Chapter 404 [416] Yijian was once a master of millions

"Sky is in a bit of a bad situation right now."

On the commentary stage, Fang Kai habitually ignored the fact that he had just been slapped in the face, and continued to analyze the current situation, "When the big dragon was refreshed, their crystals were not revived. The pressure of the two super soldiers, I feel that this The big dragon is gone, but the problem is that if the big dragon is gone, then you will lose the high ground when you go down the road, so why do you fight if the three roads are broken?"

Xin Xin reminded: "The crystal in the middle lane will be broken earlier. I don't know if I can be resurrected at that time. If there are only super soldiers on the road, the pressure will probably be less."

"It feels like the game is over."

Fang Kai once again showed the reason why he is often slapped in the face in the commentary: it is too easy to say things that haven't happened yet.

Of course, his original intention of doing this is obviously not to want to be slapped in the face, but to show his professionalism and foresight through "prophecy", but it is a pity that in reality, no one can always play the role of a prophet, even if you Always believe so firmly until the result comes.

I don't know whether it's a habit or deliberate, but Fang Kai didn't realize that he set another flag, and looked for a stronghold to support it, "How can the two super soldiers fight for the dragon? There is no way, Xia's team battle output is not as good as Wei En is weak or even stronger, after the big dragon is refreshed, the game will be over."

There are always some people who will cause bad things because they can't control their mouths. Fang Kai is not the first, and he may not be the last. , This is his personal style and characteristics, and those who rely on this for food do not have the awareness of introspection from time to time.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Fang Kai's conclusion undoubtedly seems to be very correct. Even on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room of the event, the word that appeared most frequently was "cool".

But this doesn't mean that the audience liked Fang Kai's words, especially those who didn't like him in the first place. Whether it was live or before the live broadcast, there were people who were posting barrage, or simply swearing.

For example, Jiang Qianyu saw several people scolding this annoying commentary in the fan group, so she also found an agreeing emoji and posted it.

Many people in the fan group were cheered up by her bubbling again, but Xiao Nizi was still worried.

In the live broadcast just now, a contestant box appeared, and she saw Lin Xuan very keenly, his expression was very serious and could even be said to be serious.

Although even if they lose a game, they still lead 2:1, but if they can win, who would like to lose?

He obviously didn't want to.

But the disadvantage is already so great, can it be turned over?

"It's not good to fight."

Far away in the male dormitory of the School of Film and Television in Rongcheng, Zhang Tai, the king of mouth, sighed, looking a little disappointed, "There is probably no hope for this game."

"Didn't you just talk about a comeback when your brother-in-law killed three times?" Liu Yan next to him cursed angrily.

"I didn't know that Sky's operational ability was so poor. I didn't get any advantage by destroying the opponent's dough." Zhang Tai knew how to smooth things over for himself, and he didn't want to refute.

"They have a lot of soldiers to deal with, but can they turn back? Shen took away two towers, okay, it's already very profitable."

Liu Yan continued to argue with him, turned to look at Jin Xuan, and wanted to seek allies to attack Zhang Tai, but saw that he was flirting with his girlfriend who was on second base less than a week ago, so he turned to look at Liu Handong again, and found that The guy who was most nervous at first was holding his phone and pressing it non-stop, grinning like a fool, so he kicked him and scolded him with a smile: "What are you doing, you're drooling on your phone."

"roll roll roll."

It was easy to see that Liu Handong, who was bubbling with Jiang Qianyu, was looking for a sense of presence. How could he have time to talk to these stupid roommates, waved his hands angrily, and continued typing to analyze the situation.

"TLR's lineup doesn't have high output in the later stage, but it's relatively fleshy. It's completely restrained by Wei En, and it can turn over if it defends."

"Vayne's equipment has been updated all the time, and now I have Mercury. As long as my teammates protect me well, my brother-in-law will definitely be able to show off with his strength..."

"TLR's daring to fight Baron is to give it a chance."


He talked nonsense without any psychological burden. Although reason made him understand that Sky was in danger, love was enough for him to betray his reason without any hesitation. After all, he had been with his brother-in-law for a while, so he knew Qianqian, who must be very nervous now, never wants anyone to analyze how dangerous Sky's situation is for her.

