Chapter 597 [616] Demacia Cup Champion
If a high ground has to be destroyed, almost all teams will choose to give up the high ground in the middle when they can choose, because his defensive difficulty is the lowest among the three lanes, and in most cases, the bottom lane has the highest priority .

Because it is too far away from the dragon.

Bot lane super soldiers must contain a hero. In the case of neither top laner teleporting, sky is five against four at the baron. Although TL made a vision at the baron first, but in front of the real eye tactics Soon it was completely stripped, and the dragon was completely dark. Lulu and Zhumei came together to make a vision. When Zhumei was ambushed, Lulu wanted to use skills to save her teammates, but Xue Yunqi remotely controlled her and instantly killed her.

The super soldiers rushed to the high ground, and Gnar had to defend the high ground. After Lulu was killed, Lin Xuan and the others decisively opened the dragon. After picking up the pig girl, she directly used damage to force her to death, and Dalong fell into the bag without any accidents.

At this time, even Wang Fei could only sigh: "Then this game can basically be said to be over."

Although Mu Wanli was killed several times in this round, he won three heads. His development is still very good. The big dragon feeds him, and the small dragon feeds him. Basically, others can feed it if they can't eat it. When Baron BUFF started to split-push, Gnar had to deal with a truly behemoth-like bug with an eight-tier ultimate.

When Lin Xuan and the others pushed down the high ground in the middle lane, Mu Wanli turned on the glory of justice again, directly ignoring the high ground tower on the top lane, and even taking a damage from Gnar, rushed directly to the middle lane, breaking up the opponent's formation, plate armor After opening it, he flashed over and swallowed Ezreal, who was almost full of blood, with a big move.


This time, amidst the cheers at the scene, there were still people shouting Sky's name. After the TL base was smashed, the five players showed no expression on their faces. What, but when they came out of the backstage and sat back in the game position, they could be seen smiling again in the footage given by the director.

In the third round, TL finally switched sides and chose the blue side. The front three wrestlers became Wine Barrel, Qinggang Ying, and Dazui, while Lin Xuan and the others continued to target support, taking down Niutou, Tam, and Shen respectively.

TL picked the Tsar first hand.

Lin Xuan and the others chose Ezreal and Bron, and then TL took away the combination of Xialuo in the bottom lane. This choice finally made many fans of the TL team who couldn't beat the opponent for the bottom lane feel much better.

Wang Fei also said: "TL finally took the support first in this game. With this move, Luo will be much better when the team is standing. Unlike the previous game, which lacks the means to start the team, we can only let the opponent go first."

Sakura also said: "It seems that the TL coaching staff also made timely tactical adjustments, and no longer let the support be targeted by the opponent."

TL made adjustments, so Lin Xuan and the others naturally also made adjustments. In the third move, Liu Handong took a wild prince. After the red BUFF started, he did not play blue, and went directly to the bottom lane to catch a wave. , Bubble wanted to flash and dodge on the way of EQ, but he kept up with the flash and still flew up.

After Jiang Yingxue flashed the passive and ignited it, the bubble could basically be declared dead. Lin Xuan didn't want to hand over the head to grab the head, so naturally there was no way to let it go, and the head was taken by Liu Handong.

Although Lin Xuan didn't get the kill, Bubble died at the beginning and lost the experience that was more important than life in the early stage. He was destined to be suppressed all the time in the next lane. When he returned to the line, both Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue It was almost level three, and Xia Luo, who was originally strong in the lane, had no chance to fight at all.

In order to help restore the situation in the bottom lane, Zhu Mei also ganked a wave of down lanes when Xia reached the third level. Lin Xuan didn't panic at all. At that time, the half-blooded Luo had to retreat one after another. Without Luo's first move, Xia couldn't keep up with the output, and Zhu Mei was the target when she came up alone, and had to retreat first after being beaten.

Liu Handong appeared in Zhumei's back road holding a halberd.

Bron is said to be invincible in small-scale group stations. This is by no means what he said, but the experience and lessons learned by countless summoners. After Liu Handong and Lin Xuan each played a common attack, they were short of the last layer to trigger the passive. Zhumei fled decisively, and Lin Xuan also followed a flash to play passively. Liu Handong followed Erlian again, gave the head to Lin Xuan, and went into Zhumei's wild area to fight against the wild.

A blood tower in the bottom lane was pushed away in a little more than 8 minutes, and then the extremely familiar lane change and tower push. It was the bottom lane that opened up the situation, but in fact it was no longer Lin Xuan who drove the rhythm.

It was Liu Handong.

When Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue arrived on the top lane, he came to the middle lane and killed the Tsar's flash. He arrived on the top lane in less than a minute, and cooperated with Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue to cross the tower and kill Wutong.

