Chapter 592 [611] A mouthful of saliva

"Pfft...hahaha! I knew it!"

In the clean and bright living room, Ni Chang was lying on the sofa laughing so hard that he accidentally hit his head on his mother, but he didn't seem to feel it, and kept laughing to himself, "Sure enough, he's still a brother-in-law...he boasted It took me a long time just for the last sentence, hahaha, 3:0, which means I won’t lose a game.”

While laughing, she was still explaining to her mother. Fang Jingyue couldn't help laughing when she saw that her daughter was afraid that she didn't even have this understanding ability. The game was not in shape, he didn't say who beat who 3:0."

"You don't know, this person is...that, that's what he must have meant."

Ni Chang finally stopped laughing, pulled a tissue to wipe away the tears from laughing, and said: "But it's hard to say who will win, I feel that TL is better, but I like TL anyway, whoever wins the championship will do. It’s just that TL took too much, so it’s good to give it up to Sky this time.”

Fang Jingyue said with a smile: "This is not letting it out."

"That's true."

Ni Chang nodded in agreement. He inserted an apple with a toothpick. When he wanted to eat it, he took another piece with his other hand and handed it to his mother. She was still young and simple-minded, so she didn't notice what her mother said. other emotions.

Through this period of "teaching", Fang Jingyue has already gained a considerable understanding of e-sports—at least League of Legends, and probably realized how good her son is in this event, from LDL to LPL, Single-handedly broke Sky's curse of passing the LPL seven times without entering, airborne to the global finals, double-killed the world champion in a desperate situation, qualified for the first place in the group, and reached the final of the Demacia Cup with overwhelming momentum... These are all evidences.

And TL...sorry, her current knowledge of this team is just the two letters TL, and the content introduced by the beautiful host at the beginning, has won many championships.

However, if he can say "3:0", he will definitely not be aimless. Fang Jingyue now has extremely strong confidence in his son in the game.

Therefore, the phrase "this is not given out" is full of the self-confidence and pride of a mother.

His father married another, and he brought a little daughter, a very delicate little girl.

I heard people say that his grades are very good, but he hasn't been back to his hometown much in the past two years. That woman has a good temper, and I heard that she loves her children very much.

He is in high school, and it seems to be a national key school, which is better than a provincial key school.

He was admitted to Western University, and Nan Nan added a friend of his on the Internet, and showed me the photo he sent. The one next to him is his sister, who was beautiful when she was young, and even more beautiful when she grows up.


With so many students in Xida University, I never thought that I would meet him by such a coincidence. He was actually a student of Qianhui, and Ni Chang asked him for directions by such a coincidence.

Is this a coincidence?Or is it destined in the dark?
He took a break from school to play games.

When she learned about this, she couldn't sleep well for several nights, and wanted to call him, but she didn't dare.

I didn't expect to meet him at a concert. He also likes to listen to guqin, or did he go there because of Ran Qinghuan, or maybe his sister likes to listen to it?
That girl is her younger sister, she is prettier than in the photo, and thanks to her, if it wasn't for her, I would never feel at ease, wondering if he recognized me, or if he still blames me.

Judging from her performance, he must have recognized her, and she didn't seem to hate herself too much, otherwise his sister wouldn't just act like that in front of him. Logically speaking, she could feel at ease, but on the contrary, she would feel more at ease. I can't sleep well.

That girl is his sister.

It's his sister.

But they are not related by blood.

And... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right, the more you think about it, the more it feels wrong.

But it's okay, it's okay, there is no blood relationship, the atmosphere of modern society is so enlightened... But how does his mother explain it?
Good stepmother, raised him as his own son, but the son grew up and abducted his own daughter. Neither stepmother nor mother-in-law is easy to mess with, let alone the current situation.

If so, it would be a headache.

Thinking of this, it seemed that her head really hurt a little. Fang Jingyue rubbed her temples, and then she was awakened by a loud sound of cheering. She looked up at the TV and saw rows of spectators in the grand and atmospheric venue. The banquet was full of people, men and women, all of whom seemed to be young people. This is a competition for young people, so it is not surprising.

The strange thing is that these people are still shouting an English name, and some people are holding a light sign with colorful words "bubble, we miss you!"stay here, okay? "

She asked Ni Chang strangely: "What does this bu mean? Who is it?"

"The adc of the TL team is Korean. His contract with the TL club has expired. I heard that he wants to go back to Korea. These fans want him to stay."

Ni Chang wrinkled his nose and said, "Actually, I really hope he can stay—hey, it's him, it's him, see? Isn't he cute?"

A boy with slightly curly hair appeared on the TV, he was indeed quite delicate, Fang Jingyue said: "A boy looks so delicate, he looks like a girl... What is cute or not, is that a description of a boy? "

Then he asked, "What position does he play?"

