Chapter 467 [481]
Although the various attributes of the dragon will also increase with time, in general, it is much faster to fight the dragon in the later stage, but Lin Xuan is equipped with luxurious equipment at the moment, and the speed of fighting the dragon is not slow.

However, Crane's vigilance is also commendable. As soon as Lin Xuan knocked out about a quarter of the dragon's blood volume, he saw a blue light descending from the sky, illuminating the entire Summoner's Canyon.

"The fish and dragon team went to Dalong. They wanted to bury... directly?"

"Crane is still in the line of sight, can you find... the speed is not bad, and the equipment of the small cannon is very good!"

"Foresight Orb! Found..."

In fact, people who knew better about fighting Dalong didn't take it seriously this time. It was just a trial, and the three commentators didn't care too much. They just gave up when they were discovered.

However, knowing that they were discovered, the four members of the Yulong team had no intention of giving up and continued to fight the dragon.

This blue ornament belonged to Xia, and at Xia's level, the Vision Orb was not that far away, so when he guessed that the opponent might fight the dragon, he came to the wild area, and Ryze continued to clear the line.

Originally thought that the opponent would let go soon after discovering the dragon fight, but they didn't expect that they would continue to fight. Crane and everyone who didn't plan to take risks because they had no vision had to come closer.

However, the bugs were still pushing the second tower in the bottom lane, Crane's confidence was fully revealed at this moment, even though the teleportation support delay was much slower than Shen's ultimate move, they didn't see that the opponent was going to fight Baron and let their teammates rush directly Come.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

"We are not in a good state. If we are kept by the opponent, something may happen."

"Fuck, are they so calm?"

Facing such an opponent is really uncomfortable, Lin Xuan said: "Fight! Continue to fight, we are the advantage. Why don't they panic?"

"What if you get blocked?"

"We all have displacement, what are we afraid of?"


Hearing these words, Mo Cheng couldn't help yelling, "I'm not moving! Hey—you carry Bubble first, and I'll lean outside first..."

Although Shen is not there, the front row of Galio and Zac is enough to withstand the damage of the big dragon. Lin Xuan and the others will not give up if the opponent does not hand in the teleportation. When Ryze also rushes here, the big dragon The health bar has dropped past the center line.

Until this time, Crane, who had always been able to hold his breath, finally believed that the opponent had the determination and courage to fight the dragon directly, and let the big bug from the bottom lane come over.


Because the field of vision of the big dragon area has been controlled by the Ichthyosaurus team, the bugs didn't have a good teleportation position around the back. After Lulu inserted a real eye in the grass in the middle of the river, the bugs immediately opened the teleportation.

"TP! TP!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Run, run, run!"

Galio, who seemed to be blocking Crane from the outside of the Dragon Pit, immediately turned around and fled to the top road. At the same time, the small cannon rocket jumped, Luo Sheng made his debut, and Zac’s elastic slingshot jumped over the wall to the outside of the Dragon Pit at the same time. , and then back up the road.

During this process, the four of them readjusted their formation at a speed of a few blocks, protecting the small cannon at the end.

Mo Cheng asked: "Will they know the big dragon?"

Lin Xuan curled his lips and said, "Shall I borrow their courage?"

Bubbles said: "Can you lend it to me?"


Crane naturally wouldn't be able to open the baron, and the big bug also immediately canceled the teleportation. After Shen pushed down his second top tower, he also pushed down the opponent's second bottom tower.

So far, both sides have retreated to rest again, but because there is no TP, it is wishful thinking for Big Chongzi to want to be single-banded like Shen.

The LCK disadvantaged game has very strong involvement and operation capabilities, among which I have to mention the four-one division system. They are very good at using this division system to fight your team. He wasted his advantage period in vain.

LPL's top laner has always been criticized, and a large part of the reason is due to the division system. Its own division system cannot be used, and there is no way to face the opponent's division system.

However, if we only talk about personal strength, is it true that LPL can't find a top laner with strong personal strength?
In terms of personal strength, the LPL has never been weaker than others, but the four-one division not only requires that one be strong enough, but also has higher requirements for the four and the entire team, when to advance, when to retreat, how to involve, how to Avoiding battles, how to change lanes... These are not tacit understandings that can be cultivated overnight.

The weak overall strength, coupled with the inclination of the tactical system, is the reason for the weakness of the top laner, and it must not be solely blamed on the top laner position.

Of course, Lin Xuan has no ability to directly change the disadvantages of the Yulong team in this regard, but he can still do it if he has an economic advantage and decisively breaks up the team.

After regrouping, Shen began to lead the bottom lane, and the others quickly turned from it to the top lane.

Because the bug didn't teleport, Crane didn't let the bug take the initiative to lead the line. From here, we can actually see the change of Crane's style. It has always been the style, they will never give up splitting because the bugs have not teleported.

They have extremely strong confidence in their team, and they believe that even if the opponent uses the interval when the bug is not teleporting to support, the other four teammates of their own can resolve it.

Of course, after Xiaopao's previous face jumping, Crane no longer dared to underestimate the LPL team in front of him, so only when Shen brought the line of troops under the second tower did the bug go to defend.

The other four quickly rushed to the Highland Tower on the road.

With four people defending the Highland Tower, Crane is still very confident.

Pig girl is at the forefront, Xia and Ryze are behind, and Nami's position is even further back. She doesn't need to clear the pawns, she just needs to be ready to protect or backhand at any time from the rear.

The formation of the Ichthyosaurus team is a bit weird. Galio followed in front, but beside him was a small cannon that should have been hiding behind. He followed the line of troops to the front and back of the tower, and he didn't mean to hide behind. He just held a flag The words "I want to die" are written on it, and they are generally arrogant from time to time.

Of course, Lin Xuan is not really looking for death. Of course, Zhu Mei can ult him, but let’s not talk about whether he can dodge with flash. Even if he is controlled, it is difficult to keep up with Ruiz and Xia’s positions output.

Ryze didn't dodge, and Luo, Zac, and Galio were there. Even if Xayah flashed up, he would be charged immediately or R would evade control. Coupled with Shen's ultimate protection, it would be impossible to kill him instantly.

Crane is obviously aware of this point, Zhumei didn't intend to start a group, but just stood in front of the tower to provide Ryze and Xia with space to clear the troops.

"The bugs haven't come back yet?"

"open it!"


"I'm going first, Galio R me!"

In the last wave of the second tower in the middle lane, Ryze's flash had been forced out, but Lin Xuan and the others didn't hand in their skills, Luo's flash was still there, and as the line of troops approached the tower, he saw Ryze move forward slightly to clear the pawns At the moment, Alley flashed into the arena without hesitation, lifting Ryze, who hadn't flashed, and Zhumei, whose shield had been broken, to Charm almost at the same time.

Galio's ultimate move cast a large circular shadow at the same time, covering the whole defense tower.


Before Galio took off, Zach's stretched body had already blocked the sun in the air, and the rubber slingshot flew into the air. The extended blow grabbed Ryze with one hand and the pig girl with the other, and with the force of his arms, he pulled the two of them, With a "bang", it directly hit a piece head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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