Chapter 494 [508] There is nothing else to do with white tea and joy

Sometimes I go to bed too late, even though I am sleepy, it is even more difficult to fall asleep.

After Lin Xuan hung up the phone, he tossed and turned on the bed. He didn't know whether it was good or bad for him to spend so much effort to find Ariel who was probably Shen Yuan. However, no one can predict the future. What is right or wrong? Things will change with the passage of time, and many times what seems right at the moment will slowly be found to be wrong, and some decisions that were not understood by most people at the time will be proved correct by time.

We can't predict the future, so we can only do what we should do now.

After knowing that there was a person like Shen Yuan, Lin Xuan didn't take this matter to heart, let alone go to find her, but this is different from Shen Yuan appearing in front of his eyes. If he just misses it, Lin Xuan I am sure this will become a regret for myself.

If one day in the future, Xiao Nizi knew about this, she might not blame him, but it would definitely become her regret.

Once so close, she had the opportunity to see her sister again.

"Anyway, the appearance of 'myself' caused her to lose a brother, so paying her a sister is considered compensation, right?"

Lin Xuan thought nonsensically, he knew the character of his future mother very well, and since he decided to draw a line with his previous marriage, if there were no major changes, it was really possible that he would never have anything to do with her for the rest of her life.

"Not a bad thing."

"Not a bad thing!"

"Not a bad thing!"

Under this kind of self-hypnosis, Lin Xuan finally fell into a deep sleep without knowing when, as if in the blink of an eye, he heard Alley's voice in his ear, calling him to get up and get ready for breakfast, and he has to catch up later airplane.

Lin Xuan sat up in a jerk. It was already past nine o'clock in the morning local time, so he quickly got up to wash up, and then told Xiao Xuan and Xu Li that his itinerary changed to change the flight. This seems to be a bit troublesome, mainly because of the formalities The fee is relatively expensive, but anyway, I came here to play so many days of training matches and helped to win the first place in the group. Even if I bought an extra ticket, it seems worthwhile, so there is no need to feel guilty about it.

As for the reason why he wanted to stay, Lin Xuan gave the reason that he just found out that a friend was also in Paris. Anyway, he would be fine when he went back, so he planned to stay for two more days, and by the way, he could buy some clothes for Xiao Nizi to go back.

So Xiao Xuan, Xu Li and the others happily said that if you are not too troublesome, you can help me buy a bag.

After they discussed with each other while eating, Lin Xuan received a shopping list, in addition to Xiao Xuan and Xu Li, there were also things that Xiao Ying, Fang Yao, and Xi Yan asked him to help buy.

Obviously, no one believed the reason Lin Xuan gave, but the relationship between them was not lost to the point of caring about private matters. Lin Xuan didn't need to train or compete in the future, and he had his own freedom of schedule.

Xiao Xuan offered to stay and wait for Lin Xuan, but was rejected by Lin Xuan. After she made a phone call with Xu Yichen and others, she really agreed to Lin Xuan staying alone.

I wonder if Lin Xuan's sudden decision to stay is related to the red-clothed model similar to Jiang Qianyu I saw on the big screen yesterday. It's not just Alley and Sakura, but if I saw an advertisement on the street in Paris, Lin Xuan's model has a relationship with Lin Xuan, which is a bit too fantastical, so I shouldn't really consider the possibility of this conjecture.

Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to this. He received a call from Ran Ran while having breakfast. The two had only interacted in the game before. Chen Muyu and Su Luoyu have an intermediate relationship, so this call will not feel awkward or unfamiliar.

After making an appointment at the meeting place, Lin Xuan went through an extension at the hotel, and then the others set off for the airport, while he took a taxi to meet Ran Ran at the coffee shop that he had agreed upon.

The taxi slowly approached the cafe named "LE-PROCOPE". Lin Xuan was a little surprised when he got off the bus, because according to the impression of the person he was about to meet, he had friendship with Su Luoyu's family, so naturally, Her family is by no means ordinary. When you go to a place like Paris, you will probably go to a tall place when you meet.

However, the location of this cafe is in a small alley behind the avenue just passed, and it looks like a very ordinary cafe.

Before Lin Xuan entered the door, he began to search carefully in private according to the outfit of "light gray long skirt, white T-shirt, and light gray knitted cardigan" given by the other party, but he told the waiter to find an oriental girl surnamed Ran Finally, there is no need to look for it at all, and there is no need for a waiter to help guide the way.

