Chapter 594 [613] Everything Can Help

"My God, isn't Sky's rhythm too terrifying?"

After the game ended without any suspense, when Wang Fei made the final summary of the game, he still felt unreal, but his tone became more excited, "There was basically no movement for 7 minutes before the game, and then from Gaining the advantage started to snowball, starting to gain the advantage from 7 minutes, TL has almost no resistance, defense towers, dragons, heads... This is a complete zero seal!"

Sakura reminded: "There is a wind dragon, Zach stole it at the beginning."

"Uh... that's zero heads and zero defensive towers, so it's considered zero seals."


Sakura nodded and said, "By defeating the Yulong team in the semi-finals, Sky has already proved that they have the ability to compete with the top LPL teams, and this round of Sky reminds me of TL at its peak, the execution is too terrifying Come on, with a suffocating rhythm, it can be said that TL has not made any meaningful resistance."

"It can even be said to be, I mean, in the general impression of everyone before the game, if this round is played by TL with such a suffocating rhythm, I think everyone can accept it, but now... it is basically the other way around."

At this time, Wang Fei didn't have any scruples about TL's huge popularity. After all, the game is all about strength, and the performance of the two teams in the game just now was too different, with zero kills and zero defense towers. If it wasn't for stealing a small dragon, It was completely zero-blocked. This was almost completely unilateral crushing. Even if some brain-dead fans came to find him uncomfortable, Wang Fei dared to confront the opponent head-on.

Lin Xuan took off his earphones, saw Xue Yunqi stretching out his hand with a smile all over his face, so he also reached out and gave him a high five. The two of them were basically fighting for each other's heads in this round, so naturally they wanted to celebrate now.

"Nice! Nice!"

Liu Handong was the first to take off the earphones. He was so excited that he almost jumped up. He stretched out his arms and wanted to congratulate Xue Yunqi next to him. It turned out that Xue Yunqi had high-fived Lin Xuan, and looked back in embarrassment. Seeing Mu Wanli standing up with a smile, she walked over to give him a big hug.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the four boys, then turned and walked backstage expressionlessly.

"Haha, this is a bit embarrassing."

Wang Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw this Mu, "The mid laner abandoned the jungler and fell into the arms of the ADC. What about the agreed mid-jungle linkage?"

Sakura laughed and said, "If this continues, can we expect a wave of Nakano's favor?"

Taking off the earphones at this time, the players can already hear the voices of the commentators, but the teasing of the two commentators has no effect on the two teams. Lin Xuan and the others are in a good mood after winning, but TL and the others are not in the mood to think otherwise. of.

The disastrous defeat in this round will be a huge blow to TL in the future. It can be said that even when they faced Carne in the global finals, they were not beaten so badly. .

"Very beautiful!"

Ren Fan and Zhang San waited at the entrance of the backstage. When they saw Jiang Yingxue coming, the two coaches who were grinning from ear to ear couldn't stop praising. I don't know if it was an illusion or because they were in a good mood after winning the game. Zhang San felt that he had finished his compliments. After that, she seemed to see a smile on Xiaoxue's face.

Must be an illusion.

Lin Xuan and Xue Yunqi came over from behind, Zhang San didn't bother to think about it anymore, he continued to praise, and gave everyone a big hug by the way.

"I really didn't expect that once their support was targeted, the whole team seemed to be out of touch."

The decision on support was only finalized last night. The importance of the first game of BO5 is self-evident. It is very risky to put all the focus on the opponent's support position. C position output, jungle rhythm , start a team on the road, and support is between protection and team start, depending on the player and the hero.

In most cases, the support job can be done by jungler and top laner. He is not irreplaceable, and he does not need to develop. It is often nonsense to say that a support is too poor in development. Is it possible to develop well? Can it compare to mid-to-high ADCs?

So even though they implemented Ren Fan's tactical arrangement again, they were actually heaving a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they didn't expect the effect to be unexpectedly good.

"Do you still play like this in the next game?"

"The next round will continue to play like this!"

The 10 minutes passed quickly, and the TL team gave priority to choosing sides in the second round, and their decision came out quickly, and they still chose the red side.

"Wow, this coach has a bit of a head!"

Hearing this news, Liu Handong immediately called out, "Will he come to the five-choice red side?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Impossible."

"That's hard to say."

Mu Wanli smiled and said, "It's easy to say."

Xue Yunqi also laughed and said, "If this goes on like this, there won't be a fifth round at all."

Zhang Heng said with a smile: "My brother-in-law said it was [-]-[-], so it's best to win [-]-[-]."

Ren Fan said: "Okay, okay, don't underestimate the enemy, let's discuss what to fight first."

"Bullhead and Bloom will definitely be taken down."

"Shouldn't Tam take it off too?"

"We have a choice."

"They might take Tamm down."

"Anyway, we'll only pull the support. When the time comes, we'll see what support is there, and we'll kill that one. Let's grab one first."

"Makes sense."


