Chapter 601 [620] Mysterious Cat Dreams

Lin Xuan turned on the loudspeaker, so Jiang Qianyu could clearly hear the conversation between the two of them. Seeing Lin Xuan "spreading rumors" to her face to face, before Jiang Ya could speak, she shouted angrily: "Lin Xuan, how dare you mess up?" Speak, I will kill you believe it or not?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

Jiang Qianyu immediately rushed over waving his mobile phone, and Lin Xuan ran over and said, "Mom, now you know what kind of risk I have to bear if I tell you the truth?"

Jiang Ya listened to the noise of the two on the phone, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble, have you eaten yet?"

"It's eating."

"The food cooked by Lin Xuan is unpalatable."

"Then you still eat?"

"I just love to eat, do you want to take care of it?"

Jiang Ya said helplessly: "If you want to quarrel, you will quarrel, Qianqian, who are you calling?"

Xiao Nizi looked like she was catching and biting someone, and shouted angrily: "I can fight whoever I like, since it's not a man anyway, can't it?"

When it comes to issues of principle, Jiang Ya is actually very pampered towards Xiaonizi, and she also knows that she has been favored by everyone around her since she was a child, so she doesn't care, she laughed and scolded: "Is it too bold?" ? Dare to talk to your mother like this, did I say that you are not allowed to call boys?"

I don’t know if it’s because Jiang Ya chose her sister instead of herself. Shen Yuan has great resentment towards Jiang Ya. Although Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu didn’t communicate, they actually tacitly let Shen Yuan talk to Jiang Ya “indirectly” .

So Lin Xuan stopped running after running to the sofa. Xiao Nizi sat kneeling on the sofa, the two of them were separated by the back of the sofa, each holding a mobile phone, and they didn't look like they were still noisy just now.

Jiang Qianyu snorted: "If you tell me to beat me, I won't hit me, and I won't fall in love! I won't marry! Just stay at home and let you and dad raise me! Hmph!"

Jiang Ya couldn't help laughing, she obviously took this as a girl's daily coquetry, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore, your grandma said that you haven't called her for a long time, don't forget to talk to her when you have time later." gone."

"It hasn't been long, I know, I'll call after dinner."

"Okay, let's eat, it's getting cold."

"OK Bye Bye."

After hanging up Jiang Ya's call, Lin Xuan threw the phone on the sofa and went back to the table to continue eating, while Jiang Qianyu quarreled with his own phone and said, "Okay, hang up."

Shen Yuan said "um", "She doesn't know about you and that guy?"

Although my sister already knew about Lin Xuan, Jiang Qianyu was still a little ashamed when she asked her this question, she glanced at Lin Xuan, and seemed to have more resentment when she spoke, and said with puffy cheeks: "How dare you now?" Tell her?"

Shen Yuan said: "You don't want to bring your grandson or grandson to her to confess to her suddenly one day."

"What are you talking about!"

Jiang Qianyu was ashamed, "We didn't...we didn't..."

Seeing her blushing about to bleed and unable to speak, Lin Xuan couldn't help sniggering, Jiang Qianyu kicked him angrily, "Why are you laughing? You're so ugly!"

Lin Xuan withdrew his feet.Continue to laugh loudly.

"Are you still laughing? Ugly!"

Shen Yuan said angrily: "If you plan to continue showing your affection, I'll hang up and it won't affect you."

Jiang Qianyu became a little annoyed, "Shen Yuan, don't overdo it, I didn't even laugh at you as a single dog."

"What did you call me?"

"Sister Shen Yuan."



Xiao Nizi immediately changed her sweet voice and called out, then quickly changed the subject, "Isn't it morning over there?"

"That's right, I just stayed up working all night. Didn't I think that it should be evening over there, so I'll give you a call." Xiao Nizi's clumsy change of subject obviously couldn't hide it from Shen Yuan, but she didn't either. Continue to entangle in the matter of Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu.

"Why did you stay up late again?"

"I can't help it. It's not so easy for newcomers to get ahead. They have to go to class during the day."

"You always hurt your body like this. It's just a hobby anyway. There's no need to work so hard."

"It's not a hobby, it's a career."

