Chapter 598 [617] Girlfriend
The teams that did not reach the finals have already returned to their respective cities, and many official staff have also left one after another. However, when Sky celebrated that night, there were still quite a few people. Apart from the people from the Sky club, there were also some official staff, such as Xiao The two commentators Ying and Wang Fei, as well as Fang Yao and Chu Ming, Xiaoxi returned to Shanghai because her work ended yesterday, while Chu Ming stayed to continue to observe the internship. She has confirmed that she will be stationed in Hangzhou to host status, just wait for the job.

Jiang Qianyu invited her to have a class tomorrow morning and went back early tomorrow morning. Lin Xuan didn't have the rest of the team. Instead, she bought a morning ticket like her. After celebrating that night, she returned to Hangzhou early the next morning.

The location of the airport is a bit out of the way. Xiao Nizi specially bought an early flight and planned to go to class directly after landing. However, she landed at 10 o'clock, and it was nearly [-] minutes after she arrived at the school. Lin Xuan sent her to the school and asked the driver to continue. Go to the team base by yourself, and then drive back in the car sent by my aunt.

Jiang Qianyu gave the key to Xiao Wu before leaving, and asked her to help take care of Daidai for two days on weekends, but she only came here once or twice a day. It seems that Daidai is a very boring cat guarding an empty house. Lin When Xuan opened the door and came in, it was pretending to be dueling with the sweeping robot—that is, when the robot was working seriously, it jumped up and down in front of it, and the enemy advanced and retreated, and the enemy retreated and chased after it.

After a long absence, Lin Xuan greeted him, and Duda left the robot, and greeted him with a few jumps. Lin Xuan put the two suitcases in the living room, closed the door, and led Daida to make a round of inspection. , I didn't find any work that I could do, so I changed the cat litter and water for it again, which was regarded as a reward for the little guy's enthusiasm for himself today.

It was the twelfth lunar month at this time, and it was cold in the deep winter. Lin Xuan opened the window to let the wind out, but found that it was too cold, the sky was overcast, and although the temperature was still above zero, because of the high air humidity, the body surface temperature was even higher Low, and it's especially odd that it's colder inside than outside.

Of course, this does not mean that opening the window will make it warmer. Lin Xuan closed the window, saw that Daidai was still following him, so he left a gap in the window, hugged Daidai and put it in front of the window, poor Daidai tried his best to shrink his head , tightened his body to prevent the loss of heat, and the cute cat's face was also wrinkled. Lin Xuan looked amused, reached out and poked its nose, and then put it down.

As soon as Daidai escaped from the clutches, he immediately ran back to the living room. When Lin Xuan returned to the living room, he saw it was squatting on the sofa, looking at him cautiously. Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing. He took two packs of beef jerky, opened one pack and bit off half, then put the other half in his hand and shook it, staring at him with big jewel-like eyes, as if thinking about it seriously , and then ran over in a very unpromising manner.

After teasing Daidai for a while, I thought that no one would take care of him for two days, and Daidai should continue to be enthusiastic about himself, but it is a pity that the little guy will not take care of him after eating the jerky, which makes Lin Xuan feel good Depressed for a while, I angrily thought that Xiao Wu must have teased it a lot in the past two days.

The cat ignored people, so he had to look for a book to read, but he searched on his desk for a long time, but he couldn't find where the "Paradise Lost" was. This book had been read before the college entrance examination, but it was obviously not suitable for storage. At home, in order not to be misunderstood by my parents about my good son, I brought it here.

He read this book twice later, until the relationship with Xiao Nizi gradually became ambiguous, so he didn't dare to read it. He always felt inexplicably about to fall into the abyss, but recently with Xiao Nizi's The knot in his heart was untied, and his attitude gradually calmed down, and he remembered again.

As a result, the book disappeared.

The first suspect is obviously Jiang Qianyu. Lin Xuan went to Xiao Nizi's room, but couldn't find it. He wandered around the room twice, but still couldn't find it. Lin Xuan even searched Xiao Nizi's wardrobe and even the drawer where the diary was kept. I still haven't seen the shadow of the book, it looks like it's hidden.

That should be taken to the school to see.

Lin Xuan quickly came to a conclusion, and after thinking about it, he felt that this was obviously a good thing for him. After all, certain contents in the book had obviously "educated" Xiaonizi, and maybe it could benefit him earlier.

