Chapter 468 [482]
Lin Xuan's position has always been relatively aggressive, but even so, he couldn't immediately give up damage when Luo entered the field, but with Zac, there was no need for him to jump under the tower.

It is never possible for one person to carry a team all the time, and the same is true for Crane. Although most people's eyes in this game are still focused on Li Yifan's Xia, in fact, the biggest contributor to the situation just now is Ryze .

The biggest task at the beginning of the team was to reduce the number of opponents, not to mention the most critical Ryze. After the extended attack took the pig girl and Ryze under control, Bubble pressed the big move without any hesitation, and stored up for a short time. Immediately after the strength, he carried the two of them and jumped to the front of the tower.

Lin Xuan had already adjusted his position, and after the explosion sparks hung up, they hit Ryze with a thump thump thump.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sea tide summoned by Nami rolled in majesticly. Lin Xuan jumped against the wall to avoid the sweeping waves, and almost hit Ruiz with the cannon barrel.

In order to be able to shoulder the important task of output before Xia formed, Ryze did not have Zhongya on him, so even if he woke up from the control and pressed the big move as soon as he woke up, he didn't live long enough for the big move to take effect, and he was instantly killed Lose.

Shen Land has forced Xia's ultimate move.

Lin Xuan continued to fight Zhumei Zhumei. Its ultimate freezing effect was blocked by Zack, but Lin Xuan's flash was still there, and he had a good output environment.

The rapid fire effect is still there, even without the burst damage of the explosive sparks, the almost full attack speed plus the 80% crit probability also makes him have extremely terrifying output. At the moment, Zhumei only has two pieces of equipment, and her blood volume is almost It's going down like a landslide.

On the other side, Big Chongzi, who has always believed in his teammates and insisted on continuing to lead the line, finally went home in a hurry when his teammates were unreliable, and was counting down the seconds.


The pig girl with bottomed out HP dodges and escapes. However, Lin Xuan's rocket jump has already been refreshed, and he jumps to keep up without hesitation. After receiving two basic attacks, 80% of the critical strike probability is in the second general attack. He failed to hit a critical blow, and was killed by Mo Cheng's subsequent war gale.

The bloody Xia and Nami had already fled far away, and most of the bugs were about to come back, so Lin Xuan didn't chase after them, and turned around and started pushing the tower.

When the big bug came out of the spring, the HP of the highland defense tower was low. It opened the Glory of Justice in a meat suit and rushed up aggressively, and was almost controlled by Shen, Luo, Zac, and Galio one after another. Just give a set of instant kills, and flee in a panic.


Crane went on the road and the highland tower collapsed. Xia and Nami rushed back after replenishing their equipment in the spring, but they dared not go forward.

Shen also has E flash. If he rushes forward and gets killed again, it is very likely that the opponent will end the game in a wave.

"Is there a chance?"

"A wave... it's a bit difficult, Xia and Nami are back."

"Carefully, there is a flash of E..."

The three commentators watched the Yulong team kill and push the tower like a bamboo shoot, and the original advantage was cleared and real at this moment—even those who don't know much about the game, they also know what it means to break the high ground all the way.

At this moment, they really heard the clarion call of victory - in the match between LPL and LCK, such a scene is really long gone!
Otherwise, Wang Fei wouldn't have hoped that Lin Xuan and the others could end the game in one go. One can imagine his excitement and excitement at the moment.

It has been a long time since the resurrection at this time, but it is not enough to push down the base in one go. Pushing forcibly is just a chance for the opponent to fight back. Lin Xuan and the others immediately retreated after pushing down the crystal.

The wild area had just been plundered, and it was still empty at this time. Lin Xuan ran to the middle to collect two groups of soldiers, and the others controlled the vision of the dragon. Luo and Zach, who were in poor condition, went back to replenish their condition. Then start pushing directly.

Shen Ze came to the bottom lane again.

The situation has returned to the way it was before the top road highland was broken. The difference is that the Yulong team has already had the first team of super soldiers slowly marching along the top road path towards the Crane highland, and...

Big Chongzi no longer has the courage to face a single belt—he is not afraid of fighting, but he is afraid of fire at home.

Shen's ult is still cooling down, but the teleportation is still in his hand...