The game time was 13 minutes. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue pushed down the first tower of TL, while Liu Handong cooperated with Xue Yunqi in the middle to kill the Czar. With a 1-0-3 record, the prince has a 100% participation rate of the four heads so far in the game.

TL fell into a disadvantage again, but no one from the TL fans shouted "Come on TL" anymore.

I don’t know if it’s because TL’s two-game losing streak has been affected, or if it’s because Sky has become more and more courageous. In the third game, TL completely lost the resilience of the second game. If the audience who only watched the first game restarted the live broadcast, they would probably I thought this was watching a replay, because the completely one-sided rhythm was basically repeating the first game.

At 10 minutes into the first round, sky had just started to exert its strength, but at 10 minutes into this round, sky had already won the six outer towers of TL's three roads, and its economic lead had reached more than 8000.

This is already a complete crushing situation.

TL still wanted to rely on the Highland Tower to hold back, but after Dalong was born, he had to ignore it. Before the wreckage of the second tower in the middle 22 minutes later, Liu Handong and Xue Yunqi defeated the opponent's czar in two to three seconds, and then Lin Xuan They broke the dragon decisively, and the pig girl was killed trying to grab the dragon, and the head ratio came to 7-0.

Dragons 2-0.

Tower 6-0.

When pushing the high ground, Mu Wanli Aoun's long-range ult blows three of them into the air, Jiang Yingxue flashes to follow him, and Liu Handong, who is in damage equipment, enters the arena with an ult and double kills in an instant. Only Tsar and Zhumei are left in TL to escape to the spring, and then The Tsar was killed while defending the base, and only Zhumei was left to witness the whole process of the base explosion.

"Then congratulations to Sky for ending the BO5 with [-]-[-] and winning the Demacia Cup this year!"

The third game ended so quickly that people felt a sense of anticlimax, or the plot of this final was completely different from what most people imagined, even Sky fans thought that Sky Winning the championship would be an unrealistic idea.

This unrealistic idea slowly became clear in the three games of the final and became a reality, but it made people feel so unrealistic.

Before the awards ceremony started, many people had already got up and left the arena. Of course, some people still held up the "bubble don't go" sign, trying hard to keep their favorite contestants.

After Lin Xuan and the others shook hands, the five members of the TL team waited for a while before anyone got up to pack their things. This fiasco was beyond everyone's expectations, and the five players who were most affected were undoubtedly their five players, especially the smug Huang Hua Cai, and bubble who wanted to play hard in the last game of TL.

The losers are worthy of pity or sympathy, but the ones who get the most attention are still the winners.

Zhang San, Ren Fan, Zhang Heng and Meng Meng ran from the backstage to the stage with smiles on their faces. This was a feast reserved for the victors.

"Sky's coaching staff and substitute players also came to the podium, and it can be seen that they are very happy at the moment. Indeed, sky defeated TL 3:0. I think this record is the most people before the game, even everyone. I didn't expect..."

When Wang Fei said this with some emotion, Xiao Ying suddenly suppressed a smile and interrupted, "No, you missed someone."

Wang Fei was stunned for a moment, but quickly reflected, and said with a smile: "Indeed, I forgot my brother-in-law, but in fact, what my brother-in-law said before the game did not say who can win. This should be considered from the mentality. Who will win?" Whoever wins the first game will have a high probability of winning this BO5."

Sakura nodded and said: "For Sky, this is indeed something worth celebrating, just like what Xin Xin said yesterday, Sky has given us too much touch and joy from the past glory to the lowest point in five years. Proud, dormant for five years, returning home with seven buckles, now this championship means more to Sky, to the fans, and even to the entire LPL than just a Demacia Cup champion. I think it represents more of the brother-in-law in the Sky documentary That sentence: sky is back!"

"We look forward to sky being able to bring us more exciting performances on the LPL stage!"

With the appearance of the host Fang Yao, the commentary work of Wang Fei and Sakura in the finals came to an end. The two packed their things and left the commentary booth, while the awards ceremony on the stage had just begun.

The post-match interview after winning the championship was conducted on the stage, and other people also tacitly pushed Lin Xuan to the position closest to Fang Yao. After congratulating Sky again for winning the Demacia Cup, Fang Yao held up the microphone and asked with a smile. He said: "Then, how does our brother-in-law feel about winning the Demacia Cup now? Is there anything you want to say to the fans who have always supported Sky?"

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "Of course I am very happy to win this championship, after all, there is another bonus."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of "reality". Lin Xuan continued: "Of course I am also very grateful to the fans. Sky used to have many brilliance, but at this moment, among the five people in Sky that year , there are only two brothers Heng and Fan left, and Brother Fan also changed coaches, taking away the job of the third brother."