Back on the stage, the morale gap between the two sides can be clearly seen. Sky's five walk lightly, while TL's side is obviously heavier. Of course, not all of them. After all, TL has experienced too many storms, and their mentality has not adjusted. The problem is, when walking from the backstage to the stage, like didn't know what to say to the mid laner, and his smile was still very bright.

Although Huang Huacai has just transferred from Crane to TL, he is different from other Korean aid players in that he has a good level of Chinese, at least there is no problem in communication.

"Come on, TL!"

"Come on, bubble!"


"If you win the battle, don't leave, okay?"


The audience shouted loudly. I don’t know if it’s because the distance is too far, or if the players are used to it. The five players in TL were not affected at all. Those who were expressionless were still expressionless, and those with bright smiles were still smiling. He returned to his position and put on the earphones to block out the noise of the scene.

BP starts.

There is nothing to say about the blue side of sky, and the bull's head is pulled. Moon's bull's head is very good at finding opportunities, and he likes to roam by surprise. The threat is too great, so it must be pressed.

"Wow, it's the wrench support again?"

Wang Fei exclaimed in surprise, "It seems that Sky, the BO5, is staring at Moon, and Moon God said it's a bit uncomfortable now."

Sakura said: "It feels like Sky's BO5 strategy today is aimed at support. I wonder if TL has a strategy to deal with the setbacks in the last game, because to be honest, they still rely on moon for their team opening. "

"Look at what TL will pull. I'm still thinking about it. I haven't decided what to pull."

TL didn't decide on a hero to pull for a long time, until the end of the time, they hastily locked on Tamm and killed him directly.

"Wow, I really pulled Tamm!"

"Nice, I like them playing support."

"We get Braum out too?"

"no problem."

After Bron was defeated, the whole scene was in an uproar. In the first round, Sky defeated five supporters, and TL defeated one auxiliary barrel. This is six support positions. At the beginning of this round, the two teams The first three pull positions are auxiliary again.

Wang Fei said: "TL doesn't know what to remove, will the wine barrel be released?"

Sakura thought for a while and said, "I feel that there is a high probability that we still have to get rid of it. There is still something about the auxiliary barrel of brother-in-law..."

Just as he was talking, he saw that TL pulled Qinggangying away with the second hand, so he changed his words: "...Qinggangying! It's confirmed, TL's second hand pulled Qinggangying to the jungler."

After Xue Yunqi saw the opponent's pull, she asked, "What are we pulling?"

Ren Fan said: "Get rid of Shen, and if they don't get rid of Luo, we will grab it."

Mu Wanli reminded: "The wine barrel is still there, if there is a wine barrel, I think it's better to take it first."

He seldom cares about BP affairs, but today he seems very active. Ren Fan is obviously happy to see this, and said with a smile: "If they dare to let go, of course we will choose."

Xue Yunqi said: "Then I should be careful?"

Liu Handong said: "I think the wine barrel should be removed."

Ren Fan said: "Just be careful, get rid of it."

Xue Yunqi got rid of Shen, and this choice once again caused a commotion in the scene. Jiang Qianyu even heard a girl next to her say "Shameless", she stared and looked to the side, all of them looked very smart, not like It is a person who can say such stupid words, so he had to give up, thinking angrily that those who like the stupid team are all stupid fans!
Everyone has a position, but Xiao Nizi would never be so extreme in the past, but she was irritated by the "shameless" sound, so why are you not allowed to pull the hero? If you have the ability, you let the official rule that TL's opponents must fight in vain Ah, I heard that TL is a prince team, and Guodian often does something special, but I didn't expect their fans to be more special.

"Now TL only has the last pull in the first round, I don't know if it will pull the barrel..."

When Wang Fei was talking, everyone was staring at the right side of the screen, waiting for the final choice of the TL head coach. As the countdown ticked slowly, the last hero who was knocked out in the first round was finally revealed. curtain.


"It seems that TL wants to open the situation by top lane in this round."

"It looks like it is, and Li's Aoun is indeed very proficient, and he should be the top laner who used Aoun the most in this Demacia Cup."

"But in this case, the wine barrel has been released."

Niutou, Bron, Shen, Tam, Qinggangying, Ornn.

All six levers are released.

"They didn't pull the barrel?"

"Take it or not?"

In the end, the wrench was something that Sky had never thought of, but seeing the wine barrel being released, Ren Fan was naturally overjoyed, and said without hesitation, "Just the wine barrel!"


Mu Wanli did not hesitate, and directly found the wine barrel and locked it.

With the wine barrel in hand, the previous arrangement needs to be reconsidered. Ren Fan quickly thought about the other party's possible candidates in his mind, "They should be Luo, and the second hand is probably the Tsar. If this is the case, we should target more in the early stage. Middle road..."

While talking, they saw that TL locked the Tsar in seconds on the first floor, but the second-hand hero was a little surprised. After highlighting Luo, they actually chose the wild pig girl.



There were almost the same modal particles in the earphones, which made Jiang Yingxue so bored. He turned his head and glanced at these people. Lin Xuan was the first to bear the brunt, but he didn't notice.

