Chapter 453 [467] Breaking the high ground in 10 minutes
"Is this too much?"

Wang Fei said so, but with a tone of laughing, "My God, this is only level one, why do you have an EZ?"

At this moment, before the minions were killed, Xia had already been knocked out of the repair area, and could only wait for the skills to cool down to take away a minion with residual health.

After EZ and Lulu reached the second level first, Xia, who had just recovered some blood volume, was planning to make up for the knife. She was head-on with a secret shot, and also made up for a basic attack under the acceleration of Lulu. Xia, who had eaten a bottle of blood medicine for nothing, had to retreat to the tower again, and slowly waited for the soldiers to enter the tower.

"Wow, the way down is so fierce?"

Bubble started from the first half of the jungle, took the blue BUFF and beat the three wolves, but didn't hit the six birds. Worried that the opponent would target the bottom lane, he hurriedly took the red and went to the jungle. At the same time, he looked at the record panel and said with a smile: "What the hell are you going down here? How come Xia only has two hits? The last hit is less than half of mine. Why is my brother-in-law so fierce?"

"The bot lane on the opposite side is a bit tricky."

At the same time, in the NTG team voice, the two bottom laners were also complaining, "Didn't it mean that this guy has never even played in the LPL, why does he feel better than Li Yifan?"

"What the hell, you only made up two soldiers?"

Hearing what he said, the jungler looked at the CS and almost rolled his eyes, "I haven't hit six birds yet bro, the CS is twice as much as yours."

"Is this ad so hanging?"

"...It seems, should, almost... yes."

"Hurry up and find an opportunity to catch her in the bottom lane, otherwise I won't be able to fight... Fortunately, the pawn line finally entered the tower."

NTG's ADC is named Xiao Kai. Although he is not considered a very strong ADC in the World Championship, his ability to enter the World Championship already shows that his strength is not weak. In the group stage, he is the only one who faces Crane King Li Yifan. It was just a bit embarrassing, but the game just now had already completed its revenge.

In the last round of the Ichthyosaur team, Xi Yan was sick and still managed to stabilize him, which already made him quite depressed. In the end, he did not expect to be replaced by an emergency substitute, and he was still an LDL player who had never even played in the LPL. That's all, he is still in the support position, playing as a cameo ADC...

As a result, it was like this at the beginning, how do you let others face the majority of compatriots?

We just crushed Team Crane, okay?

However, as the line of soldiers entered the tower, he was still relieved. After eating this wave of soldiers, his level would not be so embarrassing. With the ability to control people, it will be much easier to fight.

He was thinking about this while making up his sword under the tower, but as soon as this thought flashed across his head, he saw a secret technique shot flying towards him, hitting him on the head.

"Damn it, how can this be hit?"

His blood volume dropped again, he couldn't help but swear, labor and management are already working hard to move, okay?

Do you want to bully people like that?

The more bullying person is that this EZ hit him with a Q and at the same time, he also clicked a general attack and hit the defense tower. In the moment before and after the general attack raised his hand, this EZ kept They're all swaying.

An ordinary four operations.

After Chen Muyu retired, the only person he knew who insisted on maintaining four mouse clicks for every basic attack was Crane King Li Yifan, and now he seemed to see the second one.

Although it is still uncertain, judging from the swing of the general attack before and after raising his hand, it seems to be very similar.

I don't have time to think about it. This kind of detailed competition can greatly enhance personal strength, but the influence of personal strength has been gradually reduced after the development of the alliance. However, this kind of laning does not mean that you will definitely win if you operate well.

The role of lineup and coordination cannot be ignored.

The two of them have cooperated for two seasons in the bottom lane, but what about the other party?

two days?

Wait until the third level to get revenge!
He thought this way while backing away, and at the same time quickly communicated with the assistant, fighting each other a little bit, waiting for the third level.

As long as you are cowardly, it is very difficult to hit the lane to kill in the bottom lane. Naturally, Xiao Kai and the two were not caught so accidentally, so they honestly lived on their experience.

But the price is also more miserable.

When he reached the third level, Lin Xuan already had 21 make-ups, while he only had 9, the difference was more than double.

"Wow, it's a bit miserable to get off the road."

"21 dollars vs. 9 dollars? Hey, this is a display bug, isn't it 1, 19 dollars is missing."

Wang Fei became a little excited when he said that, with a smile, his tone was exaggerated, and his words were a bit out of proportion, Xiao Ying hurriedly pulled him back, and said: "But now that Xia Luo has reached the third level, her laning ability has improved a lot. Big leap, my brother-in-law can't play so comfortably..."

At this time, Xia's blood volume is more than half blood, Luo's blood volume is relatively healthy, and Lin Xuan's blood volume is about the same as Luo's because he often resists soldiers.


The moment he reached the third level, Luo swooped forward and rushed towards EZ, and Xia, who was originally walking relatively backward, immediately moved forward.

Luo's W skill has excellent control ability, but it has an obvious forward swing, which is why R flash W is often needed to start a group.

