Chapter 593 [612] I caught five singles
After watching the peaceful development for more than ten minutes, it turned out that it was so easy to wait for the matchup I wanted to watch, but my favorite team was defeated miserably. Killed!

This made all the fans of the TL team watching the game extremely uncomfortable, but Sky also has a huge popularity now, not to mention there are neutral spectators, so many people cheered at the scene.

"What's the situation in the bottom lane? Why did you kill the tower stronger?"

Wang Fei is a little confused. Two-on-two in the bottom lane, there is not much difference in development, equipment, or heroes. In all fairness, EZ is stronger than Dazui in the early and mid-term. After three or 10 minutes, this hero Only then will he embark on the road of domination.

It hasn't been 10 minutes yet, what the hell is it that they start jumping towers and killing EZ?

Sakura naturally didn't know what was going on, so she had to say: "This is really unexpected, wait and see the replay."

Wang Fei nodded and said, "It's probably because Bubble made a mistake."

Just as he was talking, the director gave a replay of the kill just now in the bottom lane. In the screen, Dazui and EZ were making up damage to each other. , EZ is not as good as a parent, so he had to back away, but the big mouth refused to let go, and he caught up to spit again.

As an existence so handsome that he could be the protagonist, Ezreal couldn't bear it anymore, moved away to avoid the damage of the biochemical barrage, and at the same time turned around and hit Dazui's head with a secret shot, Thresh from the nearby grass also followed, walked up to Da Zui, and hit a pendulum of doom with his backhand.

Originally, this was a move to dissuade him, but he didn't expect that Big Mouth would flash out directly, dodging the pendulum of doom, and at the same time pulled into the distance, continuing to chase Ezreal and vomit.

Thresh still had a hook in his hand, so Bubble naturally wouldn't give in. As a result, he saw that while maintaining a super-high basic attack frequency, this big mouth was still very skillful in walking A, taking a step and flapping his wings, stretching His head was spitting upwards, and as soon as the saliva came out, he took another step, which looked almost like a dancing cramp.

Then Thresh's hook just brushed past him.

The Big Mouth Sheep Knife has already stacked six layers, and with the extra damage from the biochemical barrage, Ezreal's small body has suffered six or seven general attacks, and his blood volume has dropped by more than half. Bubble quickly flashed away, but They were slowed down by Dazui, but they couldn't quickly open the distance. Both of them paid healing acceleration, but the deceleration would override the acceleration effect by default. Dazui's movement speed was still not fast enough, so he kept up with the two basic attacks to the tower. Before, directly spit out residual blood from him.

After two mouthfuls of thick phlegm, Bubble couldn't escape even one mouthful, and was directly crushed to death.

This wave is actually a misjudgment, because the two TL bot laners wanted to fight back from the beginning, and they didn't think they would be defeated now, otherwise Thresh would give Lantern the first time, but he didn't expect the damage of Big Mouth It was so terrifying that it almost vomited Ezreal to death.


Wang Fei didn't know what to say for a while, "Brother-in-law is too courageous, this wave almost killed bubble two by one, Thresh's two skills are empty, and the distance is not enough even after flashing the big move , I have no choice but to flash and run in the end.”

"It's really too confident."

Sakura is also a little bit emotional, it has been a long time since I have seen such a confident player in the LPL, especially when facing the world's top ADC like Bubble, "If he didn't avoid Thresh's hook, EZ would have time to read the ultimate move, Then the situation is completely reversed, the brother-in-law must die first, and Thresh is ignited."

"But no matter what, this wave of uncles is still showing off, Tianxiu, this is it."

The commentator has to take care of his own work, but the audience only needs to enjoy the game. No matter how they win, anyway, Lin Xuan killed the guy on the opposite side, and the surroundings are full of cheers and screams. Jiang Qianyu said without hesitation: Ah—" he shouted, and just now TL typed out a flash of Xiaoxue, those women screamed even more exaggeratedly, now that they killed the opponent's ADC, why can't they scream?

Like was forced to come out of the wild area to help Thresh with residual blood to defend the tower, but when he wanted to withdraw the troops, he was spit out a few times, and found that the blood volume dropped a little fast, so he had to hang around under the tower and wait for the defense tower to take the minions Killed, defended two waves of soldiers with spirit, and the blood volume of the defensive tower has dropped by more than half.

The blood volume of the defensive tower in the middle was also knocked out by half, and Ryze quickly teleported over after being resurrected.

Lin Xuan didn't go home, but the fight was obviously much more fierce than before. The bird of prey was about to strike, and flew low and folded its wings. At this moment, the chick had grown into an eagle. Although it hadn't turned into a roc yet, it Showing off the claws is still possible.