Because as long as you are not blind, it is difficult not to see her.

Lin Xuan even stood there in a daze for several seconds.

The woman married by a rich man must be beautiful, so the daughter of a rich man must also be beautiful. It sounds reasonable, but genes are passed down through blood, but even if she is a beautiful woman, it does not mean that there are no ugly NDAs in her cells , so this very reasonable truth is not reliable.

Even if the couples in the entertainment industry have been screened out from the middle of the masses, the offspring are not all handsome men and beautiful women.

Moreover, the little fairy from the Ran family is not very old, and she is still a girl addicted to the Internet. Although she has not been online for a long time, the daughter of a rich family likes to play games online. This is enough to give Lin Xuan a lot of room for imagination. Although listening to her The voice is nice, but doesn't this just mean that it is likely to be unattractive?
So Lin Xuan was fully prepared before coming.

It is impossible to meet a random girl who is all beautiful.

Although Lin Xuan once had a bold and unrealistic idea after Liu Fuqing's guqin concert last time, he quickly ruled it out and never thought that it would be true.

As a result, Murphy's Law actually happened like this.

Lin Xuan still clearly remembers the beautiful girl who amazed the audience at the concert, the snow-white Hanfu with long sleeves and collar, and the long black hair with a smooth shawl. There is no decoration on her body, only pure white clothes, pure white Jade hands, shiny black hair, and shiny black zither reflect a peaceful and soft face.

At that moment, she seemed to have stepped out of a painting!

Lin Xuan never denied that the reason why he made up his mind to drag Xiao Nizi down this road was that she was too beautiful in the first place. I have never seen anyone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her in my life.

It turned out that it was because he was poor.

So soon, there was Su Luoyu first, and then Ran Qinghuan.

Su Luoyu has the advantage of age and experience, and is at the right time. Although Xiao Nizi is not inferior in front of her, but if she really compares it carefully, she is somewhat inferior to immaturity, and Ran Qinghuan is the same age as Xiao Nizi, but that When I saw Ran Qinghuan for the first time in the evening, I had to admit that if I looked at it from the perspective of an outsider, at that moment Ran Qinghuan was sitting on the stage under the bright lights, playing the piano in white clothes, peaceful and peaceful, it was even better.

Lin Xuan doesn't care why he likes someone, what he cares about is whether this liking will change for other reasons, and for girls, looks, temperament and figure already occupy the initial attraction to the opposite sex. A large proportion.

But he will never change his mind towards Qin Muchu.

Everyone has her/his shining side and dazzling moment. It would be unfair to compare Jiang Qianzhi's appearance as a fan at the concert, let alone... not to mention now, even if you get married and have children in the future, What qualifications does he have to make such a comment.

She is a real person, not a commodity for people to pick and compare.

——If someone wants to introduce a girlfriend to Lin Xuan, he will smile and say that it’s fine if he doesn’t dislike me. However, it’s mostly because of his bad experience in his previous life. In fact, his mentality at this time is extremely picky about girls, such as Yan Feifei, For example, Jing Yi, this kind of girl who is already very proud of her looks and other aspects, is dazzling enough in the eyes of many people, and Lin Xuan would have spent a lot of time pursuing her when she met in her previous life. There are some labels and definitions of purely subjective intentions about keeping a distance in my heart.

Ran Qinghuan was one of the few people who didn't really understand her. He just heard a few songs, saw her from afar... and could only be described as seeing her. He felt that this girl was very beautiful.

It was difficult for him to think that Ran Qinghuan, who wrote "One Character Master" and "Warning Song", and played the piano quietly in a long-sleeved Hanfu at the concert, would appear in front of him so abruptly.

As the little fairy of the Ran family.

The naive player who quarreled with others in the game because he was kicked out of the German code, the brain-dead assistant who hugged his thigh when he found out that he was good at the game, and even offered a reward to please, the top order of the ancient coin who went out, Xiao Nizi said The dish is better than...

She is Ran Qinghuan?
After Lin Xuan froze for a moment, the first thought that flashed in his head was: "If Xiao Nizi knew that Caibi, whom she scolded more than once, was her idol, what would she look like?"

Based on this alone, the ticket change is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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