Chapter 469 [483] I am married to your sister
After the top road crystal was broken, Crane's defensive pressure increased again, but at this time they actually didn't have much to defend, just the other two high grounds and the dragon in the middle and bottom lanes.

As the defensive range shrinks, the strength will naturally increase accordingly. The distance between the middle and lower lanes is relatively short, and it’s just a matter of walking a few steps. With the blessing of the big dragon BUFF, Lin Xuan and the others failed to pull out the tower for two consecutive attacks, but only consumed some blood.

Because the troops were cleared too quickly, the amount of blood consumed was actually very limited. Therefore, after the operation failed, Lin Xuan and the others had to force open again, but this time it was Xia who opened it, but he was released by Mercury. Trick, failed to drop in seconds.

Because the skills were put on Xia at the first time, this time the team did not reduce the opponent's personnel in the first time, and with the addition of anti-tower, even if Lin Xuan was ahead in equipment, he did not take advantage after a wave of battles. , Bubble was beaten into Si Tuo and then died for the second time. It can almost be said that three of them died before replacing two of the opponent. Lin Xuan was almost replaced by Ruiz before his death.

So after pushing down the defensive tower in the middle, even the crystal was withdrawn immediately before it could be pushed down.

Lin Xuan harvested a circle of wild areas, took the red again, and upgraded the armor-piercing armor when he went home. The mercury knife was still short of money, so he had to keep it, and then bought a bottle of mixture to make up some blood-sucking attributes for himself.

Even if it was a disadvantageous situation, Crane obviously did not intend to give up the vision of the dragon. After Lin Xuan bought the equipment, the battle for vision around the dragon had already begun.

The current situation is not too worried that Crane dares to open the big dragon first, so after Bubble is resurrected, he directly fights the newly refreshed earth dragon with Mo Cheng. When half of the opponent's blue BUFF is refreshed, Mo Cheng directly puts down half of the fight Long went to get the BUFF first.

Although they have always been active in the big dragon and the upper and middle lanes, Zac and Galio did not show up after their resurrection, and it was Xiaolong’s new store. Crane obviously realized something, and Ryze drove from the middle lane decisively. The bottom lane duo went to Dalongkeng and started fighting directly.

"They opened the dragon!" Alley immediately noticed the opponent's movements.

"Fuck! So hard?"

Bubble also yelled, and then yelled together with Mo Cheng, "I'll come over here, I'll come over here..."

"No! No, no, no!"

Lin Xuan hurriedly stopped him, frantically clicking a ward that was missed by Crane and not cleared, "Ai Li and I stopped, you take the dragon first for Bubble, and Mo Cheng, you and Zhao Jiang TP to push their house! Believe me, believe me I don't need to come here..."

Crane only had Ryze and the bottom lane duo fighting dragons. Although Zhumei quickly rushed down from the wild area, only Big Chongzi defended the top lane, which actually strengthened Lin Xuan's idea of ​​stealing home.

"Ok! Ok! Please interfere..."

Mo Cheng and Zhao Jiang immediately started the teleportation, and Crane quickly cleared the view of the dragon pit. Lin Xuan then silently calculated the speed of the opponent's dragon attack, and approached carefully together with Ai Li.

"Aww!" A dragon's roar resounded through the Summoner's Canyon, Bubble took away the little dragon, and then rushed towards the big dragon.


A piece of blue light descended from the sky, illuminating the situation in the dragon pit. Xia and Ruiz's equipment had already been formed, and the speed of fighting the dragon was not slow. At this moment, the blood volume of the dragon had dropped below the middle line.

Baron's health is still declining.

Galio and Shen have already appeared on the opponent's high ground. They directly carry the bottom high ground tower and walk down the high ground, and then turn around to push the bottom high ground tower - only the bottom lane soldiers can go to the high ground. Substantial threats, the bottom lane is undoubtedly the best choice, even if it can't be a wave, at least three lanes can be broken.

If you still lose after breaking the three lanes, it can only be said that you deserve to lose.

The director is obviously a little busy at the moment, giving the angle of view to the high ground and then to the dragon, so he simply zoomed out on both sides and released it at the same time.

Dalong's blood volume has dropped to one-third, Lin Xuan and Aili began to harass them, only the younger sister Zhu was more fleshy in the front row, but Nami replied, except that younger sister Zhu has always resisted damage Other blood volumes are still relatively healthy.