He thought about it and laughed inexplicably. He felt that he was really disillusioned. He was thinking about such a wretched thought, but he felt warm and sweet in his heart. It probably tasted like the legendary dog ​​food, but he didn't expect it to be quite delicious.

I casually looked for a book to read, and it was already eleven o'clock without feeling anything. Lin Xuan took his mobile phone and keys and went out to buy groceries.

I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t cooked for a few days, and I want to buy everything when I see it, but considering the appetite of the two of them, I finally bought beef, tomato, shrimp, eggs and a white radish. When I got home, I put the beef in the Soak in clean water, then wash the tomatoes and put a cross-cut knife on them, put them in hot water for soup, peel and cut them, put them in a pressure cooker, then cut the beef soaked in blood and put them in, add onion, ginger, star anise and other seasonings, put Bring to a simmer.

Then wash the radish and cut it into shreds, Xiao Nizi just finished class soon, set the time on the pot, Lin Xuan washed his hands and closed the kitchen door, gave a warning, dazed, and went out to pick up someone from school.

The sky was getting gloomy. Lin Xuan drove into the campus in a red sports car. Xiao Nizi's last two classes were high math. According to her, the high math teacher was a very cute fat old man. He went to the cafeteria to eat once two years ago. Catch up with the meal time, and since then I have always worried that my students will not be able to eat. Every time the last class at noon, I will end the class five to 10 minutes earlier and let my students go to the cafeteria to eat early. In his words: " I have no choice but to help everyone win at the starting line."

So when Lin Xuan arrived at the teaching building, there were still 15 minutes before the end of get out of class time, so as not to run over and appear insincere, it was not a loss. The words make sense.

The teaching building is right next to the school road. Lin Xuan parked the car on the side of the school road, and looked at the people walking around the campus a little bored, secretly guessing whether someone would come to ask for his autograph later, the most important thing is But please don't run into Yan Feifei again, as if you are destined to be with her.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone knock on the car window. It was a girl with exquisite makeup, but she looked extremely strange, and she had no impression at all. She was probably her fan. Lin Xuan felt a little bit of fame in his heart. Annoyed, he pressed the car window and said with a smile, "Hello."

"Handsome, are you a student of our school?"

"No, what's the matter?" Lin Xuan froze for a moment before shaking his head, looked around, this place can be parked.

"Is that why you came here to play?" The girl blinked her big eyes, looking quite interested.

It doesn't look like a fan, Lin Xuan is a little strange, "Come to pick me up, what's the matter?"

"Pick up, isn't it convenient for you now?"

The beautiful girl glanced at Lin Xuan with watery eyes, her fair face blushed slightly, "I'm going to the library just now, can you give me a ride if it's convenient? It's very close."

Lin Xuan had the urge to scold someone, and finally realized that he was not his fan, but a fan of this car. He tried to maintain a polite smile and said, "Sorry, my girlfriend is about to leave get out of class."


The girl was not surprised, but a little disappointed and seemed a little bit regretful. She looked at the interior decoration of the car again, and then she straightened up and left.

Through the rearview mirror, Lin Xuan glanced at the girl's back in winter clothes, which was still uneven. Then he looked at his face in the mirror, and realized that he was not famous enough. League of Legends will definitely be an official event in the Olympics and Asian Games... If I can play and win the championship, will this face be more attractive than the car?

After thinking wildly, he raised the car window again, but suddenly saw three people coming out of the fork in the road leading to the teaching building, two of them were very familiar girls, one was fat, one was thin, one was beautiful and the other was beautiful. The beautiful one is not in a beautiful mood.

The one walking in the front was Yan Feifei, followed by the one who had met twice or three times, the first time I met Xiaonizi was at the movie theater before her birthday, he came in chirping, with Zhao Jun He sat next to him in the lovers' seat. The second time was at the KTV, and he followed Yan Feifei. The third time was at the door of the girls' dormitory, and he was with Yan Feifei.

Xiao Nizi later wentssip about the relationship between the three, and now it seems she was right.

The first time I met Yan Feifei and Zhao Jun was during the summer vacation. There was a small accident in the train station. Later, I accidentally saw Yan Feifei in my hometown. Zhao Jun and I are in the same school. It seems that we have met three or four times before and after. Both he and Xiao Nizi have a good impression of this girl who is not beautiful in appearance.

