Chapter 493 [507] Sister's Sister ([-])


On the big screen, the shot of the beautiful woman in red who looks exactly like Jiang Qianyu just flashed for no more than three seconds, but Lin Xuan and the others were on the opposite side of the screen, so he was not the only one they saw. When Lin Xuan froze, Xiao Sakura also gave a strange cry, and Fang Yao and others next to her immediately turned their heads to look over, and the figure of the girl in red on the screen had disappeared.

"Just now there was a model who looked a bit like Qianqian!"

When Xiaoying was talking, she looked at Lin Xuan, and seeing Lin Xuan's expression obviously saw it, she asked, "Isn't it pretty similar? And she's so beautiful, she's so temperamental!"

Fang Yao smiled and said, "Qianqian is already beautiful, it's normal to look like her, and this is Paris Fashion Week, so the models should be pretty, right?"

Bubble asked: "Really, why didn't I see it?"

"Just a few seconds, it just flashed past."

Sakura has zero contact with Jiang Qianyu. As a female commentator, she probably doesn't often watch Xiaonizi's live broadcast. The reason for her impression is probably because Xiaonizi is too beautiful. The figure of the girl in red was just a flash. She probably didn't pay much attention to it, she just felt like it, and didn't think about it in other ways.

And Lin Xuan and Xiao Nizi get along day and night, and they are so familiar that they can't be more familiar with each other. Naturally, they are very clear about how similar the model in red is to Xiao Nizi just now, and...

He clearly remembered that not long ago, the night before being reported for rectification, Xiao Nizi crawled into his bed in the middle of the night and talked for a long time. If I remember correctly, she said clearly at that time that she had another My elder sister, named Shen Yuan, lived with her father in North America after her parents divorced.

Although there is still the Atlantic Ocean between Paris and North America, but they look so similar, Lin Xuan couldn't help but have a bold guess in his mind.

Lin Xuan tried his best to recall the words and brand logo of the red-clothed beauty who suspected Shen Yuan just appeared, but found that he only cared about people at that time, and didn't remember anything. He wanted to stay here and wait for the next advertisement. It was played in a loop, but I didn't know if it would be played again, so I hesitated for a while and got into the car.

Because only Lin Xuan and Xiao Ying saw the beauty in red, and Lin Xuan didn't express much desire to talk about it, Xiao Ying didn't say much either, everyone got into the car separately, Lin Xuan and Bubble Alley They were in the same car, and they were all discussing about Ran Qinghuan in the car.

It can be seen that Ran Qinghuan, who is beautiful, sweet and talented, is still very popular. Even Aili, who has Xi Yan, is very excited to see Ran Qinghuan's attention to LOL.

Ran Qinghuan is in Paris.

Ran Qinghuan watched the game, and originally wanted to watch it live, but unfortunately, she didn't get a ticket... What a pity!
Ran Qinghuan likes brother-in-law...

Regarding the last point, Pao Pao and Ai Li quickly reached a consensus. This is obviously an ordinary performance similar to that of Caibi seeing a great god. , Ran Qinghuan would probably say that she likes them.

As for the speculation based on this point, the second point is that going to the scene is probably not credible. Even if Ran Qinghuan is not so popular abroad, she is still a super popular star after all. How could she go to the scene to watch the game? Besides, there are many foreign students at the scene Waiting for the Chinese...they selectively forget these.

Lin Xuan would occasionally interject a few words, but most of his thoughts were still on how to find out the red-clothed model who was suspected to be Shen Yuan just now. However, if you want to check this matter, the only clue is Paris Fashion Week, even in the In China, he has no way to use this clue to find the information of the model in red, let alone in Paris?

And tomorrow's flight is leaving!
After returning to the hotel, Lin Xuan didn't pack his things. He borrowed the computer from Wang Yingfeng first, and after taking a quick shower, he began to look up the models' catwalk videos of this season's fashion week, especially the advertisements. It means that it can be found on the Internet.

According to Xiao Nizi, Shen Yuan is two years older than her, that is to say, she is only nineteen years old at most, and not yet twenty. Even if the two sisters are both naturally beautiful, it is not easy to go high in the modeling industry things.

A model with little reputation.

I only know the appearance and no photos yet...

This is simply a job like finding a needle in a haystack, and there is not even much hope in sight, but Lin Xuan still insists on searching continuously. He is not very familiar with the Internet, and he often needs to find out where to find pictures and videos.

Ailey came out of the shower and saw Lin Xuan holding the computer with a serious and focused expression like a hungry teenager who was tirelessly looking for resources. First, he came over quietly and saw Lin Xuan was looking for advertisements and model information for Paris Fashion Week. , and then asked suspiciously: "Why are you looking for this?"