Ni Chang was originally a fan of the TL team. Seeing many TL fans shouting the name of bubble, he became a little excited. He clenched his fists tightly and waved them around, "ADC, it's the bottom lane!" The Carry bit."

Fang Jingyue nodded in amazement, and said softly: "That's the same as your brother..."

Ni Chang, who was excited, turned his head and asked, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Only then did Fang Jingyue come to her senses, and said with a smile, "It's's the yellow one, the brother-in-law you mentioned earlier was playing, right? Really, okay, what are you calling brother-in-law, it's a mess."

Ni Chang said: "That's right, that's the one. Everyone is shouting like that. Didn't you also see his sister yesterday, she looks so beautiful, right? Do you think I will be so beautiful in two years' time?"

"It's not necessarily a good thing for a girl to be too pretty."

"Who said that? The more beautiful the better, you are sexist, hmph, if I were a boy, if I look for a wife in the future, you must also want me to find a beautiful one, right? It's too much for others to look at." You have face."

Fang Jingyue patted her daughter's head lightly, and said with a smile: "Jing is talking nonsense, liking is the most important thing, a lifetime is so long, what's the use of just being good-looking."

"I don't care, I just like good-looking, handsome ones, this bubble is not bad, and of course my brother-in-law is also very good."

The early game was a bit boring, and they basically didn’t fight. Ni Chang leaned on his mother’s shoulder and said with his fingers, “My brother-in-law is actually quite handsome, right? And the most important thing is that he is fun. When watching him interview You know, I almost died laughing yesterday."

She laughed again as she spoke, Fang Jingyue slapped her on the head twice angrily, "No nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, and he treats Qianqian very well, and he never dislikes her cheating. The last time I quarreled with that Wang Hao, it was because he played games with Qianqian. When that Wang Hao scolded Qianqian, my brother-in-law gave him Cursed, isn’t it the finals today? He even played Qianqian in the morning. If only I had a brother like that, I’m sure I’ll be the king by now.”

Fang Jingyue didn't make a sound.

Ni Chang suddenly raised his face and looked at his mother, blinking his big eyes, looking very happy, "And the most important thing is, when they hit the phone, they happened to line up with me. I queued up to them once last time, but that time it was on the opposite side, the four of us hung up, and I was so mad, but they suddenly surrendered and let me win alone..."

As Ni Chang was talking, seeing his mother turn her head to listen, she chattered about the things that had been scheduled for the uncle and Qianqian twice. Fang Jingyue didn't speak for a long time after listening, and Ni Chang asked a little strangely: "Mom, what's the matter? I only played two games, I didn't play much, really! If you don't believe me, you can check the game records."

Fang Jingyue said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I didn't say you won't be allowed to play, but after watching the game tonight, tomorrow will be Monday, so I can't keep thinking about watching the game all day long, the final exam is coming soon."

"Do not worry."

Hearing that you can't play games if you don't hit yourself, Ni Chang smiled sweetly again, and then turned to continue watching the game, "It's been 7 minutes, and there is no one head? Huh——how did my brother-in-law bring the game?" Is teleportation?"

She had been chatting with her mother before, and there was no head burst, so she didn't pay much attention. Only now did she find that her brother-in-law and Xiaoxue were directly teleported back to the line from the spring, and she was surprised.

"Wow—this routine is a bit annoying. After eating the pawn line, go home and change the teleportation line. A Tahm is guarding by the side. It doesn't fight at all. It's useless even if you get hooked. My brother-in-law is having a bit of a comfortable time. "

"Indeed, brother-in-law's development is basically uninterrupted in this game. Although like came to the bottom lane twice, he really couldn't find a good opportunity with Tam, but fortunately, Tam didn't flash now. I don't know if he can find an opportunity. , Interrupt the developmental rhythm of my brother-in-law."

"Sheep knife, attack speed boots, and a vampire festival. To be honest, it's really difficult for TL to fight like this."

"It's mainly ADC with unsealed cheats. This is really unexpected. We've seen support with unsealed cheats before, and it was Tamm's, but it's the first time for ADCs. But this round of moon is with aftershocks, and sky There are two unsealed cheat books here, and after a while they will go home and transfer them out, there is no way to do this."

"This routine is a bit coquettish."

Wang Fei couldn't help laughing when he thought about this now, "Actually, I thought the bot lane would be very fierce in this game. After all, it's my brother-in-law's big mouth. This can be regarded as a famous hero." ’’s reputation is partly due to it, but it turned out that there hasn’t been a single blood yet.”