What's more, there are already so many people talking about how difficult Sky is. Now that I say something nice, my image will immediately stand out. I'm pretending to be invisible. If Sky really turns around, how tall my image will be set off ?
Even if Sky loses in the end, the warmth and comfort these words brought her at this tense moment will only become more precious, and Jiang Qianyu will not feel that he has lied to her to settle accounts with him because of this—— If she really came to settle accounts with herself, then she must have come here deliberately to find an excuse to get close to her... Ah bah, it was to give him a chance to get close to her!

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Qianyu to look for Liu Handong after the game. She didn't even read what Liu Handong said. After sending the emoji, she quickly put down her phone and waved to Daidai who had jumped to the other side of the sofa. Seizing the opportunity, the little milk cat who escaped from the owner's arms, where is he willing to come back, pretended not to see it, raised his little paw and focused on licking its fur.

Probably worried about being caught back again, after licking it twice, it raised its head and glanced at the little master with those jewel-like blue-green eyes, and saw that she ignored him and sat cross-legged on the sofa. Focus on the TV screen in front of you.

It walked back to the little master with graceful catwalks, raised its face, and stared innocently and cutely at the exquisite face that was impeccable no matter what angle it looked at, but it couldn't wait for a long time. The little master who dotes on him very much bows his head.


The aggrieved little milk cat let out a soft cry, and rubbed its head on the crystal white feet in front of it.

"Oh, go away."

The big dragon is about to refresh, and Xiao Nizi is worried about the next development of the situation. If Sky can't handle it well, it is very likely that the game will end directly. After a while, he gently pushed it aside, and while looking back at the TV screen from time to time, he pointed at it and said in a tone of a military training instructor: "Sit down! Don't move around, or I won't want you , to send you to Jiang Jingbai, do you hear me?"

Dadai stared at her innocently for a while, then suddenly walked forward, stretched out two small paws to hug the white and tender finger in front of her, and rubbed them together again.

"You belong to Jiang Jingbai, why are you so shameless..."

Jiang Qianyu was angry and laughed, grabbed Dadai and hugged him again, and nodded his little head with his fingers, "Don't learn from him, just be a well-behaved and sensible little boy who knows etiquette, knows how to advance and retreat. Cat, do you know?"

Of course Dadai didn't know, he found a comfortable posture again, and rubbed his little head again, Xiao Nizi didn't bother to care about it anymore, and looked up again to watch the game intently.

There are less than 30 seconds before the dragon refresh.

"Xiaoxue, you go to do the vision with Brother Heng, and Qiqi, you also go to help take a look."

At the price of paying for the little dragons just cleared, Lin Xuan and the others finally cleared up some pawn lines at this time. The crystal in the middle is about to be revived, and there is still the last wave of super soldiers. Lin Xuan skillfully slashed and used the sheep knife Passively and quickly fight super soldiers, while saying so.

It is a very dangerous thing to assist in arranging vision in the disadvantaged situation. It is okay for a strong man like Niutou and Bron, even if he is ambushed by someone, he may not have any desire to drag him into the grass at first glance, but Fengnv and Lulu, not to mention a group of people ambushing, even if a person sees them, he can't help but drag them into the grass for some intimate communication.

This wave of big dragons was obviously a decisive battle, Lin Xuan didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's preparation and determination, so except for Mu Wanli who was leading alone on the road, the other three were arranged to go there.

Quickly cleared this wave of soldiers, Lin Xuan also rushed directly to the wild area.

The big dragon hasn't really refreshed yet, so Jiang Yingxue, Xue Yunqi, and Mu Wanli, who went to do the field of view, are not in a hurry. After the oracle lens is activated, they carefully approach the grass in the wild area shrouded in the fog of war.

Regardless of whether it is the real eye or the enemy's invisible eye found by scanning (the real eye is not included because it is a visible unit), after the teammate clicks it off, the person who finds it will have the same bonus. Therefore, Jiang Yingxue who opened the God's Domain Lens They will never make the last click. The cooperation of the three may not be called tacit understanding, but they walked very closely. After clearing the two eye positions, they passed through the six birds' nests and approached the big dragon.