For Lin Xuan, who had been wary for a long time, this Luo's intentions were too obvious, and his movements were too obvious. He didn't even hand in the displacement. Alley also accelerated the opponent's upgrade in advance. Move the position to avoid the scope of the grand debut.


Luo Lai was also in a hurry, seeing that the seduction of Ezreal was unsuccessful, he immediately turned around and jumped back into Xia Nuan's arms. He ran fast, but there was still a thin magical arrow trailing behind him. , was hitting him on the head.

This made him more determined that it was better to be a girl.

The first-level cooldown of Grand Debut was 18 seconds, and they lost their only control skills. NTG went down the road and immediately found sadly that they were back to the situation of being bullied by riding on their necks.

Jiang Yingxue sat on the sofa and stared at the Izreal on the TV screen. It is not impossible for her to click the mouse a few times with a basic attack, but she is too tired, and her strength has improved, but not so much. It's just that it's more difficult to predict where to go - she thinks it's too tiring and not worth it.

Otherwise, with a woman's natural physical advantages and her game talent that even Chen Muyu is amazed at, it is not too difficult to maintain this kind of intensity of operation.

Whether it was Chen Muyu or other coaches and teammates, the evaluation of the gap between her and Lin Xuan was "different styles", not the difference in strength.

Long before Lin Xuan joined Sky, Chen Muyu told her about this difference.

For this reason, when Lin Xuan didn't join, she specially watched Lin Xuan's live broadcast. Later, she was in the same team, and there was no communication, but she had more opportunities to observe.

She thought that she had understood and experienced the difference in styles enough, but it was only at this time that she realized that different occasions and different opponents would give her completely different feelings.

She thought she knew his style well enough, because he played fiercely—but she had to admit that before this match, she never thought of playing like this in the World Championship.

This is the World Championship!
He played so fiercely, if he was caught by the jungler, wouldn't all his advantages be vomited out?
Why fight why gamble?
She couldn't understand the feeling of having such an advantage and not stepping on other people's faces to beat them to death, just like she didn't understand why some people "pretend to be forced or die".

This is a trade-off, there is no high or low.

But if there is no high and low, why can't such an effect be achieved if you change yourself up?
"Wow, hit again!"

"Brother-in-law, this is a sharp shot!"


Wang Fei and Zhang Fei's excited and excited cries woke her up, and she saw Lin Xuan and Aili pushed the pawn line under the tower again. Lin Xuan hit another blind spot skill, and Xia's blood volume was directly reduced. Disabled.

"It's time to go home."

"I guess I'm going to go back. If I don't go back, I might be killed. My brother-in-law has a flash."


The commentators were discussing the possibility of killing, but Jiang Yingxue looked at the small map, and saw that the wine barrel had just bumped into Zac in the jungle. During this period of time, the wine barrel can still bully Zac, especially Galio in the middle lane. Er still occupies the advantage of pushing the line.

It's not that Zac doesn't want to go to the bottom lane, but he thinks differently, worrying that if he goes to the bottom lane, he will be squatted back, and the Fish and Dragons put the ADC at the end, and got the barrel, Galio and Lulu, and they have all played out so far. played its due role.

The middle field is suppressed, the bottom road is suppressed, as long as the top road does not collapse, the advantage in the early stage of this game is already doomed.

It depends on how much advantage EZ magic cut can play when it is formed, and whether it is enough to end the game.

"Aren't you going?"

"It's a bit greedy, the treatment has been forced out just now, if you don't want it, you may die."

The voice of the commentary echoed in the living room again, Jiang Yingxue looked at the game camera again, and saw that the bloody Xia did not choose to go home, but walked more carefully.

"It should be that there are too many soldiers in this wave, so I can't bear it."

"That's true. In fact, some players are like this. With such a large wave of soldiers, if you don't let me eat them, I would rather die."

"Ha ha……"

The three commentators said so, and saw that Lin Xuan was still pushing the line to clear the soldiers, and was still pressing the soldiers under the tower. Because he started to use skills to clear the soldiers, his mana was consumed very quickly, and it seemed that his mana would soon be low.

A new wave of soldiers from the red side came slowly, and Xia finally dared to take a few steps forward when she saw this, and carefully took the last knife under the tower. At this time, EZ raised her hand again without warning, and another bright light broke Flying out in the air, pointing directly at Xia who was going forward and wanted to eat soldiers.

Xiao Kai saw the trajectory of the skill flying, and subconsciously moved to the other side of the skill flying. EZ's position has always been very aggressive, so he had to go to the gap between the defensive tower and the wall. This The dodging space in the position is limited, but he still made the most sensible position judgment.

EZ raised his hand and released his skills so casually, and he was so confident in his position that he was stunned when he saw his screen in black and white.


The First Blood logo lit up above, and the reading resounded throughout the Summoner's Canyon.


  Embarrassing one, there is only one chapter today, and the plot is not finished yet...

  Embarrassment 1, the RNG game was changed to No. [-] due to the Asian Games. Tickets were released today, and I asked friends to watch it together. As a result, he bought the ticket and came over. For the sake of smiling comeback, everyone should vote ^.^
(End of this chapter)

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