Chapter 599 [618] Only villains and women are difficult to raise
Although he was mistaken to think that the girlfriend he came to pick up from school was Zhao Jun, Lin Xuan didn't need to explain to a stranger. He was already at the intersection, so he turned the car and drove back to the school gate, and at the same time called Xiao Nizi. He made a phone call and waited for her at the school gate.

After waiting at the intersection for a while, Xiao Nizi quickly came over with her bag, got into the car and sat down, shrinking her head and saying, "It's so cold, what should I eat?"

Lin Xuan started the car and said, "I stewed beef, shrimps and eggs, and then fried shredded radish."

"Aren't radishes supposed to be stewed in soup?"

"Are there any rules?"

Jiang Qianyu buckled up her seat belt before asking, "What's the matter with Mr. Zhao?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"I saw you let people get into the car."

Jiang Qianyu curled her mouth, gave him a sideways glance, and waited for Lin Xuan to briefly explain the matter before she nodded and said, "You are very kind to him."

"It's good."

Lin Xuan told again about the misunderstanding about the beauty who came to strike up a conversation. Xiao Nizi almost died from laughing. Xuan naturally wouldn't be bored enough to go back, there was no traffic jam on the road, and he entered the gate of the community while chatting.

Parked the car in the underground parking lot, got out of the car, a cold feeling enveloped the whole body instantly, Lin Xuan shrank his head, walked to the elevator, and there was no one around, so he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, Jiang Qianyu gave him a sideways glance, slightly annoyed, but did not break free.

Lin Xuan coughed, and put on an air of authenticity: "It's cold, I'll help you warm your hands."

Jiang Qianyu snorted, "Is it still cold? It was only cold when it rained a few days ago. It was so cold that I wanted to skip class."

The elevator door opened slowly, Lin Xuan pulled her in and asked, "Didn't you always take a taxi?"

"I always have to go to the gate of the community. As soon as I get outside, it's so cold that I want to commit suicide."

Xiao Nizi pouted, and complained with some dissatisfaction, "Isn't this Jiangnan, why is it still so cold?"

The fresh and ruddy mouth is really attractive. Lin Xuan leaned forward to kiss her, but was slapped back by Jiang Qianyu. She wrinkled her nose and snorted, "Obviously I'm in college, why don't you allow me to learn a driver's license? Wait for me If it’s too bad, I will go to learn a driver’s license right away.”

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I will seldom run around from now on, and I promise to be on call."

Xiao Nizi raised her chin and said proudly: "I don't need it. After I get my driver's license, I will drive you instead."

Lin Xuan was a little funny and said: "Are you sure? You forgot that 'under the moon'?"

Xiao Nizi is a bit of a road idiot. Not long after the reorganization of the family, the family went shopping. She got lost because of fun. She cleverly found a supermarket and called her stepmother. The stepmother asked her where she was, and she answered very seriously. Lin Xuan remembered it very clearly when he said "on the street under the moon".

Jiang Qianyu obviously remembered it too, and pinched him out of the elevator a little angrily, and opened the door, wondering if he had heard the movement a long time ago, but stood behind the door and waited, wagging his tail as soon as the door opened, and approached Xiao Nizi feet.


Jiang Qianyu stretched out his hand to hug Daidai, put his face on it affectionately, and Daidai let out a "meow", waving his little paws to scratch the little master's forehead, Jiang Qianyu pushed his little paws away angrily. , and clicked twice on its head.

Lin Xuan closed the door, slapped her butt angrily, and went to the kitchen to have a look. The tomato beef was already stewed, but white steam was still bubbling out, Lin Xuan didn't care about it , washed his hands, washed the rice and cooked the rice, and then shouted outside: "Come here and beat the eggs."


Jiang Qianyu quickly walked into the kitchen with a daze in her arms, and helped to make eggs. Lin Xuan quickly fried two dishes, and finished cleaning up after eating together. Xiao Nizi was a little sleepy and was going to bed. The air conditioner took off the bloated down jacket when the temperature rose, and the milky white sweater could hardly conceal the curves of his figure. Lin Xuan also felt a little sleepy, followed her to the room, and was kicked out by Xiaonizi again.

Lin Xuan waited outside the door for a long time before he heard "Okay" from inside. He opened the door again and entered. The quilt looked at him cautiously, "It's agreed."

It is rare for Lin Xuan to spend the night at home during this period, so every time she "stays overnight", she sleeps with her. She can't bear to refuse, but she is afraid that Lin Xuan will continue to harass her with "no lower limit". Dazed and confused really agreed to him, so he came up with a good idea of ​​sharing the same bed with different nests.

To drive Lin Xuan out is to be ashamed to take off his clothes in front of him.

But when Lin Xuan took off his clothes, she didn't have the slightest intention to avoid it. Her bright eyes like paint were wide open, and she watched Lin Xuan take off his sweater and pants without blinking, and got into bed wearing a thermal underwear—— In the latter process, both hands tightly grasped the quilt, and watched every movement of Lin Xuan vigilantly, never repeating the same mistakes.

"Who do you take me for?"

After Lin Xuan sat down, seeing that she was still staring at him, he stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead angrily, "But it's really cold, sleeping together can really keep you warm, if you need it, I'm reluctantly willing to help. "

Jiang Qianyu snorted, "I have an air conditioner, so I don't need you."