As Lin Xuan and Alley approached, Zhumei and Ruiz immediately approached the mouth of the dragon pit.

Crane's lower road highland tower has collapsed, Galio and Shen are pushing the crystal, and the bug is slapping it down with its big claws, but it is blocked by the soul blade barrier, and it cannot directly deal damage. In addition, the two in front of them They were all meat outfits, and they didn't lose much blood.

However, with the disappearance of the barrier, the big bug will still be hurt if it keeps fighting, so they push the crystal while controlling each other. Be careful that Galio's damage is not high, and the blood volume of the crystal is not lost too fast.

Zach had already come to the side, and Alley saw that the blood volume of the dragon had dropped again, so he decisively broke off and entered the field.

Crane's fight against Dalong was a desperate attempt that he knew he was in a desperate situation, and then Mo Cheng and his two stole the house, which was equivalent to giving them another push and completely cutting off all their retreats. Otherwise, with their previous style, they would never have To continue to fight at this level is already a gamble of life.

——If Dalong is given up now, Xiaopao and Luo will never let them go home. If Dalong doesn't get it by then, the family will be pushed away in vain.

So even though they knew that Zac was coming, they didn't mean to give up, and they were still fighting dragons at full speed.


The light and shadow flickered, and Luo appeared beside Zhumei and Ruiz with a dazzling light. While lifting them up, he was already rushing to the depths of the Dragon Pit under the effect of acceleration. Zhizhi hugged Xia and Nami in his arms and made out, then ran away immediately.

Beauty couldn't interrupt Nami's call, and a majestic tide emerged from the deepest part of the Dragon Pit, rolling and sweeping towards with thunderous momentum. Luo just turned around when he was swept up by the surging tide.

In the midst of the body throw, he saw Zach's ass zooming in on his field of vision.

When Zac landed in the Dragon Pit, Ryze and Pig Girl, who had to jump on Luo because of the charm, had already walked over, and they were almost controlled by him, but it was a pity that the bubble landed later. , but the body is too large, and when it fell, it was still rolled up by the tail of the sweeping tide.

Landing failed to hit the knockout, so he missed the opportunity to control Xia at the first time, and then after the knockout landed, and then circled the water bubbles of Nami, Xia took this opportunity to continuously output, the bright feathers The blades merged into a dazzling galaxy in the dragon pit.

Freed from the blisters, Bubble, whose blood volume had dropped a lot, stretched out its long arms, and grabbed Xia.

Another gorgeous azure blue bloomed in the Dragon Pit, and Xia floated in the sky amidst the brilliance.

On the other side, Ryze has been forced out of the golden body. The pig girl just turned around to limit the output of the small cannon, but saw that the small cannon directly released the mercury to unlock the tide control effect, and jumped high again in a familiar posture, jumping directly into the After entering the Dalongkeng, they held the cannon barrel and aimed at Xia and shot wildly together.

At this time, the range of the small cannon has approached the policewoman, and the distance of the feather blade left by Xia's big move is actually very short, less than [-] yards, so even if Xia's barb is still there, Lin Xuan is not worried that he will suffer from the feather blade piercing through his body. Er.

Xia's equipment has been formed, but there is still a big gap with Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan's extra big light is mainly for tanks, and the improvement when fighting with Xia is not so much.

The difference is that Xia's W skill, Lethal Feather Clothes, is cooling down, and one is the double attack speed of the Endless Electric Blade Cannon, and the other is the single attack speed of the Endless Essence Cannon... Of course, the most important thing is the difference in range.

Under the effect of rapid fire, the small cannon's attack speed is now close to the limit attack speed of 2.5, and the range difference of one hundred yards is enough to determine everything.

Xia only shot two basic attack barbs to end, and the azure feather blade that rolled back did not return to Xia's hands, and she fell directly to the ground at the end of the destroying shot.

Lin Xuan took off again.

It fell on Nami.

80% critical strike probability, three critical strikes, the effect of Ryze's golden body over there ends, a set of skills instantly kills Luo, Lin Xuan takes off for the third time, and jumps back to the river from the dragon pit at a near-limit distance .

Returning to the Dalong Pit, the pig girl hit her head on Zach. Under the continuous output of the dragon, the pig girl has less than one-third of her blood volume at the moment, but he basically doesn't have much output. , Ryze hid behind Zac and directly disabled him with a set of skills.