Sakura said: "But although the health of the defensive towers on the side of the brother-in-law and Xiaoxue is inferior, but the brother-in-law's last knife is in the lead. This should also benefit from the unsealed cheats. After all, the time from the spring back to the line in the early stage is quite long. long."

"It's a little over 7 minutes now. My brother-in-law's CS is 170 and 160, and Bubble's CS is [-] and [-]. However, there is still a wave of pawns. It is about [-] or [-] pawns, which is almost one head. ah."

"Yes, but from the look of Like, it seems that he is planning to go down the road again. He has already squatted down in the grass. Zach's E skill is charged up. Are you going to jump..."

Zach squatted in the grass, his golden body pulled back like a slingshot, his limbs became extremely slender because of the elongation, which meant that it bounced farther.

All the fans of Team TL, especially the audience who like likes, can't help but hang their hearts, looking forward to the next moment that their favorite players can successfully complete this wave of GANK.

Although Zac's E skill has time to dodge in the air, they still believe in Like's strength.

Have the opportunity!
A second passed, and it was a cold day, and my tense palms were sweaty.

Two seconds passed, and it was a cold day, and my tense palms were sweaty.

Three seconds passed. It was a cold day, and my tense palms were covered with sweat.


Not four seconds left, because the power storage time is too long, as if holding it for too long and not being released, instead of firing, Zach's skill storage was cancelled, and the tall Zach stretched his muscles and bones in the grass , it seemed that he was in a good mood just after a little activity, turned around and re-entered the wild area lightly.


"Uh, I seem to have seen this scene several times in this game, at least four times, I remember?"

"Almost, the main reason is that it is difficult to find opportunities in the bottom lane. In this case, it is better not to expose the position."

"I feel that there are still some problems with the selection of bottom laners, but there is no way around it. Too many supports have been eliminated."

I probably feel that it is not good to be entangled in the selection of players, and it is easy to be tempted by others, and you may even get criticized after the game. Opportunity to gank, just the bottom lane came several times, if the bottom lane is not Tam, maybe something has happened."

"Yes, in fact, gank doesn't have to be a kill to be effective. If you can knock people home, there is also an advantage."

Sakura also continued to follow Wang Fei's topic, "But this round of sky is a double-unsealed cheat book, and when I get home, I will just switch to teleport back. There is no way to do this."

Wang Fei nodded and said: "Speaking of the jungler, actually, did you find out that Sky, the new jungler, was super aggressive in the early stages of the game, but today there was no movement, and he got into the jungle with a pig girl?" Why did you show your head too much, I remember that he didn't seem to miss a single big move, right?"

Xiao Ying thought for a while and said, "It seems that I only let it go once, the time when Like came to grab the bottom lane, I lost a big move to persuade him to retreat and left."

"Yes, yes - this is a bit strange, it seems that like is still a strong deterrent to newcomers, after all, it is an evergreen tree in the wild."

As soon as Wang Fei finished speaking, the director suddenly cut the angle of view to Zhumei, came from the red BUFF wild area, and squatted directly into the grass next to the middle road.

"Hey, what does pig girl want to do? Ryze is under the tower, and Day Lily's mid lane is still very stable. After all, the world champion mid laner is not covered. There should be no one in Sky except for my brother-in-law..."

This time Wang Fei didn't finish his sentence, and saw Zhumei directly crossing the wall with her Q skill. Almost at the same time, she threw her big move and directly frozen Ryze under the tower.

At the same time, the Tsar's L-shape reappeared elegantly. With a sound of "嗖——", he went straight to the front of the tower, and a row of sand soldiers formed a sand wall to push Ruiz out from under the tower. Ryze's blood volume was stabbed.


Ryze fled back to the tower in a flash, and the pig girl also flashed into the tower to fight against the tower. This guy buried his head in the field for nearly 10 minutes, and finally achieved some results. He carried the defense tower three times and still had half a tube of blood, which stunned Ryze Under the tower, after interrupting his ultimate move, Xue Yunqi's sand soldiers stabbed the world champion mid laner to death.

Got blood.

"Can I go? Hey, almost, I still sent out a blood... Hey!"

While Wang Fei was explaining excitedly, he suddenly realized something was wrong, "Why is it the first blood of my brother-in-law?"

While speaking, the director had already switched the perspective to the bottom lane, and saw a colorful butterfly fluttering its wings, carrying a defense tower and chasing the bloody Thresh, followed by a toad. When Dazui was about to be killed by the defensive tower, "Ha Hou" swallowed Dazui into his mouth, then turned his head and ran towards the outside of the tower.

Ezreal's body is not obvious behind the tower, but it is very conspicuous, and there is a pool of green slime beside it, which seems to be smashed to death by a mouthful of saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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