Compared with just now, the TL bottom lane combination became obviously more cautious after returning to the line first. EZ even seldom used normal attacks to make up the knife. The bottom line began to change from TL's advantage to sky's advantage.

The bottom lane has always been the top priority of TL. Seeing that the bottom lane is at a disadvantage, like will naturally not make a move. Soon Zach and Ryze both rush to the bottom lane. Obviously, the intention was to kill Tam.

Then Lin Xuan spit out the Thresh that came up with the biochemical barrage, and started to keep walking A to block Laitam. Moon resisted the urge to hook the caterpillar and beat him up, but he couldn't hook , approached Jiang Yingxue straight, and then threw the lantern to the landing point of Ryze's ultimate move.

It’s not unreasonable for Moon to be honored as the strongest support in LPL. This time, the hook is no longer empty. He predicted Jiang Yingxue’s position, hooked her directly, flew over with the chain, reversed the pendulum of doom, and received a set of big moves. Very skilful.


Ryze's ultimate move disappeared, and judging from the pig girl's portrait that appeared on the mini-map, this matter obviously has something to do with him.


Zac, who had been accumulating power for a long time, finally flew up. Lin Xuan didn't choose to move, but used this time to hit the last two basic attacks, which combined with a pool of green slime falling from the sky, directly smashed Thresh to death.

The golden-yellow Zach seems to have really turned into a lump, or the kind that was frozen and then quickly melted. The whole person turned into a puddle of golden-yellow, and then he jumped high with his big mouth flapping his wings Get up, and come to the excited Ezreal.

After landing, Lin Xuan continued to spit at the bubble. Although he hadn't updated his equipment, but with the combination of the sheep knife and the biochemical barrage, the output of Dazui was still extremely terrifying. After all, Ezreal hadn't updated any equipment. , an extra attack speed dagger can be ignored by him at the moment.

Although there is no Ryze, Ezreal hits Big Mouth with Zac's damage, which is also not to be underestimated. When the two of them were slammed together, Jiang Yingxue came over and swallowed Lin Xuan in one gulp.

Tam had Big Mouth in his mouth, sticking out his long tongue and started chasing EZ and whipping him. Ezreal, who had already fallen to half blood, had to back up. He ran, and Big Mouth jumped out of Tam's mouth. They ran after Ezreal together.

After all, Jiang Yingxue was not Lin Xuan, seeing that bubble was already doomed, she turned her head and started using her body to stop Zac.


After killing Bubble, Lin Xuan turned around and chased Like.

The experience of the veteran is not great. Although the battle was provoked by Like, both of the bottom laners died. After Like was beaten out and passive, he used the cooled slingshot to bounce to open the distance. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue were both After losing his skills, Lin Xuan lost two living cannons and only hit one. Like managed to escape back to the wild area.

Ryze in the middle was once again killed by the Tsar and Pig Girl.

Wang Fei said: "It's over, TL has completely collapsed after this wave, Dazui is 3-0, how can we still fight?"

Sakura said: "Fortunately, Like just moved to avoid the last living cannon, otherwise he might die with the blood volume just now, and it would be even more difficult to fight in that case."

Wang Fei suddenly laughed and said: "So the brother-in-law is still the brother-in-law. He said 3-0 in the pre-match interview. Look, it is 3-0 now, right?"

Sakura couldn't help laughing, "You... have a very strange angle."

"Tell me the truth, right?"

Wang Fei is actually avoiding the important and taking the light. At this moment, the situation of TL has completely collapsed, and it is hard to say too much, so as not to be blasted by TL fans.

Sakura suddenly said: "I didn't seem to see the road just now, didn't you have TP?"

Seeing that she had found a topic, Wang Fei hurriedly answered, "It's true what you said. The two top orders both have TP, but they didn't hand in just now... I see, they should be worried about being interrupted." , because both Dashu and Aoun have the ability to interrupt TP remotely, whoever hands in TP first may be interrupted by the opponent's big move."

Sakura nodded and said, "It should be here."

"But it seems that this game is really a bit too quiet on the road. It seems that there is no scene from the beginning to the end. You make up a wave of soldiers, and then I make another wave of soldiers. No one affects anyone, and the development is very happy."



In Sky's backstage lounge, Ren Fan and Zhang San were wearing earphones, clenched their fists and shouted almost simultaneously. Zhang Heng, who was also wearing earphones, couldn't help showing a happy expression, but it disappeared soon.

Among the three people related to the event, Ren Fan is undoubtedly the happiest, because he decided the tactics for the late game in the first game, and he was under a lot of pressure. After all, TL is extremely good at operations and late team stations Team, seeing now, he has basically put his mind at ease.