She looked a little embarrassed at the moment. This kind of embarrassment was not because of her messy clothes, but because she was following behind the two people in front.

Most of the girls who just entered college still stay in the plain face in high school, and Yan Feifei is undoubtedly a girl who can dress up and dress herself. It’s cold recently. She wears a white crew-neck sweater and black leggings. With small white shoes on his feet, a beret on his head, and a brown coat over his head, he looks warm and gentle.

Of course, the main thing is the good-looking face.

Zhao Jun was wearing a thick black down jacket that almost reached his knees, light blue jeans and a pair of pink fleece cotton shoes underneath... Although Lin Xuan's usual clothes were bought by Xiao Nizi for him, I don't know how to dress, but I still know how to appreciate it. The difference between the two girls looks really big.

Yan Feifei's stature is about the same as that of Xiao Nizi's, she must be around [-], while Zhao Jun was originally shorter and fatter than her, wearing such a suit looks like... Lin Xuan didn't intend to criticize, but it seems that I really want the old duck to stand beside the swan.

The bigger gap is because of the different expressions on the faces of the two, and the boy in the middle.

"Aren't you annoying? I can go back to the dormitory alone. Don't you understand? Don't send me!"

Walking to the intersection, Yan Feifei stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at the boy who forgot his name, with an expression of impatience and helplessness, "You are going to accompany your friend to celebrate his birthday now, okay? I have already promised others .”

"I'll take you to the door and leave. Anyway, there will be no delay."

The boy tried his best to look calm and nonchalant, "I have known Zhao Jun since we were young, and I have always regarded her as the kind of boy..."

Yan Feifei looked at him more and more helplessly, "Are you finished? It's okay, I can go on my own, you go to eat, I have other things to worry about when I have classes in the afternoon."

The boy immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Yan Feifei looked like she wanted to commit suicide, and her tone was helpless and even pleading, "This has nothing to do with you, you go to have dinner with your friends now, I'll go back to the dormitory, don't follow me anymore, OK?"

Probably because her attention was all on the trouble in front of her, she didn't notice Lin Xuan in the car on the side of the road, she turned around and left after speaking, and the boy followed suit, Yan Feifei turned around suddenly, stretched out a stick Bai Nen pointed at his feet, and said with wide eyes: "Stop! Don't follow anymore, or I'll be really angry and I'll tell you...Stop! Don't follow anymore!"

The boy raised his foot several times, but finally gave up under the threat of Yan Feifei. Seeing Yan Feifei quicken his pace and walk towards the dormitory, he suddenly turned around and shouted at Zhao Jun: "Are you sick? Why are you following me?" Are you afraid that I am having a good time? Are you afraid that I am not uncomfortable enough?"


Zhao Jun, who was still looking lonely and sad, explained anxiously, but he only uttered two words, and was interrupted by the childhood sweetheart boy in front of him: "Don't you want to see what you look like now? I I'm always hiding from you, can't you see it? Which boy like you is willing to walk with you?"

Some people passing by on the school road turned their heads to look over, even Yan Feifei, who had just walked away quickly as if fleeing, couldn't help but stop and look back.

Zhao Jun obviously didn't expect this kind of situation. She was embarrassed and sad in front of everyone. She looked at the boy in disbelief. Tears filled her eyes almost instantly. She tried desperately to hold back, But I still felt warm tears streaming down, as if trying to warm my cold cheeks.

"I've wanted to say these things a long time ago, just because I was afraid of embarrassing you and hurting your heart. Now you are forcing me, and I don't want to see you at all. I have said this clearly enough, do you understand? Don't say it again I'm here!"

Such a smart person as Yan Feifei, she naturally understood that this was for herself, but she didn't know that it was also what she wanted to say. She originally wanted to step forward to stop her, but when she heard this, she dismissed this idea and planned to turn around He walked away without looking back, but his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a bright and beautiful red, and he couldn't help but froze.

Lin Xuan drove to Zhao Jun and stopped. Zhao Jun just stared blankly at the boy in front of him, but this childhood sweetheart had noticed Lin Xuan a long time ago, watched Lin Xuan stop, opened the car door and walked out, then handed Zhao Jun a tissue , sighed and said: "Fortunately, I am familiar with this school, otherwise I really can't find where you went. Okay, it's time to go, school will be over immediately."

