Chapter 495 [509] There is nothing else to do with white tea and joy

If the celebrity halo is taken away, Ran Qinghuan is actually just... well, if she takes away her beauty and talent, she is just a girl who just entered her third year of high school at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

And skipping class!

Lin Xuan never felt that there is nothing to be calm about seeing a celebrity, but he obviously made the mistake of standing up and talking without pain in his back. A brief moment of bewilderment.

This is a situation that never happened when I saw Su Luoyu.

If we want to find out the root cause, Lin Xuan thinks that the real reason is mostly due to the painful fact that Su Luoyu is already the mother of two children...Of course, he would not admit such words even if he was killed. He will be beaten to death by Xiao Nizi who puts all kinds of malicious hats on her.

Based on Lin Xuan's current state of mind, the influence of star halo is far from that great. If it is a star that he doesn't feel much about, there will never be any major psychological fluctuations. However, Ran Qinghuan is one of the few people he can agree with. Public figures, secondly, had a long period of interaction with him without knowing each other, which made him a little bit at a loss for a while.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality. Seeing Ran Qinghuan waving at him in a casual and elegant manner, he put on a very calm look and walked over. It turned out that the more I wanted to appear normal, the more I felt Weird, and even felt a little unable to walk.

Fortunately, he at least pretended well, and Ran Qinghuan's expression didn't seem to have noticed anything strange, otherwise she would not have shown a curious expression at the end to ask : "You know it's me?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I just found out, I was shocked."

Ran Qinghuan rolled her eyes, "Then you are still so calm?"

Lin Xuan replied honestly: "It's just pretending."

Only then did Ran Qinghuan smile, "Whether it's true or not, I believe it. Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Xuan said: "I just finished breakfast and got up a bit late. If you want to eat, don't worry about me. If you order too much, I can help you out."

"What do you want to drink?"

"I don't drink coffee, please recommend one for me." After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he realized that the menu was actually in Chinese, but he didn't bother to change it. Anyway, he didn't know what to order. He felt that he could drink anything in France. no difference.

It was lunch time, but Ran Qinghuan only had a glass of water in front of her, and she was probably waiting for Lin Xuan. Hearing what Lin Xuan said, she waved to the waiter, and then took the order. Lin Xuan didn't understand a single word after listening for a long time. After she finished ordering, she asked, "Do you know French?"

Ran Qinghuan nodded, her beautiful big eyes narrowed into crescent moons, her smile was full of complacency, and she almost said, "Are you surprised, hurry up and praise me", Lin Xuan said "Oh" and said Sentence: "Great."

Ran Qinghuan pouted resentfully, rolled her eyes and said, "Not sincere."

Although it was a bit impolite, to be honest, the way she rolled her eyes made Lin Xuan involuntarily think of Jiang Qianyu. It was the first time he went abroad in the memory of two generations, especially after running so far. The distance in space did not cut off the relationship, but instead Fermentation in the bottom of my heart becomes more and more mellow.

Lin Xuan remembered that he hadn't replied to Xiao Nizi's message, because he was not sure when he would be able to go back.

Seeing that he didn't speak, and seemed to be distracted, Ran Qinghuan didn't think so, but just stared at him curiously and intently with her chin on her hands, and Lin Xuan's heart beat involuntarily quickened when he came back to his senses, and asked with a dry cough. :"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just take a look."

Ran Qinghuan rolled her eyes again, "Otherwise, can I have a crush on you?"

"That's hard to say, aren't you still my fan? Don't think I haven't seen Weibo."

"Hey, I just thank you for taking me to play the game for so long, and I specially sent a Weibo to help you gain popularity, okay?"

"Hehe, it's been hot... How long has it been since you've been on the hot search?"

Ran Qinghuan was speechless, took a sip of water and said angrily: "You are really... smelly and shameless Jiang Jingbai."

Then turned around to look, Lin Xuan saw her like this, asked strangely: "What's wrong?"



"It's not your fault. I've been waiting for half a day for coming so late."

"I don't think I'm late, do I?"

"Hey, I'm Ran Qinghuan, you didn't even know you'd come earlier when you met me? I was afraid that it wouldn't be good for you to wait too long, so I came early on purpose. God knows you came so late, I didn't even have breakfast... "

Lin Xuan said faintly: "I didn't know you were Ran Qinghuan before I came."

"If it wasn't for Ran Qinghuan, wouldn't you have to come early?"

Ran Qinghuan stared at him with her eyes wide open. It could be seen that she was actually intentionally making the atmosphere between the two of them more relaxed and natural, and the effect was very good. "If I had known that I was Ran Qinghuan, when would you plan to come?"

"It's still time..."

Lin Xuan was a little helpless, "It's a bit far away, and I have other things to do. I was originally on today's flight. I slept too late yesterday, and I woke up late today..."

The arrival of the waiter temporarily interrupted Lin Xuan's explanation. Of course, he didn't have any further explanations, so he didn't continue. Seeing the waiter put a glass of boiled water in front of him, he asked Ran Qinghuan speechlessly: " You have been chattering for a long time, and you just ordered this for me?"

Ran Qinghuan said as a matter of course: "I don't know what you like to drink, so of course I will choose one that you will definitely drink, otherwise it would be embarrassing if you don't drink it?"

Lin Xuan silently said "it makes sense", took a sip from the cup, found that the taste was not bad, and asked casually, "Have you really been waiting for a long time?"

"Of course."

Ran Qinghuan was probably not annoyed that he doubted herself, she looked a little annoyed, the beautiful girl had similarities, and she was about the same age as Jiang Qianyu, this expression made Lin Xuan miss Jiang Qianyu even more.

"But it's actually not that exaggerated. This cafe has a history of 300 years, can't you tell? There is also a hat that Napoleon didn't have the money to pay for mortgage here! It feels pretty good to sit here, um... ... Bai Cha Qing Huan is fine." She paused here, staring at Lin Xuan with her beautiful big eyes, waiting for him to answer.

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "Is it the Flower God? Or the Shuangshou?"


Ran Qinghuan's eyes widened, as if she wanted to bite him, "That's what you thought of?"

Lin Xuan spread his hands, "I've never been to Paris, and I've only heard of this."

Ran Qinghuan's eyes widened, and he waved his fist at him, as if going crazy, "I just said white tea and Qinghuan are fine."

Lin Xuan said quietly: "Something... You didn't come to me for dinner, right? Brother Chen should have explained it clearly to you, can you find the information, or can you take me to the fashion week site? I am grateful."

"Don't be grateful, I can't find any information, and I can't take you to the scene."

Ran Qinghuan got up angrily, Lin Xuan was taken aback, and hurriedly stood up too, Ran Qinghuan gave him an angry look, "Bathroom!"

Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and sat down again.

Just 2 minutes after Ran Qinghuan left, a handsome waiter in well-dressed clothes came over. After putting away the dishes, Lin Xuan thanked him in English, and then found that there was something like a small iron basin in front of him, filled with water. There was a slice of lemon floating, and I swear in my heart that the French are so weird that they use this thing to hold water...

He picked it up and took a sip to taste it. He felt a little strange, but it was lukewarm water.

So after putting it down, he continued to curse in his heart, and when he looked up, he saw Ran Qinghuan standing not far away, his eyes widened as if he saw a giant panda from Mars.

He asked strangely: "Why? Are you not hungry again when the food is here?"

Ran Qinghuan's expression suddenly became very strange, as if she had a lot of willpower to hold back her laughter, she took a small step and sat down again, and looked at Lin Xuan for a long time, before Lin Xuan pointed to the lemonade in the small iron basin and asked Then he replied: "That's for washing hands."

Lin Xuan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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