Chapter 429 [442] 32 likes
It was raining hard outside.

Amidst the sound of rushing rain, the girl's soft voice of "Muuuuuuuuuuuuu" was inaudible.

After a long time, Xiao Nizi finally pushed away Lin Xuan who was kind enough to help her disperse her drowsiness, lightly bit her moist and tender lips and said "hate", then turned and left the balcony.

Lin Xuan subconsciously wanted to get up but sat down again, looking at her graceful back and shouting, "Why are you going?"

"Wash your face."

After a slight pause, another voice came: "... brush your teeth."

"Uh... shouldn't it mean not brushing your teeth for three days?"


Still not looking back, Xiao Nizi quickly went to her room. Lin Xuan sat on the balcony and watched the heavy rain outside to calm down his excited mood for a while, then went back to the living room with a book and turned on the TV.

The selection match to determine the last place of LPL to go to the world championship has begun.

There are three teams contending for the last spot, ranked according to the points are 419, AVI and ASF, the latter two are veterans who have fought since the establishment of the LPL, and MPEG and MV are known as the four ancient giants of the LPL. There have been no outstanding results in the past few years, but in the last two seasons there has been a trend of revival to varying degrees.

According to the competition system, ASF and AVI will play a BO5 first, and the winner will have a final duel with 419. Whoever wins will go to this year's global finals with TL and Ichthyosaur.

When Lin Xuan turned on the TV, the two teams had already completed BP. Judging from the recent professional arena, the incense burner system has become the mainstream. At this moment, the choices of the two teams are also the same. On the other side are Mouse and Lulu, both of whom will fight around the bottom lane.

Xiao Nizi came back after taking a shower. She obviously tidied up carefully, and she looked more and more beautiful, but she looked very vigilant. When she walked into the living room, she saw Lin Xuan staring at her, and she looked at him vigilantly. Warning: "I woke up."

This meant to warn her that she was not sleepwalking at this time. It seemed that she had already used sleepwalking as a fig leaf. Lin Xuan didn't point it out, smiled and patted beside him, "Selection for the World Championship."

Jiang Qianyu sat down beside him, Lin Xuan said, "It seems that there are still grapes, go and wash them."

"Why should I go?"

"Because you look better than me."

"whispering sound."

Xiao Nizi snorted disdainfully, then got up to wash the grapes, washed them one by one and put them in the fruit plate. Before she could sit down, she took off her shoes and went to get other snacks.

Lin Xuan acted like a landlord in the old society, watching Erlang eating grapes with his legs, watching Xiao Nizi's very eye-catching figure running around like a butterfly, took a bunch of snacks and fruits, and then sat beside him and ate them Watch the game.

Lin Xuan fed her a grape, and leaned towards her side by the way, Xiao Nizi closed her mouth slightly with her ruddy mouth open, and asked vaguely, "Who has the advantage?"

"Just played a wave of one for one, but AVI's small cannon got the kill, and the other side is the support, making some money."

"Oh... do you eat cookies?"


They have reached the level they are at now and have reached the threshold of the World Championship. Both ASF and AVI have tried their best. The tight schedule of the playoffs has enabled the players of each team to maintain a relatively good feel and are in good condition. This BO also played It's wonderful.

Relying on the outstanding performance of the rookie mid laner, AVI came back against the wind in the third game and took the lead in winning the match point. Then in the fourth game, they frequently cooperated with the Korean aid jungler to bring the rhythm, and successfully helped the bottom laner to establish an advantage. After a wave of big dragons, the victory was completely established.

ASF's stubborn resistance did not last long. The fourth game was played in the early 10th minute, and the game ended after Xiaopao killed the ASF jungler in the wild.

After a short break, the 419 team, which is waiting for work, will face AVI, and the winner will directly get the last place in the World Championship.

In terms of strength, 419 is better, but the state has been sluggish recently, especially because of the conflict with Lin Xuan last night, which broke out the 419 training match fiasco, which led many people to be more optimistic about AVI.

However, it is not without reason that Wang Hao is regarded as the LPL and even the world's number one ADC by so many people. In the first game, 419 used the policewoman's speed push system, relying on Wang Hao's super strong online suppression ability to push the tower belt Starting from the rhythm, the AVI base was pushed down in less than 10 minutes, and the next city was the first.

Jiang Qianyu had only heard of the name Wang Hao before, and hadn't watched his game. He had heard that 419 was not in good shape recently. In addition to what happened last night, he somewhat looked down on him. However, after watching the game , had to put away this contempt.