So this time Shen was alone in the bottom lane, and no one came to push the line against him. He could swing the soul blade in his hand without any scruples and hit Crane's bottom lane two towers one by one.

Xiaqing lost the top lane and quickly rushed to the middle battlefield. The other four teammates were confronting the other four members of the Yulong team. After receiving the news that Xia was coming, Crane obviously wanted to start a team battle. But the fish and dragon team began to retreat vigilantly, keeping a relatively safe distance.

This kind of pulling situation is not unfamiliar to the vast majority of viewers, especially those who often watch the LCK team's games. Regardless of advantages or disadvantages, the four-point belt is a very important part of the operation of the LCK team.

But right now, they are enduring the entanglement and suffering that those opponents once suffered.

This made many viewers extremely relieved.

"Crane is a bit uncomfortable being involved now, this second tower can only be let go for nothing."

"Forty-one divisions, this is LCK's forte, especially Crane, their division system can be said to be world-renowned, and I don't know how many times when they fell into a disadvantage, they used single belts to hold the situation back. "

"It's not just a disadvantage, the [-] points belt is actually stronger when it has an advantage..."

"But in fact, the Yulong team didn't use the division system too often before this. I didn't expect it to be very good..."

"Four and one points, the first is strong, the fourth is strong, and the comfort of being cautious actually requires a good frontal fight..."

"Hey, this can be regarded as repaying the other with the same way, right? It's rare to see other teams beat the LCK team with a [-]-[-] point lead..."

The narrators’ words of ridicule and pride reverberated in the room. Mu Wanli sat on a low stool made of four wine boxes, staring intently at the mobile phone propped on the bed. live broadcast of the game.

Next to her is her younger sister Mu Shanshan, she is still young, but the stool she is sitting on under her buttocks is made of three plastic stools that have been damaged due to age, it is much taller than the one Mu Wanli sits on, and it seems to be quite similar to him. He was almost tall, resting his chin on his hand, watching the game very seriously, and clapped his hands lightly and shouted in a low voice: "Wow..."

She has never played games, but she is more interested in my brother's exam to earn money. Mu Wanli thinks that she probably watched it as a TV. He had never been separated from his family for so long before going to play games. , After a long absence, it was even closer when I returned home. At this time, my parents had already gone to bed. If she wanted to watch it, she let her watch it too.

This building, which can obviously be classified as a dangerous building to be relocated, has three characteristics of "old and dilapidated", but it is Mu Wanli's first specific impression of "lou", and it is also the first time he can say "go downstairs" to others. ", there are six floors in total, and each floor is divided into many rooms by a shrewd landlord, with different sizes and prices.

After he went to work, his parents sublet out the small room that had already paid the rent, so he could only live in the same room with his younger sister when he returned home. Thanks to the old sister who ran away from home, Otherwise, he would probably be on the floor.

There are two beds in this not-so-big room, and there is not much space left. It is even more crowded after putting his suitcase and backpack in. The backpack is newly bought, and it is somewhat out of place with the dilapidated room. The TV is in the parents' room, and the digital TV is not turned on, so there are not many channels that can be received, and sometimes there are some problems with this and that. As for the computer, of course there is no computer, otherwise he would not have to use his mobile phone to watch the game.

However, he has long been used to this, and he doesn't have the time to think about it at the moment. He just looks at the figure covered in armor who has destroyed the defense tower with a knife in the picture, and listens to the commentary in his ear, "It is rare to see other teams When I beat the LCK team helplessly with the [-]-[-] point belt," I felt something surging inside my body.

This turbulence became more and more intense in the last sentence of the ridicule of "returning the same way to the other", some images involuntarily appeared in his mind, and his palms were quietly clenched.

"Ah... stuck!"

The wireless network is stolen from the neighbor next door. Firstly, there is a wall, and secondly, most of the original bandwidth is not abundant. When he was distracted, the live broadcast suddenly froze.

Having already experienced it, he picked up his mobile phone and switched routes. The network was already stuck, and due to psychological effects, the process of re-refreshing became extremely long. dragon!

"Crane chose to beat the dragon! This is a last-ditch fight! Bubbles can come here in time..."

(End of this chapter)

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