There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "We have returned to everyone's field of vision with a new lineup, of course, a new team, but this does not mean that we are not SKY, and the torch is passed on. Always. Thank you boss, thank you coach, thank you all the staff of sky, thank you teammates, and of course myself, thank you for making sky come back. Of course, the most important thing is those who still never forget us when we are down, Thank you for silently supporting our fans.”

These words are actually more appropriate for Zhang San, Zhang Heng, and Ren Fan to say, but Lin Xuan is not sure whether they will be so sensational with him, and since he has already asked himself, he simply said all of them.

When he said the last thank you, he faced the audience and the camera and bowed deeply, followed by Jiang Yingxue next to him, Zhang San, Ren Fan, Zhang Heng, and everyone else in Sky.

"Thank you for never forgetting us, thank you for never leaving us, thank you for never giving up on us, thank you for supporting us now and cheering for us, thank you for supporting us and cheering for us in the future... …thank you all for your support, thank you!"

At least for e-sports, among all the players' words of thanking fans, Lin Xuan's words are definitely one of the more sensational. On the spot and before the live broadcast, many old Sky fans were more or less touched by the scene, and even some were emotional. Everyone felt that the eye sockets were a little moist.

"I hope that the road ahead will be long, and we can still work together as companions."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, Fang Yao saw that he was no longer talking, so she took back the microphone, and said softly "Wow" with some emotion, which didn't make people feel exaggerated, but just felt the same emotion, "My brother-in-law said It was very good, and very touching. I hope that we can all join hands in the future. Then the next question, in fact, in the pre-match interview, you mentioned today’s score, and the prediction will end at 3:0. So are you confident?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I also want to say that I am confident, but in fact I just want to say this, including all the best and worst situations, so that no matter how I play in the end, it will not exceed this limit." The range ... I didn't think we'd win the title at first."

Of course, this is talking nonsense with open eyes, but naturally no one standing next to him would expose him.

Fang Yao continued to ask: "Then as the captain of the team, do you have anything to say to your teammates at this moment?"

Lin Xuan turned his head to look, and then said with a smile: "I really want to ask if I can share more of the bonus with me, but they probably won't agree, so there's nothing to say."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The scene that seemed a bit dull just now was filled with laughter, even Fang Yao couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Apart from extra bonus points, is there really nothing else to say?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Of course there is, the main reason is that I'm not used to complimenting people in person."

Fang Yao laughed and said, "So you plan to praise them? But it doesn't matter. They already know that you plan to praise them. You have been training since you came to Qingdao. Now you finally won the championship. Do you have any plans?" How about going to relax with your teammates?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "It doesn't count if I say it, but the coach said that after the game, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will eat a better meal. Now that he has won the championship, I think he can eat better."

Fang Yao smiled and said: "I think the club will definitely not be stingy in this regard. After the awards are over, you can go to have a good meal, but before that, we have to ask our coaches. From then to now, you have been working in Sky for seven full years. I think this is a very long experience for everyone. There were glory days and bottoms, and now you have come back again. Is there anything you want to tell everyone?"

After she finished asking, she handed the microphone in front of Zhang San. After thinking for four or five seconds, Zhang San said, "Sky is more than just a job to me. Seven years, especially the last few years, I have experienced many unspeakable hardships, but fortunately, I have survived now, and I feel very lucky, because it is not only me who has been with me for the past seven years, like the manager, like Zhang Heng, and Ren Fan, They have also accompanied Sky for many years...Of course, I am also very fortunate to welcome young and talented players like Jiang Jingbai and the others. Their arrival constitutes the final puzzle of Sky's return, and I look forward to Sky's future. development of."

Zhang San's words are actually more profound, especially the phrase "difficult to speak to others". After that, there was no more sound.

Next, the organizers and Tencent's official awards presenters came to present awards, 50 bonuses, championship trophies, and medals for the six people on the list, and then Fang Yao announced the end of the Demacia Cup finals.

There were media interviews after the game. Just like what Wang Fei and Sakura said, the meaning of the Demacia Cup championship to Sky is far from being a trophy. Its greater role is to announce Sky to everyone return.

Less than half of them disappeared after the game, and the news of "Five years of dormancy, seven buckles on the way home, and the return of the sky king" was pushed out by Zhangmeng, and then the homepage of the official website also posted this news.

Even players who have never paid attention to the Demacia Cup have learned the news from the bombardment of various media or from the mouth of the loler beside them. Some old players specially clicked on the news that they have not followed for a long time, and there are also new viewers Get to know the team.

After celebrating that night, sky returned to hangtown the next day.

There is still more than a week before the start of the LPL, and the team will be on vacation for two days, so Lin Xuan will naturally go back to live and enjoy the last leisure time.

(End of this chapter)

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