From time to time, there are marking sound effects in the earphones. Although I haven't found out where the other person is, Jiang Yingxue's walking position has become obviously erratic, and she walks unsteadily like a drunken fist, so as to avoid possible predictions. judging skills.

However, until the three of them got close to the river, whether it was the grass in the middle road or the grass behind the red buff, no one was found in an ambush from TLR.

Xue Yunqi wondered, "Where are they?"

Zhang Heng put a warning sign in the grass in the middle of the river, signaling everyone not to relax their vigilance. At the same time, he took a step back, then walked forward, and then backed up, back and forth, as if performing a Yangko dance.

It can be said that they were careless, but the people watching the game from the perspective of God, whether they were commentators or audiences, whether they supported Sky or TLR, were already tense at this time.

TLR really wants to do things with the field of view.

But the object they chose was not the person who was going to be the field of vision, but Shen who was still on the road to deal with the super soldiers alone!
Galio and Zongzi passed the red square grass along the river, and Niutou, Prince and Xia passed through Sky's red BUFF wild area, and had already double-teamed the top road.

After the fight just now, almost everyone on both sides has flashes at this moment.

However, even if there is a flash, if Shen does not act, there is no way to run away again.

"Wow, are you still leaving?"

"It's over, it's over"

"Damn, this Shen has something to eat, don't you know how to be careful if you don't have a vision?"

"Don't worry, don't worry...let me send a message to my wife first, I can prepare a cool song to sing back to my brother-in-law"

"For my daughter-in-law's sake, please give my brother-in-law time to sing a song"


On-site, live broadcast, barrage... Different places and different occasions have different methods. Some people can't take their eyes off, some people don't dare to breathe when they are nervous, and some people still don't forget to take a breath at this time.

And in the Summoner's Canyon where everyone was looking at at this moment, someone finally realized something.


Jiang Yingxue's beautiful slender eyebrows frowned slightly, and her expression also looked a little puzzled. If it was an ambush, there was really no need to hide in the river - I didn't see anyone along the way, even if I used my toes to think, it would be fine. Guess the river is dangerous!

What about them?
She glanced at the small map subconsciously, and then seemed to remember something, her cold eyes opened slightly, and she quickly cut to the top road, sending out a red retreat signal one after another, and at the same time said softly: "Back."

Her voice was as cold and sweet as before, but the ending seemed to be cutting ice and snow, and it was extremely neat. If someone would be bored enough to figure it out at this time, they would be able to understand to some extent that there was some anxiety in her seemingly normal voice.


At this time, Mu Wanli was struggling with super soldiers in front of the wreckage of the second tower. Jiang Yingxue's reminder did not have a subject. If he hadn't seen the red warning signal on his head, he would never have thought that he would be talking to himself—— Generally speaking, Jiang Jingbai is the only person she communicates with.

However, because of the warning message, he realized that Jiang Yingxue was speaking to him, but the unfamiliarity between them still made this process require time to think.

In e-sports where reactions below the second level determine life and death, this is far from the tacit trust and cooperation between players in a mature team.

It also caused Jiang Yingxue to repeat it again, and when Mu Wanli hesitated a little before retreating, he saw a burly and majestic figure coming out of the bushes next to the six birds' nests.

Niutou, Chongzi, the prince, and Xia behind.


Niutou took the lead in hitting and flying in two consecutive hits.

The prince continued one after another.

The big bug stepped on it and remained silent.

The continuous control combined with Xia's output, all kinds of skills are dazzling, and Shen's blood volume keeps dropping.

"whoosh whoosh"

The azure feather blades scattered on the ground suddenly floated into the air, and rolled back all over the sky, imprisoning Shen who had just woken up from the control again, and lost a lot of blood.


The big bug that had already walked up roared, opened its huge mouth suddenly, and directly swallowed the guy who had just brought him shame.


After the ambush battle was settled, those who were nervous before, regardless of whether they were happy or disappointed, all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but there were also more people who quickly became more nervous after they breathed a sigh of relief.

It was originally a disadvantage, but at this moment, before Dalong opened, he lost one person first, and he was still the top laner who was second only to Wei En in development.

How can this big dragon fight?
(End of this chapter)

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