Lin Xuan quickly got up and turned off the air conditioner.

Jiang Qianyu was both amused and annoyed, pinched him twice angrily, but did not turn on the air conditioner, pouted towards the ceiling, and signaled Lin Xuan to turn off the lights.

The curtains had been drawn, and after Lin Xuan turned off the lights, the room immediately became pitch black. He moved closer to Xiao Nizi and said, "Is it cold?"

"not cold."

Lin Xuan had no choice but to pick up the remote control to turn on the air conditioner again, and lay down again. Xiao Nizi watched him turn on the air conditioner with bright eyes, and this time snorted, "I'm asleep."

"how long?"

"Half an hour."

"Then I'll sleep too."


I woke up very early today, Lin Xuan was really sleepy, I asked the voice assistant to set the alarm clock, and then closed my eyes, as the psychological shadow of childhood dissipated, he no longer has such a serious obstacle in taking a nap recently, sniffing The faint fresh fragrance in the air makes me sleepy soon.

When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard a "hum" in his ears without warning, and Lin Xuan was so scared that he lost his sleepiness. When he opened his eyes, he could vaguely see Xiao Nizi's bright eyes in the darkness. He glared at him angrily, then turned away.

Lin Xuan asked a little strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Falling asleep!" Xiao Nizi didn't turn around, her voice still sounded angrily.

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, sighed, and said in a funny and helpless way: "Sure enough, the ancients have exhausted all the truths in the world. If you are close, you will not be inferior, and if you are far away, you will complain."

Jiang Qianyu turned around, stared at Lin Xuan with big bright eyes and said, "You say I'm a villain?"

Lin Xuan leaned in front of her and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Okay, go to bed quickly, I'm afraid you won't sleep well and you won't be refreshed in class in the afternoon, so I'll torment you at night."


Xiao Nizi wanted to deny but she didn't have the guts to admit it, and she was shy when she admitted it. She said "who" for a long time, and then she became angry. She simply stretched out a hand and patted Lin Xuan's quilt twice, which was regarded as revenge, and then she lay down again. "sleep!"

The tone seemed a little impatient at first, but it didn't take much to know her well to hear the shyness she deliberately concealed. Lin Xuan suppressed a smile and gave an "um", and lay down again and closed his eyes.

I don't know when I fell into a deep sleep. It seemed that it was only a moment from falling asleep to waking up. The song "Moonlight Waterfront" played by Xiao Nizi echoed softly in the room like water,
Lin Xuan tried his best to wake himself up, turned his head to look, and Xiao Nizi had just turned his head to look over, her eyes had already acquired a certain ability to see things after adapting to the darkness, Lin Xuan saw that she also looked like she couldn't wake up, He said: "If you are sleepy, you can sleep again."

"don't want……"

Xiao Nizi's voice was still full of drowsiness, and she sounded very lazy and charming, "I won't be able to sleep at night if I sleep again..."

While speaking, he closed his eyes again. The air conditioner in the room was not cold. Lin Xuan reached out and brushed away the two strands of hair on her cheeks, and lay down again. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard her With a long ending sound "Mmm--", she opened her eyes and saw that Jiang Qianyu had sat up, but her eyes were still closed, and she reached out to reach for the clothes next to her.

Lin Xuan looked amused. Seeing her sitting up, her slender waist looked more upright against the curve of her chest. She was pinned down.


It took Jiang Qianyu a long time to grab Lin Xuan's hand, pushed him away with a little force, and then yelled, her voice was extremely soft, and then she probably felt that this was not a deterrent, so she threatened with wide eyes: "If you mess around again , I still hit you?"

When Lin Xuan was told in this way, he remembered the scene when he woke up in the hospital. He felt warm and funny at the same time. He stretched out his hand to embrace her delicate body in his arms, buried his face in his hair and took a deep breath. After taking a deep breath, he smiled and said, "If I let you fight now, are you willing to fight?"

Jiang Qianyu no longer resisted, stretched out two arms to hug him, leaned on his chest and hummed: "Surely hit harder."

Lin Xuan hugged her for a long time without saying a word, but after a while, he noticed that her chest was plump against his body, and then quietly stretched out his hand. Jiang Qianyu gave a low "um" and quickly grabbed him again. hand, said angrily: "If you do this again, you will be blocked again later."

Lin Xuan had no choice but to hug her obediently. After a while, he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, and then kissed her again...

Tired of lying on the bed for a while, when Xiao Nizi remembered that she had to go to class, it was less than 10 minutes before the afternoon class, she punched Lin Xuan twice in shame and anger, and quickly jumped up to get dressed , and then quickly finished washing and tidying up, Lin Xuan also washed his face and took the book for her.

"I don't even brush my teeth."

Xiao Nizi who came out of the room wrinkled her nose, looked at Lin Xuan with disgust, and then waved goodbye to Daidai, who was following her heels, meowing.

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows at her, "I just brushed it."

Immediately, Jiang Qianyu, whose cheeks were blushing with shame, chased Lin Xuan out of the house, followed blankly to the door, and then was driven back by Lin Xuan, and was left to look after the house alone.

(End of this chapter)

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