Zhao Jun turned his head, looked at Lin Xuan blankly with teary eyes, then sucked his nose, wiped away the tears streaming down his eyes with the back of his hand, Lin Xuan smiled and stuffed the tissue into her hand, then pressed one hand on her shoulder, Opening the car door with one hand, he said, "Leave quickly, otherwise everyone will be waiting anxiously."

Zhao Jun turned his head and glanced at him, Lin Xuan smiled and let go of the strength in his hands, then saw Zhao Jun wiped off the tears on his face with a tissue, smiled at Lin Xuan, and then sat in the passenger seat .

Lin Xuan closed the car door, then turned around and smiled at the childhood sweetheart. Seeing that Yan Feifei was still staring at her, he smiled at her as a greeting, and then went back to the other side and opened the car door.

I saw Jiang Qianyu standing at the intersection, looking at him from the direction Yan Feifei and the others had just come over.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, but in fact, more often, clothes depend on people's clothes. Xiao Nizi is wrapped in the down jacket that Lin Xuan put on her when she got off the plane. This was bought by her stepmother last year. Xiao Ni The old man was impatient with picking and choosing, so she said "black classic style" and bought this down jacket, which Xiao Nizi regarded as a great shame.

As a result, I don’t know why this year, but I suddenly started to like it again. I still wore it when I went to Qingdao this time, but I didn’t wear it. When I got off the plane, Lin Xuan just put it on for her.

In all fairness, this down jacket is really not very good-looking, the style and color are too old-fashioned, but I can't stand Xiao Nizi's good-looking, and Xiao Wuben is also a big beauty. From Lin Xuan's point of view, she is slightly better than Yan Feifei, but she can wear it well So fresh and fashionable, standing in front of Xiaonizi is still overshadowed.

It doesn't matter whether she looks good or not, she is her own wife anyway, the question is how to deal with this situation now?

Lin Xuan was thinking about how to wink with Xiao Nizi, when she secretly waved at him.

The hands are swinging out.

Lin Xuan naturally understood, got on the car and started it quickly, turned around and drove towards the school gate, seeing Zhao Jun still looking at the rearview mirror, he said with a smile: "There are tissues in the storage box in front of you, take a few more and count the interest .”

Zhao Jun hurriedly looked away, sniffed again, found the storage box and opened it, took a tissue and continued to wipe the tears on his face, after a while he smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"It's okay, what you handed me last time was a handkerchief, one is worth three or four of these."

Zhao Jun couldn't help laughing, and also didn't mention what happened just now, and asked, "I heard my classmates say, aren't you playing in Qingdao?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "You actually know about the League of Legends game. It's a little unexpected. I just finished playing yesterday afternoon, and I just came back early this morning."

Zhao Jun nodded, and when he saw the car driving out of the campus, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Why are you here... By the way, your sister is at this school, are you here to pick her up?"

Lin Xuan nodded, and said again: "It's okay, she hasn't finished class yet."

"Looks like get out of class is over."

Zhao Jun took a look at the time with his mobile phone, and hurriedly said: "There are still 5 minutes, you can put me here, just next to the supermarket in front, I will just take a taxi and go back, you hurry up and pick up your sister, this time is really good Thank you."

She thanked her again and again, and Lin Xuan naturally understood that he was not trying to shirk, and even though he helped her out, but because of this, she was even more embarrassed in front of him, so she stopped insisting, after all, there was still beef in the pot .

"Okay, I'm off, thank you."

The car stopped next to the supermarket not far from the school gate. Zhao Jun smiled and waved to Lin Xuan, then opened the car door and went down. Lin Xuan replied with a smile, "It's okay", and was about to go back to pick up Xiao Nizi. Thinking of something, she pressed the car window, leaned slightly and said to her, "Happy birthday."

Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment and then laughed, this time he seemed to be smiling for real, "Thank you."

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan looked at the road conditions and planned to turn around, but suddenly saw Zhao Jun who was about to watch him leave. At some point, there was a pretty familiar girl standing there, looking at Zhao Jun, and then looking at himself, or this The car, with a face full of astonishment that the three views have collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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