Regardless of character and conduct, this person is indeed very strong.

Taking a look at the barrage and forums with the phone, there were unexpectedly many comments praising Wang Hao for stepping on Lin Xuan, which made Xiao Nizi feel even worse, and said angrily: "Isn't it just following the trend and stealing the policewoman's speed push system... ..."

Then he turned around and asked Lin Xuan, "Is that right?"

These words are somewhat unfair and not like her usual personality, but Lin Xuan naturally only felt happy, and nodded with a smile, "That's right, this kind of guy... I will cry him next year."

"whispering sound."

Xiao Nizi can belittle Wang Hao for him, but he is boastful, but he starts to belittle him again, "Don't brag first, you will lose face if you can't beat him."

"With my can it be called bragging?"

"'s past six o'clock, do you still have dinner?"

"are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"I'm not hungry either."

It was already past six o'clock in the evening, and the two had been eating snacks and didn't feel hungry. Xiao Nizi obviously didn't want to eat much at the moment, but she refused to say it
——Whether at home or going to school alone, the two eat and rest very regularly. She is used to such "regularity", so she doesn't want to eat at this time, and she wants Lin Xuan to speak out, but she didn't expect that Lin Xuan would not be fooled , She didn't say she didn't want to eat when she heard her say she wasn't hungry as she thought.

She opened her eyes and asked angrily, "So?"

Lin Xuan coughed, and had no choice but to say responsibly, "So don't eat it for now. If you don't have an appetite, don't eat it now. I'll take you to have supper after the game."

Only then did Xiao Nizi smile, and snorted softly, not forgetting to reward her with a grape. When Lin Xuan opened his mouth to bite, he encloses her slender and delicate fingers together. Jiang Qianyu glanced at him, but didn't say anything Withdrew his hand to eat potato chips by himself.

Lin Xuan opened his mouth again "ah", like a chick waiting to be fed.

People who have always followed the rules occasionally do something "unruly" and feel very fresh and exciting. The little girl who eats, sleeps and wakes up on time seems to have this feeling at this time. She looks very happy and looking forward to it, and she is in a good mood. Regardless of Lin Xuan's advantage, feed him potato chips.

At the beginning of the second game, AVI's rookie mid laner took out his signature hero Kassadin before he joined the profession, and dragged it to the mid-to-late stage to successfully carry the game.

Because of Wang Hao, Xiao Nizi is obviously on the opposite side of 419 at the moment. When she saw this rookie mid laner carry, she was very excited to cheer him on. Even Lin Xuan had to admire this person's grasp of timing and damage. Entering the harvest three times in a row successfully disrupted the rhythm of the 419 team.

"Lanting? Is he from Shaoxing?"

After Kassadin defeated the 419 team with three kills in the big dragon team battle, Jiang Qianyu finally remembered to pay attention to this person's name. Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to it either, so he shrugged and said, "I don't know."

Jiang Qianyu turned her head and stared at him for a while, then suddenly seemed to find something interesting, and asked with big eyes, "Are you unhappy?"

Lin Xuan said inexplicably, "Why are you unhappy?"

Jiang Qianyu turned his head to continue watching the game, snorted and said, "Stingy."

Only now did Lin Xuan understand her, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said helplessly, "What do you think of me as? Are you jealous?"

Jiang Qianyu turned her head and gave him a hard look, snorted again, but said nothing, to show that she didn't want to talk to him.

It took Lin Xuan a long time to realize that no matter whether he would really be jealous because of that little thing, since Xiao Nizi thinks she is jealous, then he is jealous, otherwise he should tell her that he doesn't care about her as much as she imagined Well.

His mind turned, and he moved his buttocks to Xiao Nizi's side, "Are you angry?"

Xiao Nizi watched the game intently and turned a deaf ear.

Lin Xuan coughed and said: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, if you don't like me being so stingy, I promise I won't be jealous because of this little thing in the future, okay?"

Jiang Qianyu looked back at him like a bird, looking suspiciously at him, but couldn't hide the sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, hummed softly, turned his head and continued watching TV, "Stingy."

The tone of disdain and pride seemed to be showing off his knowledge of people, and he could see through Lin Xuan's jealousy under such a well-hidden situation.

"What is wit? What is the charm of language? What is turning the tide? This is it!"

Lin Xuan silently gave himself 32 likes.

(End of this chapter)

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