Shen Yuan is obviously still competing with her father and insists on making a career out of it on her own. Lin Xuan once asked her curiously who got the money for the car, and she said quite naturally: "My father's , What's the matter? Of course he will use his money to buy a car for her daughter. "

Shen Yuan earns a lot of money, but her expenses are also high, so it's not difficult to understand that she can't save any money. Of course, Lin Xuan won't complain for her future father-in-law, after all, it's cheaper for her sister-in-law to buy a car.

Having said that, I am more like a driver now, and Xiao Nizi obviously makes more money.

However, she seemed dissatisfied with this full-time driver who was not online all the time, and was still thinking about her own driver's license test. There is a limit of [-] years old in China, so she has no chance for the time being, so she asked Shen Yuan if she could take the driver's license test earlier in Europe or North America.

"Even if you take the test abroad, it will not be recognized in China." Lin Xuan directly ignored the fact that you only need to submit documents and learn traffic regulations to transfer a North American driver's license to China. After all, the age limit is still there, so it is not a lie to her.

Facts have proved that to be honest, it is really not flattering, Xiao Nizi gave him a big white eye, and continued to chat with her sister affectionately.

Shen Yuan clearly said that she had stayed up all night, but ended up talking with Xiao Nizi on the phone for more than an hour. When Lin Xuan was cleaning up the dishes, Lin Xuan suspected that Xiao Nizi was deliberately lazy if she didn't hang up the phone, otherwise why did she just go to wash Wan, just heard her say goodbye to Shen Yuan?

After hanging up my sister's phone, I called my grandma again. Lin Xuan came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes. She was lying on the sofa acting like a baby with her grandma. When she saw Lin Xuan coming, she said, "Lin Xuan came over after finishing his work." , would you like to chat with him?"

The stepmother grew up in Fujian and spoke the local dialect since she was a child, but both daughters were born abroad, and Shen He was not from the same hometown, so she rarely used her hometown dialect. After she married Lin Yi, she also communicated in Mandarin at home. , so neither Shen Yuan nor Jiang Qianyu knew a few words of their hometown dialect. When she called her grandma, she also used Mandarin. There was no language barrier for Lin Xuan.

In the past, Lin Xuan was not familiar with Xiaonizi's grandmother, but since the two of them became close, she would call her grandmother every once in a while these days. "Yes, it's easy to handle.

Xiao Nizi opened the video, and the voice was also broadcast, so after she finished speaking, Lin Xuan called "Grandma" beside her.

"Hey, Xiaoxuan, are you working again?"

Smartphones have been popularized for a long time, but grandma is still not proficient in using them, mainly because she is illiterate, and grandpa has a stubborn temper, especially for the second girl who has always been disliked. The kind that people persuade, let alone take the initiative to call.

Xiao Nizi was not very popular with her grandpa when she was young. A few years ago, she and her stepmother went back to celebrate the New Year together, but for some reason, she directly made her stepmother work hard for an afternoon in front of the whole family. The New Year's Eve dinner was overturned, and it was not an easy matter to put it in any family, but this was the fault of it. From then on, the grandfather who originally disliked her began to like her instead.

But for the old man who has a strong temper all his life, liking means that you will answer the call without being persuaded by others. As for calling actively, don't even think about it, otherwise grandma won't know how to call Xiao Nizi , Called to the stepmother's side.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Yes, Qianqian is too lazy."

In the video, the gray-haired old man has a kind face, a faint smile on his wrinkled face, and said with a little local accent: "You have to let her work, girls can't be so lazy, and they will have to do housework in the future. "

Lin Xuan glanced at Jiang Qianyu, smiled and said to the grandmother: "No, the world has changed now, and besides, she is so beautiful, it's fine to look good, and she doesn't need to do housework."

Jiang Qianyu, who was no longer in the range of the camera, stared wide-eyed, his expression was very similar to the "I have never seen such a shameless" emoji that is still circulating today, and said with his mouth: "Then you clean the house! Then you mop the floor ah!"

Grandma said: "No matter how beautiful you are, it's rare when you're in love. It's different after you're married. No matter how self-willed you are."


Under the same night sky in the same city, the woman who no longer has to ride a small tricycle to do small business somehow began to miss the darkest period of her life, from LDL to the global finals, to the Demacia Cup, although She doesn't even remember the names, and she doesn't know what each means, but there is always a thought when there is a game, which is almost the only concern in her peaceful and warm life now.

