Chapter 602 [621] West Lake First Snow (Repair)
Lin Xuan was a little confused, but seeing Xiao Nizi crying sadly on top of him, he didn't bother to ask carefully, hugged her back, stroked her smooth and smooth hair, and comforted her softly: "Good boy, no Cry, are you having a nightmare? It’s all right, it’s just a dream, don’t cry.”

It took Jiang Qianyu a while to stop crying slightly, and looked up at him, tears were still on her face in the darkness, Lin Xuan felt distressed, and reached out to wipe the tears on her face, but Xiao Nizi hugged him tightly again, He began to cry again, choking with sobs while crying: "You don't want to die..."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but laugh, "What's the situation, why did you have a nightmare and I died?"

Jiang Qianyu probably hasn't completely woken up from the horrific dream, and she doesn't answer, but keeps crying and repeating: "I won't learn to drive, I won't learn to drive, don't die, I won't learn to drive..."

Lin Xuan was worried that she would catch a cold, so he tore off the quilt that was between the two of them with one hand, and covered her to wrap the two of them together. Only then did he hear some smell, and hugged her in his arms, bowed his head in the She kissed on the cheek and said with a smile: "Don't you tell me that I was hit and killed by a car in my dream?"

Xiao Nizi has been crying for a long time, and has gradually come to her senses. She raised her head and looked at him with teary eyes, and then lay on his chest again, sobbing softly. The warm tears soaked the underwear and gradually cooled down. Lin Xuan felt There was a chill in his chest, and he said helplessly: "Okay, don't cry, I will be completely wet later, like wetting the bed."

Xiao Nizi couldn't help laughing, and finally broke into a smile, but it was only for a moment. As soon as she saw the smile, she stretched out her hand and slapped him, and then she looked like she suddenly thought of something, and hugged him tightly again. open.

She jumped over directly after sitting up just now, her lower body was still under her quilt, Lin Xuan saw that she had calmed down, so he stretched out his hands and embraced her legs.

Jiang Qianyu kicked off her quilt without raising her head, and moved her whole body into Lin Xuan's quilt. After a lot of tossing, the heat in the quilt almost dissipated, but fortunately, the two of them were close to each other and could clearly feel each other's body. It's hot, but not cold.

Although I don't know what time it is, but after waking up, I feel full of energy and energy. In the dark, I cling to Xiaonizi's soft and delicate body. Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel a little ready to move, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: "Really?" Hit me?"

"Don't say that again."

Jiang Qianyu hugged him even tighter. Although she had stopped crying, she still spoke in a nasal voice. Lin Xuan instinctively restrained her messy thoughts, and also hugged her tightly, saying softly: "Okay , It’s just a dream, how can you take it seriously, stupid or not.”

Jiang Qianyu arched in his arms, resting her head on his chin, then continued to twist and find a comfortable position, then lay down again in his arms, sucked her nose, and still cried a little: "I Don’t learn to drive, never learn.”

Lin Xuan held her cheeks up, but it was difficult to see her expression in the dark, he only vaguely saw that she seemed to be crying again, so he reached out to help her wipe the tears, saying: "Okay, if you don't learn, you don't learn, there is me ,right?"

Jiang Qianyu fell into his arms again, and gave a soft "hmm".

Lin Xuan didn't speak anymore, just hugged her and closed his eyes, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. Everything was quiet in the darkness, and the silence of vision and hearing made the perception more sensitive.

After a while, Lin Xuan reached out to turn on the light. Lin Xuan sat on the bed and stared at the bathroom. After waiting for a long time, the buzzing electric toothbrush finally disappeared. He said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you, Not dirty."

It took a long while in the bathroom to hear Xiaonizi's shameful and annoyed voice: "You lied to me again!"

Lin Xuan said: "Okay, ok, I was wrong, go to bed quickly, or you will be frozen later."

"Don't sleep!"

"I was wrong, dear."

