out, and there is no need to worry that TLR will use map resources to force the group.

This is absolute good news for Sky, which is in urgent need of development. Of course, during this period, it is unrealistic to simply develop peacefully. It is impossible for TLR to let these two crystals lie quietly without any defense towers. That.

Two lines of super soldiers, this is an important bargaining chip for them to win the next big dragon and even this game, it is impossible to give up like this.

Once the two lanes are broken, the endless stream of super soldiers of the two lanes will make Sky, who does not have much ability to clear troops, tired of coping, and it will be much easier for TLR to take down the dragon.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's not be in a hurry, let's go over and order some crystals together." In the voice of the TLR team, Zhou He said in a deep voice with a heavier tone.

After the team wiped out just now, the five members of TLR became obviously more cautious, especially the top laner who had just been solo killed once. Because of the language barrier, he usually didn't communicate much with other teammates, including Kim Jae-soo, In fact, he also communicated more with the other Chinese teammates.

This led to the top laner who left his hometown and came to China to make money—of course, he also has a name, if it is translated into Chinese, it is called Cui Mingxiu.

"Hi everyone, I'm TLR's top laner, Choi Myung-soo."

This is the sentence he has practiced the most since he came to China, in order to be able to say this sentence of self-introduction in Chinese during interviews. I heard that Chinese people like this, and he is looking forward to hearing from fans. Cheers, it would be even better if it was a girl.

It's a pity that he is not handsome, and he has not been able to accumulate popularity through competitions, so until now, that beautiful fantasy can only exist in a dream that will become blurred and unreal when he wakes up.

This is not his fault, he is a player with strong personal strength, but the TL club recruited him because of his strong personal strength, but restricted his performance in the tactical system.

LPL no... no no no, not just LPL, the whole of China doesn't need a carry top laner.

The coach and teammates restricted his performance, otherwise, even in the face of the so-called LPL No. [-] top laner, Cui Mingxiu didn't think he would lose.

But just now... Although he didn't want to, he did make a mistake. Otherwise, even if he didn't fight, he would always be able to escape. He almost missed a single skill.

Well, it seems that it is not accurate to say this... R is not available.

But generally speaking, they are still an advantage.

Just don't make mistakes again, and you can still win in the end.

Everyone is the protagonist of their own life. This final is very important to every participant, but at least half of the people will be disappointed in the end. This is the cruelty of competition and its charm.

Cui Mingxiu took a deep breath.

He couldn't understand what other people were talking about, but soon Jin Zaixiu exchanged a few words with him, it was nothing more than the mistake just now, we still have the advantage, push the crystal steadily, and we will still win next.

Cui Mingxiu sometimes envies Jin Zaixiu, both of them have the word Xiu in their names, but in terms of language talent, Jin Zaixiu is undoubtedly better than him, and sometimes he really wants to be like Jin Zaixiu speak fluent Chinese like that
——In his cognition, Kim Jae-soo's Chinese level is obviously already at the level of leverage.

It's a pity that this game is too difficult to learn. He doesn't know how long he will play in China. He doesn't have the time and energy to learn it, and it's not worth it.

Summoner's Canyon is the place where he can show his talents and make moves. You don't need to waste time on these meaningless things. As long as he is strong enough and dazzling enough, even if he can't even speak his Chinese name, there will be many, many Chinese people will like him very much, including those very beautiful Chinese girls.

For example, Crane's ADC, Crane King Li Yifan.

For example, the mid laner of the first generation of legendary STR, Demon King An Chengye.

They have never spoken even a single Chinese character, but they are extremely popular in all major regions of the world, including China. There are many Chinese...including many Chinese girls who regard them as idols and will support them Cheering, screaming, even shouting excitedly to have monkeys for them.

Although he doesn't understand why monkeys were born, this does not prevent him from imagining the future at certain times, and will use this as a blueprint.

Jin Zaixiu's talent is actually not much worse than his own, but it's a pity that he is too inked, such as those words just now... Does he think that one accidental solo kill will break his will?


When he was still playing rank, his goal was to defeat Li Yifan and An Chengye, how could he fall here?

will win!

Will definitely win!

Then chase three games in a row!

He needs to prove himself, to prove that he deserves a higher price, better treatment, and more fans.

When these thoughts flashed through their minds, they had gradually approached Sky's middle high ground.

Five people attack.

Five people defend.

This is the first time since the beginning of the game that the two sides have directly set up a five-man team battle from the beginning of the assembly. However, from the beginning to the end, the team battle did not break out.