"Wine barrel jungler, Luo assistant, how about it?" Ren Fan made a change in the shortest time.

Liu Handong said: "I have no problem."

Lin Xuan curled his lips and said, "It's as if I have a problem, and I have no problem, anyway, I don't play support, right Xiaoxue?"

Jiang Yingxue ignored him.

Ren Fan asked, "Can Xiaoxue do it?"


"That's fine, let's take Luo, and take Xia as the third hand, okay?"

Lin Xuan said: "I listen to the coach."

Liu Handong said: "What if the coach doesn't let Naxia?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I listen to the coach."

Xue Yunqi smiled and said, "Anyway, the coach already said to help get the ADC, right?"

Lin Xuan said disdainfully: "I just look down on you people who follow the wind..."

Xue Yunqi said: "Now I choose the hero."

"...Of course, I still admire her in my heart. Why are you so discerning! How can you be so knowledgeable! How can you be so likable! Why are you..."

Jiang Yingxue said helplessly: "Can you say a few words less?"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liu Handong and Xue Yunqi locked Xia and Luo respectively amid bursts of laughter.

"Luo... the wine barrel went to the jungle?"

"Wow! Sky is such a thief in the selection, TL is a bit uncomfortable, he was tricked!"

"Actually, it's okay. Tsar and Pig Girl are still strong in the later stage of the group station. Now it's up to the third player to choose?"

"I think it's better to choose the support first, otherwise Sky will probably continue to pull the support later, and Moon will be even more uncomfortable in that way."


Coach TL understands the reason why the commentary is clear, but when the coach chooses, he also needs to consider the priority of the hero. Lin Xuan thinks that coach TL should think that the support is no longer suitable anyway, so it is better to get a hero. T1 heroes in other positions.

So TL locked on Ezreal in the third hand, not the support.

"Okay, continue to pull support!"

"Hahaha, I feel sorry for the other side."

"Wait until you win the fight, or you'll be hurt if your brother-in-law loses face."

The Japanese girl pulled it off.

Then the last pull.

Ren Fan thought for a while and asked, "Is there any help?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "Bron, Niutou, Tam, Shen, Japanese girl... the opponent seems to have used these five supports."

Mu Wanli smiled and said, "It's all done, there's no need to do it?"

Xue Yunqi smiled and said: "It's too much, I've already got all the support from others, and you still want to continue?"

Liu Handong said: "He always wants to choose a support, we will let him choose later."

Jiang Yingxue suddenly said: "The support they used in the last round is still there."

The voice in the team fell into a strange silence, only Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment and then said: "Fuck, Xiaoxue, you are the most beastly one. This version even beats Thresh?"

Not everyone has the protagonist's buff. Others would not dare to talk like him in front of Jiang Yingxue. Mu Wanli said weakly, "Even taking down Thresh, isn't it too bullying?"

Xue Yunqi said: "I feel a little bit sorry for the support on the other side."

Liu Handong said: "It's okay, there are many supports, such as Huo Nan, Lux, Enchantress, Female Spear, Mundo, these can all be supported. Play a few more rounds of bronze hero pool to expand, hahahahaha. "

Mu Wanli smiled and said, "It's really not possible and Yasuo."

Ren Fan said: "That's enough, let's stop making trouble. In fact, Thresh can also be used. Moon's Thresh is indeed quite powerful. If it wasn't Tamm in the last game..."

Lin Xuan said: "Isn't it my ADC that is good?"

Ren Fan continued: "...We are not that easy to fight. Luo will not be easy to fight against Thresh in this round. It is indeed possible to defeat Thresh."

"Brother Fan, it is easy for people to misunderstand that you are saying that I am not as important as Xiaoxue."

Ren Fan said: "How could I have said that? But the meaning is the same. Xiaoxue's role in the game is indeed more important. This game is also the same. She wants to be the first to start the team and cannot be interrupted by Thresh."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The earphones were full of laughter again, but Jiang Yingxue didn't feel noisy this time, she pursed the corners of her mouth to suppress the smile that just broke out, and found Thresh to pull it away.

TL locked on the single Gnar on the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, Lin Xuan locks on the top laner Big Bug.

Jiang Yingxue locked in the mid laner Syndra on the fifth floor.

After hesitating for a long time on the fifth floor of TL, he finally locked on the assistant Lulu.

The lineups of the two sides for the second game were all confirmed. Wang Fei and Sakura deliberately waited until the end of the time for players to swap heroes, and then confirmed that Sky did not change heroes in the bottom lane, and then announced the lineups of both sides.

Then there was the pre-match interview of TL mid laner Daylily, the champion mid laner who got this strange name because of ID "Daylily" faced the camera and said in broken Mandarin: "I chose to come to LPL from Crane, to TL , I just think this place is more suitable for me. Before I came here, TL won many championships, LPL champions, Demacia Cup champions... I think my arrival will make TL stronger. Our goal this year is still the championship. "

(End of this chapter)

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