Before Lin Xuan rushed back to the Dragon Pit, he was forced to punish Bubble, who had recovered his blood, but failed to get rid of the fate of being killed. Then, with the help of his punishment, the pig girl made two general attacks, and Ryze used another set of skills. Dalong The blood volume finally reached the killing line, and was punished and accepted by the pig girl.

On the high ground at the other end, after a fight with the big bug, Galio has already used the advantage of numbers to disable the big bug and is pushing the base tower.

The anxious Crane and Nakano immediately pressed back to the city in the Dragon Pit.

The sound effect of returning to the city under the blessing of the dragon BUFF has a slight vibrato that shakes the soul, as if it is used in this way to show the accelerated return to the city effect of the dragon BUFF.

However, it was interrupted by the small figure reappearing in front of the Great Dragon Pit.

After discovering that the two stopped returning to the city, Lin Xuan retreated immediately, and his blood volume was not much, but soon found that the pig girl was approaching, and Ruiz pressed the return to the city again, so he turned back immediately.


A general attack with artillery special effects hit Zhumei's body, and the dazzling thunder exploded on Sejuani's head, and the lightning flashed to Ryze next to her.

Interrupt the return to the city.

Pig girl continued to move forward.

Ryze followed behind her.

The sparks of the explosion hung on Zhumei's head. Lin Xuan kept walking A smoothly and started to kite back. However, because he didn't have the attack speed boost of Q skill, he didn't have the terrifying explosion when he first entered the arena. Zhumei walked to Dalong In front of the pit, the Q skill Extreme Cold Assault pierced through the wall and rushed directly in front of Lin Xuan, waving the cold chains with his teeth and claws.

The effect of making a big whisper first was finally reflected at this time. At the same time that Lin Xuan was slowed down, the explosion sparks were finally full, and the pig sister's blood volume directly bottomed out after the explosion.

Because of the excessive concentration of attention, in the eyes of the excited, nervous or excited audience at this moment, every movement of the little cannon, step by step and turn back, seems to be replayed in slow speed.

Pig girl was not able to fully stack the frozen layers before she died, and she fell under the last crit.

Because of the deceleration of the pig girl, Ryze finally seized the opportunity to catch up. Lin Xuan hit the bottom in an instant with a combo of overload, rune imprisonment, and magic surge.

Many spectators who were excited and cheering because Xiaopao walked in the A show cried out in surprise. Watching a game was like a roller coaster.

The next overloaded magic ball has already flown in mid-air. Considering Lin Xuan's blood volume at the moment, it will definitely be killed instantly.

On the other side, Galio and Shen have already pushed down a base tower. Wang Fei, who saw this scene, was shouting excitedly: "My brother-in-law is going to die! Does Shen have R? Shen..."

People watching the game focused on the game didn't really pay much attention to what he said.

The small cannon, whose blood volume had bottomed out, disappeared in place on the way of the magic ball, like drawing a circle with Ryze as the center, and appeared on the other side of Ryze from a different angle.

The general attack that never stopped shot again, but at the same time as the shells flew out, a red ring much larger in diameter than the range ring appeared around the small cannon.

Electric light shines.




The second general attack was already in the air, and the additional damage of the Electric Blade Cannon was triggered by the previous general attack. Ryze, who had returned to nearly one-third of his HP under the effect of the dangerous game's continuous blood recovery, fell to the ground instantly.


The magnificent and shocking four-kill sound effect reverberated in the competition venue. What was even louder and more passionate was the shouting of the commentators and the audience. The audience cheered in different languages ​​and couldn't hear the content except screaming. The commentators were strengthened by the microphone. Dignity was preserved.

"Quadruple kills! Another quadruple kill——Brother-in-law... My God!!"

"One wave! One wave! One won! Let us congratulate Ichthyosaur! The second round of the group stage, Ichthyosaur team won all three games!! We want to fight for the first place in the group..."

Wang Fei and Zhang Fei shouted hoarsely, but I don't know if it's because of their personality or language, the English commentary shouted more excitedly than the LPL side, and even the LPL live broadcast could hear the shouts from the other side.

"Nice! Nice!"

"Fucking awesome, Jiang Jingbai! I'm sure to marry your sister just because of what you did today..."

"Penta kill! Do you want five kills?"

"Five kills, hurry up and push!"

"Bubble, what the hell did you just say, I didn't hear clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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