"I won't help you anymore, even if you suffer to death, I won't care about you! It's useless to beg me!" The girl's annoyed voice sounded like a hard-working little rooster flapping its wings. Crowing, trying to wake up the dawn.

"You said that last time, isn't it really fragrant this time?"

"What did you say?"

"I was wrong, good boy, go to bed now."

"You will bully me! Shameless! Big villain!"

Lin Xuan coughed, "It's not broken."


"No, come out and sleep now."

"Don't sleep."

"Okay, okay, I promise I won't do this again, okay, but actually it's not all my fault, you..."

"You still said it!!"

"Don't talk, don't talk, hurry up and go to bed, dear, it's cold outside."

After Lin Xuan coaxed her for a long time, Xiao Nizi finally came back to sleep, but just as she opened the bathroom door, it closed again, "Turn off the light first."

"Are you both shy?"

"Are you off?"

"Off, off."

Lin Xuan had no choice but to turn off the light, and Xiao Nizi cautiously poked her head out of the bathroom. After confirming that the light was turned off, she trotted onto the bed and pulled up the quilt to cover her head.

Lin Xuan didn't expect her to get into his quilt honestly, so in the spirit of "I'm not the only one on the mountain, I'll go to the mountain", she lifted her quilt and got in. Jiang Qianyu immediately pushed her out with all her teeth and claws. Deng, and was quickly hugged by Lin Xuan, and said softly: "Okay, okay, everything is difficult at the beginning, there is no shameful thing in the boudoir, if you want, I can help..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Qianyu covered his mouth and bit him on the shoulder. Lin Xuan grinned in pain, and was afraid of hurting her, so he could only bear it, even if Xiao Nizi was extremely ashamed. After all, I was not willing to really hurt him. Except for the pain at the beginning, the strength was almost the same as before. Lin Xuan was able to lean over and kiss her on the face, saying: "Okay, go to bed quickly , now there will be no more nightmares."

"You mean that just now you are afraid that I will have nightmares again?"

"Uh...would you believe me if I said yes?"

"I will bite you to death."

Lin Xuan was actually a little sleepy, so he managed to coax Xiao Nizi to calm down, so he closed his eyes and planned to sleep, but he heard her lying in his arms and asking, "What time is it?"

"It's almost six o'clock."


Jiang Qianyu responded, and suddenly broke free from Lin Xuan's arms, turned on the light, and got out of bed in draped clothes. Lin Xuan asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Qianyu came to the window, opened the curtains, and opened the window. A gust of cold wind whizzed in with snowflakes. Lin Xuan hurriedly said, "Be careful, don't catch a cold."

Jiang Qianyu closed the window and drew the curtains. She was wearing a coat and still couldn't hide her graceful figure. Her delicate and refined face was full of joy and excitement. "It seems to have snowed all night, and it's still falling. Let's go and see the West Lake, shall we?"

Lin Xuan's eyes widened, and he looked at her stupidly, "Now?"

"That's right, I haven't seen Snow Lake yet."

Xiao Nizi rushed to the bed, stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and said softly: "Go, okay, I want to see."


Just like Xiao Nizi was "deceived" more than once, and the next time Lin Xuan wanted to beg softly, but she would continue to help him. Whenever she acted like a baby, Lin Xuan couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to get up and get dressed.

It's a pity that even if I went crazy with Xiao Nizi, I couldn't appreciate the scene of her getting dressed. Lin Xuan put on his clothes and went to wash up first, and Xiao Nizi began to dress, but the speed was very fast, after all, she didn't need Then brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, put on your clothes and wash your face before you can go out.

Quickly tidied up, both of them wore thick winter clothes, and walked out of the house holding hands, without the beauty of the dark room, only the warmth of peace and quiet in their hearts.

After driving out of the community, there was heavy snow falling under the street lights, and everything in sight was a vast expanse of whiteness. There were almost no people on the road, and it was unimpeded. In less than 10 minutes, the two came to the edge of the broken bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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