Chapter 452 [466] Breaking the high ground in 10 minutes
"Fuck, what the hell is choosing an EZ?"

"EZ can't exert the power of the incense burner monster at all."

"Trash Coach"

"Who is the output of this lineup? Just one EZ?"

"It's over, it's over, let's order a song and keep it cool, see if you want to send it out"


Immediately on the live barrage, someone began to attack fiercely. In fact, the lineup of the Yulong team seems to be relatively solid, but the output does seem to be somewhat insufficient.

Shen, Toner, and Galio cannot be said to have no output ability, but it is a bit unreliable to rely on them for output. The only ADC that can be relied on is Ezreal, who is known to be weak in the late game, which makes people have to worry .

At the same time, NTG's last counter position was finally selected:

The solo enchantress.

"Okay, the lineups of the two sides have been completely determined so far. The blue Fang Yulong team has top laner Shen, wild wine barrel, mid laner Galio, bottom laner EZ and Lulu."

"NTG is the bottom lane combination of the top laner Da Chongzi, the jungler Zac, the mid laner Demon Girl, and Xialuo."

After Wang Fei and Zhang Fei sang and talked about the lineup, Sakura said: "The lineup of the Yulong team is a bit difficult to play in the later stage. The front row of Big Chongzi and Zac can't be handled by EZ in the later stage."

"Indeed, EZ's Chetan ability wants to deal with bugs and Zac... a bit difficult."

"So if this lineup wants to win, they can only end the game in the mid-term. After the EZ magic cut is formed, they can directly win the game, otherwise it will be difficult to play later."


Jiang Yingxue was still lying on her mother's lap, looking at the lineup of heroes appearing on the TV screen in front of her, her expression also slightly flashed with doubts.

As the commentators said, it's not that the lineup of the Yulong team cannot be played, but it will be difficult to play if it is delayed until the later stage.

That is to say, they plan to end the game mid-term?

Are you so confident?

She fixed her eyes on the game ID next to Ezreal's portrait, sat up lightly, frowned slightly and said to herself, "Jungle EZ?"

Then who will go down the road?
Almost at the same time, Jiang Qianyu, who was sitting in the living room watching the game, also mumbled to himself in a daze, "Isn't it going to play jungle?"

The jungler EZ also appeared in the global finals, but because the Yulong team was selected at the last hand this time, the other lineups have been determined, and there is no second shooter, so everyone did not think about it, because this lineup is unreasonable .

As for those who think about this aspect, most of them can only be explained by the reason that they pay more attention to Lin Xuan than the rationality of the lineup.

Of course, this round is not a jungler EZ.

Lin Xuan didn't have the confidence to take the jungler in the global finals, and the coaching staff couldn't take such a risk, and Bubble couldn't arrange it.

The lineup was exactly as the commentators said, but they didn't know Wang Yingfeng's mentality at the moment.

In the first round of the group stage, each team had a training match with each other, and the teams in the same group would also make appointments with each other. In the second round of the group stage, the qualifying places will be decided in one day. At this time, the strange move will be very effective, everyone On the contrary, he is unwilling to fight with the same team, so as not to reveal his tactical intentions.

After Lin Xuan came to Paris, the first round of the group was over, and they didn't even play a single training match with the same team.

At the same time, the team also pays more attention to the secrecy of the training games, so there is very little information from the outside world.

So no one knows what kind of strength and record this Yulong team has as an emergency replacement as the starting ADC, so they have no way of knowing why they have such confidence and directly select such a lineup that ends the game in the middle of the game.

Perhaps the few teams that have dated before will understand.

For example, TL has been promoted, and there are two other Korean teams.

"Hold on, Bubble, wait for me to level six."

"Don't worry, don't worry about it."

"This game is for the bottom lane to be a dog."

"Can you penetrate the bottom lane?"

"You think too much, so it's Xialuo, okay?"

After Wang Yingfeng left the stage, Lin Xuan chatted with each other and waited for the game to be loaded. Afterwards, they each bought their equipment and went to the river.

Both sides started very smoothly, and they didn't go to help the jungler in the bottom lane, and went directly to the lane.

Lin Xuan waited for a while across the pawn line, seeing that Xia had never used any skills, so he took two steps forward, caught the gap between Xia's general attacks after ordering soldiers, and then immediately retreated.


Two azure blue feather blades flew through the small soldiers.

Xia learned Q!

Lin Xuan was not able to dodge these two feather blades, but took advantage of taking a step back first to block Xia's basic attack, and then when the opponent gave up the basic attack and retreated, he raised his hand and hit Xia with a basic attack.

Basic attack can best test the basic skills of an ADC, and for ADCs, the basic skills largely determine the high ground of strength, especially the ability to line up.

"Oh! Ezreal (Izreal) is really good at mastering basic attacks. Xayah (Xia) was tapped twice by him but failed to touch a piece of his clothes."

There was no BGM in this game, so the European and American commentators also focused on watching the game with great sportsmanship, and in the last game, the substitute AD abused the BGM they were proud of. Praise him but not step on him, otherwise wouldn't that be a slap in the face of BGM?
So after seeing this scene, the three European and American commentators were not stingy with their admiration, and the female commentator with blond hair, blue eyes and hot figure said directly: "From this point of view, this substitute support player can beat Free in the first round. It's not a fluke, I think NTG's bottom lane will be abused in this round, when they played against BGM before, the bottom lane seemed to be suppressed."

"Loong, the substitute player, is a bit powerful. I can see it in a small way. These two basic attacks let me vaguely see the demeanor of King Crane."

"If he can directly destroy NTG's bottom lane like Crane, then I will look forward to their battle with Crane later, otherwise he will also be defeated by Li Yifan."

The LCK commentary desk, which also does not have its own team, is also discussing this, and they are not hesitating to praise, but it is obvious that the LCK has dominated the situation in recent years, which makes them more confident in their own team. Set it off.

"Wow, brother-in-law's two basic attack points are very quintessential."

In comparison, the discussion on the LPL’s own commentary station did not have any big waves, and the director did not continue to stay in the bottom lane. He first showed the jungler, and then cut to the top and middle lanes, and commented on each side. When they were all discussing the alignment situation of each lane, suddenly the camera cut to the middle lane again.

I saw EZ walking in the line of soldiers, using basic attacks to hit Xia's body, and Xia had been hit a few times, and had already lost a quarter of her HP.

Luo learns Q, but it seems to be empty. He has no skills and no capital to fight, and he is also chased by Lulu.

The damage of the minions in the early stage cannot be ignored. When EZ was moving, he was obviously leaning towards the grass. When he reached the grass, his skills just cooled down.

"Wow, what's going on down the road?"

"Is it so fierce?"

"Hey, hey, why? Why is he? Even if Lulu is stronger at the first level, you can't go too far, can you?"

"Is he the Crane King Li Yifan?"

It is rare to see such a fierce fight at the beginning of the game. The commentators in each division were also mobilized and shouted louder.

NTG's bottom lane combination is not considered top-tier in the World Championship, but it is naturally good in the LMS division to be able to reach the World Championship.

Now the opening situation of the bottom lane is really unexpected.

And some people vaguely realized why the Yulong team dared to choose such a lineup with only one output point of EZ.

Strength is always the most important reason. If Crane, STR or VCR select such a lineup, it is not that there are no doubts, but it will undoubtedly be much smaller.

More people will say instead: "Looking at the LCK is self-confidence, and they dare to choose such a lineup."

But if you change to the Yulong team, you will be subject to all kinds of criticism and ridicule.

Of course, the best way to fight back to silence all doubters is never with your mouth.

but facts.

(End of this chapter)

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