"Find the model who looks like Qianqian."

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Go back and show off."

"I go."

Hearing this answer, Ai Li lost interest for a moment, took the mobile phone and went back to his bed to flirt with Xiyan. Xiyan's condition has improved, but although she didn't play the game today, she also followed Xuanxin, and she came back late. He fell asleep after a few days, and Alley played with his mobile phone again, sharing the posts he saw with Lin Xuan from time to time, but later found that Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to him, so he talked to Lin Xuan and went to bed first.

Lin Xuan turned off the light, lay down on the bed and continued to search.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xuan was dizzy, almost tried all the methods he could think of, but couldn't find what he was looking for, and almost gave up, so he didn't know how to order, finally I saw a familiar figure on the cover of a magazine called Vogue.

Overjoyed, Lin Xuan immediately continued to search according to the date of the magazine. This time it would be much easier to find accurate clues, and it didn't take long to lock on the target.

Name: Ariel
Nationality: North American

Height: 175 cm
Constellation: Libra
Weight: 48Kg
Occupation: Model

Graduate school: Paris International Fashion Institute of Art (reading)

Lin Xuan briefly glanced at his personal experience, and it seems that he is quite powerful, but he didn't understand the model at all, so he didn't think there was anything wrong. After confirming that he didn't find the wrong person, he couldn't wait to continue looking for more information according to this name ( I’m not sure if I should add the Jiang surname, and it’s basically impossible for Shen Yuan’s age to be on the cover of Vogue in the article, it’s just for the plot...I don’t know much about this industry either).

He almost read all the information he could find about Ariel, who was suspected to be Xiao Nizi's sister, but he was still not sure if she was Shen Yuan, but the possibility was very high, because she was from Los Angeles, if I remember correctly , Xiao Nizi lived there with her stepmother for several years.

So this person could really be Shen Yuan?
Combined with Jiang Qianyu's appearance being at least four or five points similar, Lin Xuan felt that the possibility of this guess being true should be quite high, but even so, what could he do?

He closed the computer and lay down in the dark. After a while, he felt a little sleepy. He was worried that he would accidentally fall asleep and waste precious thinking time, so he got up and went to the window, got into the curtain and opened the window, looking at Ye Kong was stunned for a long time, then lay back on the bed again.

I checked the time, it was past three in the morning local time.

It's already past nine o'clock in the morning in China!
Lin Xuan picked up the phone and looked at it, and found that Xiao Nizi sent him a message, but the phone was silent, and she didn't notice it just now. She still has class today, and she stayed up late last night. She must have woken up later than usual, so It was already past eight o'clock when I sent the message, and most of the time I was in a hurry before, and I sent the message to him when I was at school and preparing for class.

"I'm going to class, but I haven't slept well, and I don't have an appetite for breakfast."

"You must still be asleep."

Then I sent a pig emoji, but the last message asked: "When are you coming back?"

Lin Xuan didn't reply. After hesitating for a while, he sent a message to Chen Muyu with his mobile phone. Among the people he knew, Chen Muyu was the only one who could have some energy in Paris.

"Brother Chen, I have something to trouble you in Paris. Is there anyone I can contact here?"

He didn't use words such as "acquaintance" or "friend", but "can be contacted". This is actually somewhat not good, but Lin Xuan really can't care about it now.

Chen Muyu quickly replied: "Did you sleep so late?"

Lin Xuan replied, "Well, there's something wrong."

Chen Muyu probably realized that the matter was quite important to Lin Xuan, so he asked, "Is it convenient to call?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while, hung up the earphones and went to the bathroom, closed the door, then called Chen Muyu, and was quickly connected, only to hear Chen Muyu's usual calm and warm voice asking: "What's wrong? Tell me."

Lin Xuan had just considered his words, and said: "I want to find a model for Paris Fashion Week, as long as I can get in touch, it doesn't matter if I meet or not... Well, I only know my English name. I am a student of the Paris International Fashion Institute. This fashion week seems to be helping...ah no, that...that's the name of the clothes she was wearing on the catwalk, I can't pronounce it, the pinyin is Valentino..."

Lin Xuan said everything he knew and could say in one breath, and Chen Muyu over there sighed, "I don't understand what you've said...wait a minute."

Lin Xuan gave a "hmm", then heard what Chen Muyu seemed to be talking to, and then heard Su Luoyu's voice: "Isn't Ran Ran right there, just let her find Ran Ran, or find someone, Or go to the scene to have a look, there should be no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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