Big Chongzi and Galio were in the front, and Niutou and the prince were cruising on the flanks, protecting Xia, and surrounded the crystal in the middle of the other party.

Under the protection of her teammates, Xia dropped the crystal in the middle.

Then turn back on the road.

Su Yang, who was staring intently at the screen looking for opportunities to start a group, said, "Kill Fengnv first and then Wei En, otherwise it will be difficult to kill."

Jin Zaixiu said, "She didn't."

Su Yang was slightly taken aback, "Uh...then I might as well kill Wei En."

Zhou He hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, let's not drive first, we don't drive what they dare not drive, just push the crystal, don't be in a hurry."

Zhou He's prestige as a veteran and captain is still there. He emphasized again that Su Yang, who was a little ready to move, pressed his own impulse, especially after thinking about the wave that he was determined to win just now, he couldn't help calming down, "OK, Ok, be careful, we will protect you."

Jin Zaixiu also said: "We don't want soap bases, we don't want to win, they don't dare to win, we protect, push towers..."

When Syndra didn't have enough deterrent ability, Wayne's short-handed flaw became more obvious, and under the huge pressure, TLR, whose potential and state were fully stimulated, didn't show any flaws anymore, and it was safe and sound. Protect Xia to consume the blood volume of the road crystal.

"I can't procrastinate any longer, let's go! Just go, go..."

After TLR showed its flaws, Lin Xuan had to make such a decision when he saw that the blood volume of the crystals on the road was being consumed continuously. If this drags on, TLR will take down the two crystals without paying any price.

"Back off, back off, let's go..."

Jin Zaixiu, who was the first to notice the abnormal movement of the opponent, immediately shouted. After Zhou He activated the lethal feather effect, he had just hit two basic attacks, and immediately backed away. The bull head and the bug next to him took two steps forward again.

It doesn't make much sense to open these two meat tanks, but since he has decided to fight, Zhang Heng didn't hesitate any longer, and directly bumped into them, blowing both the bull head and the bug back with a big move.


The moment he was blown back, the tauren chief raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar. His body seemed to have suddenly grown in size, and his tumbling majestic body stabilized instantly. Then he turned his head and jumped up, pounced on the nearby Wayne.

Jiang Yingxue's big move has been cooled down, and the threat of the big bug is still behind, Lin Xuan is not in a hurry to fight, the golden crossbow is behind his back, just waiting for being knocked off the ground, raising the hand crossbow is one arrow at a time The arrow hit the bull's head.

The bug turned on the glory of justice, and the prince and Galio also approached immediately, but Xia didn't seem to see this scene, and stubbornly walked up to the crystal again, using the barrier provided by her teammates' physical bodies, once again smashed the dazzling feather blades one after another. Hit the crystal.

Lin Xuan's equipment needs the sheep knife to trigger the passive frequently to play output. However, due to the long-term pull just now, due to the shackles of short hands, he didn't have many opportunities to stack the sheep knife passively, so the output at the beginning was not high.

Fortunately, Xue Yunqi and Mu Wanli added some damage, plus Fengnv's shield and incense burner blessing, after Xia exploded the crystal over there, the blood volume of Niutou had dropped to about half health.

"Let's go."

TLR who got the crystal immediately turned around and ran away.

"Chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing..."

Lin Xuan took the lead, shouting and holding a golden hand crossbow, he chased from the base tower to the wreckage of the highland tower, and finally took the bull's head, but that's all.


The ground thorns of the big bug in front blocked the way of pursuit, and another wave of soldiers rushed to the high ground. Lin Xuan had to give up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's downsizing to start a regiment.

Simply speaking in this wave, it is undoubtedly good news for TLR to pay an auxiliary head to win two base crystals.

The crystal is resurrected for 5 minutes. During this period, Sky will face continuous advancing pressure from two super soldiers.

And because the entanglement time on the high ground was too long, it was less than 5 minutes before the second big dragon was refreshed in this round, which meant that when the next big dragon was refreshed, Sky would still face the threat of super soldiers.

Following the strongest advance of TLR with its huge economic advantage and the blessing of Dalong BUFF just now, sky will face a more difficult predicament.

If the loss of Baron in the previous wave was due to TLR's decisiveness and their slackness, then in the next wave, they will most likely watch the opponent take down Baron, and then continue to advance again with a greater advantage .

However, no matter how great the disadvantage is, even if it is a desperate situation, as long as the dust has not settled, all the reasons are not an excuse to sit still.

Do not die in silence.

This is a declarative sentence.

Some people are destined to perform miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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