Chapter 430 [444] Where do we not meet in life

Jiang Qianyu didn't want Lin Xuan to pay attention to or even think about the impact of Wang Hao's re-entering the World Championship on the conflict between the two of them, but this is actually a deception. It is impossible to say that if you pay attention, others will stop talking about it.

There are many factors affecting the BO5 match against AVI, and many people even said it was too unfair, because AVI played two BO5s in a row is indeed a heavy load, but Wang Hao's wonderful performance in this game cannot be denied.

The conflict between Wang Hao and Lin Xuan also shifted public opinion because of this. Wang Hao, who already had the upper hand, won an overwhelming victory. Even when many official accounts were pushing this matter, even if there was no direct Standing in a team will also add the words "No matter what, Wang Hao will lead the 419 team to represent the LPL again" to guide everyone to cheer for him.

However, this kind of public opinion controversy did not last long, because the global finals began immediately.

Among the major regions of the League of Legends in the world, the end time of each season of the LPL is the latest. After the playoffs are over and the places for the three teams participating in the world championship are released, there is not much preparation time, and they will go to Europe soon Participate in this year's global finals.

September is coming to an end, and the National Day holiday is coming. For the vast number of freshmen who have just entered the university, this also means that their tormented military training is coming to an end.

Lin Xuan remembered hearing that at the end of military training, many freshmen would be reluctant to part with their instructors, and some girls would even cry.

This has always made Lin Xuan feel a little unbelievable.

He had no college experience in his previous life. Although he had military training in high school, he couldn't find excuses to ask for leave every day during the short week of military training. How could he have time to develop relationships with the instructors who always tortured him?

The night before the military training ended, he specifically asked Jiang Qianyu if he was a little bit reluctant, and the little girl who was chatting with Zhao Han, Jiang Yuqing, and Liu Shuangshuang turned her eyes to him, "I'm sick, and I'm sick because of this." Crying? If it ended earlier, it would be more or less moved to cry."


Lin Xuan choked for a moment, "Do you know that you will be sprayed with cold blood when you speak like this?"

"I don't care."

Xiao Nizi was lying on the sofa, kicking up and down leisurely, and said nonchalantly: "Maybe someone has a relationship after a month of military training, but I don't have it, and I don't have KItsch. It's a chance encounter. Each of them does their own thing. Just don't cause trouble for the other party."

Lin Xuan was speechless, thought for a while and asked, "What is a Kitsch?"

Jiang Qianyu didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and continued to type and chat with Zhao Han and the others. Lin Xuan, who was neglected, slapped her on the buttocks. Xiao Nizi kicked him with one foot and turned her head. Lai said: "Both Zhao Xiaohan and Yuqing may come here to play on National Day."

Lin Xuan pushed her feet aside, and said angrily, "I came here to look for you, what do you mean by looking at me like that?"


The military training at Xida University is coming to an end soon, Lin Xuan didn't intend to join forces at this time, he reads books and plays games with Qianqian every day, and lives a very comfortable life, probably because he is so comfortable, God can see But he was blind, so I deliberately found something unpleasant for him.

I don't know what Xiao Nizi and the others talked about. Anyway, when she told Lin Xuan again, she said that it was confirmed. After the holiday, both Zhao Han and Jiang Yuqing would come to Hangzhou to find a lover.

Lin Xuan slapped her on the butt again in a manly manner, and was chased and killed by Xiao Nizi for a long time.

As soon as the National Day holiday came, Lin Xuan also saw Zhang Bin calling and discussing how to bid farewell to the instructor in his class group, and whether he should do something.

Lin Xuan didn't know whether Zhang Bin had feelings for the instructor because of Kitsch or because of the military training, or if he just wanted to increase the cohesion of the class and personal prestige through such actions. After all, it had nothing to do with him and he didn't pay attention.

Classes will start after the National Day holiday, so after the military training is over, the books that will be used for this semester will be distributed first. Xiao Nizi specially asked Lin Xuan to go to school and help carry all her books home. , and solemnly told Lin Xuan that she was going to study hard, and hoped that Lin Xuan would stop disturbing her all the time.