Sky is a late-stage lineup, with such an advantage in the early and mid-term, it is almost impossible to lose in the future. Even if there is a big mistake, at most it will return the situation to a [-]-[-] split. Dazui's double guarantee in the later stage, even if it is a balance of power, there is still an [-]% or even [-]% chance of winning in the later stage.

Although Zhang San was also happy, but because he didn't have the pressure from Ren Fan before, he noticed the slight change in Zhang Heng's expression, patted him on the shoulder, smiled and didn't speak.

Push down a blood tower and take down the second dragon. The first small dragon was stolen by Zack. Like has more experience in this area, but what he stole was a wind dragon, and at this moment Lin Xuan What they took down was a fire dragon, and the importance was not at the same level.

More importantly, Xue Yunqi also knocked out a tower in the middle lane. This strategic significance is more important than Fire Dragon in the early and mid-term.

For the expansion of the advantage after playing the advantage in the bottom lane, Sky has already played extremely proficiently. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue came to the top lane, and TL also changed the bottom lane combination, but it can only delay the time when the defensive tower is pushed down.

Of course, now that the game time has reached 10 minutes, even if the defensive tower on the road is pushed down, it is not an accident, but TL obviously underestimated Sky's ambition.

Xue Yunqi took advantage of the passivity to erect a defensive tower of her own on the wreckage of the first tower in the middle of TL, and then came to the top lane. Liu Handong appeared almost at the same time, and the four of them directly pushed down to the first tower on the top lane, and then Liu Handong flashed a big move to control it A moon looking for opportunities.

The source of auxiliary income basically depends on the team economy, but in the current situation of TL, Thresh basically has no development, and is directly melted under the terrible output of Dazui and Tsar.

The second tower on the top lane was destroyed at the same time. To make matters worse, Like wanted to cooperate with Wutong to push Sky's first tower on the bottom lane, but was forced to go home to defend.

There is no canyon vanguard, but the big dragon has already been born. When sky faced the Yulong team yesterday, it once had the behavior of directly rushing the big dragon in 10 minutes. TL obviously learned a lesson and did not dare to take it lightly.

However, in the near-collapse situation, whether the Dalong can keep the vision is not based on what they say, but whether the sky will be negligent. Jiang Yingxue's vision control is still not very good. After all, she still has time to play support. too short.

But we have money!

Three real eyes per person, plus two scans, are more than enough to cover the field of vision of the dragon area three times. TL can't even leave a single hair in the dragon area. When both blue accessories are used After falling, you can only use people to explore the way.

Thresh was the first to explore the path. After being hit by Jiang Yingxue with three layers of passive marks, he had to flash through the wall to escape and go home to replenish his status. A little flustered, hurry up and move on.

This time it was ambushed.

After the pig girl interrupted the displacement, Zac was quickly beaten into four pieces, and Dashu teleported to forcefully protect the jungler from death. After using the teleportation to read the bar for four seconds to get Zac to stand up again, he was found to be poked by the Czar died, so I had to quickly cancel the teleportation.

If his teleportation is used up, Mu Wanli will have a great deterrent effect.

The four people here directly opened the big dragon, and after attracting the three of TL, Mu Wanli teleported around and hit Ryze with a long-range ult. Jiang Yingxue arrived with Lin Xuan, buy one get one free, and brought Thresh kill.

Three people were killed in battle, and five people fought against Dalong. They took it without a doubt, went home to replenish a wave of equipment and continued to advance.

The second tower in the middle road and the second tower in the bottom road were retreated almost without any defensive ground. After using the pawn line to grind down the high ground in the bottom road and pushing down the crystal, the economic gap has reached [-].

The game time is less than 10 minutes, Lin Xuan already has five pieces of equipment, sheep knife, ruin, hurricane, attack speed shoes, and resurrection armor. When he returns home and takes out a storm sword, even if it is The optimistic TL team fans are already desperate.

But the next scene still made them feel a little broken.

When taking the red BUFF of the TL team, EZ and Zach poked their heads out from the grass, Lin Xuan opened the biochemical barrage without hesitation and chased the two of them, and Thresh stood in the grass, in front of Sky. There was a hook in the field of vision, and it was avoided without a doubt.

Ryze tried to come up to imprison him, but before he could take two steps, half of his blood was spat out by saliva, and he had to retreat in embarrassment.

Dashu originally wanted to fight, but he could only run when he saw this.

Even though there was a Tahm behind him, the scene where an ADC chased the opponent's five players still made everyone's eyes pop out of shock.

"My God! It's true that one person is beating five people, it's really beating..."

Wang Fei's excited and somewhat unbelievable voice echoed in the gymnasium, and he seemed to be smiling, "Come here, brothers! I caught five of them!!"

At this moment, the heartbroken voices of many TL team fans gathered together, as if playing the prelude to the end of the dynasty.

and the birth of a new dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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