Towards the end of the period, Ni Chang's recent studies are a bit heavy, and she doesn't care as much about the competition as usual. She and Ni Mingyuan opened a noodle shop in the early years, just to make a living. Now they not only bought a house and car, but also have four There are five branches, neither of them has a strong sense of professionalism, and they don't plan to continue to expand in the past few years. The family is well-off, the husband and wife are harmonious, and the daughter is obedient. She has nothing to be dissatisfied with her current life.

After more than ten years, the shadow left by the previous marriage has gradually faded away, but some worries and regrets are still hard to let go. After Ni Chang was born, the family situation has improved greatly, and it is hard to say how good the material conditions were for her. , but there will never be a shortage of food for her to play, and there will no longer be the embarrassment of selling something but being reluctant to eat it for herself.

So she watched her daughter grow up slowly from her infancy, toddling, babbling, and being carefully dressed by her like a little princess. Even strangers praised this girl for being handsome and energetic. I was also very happy, and my smile was satisfying and gratifying, but I was a little relieved, but my eyes were red for no reason, and tears fell involuntarily.

Every time little Ni Chang saw her, she would wipe the tears on her mother's face with Bai Shengsheng's small hands, and comforted childishly: "Mom doesn't cry."

But almost every time, the tears wiped more and more, so much that the small palms couldn't wipe them clean.

Once upon a time there was such a little child, who was not as bright and lovely as her. Her body was made of clothes sewn in small steps, and there were occasional traces of mending. She was far less cheerful and sunny than her. She didn't talk much. They all pursed their lips in silence, but that little boy who was lonely and stubborn since he was a child also said something that made her cry uncontrollably.

"Mom, I will definitely not gamble when I grow up."

"Mom, I will definitely not drink when I grow up."

"Mom, I will definitely not quarrel with my daughter-in-law when I grow up."

"Don't hit her either."

Ni Chang saw that his mother was not in a good mood tonight, so he hurried back to the room after eating. Ni Mingyuan was honest and honest, and he was a little dull at first, but after more than ten years of getting along, even if he was dull, he understood his wife's feelings. What was on her mind, she comforted her a few words, and wanted to change the topic. Fang Jingyue didn't want him to worry, so she forced a smile. Ni Mingyuan could naturally see whether she was really happy or fake, and opened the Weibo just downloaded without being proficient. Go search for related videos and show them to her.

There are many videos that Fang Jingyue has already watched, but after watching them again, she doesn't feel bored, on the contrary, she soon feels better.

I went to Ni Chang's room and saw that she was still reading, so I told her to go to bed early. Ni Chang finished the test paper and checked the answers before going to bed. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Fang Jingyue saw her sleeping After getting off, I also washed and went to bed.

I probably thought about it day and night and dreamed about it. After falling into a deep sleep, I somehow went back to more than ten years ago. The roads in the countryside were not so good because of the snow. With both hands, she tried her best to pull out the wheel that was stuck in the mud. The little boy who was helping push the cart with all his strength staggered and almost fell down. The native dialect shouted: "Slow down, slow down!"


The little boy was wrapped in a thick cotton coat, the same thick gloves were hung around his neck by a thread, and his face was red from the cold with a worn-out but warm hat, and he raised a bright smile at his mother. smiley face.

The sun was shining, but there was no warmth at all.

There was a piece of muddy water ahead. The little boy who was sitting on the side of the car jumped up. Because there was too much water, he couldn’t help push the cart, so he walked past the nearby wheat field very sensiblely.

It is a crossroads where the houses of the village can be seen across the meadow.

A bright red sports car that should never be here rushed over without any warning.


Blood glared in the snow.

Fang Jingyue woke up from the dream screaming.

In fact, in the room less than ten kilometers apart, in the silent darkness, Jiang Qianyu sat up from his dream almost at the same time. Lin Xuan, who was usually sleepy at night, opened his eyes in a daze, and asked a little strangely: " What's wrong?"

While he was asking, he propped up his upper body with his arms and wanted to sit up, but he never thought that Xiao Nizi would turn her head and look at him, then suddenly leaned over to hug him and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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