Lin Xuan turned his head and asked if you said a word too much, but when he got home, he was chased and killed by Xiao Nizi again for a long time.

Zhao Han and Jiang Yuqing arrived on the second day of the National Day holiday. Lin Xuan, Jiang Qianyu, Liu Shuangshuang, Zhang Hanqing, and Zou Yi went to the airport to pick them up.

Zhao Han is the standard summer dress of T-shirt and shorts, with big breasts and hips, thin waist and long legs, and a very attractive figure with bumps. Jiang Yuqing is wearing a white chiffon skirt with a light green T-shirt on her upper body, which looks extraordinarily beautiful. Fresh and beautiful.

The two girls have very different temperaments, and there is a sense of contrast between girls from the north and the south. After joining Liu Shuangshuang and Jiang Qianyu, the four beauties are almost full of eye-catching ability together.

Every weekend, every scenic spot in Hangzhou is overcrowded. Needless to say, during the holidays, the tiptoe of the West Lake is close to the heel, and people can be squeezed into the water on the broken bridge. Although such a big place is not enough to find a room in a hotel, it is still Zhao Han and Jiang Yuqing had obviously discussed this matter with Jiang Qianyu before they came, and they didn't book a hotel in advance, but planned to live with her.

Neither Zhao Han nor Jiang Yuqing came here for fun. After taking a taxi back and putting down the suitcase, they were not in a hurry to go down. The four girls had a very good relationship. The separation of just one month made them closer to each other. Overtly or secretly, the three boyfriends inevitably got left out.

Zou Mo was too silent, and Zhang Hanqing was not a very sociable person, and the two of them didn't even exchange a few words, but after all, they went out to play together for a while during the holiday, so the atmosphere was not awkward.

The four girls chatted for a long time before thinking of going down to eat. Lin Xuan thought for a long time that there were not many people and he could go out to play, but he didn't expect that they wanted to sing.

I felt like I was chasing and killing a certain head in a game, only to realize that he was hiding in the bushes when I flashed over the wall.

However, no matter where to play or what to do, happiness is the most important thing in the end, and Lin Xuan naturally would not object, so a group of people ran to the nearby KTV to play until the evening, and then went back after eating barbecue together.

"How about I sleep with you tonight."

Naturally, Lin Xuan came to pay the bill. When he just got up, he heard Liu Shuangshuang say, "Otherwise, it would be so boring for me to go back alone."

Zhao Han smiled and said, "Then how can I sleep, where can I sleep?"

Jiang Yuqing couldn't help laughing, "Won't the bed collapse?"

Jiang Qianyu smiled and said: "Zhang Hanqing will send you back. If you don't want to go back, you can also lay the floor. Anyway, it's summer, and the floor is wooden, so it's not cold..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Liu Shuangshuang agreed in one voice, and Jiang Qianyu thought of something, and suddenly glanced at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, who just came back from paying the bill, felt his heart skip a beat, and was about to express with righteous eyes that he was not the kind of person who took advantage of the opportunity, but Xiao Nizi had already started to figure out how to make the floor with her fingers.

"Do you know how to lay the floor?"

"No... Can you, Qianqian?"

"Uh... call my mom later and ask."

Lin Xuan rubbed his nose, wanting to express his sense of existence. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so as not to arouse suspicion. Later, it's hard for Xiao Nizi to find an excuse to sleep on her own bed...

Rationally speaking, this is simply impossible, but emotionally speaking, I still look forward to it happening!

Could Zhao Han and Jiang Yuqing be bewitched by Xiao Nizi when they came to Hangzhou?

Just to let them occupy her bed...

Lin Xuan's imagination didn't last long, because the distance was not far away. After Zou Mo and Zhang Hanqing went back to school, he, Jiang Qianyu and other four people walked back all the way.

In life, there are always many people who have seen the last side without knowing it.

But there are also many unexpected reunions.

For example, Xu Qingru suddenly appeared under the corner streetlight.

(End of this chapter)

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