Chapter 612 [631] What else can I be if I am not a mother


Lin Xuan thought Xiao Nizi would be shy and coquettish, but she didn't expect her to respond with a playful smile, "Anyway, I don't care, I'm just afraid that someone will be bedridden again."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's also romantic to be a ghost."


Jiang Qianyu snorted, but suddenly paused, and it took two seconds for her to say again: "Strange, why did Liu Handong call me?"

Lin Xuan probably guessed the reason, but still joked with a smile: "Maybe it's for you to confess."

Jiang Qianyu snorted, "Really, then should I pick it up?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "Come on, I'll get a glass of water, do you want it?"

"No, I still have it here."

"Then listen to what Liu Handong said first, don't make people too sad."

"Then how about I just accept him?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be sad?"

"You said yourself not to make people sad."

"You're dirty again out of thin air..."

As soon as Lin Xuan spoke, he was interrupted by Jiang Qianyu, and Xiao Nizi said angrily and with a smile: "I hate you, it's not funny at all, such a rotten meme is always learning."

Lin Xuan smiled and continued: "Sadness is always inevitable. What I'm saying is don't make people too sad. Just don't make up the knife randomly. You are not good at this."

"Who said I'm not good at it? I'll go make up the knife right now!"

Xiao Nizi snorted coquettishly, hung up the voice, and then found Liu Handong's chat record. In the completely blank record, there was only a reminder that the voice chat was not answered. She thought about it and sent Liu Handong a message: "What? gone?"

Liu Handong quickly replied: "Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

Jiang Qianyu made a voice call for him, and after connecting, he gave a soft "Hello" and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay... just want to ask you something... is it okay?"

Liu Handong's voice sounded a little nervous, Jiang Qianyu gave a soft "hmm", "Yes, you can say it."


Liu Handong hesitated to speak several times, Jiang Qianyu wanted to ask again, but hesitated a little and didn't make a sound.Liu Handong hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Lin Xuan keeps saying that you have someone you like, is it true?"

There is no rain, no snow, the sky is full of stars, and there is only a crescent moon that is not bright. The moonlight shines through the window and shines into the room that is not spacious. , much neater than usual, and became a little messy again because of his return.

The 19-year-old boy who just got together with his friends and came back from abroad sat on the bed, hung up the earphones, and stared at the cute and cute black cat head on the screen of his new mobile phone. He just saw this black cat that many people envied for a long time today. Cats are cute in the pet box, not in the avatar frame.

Because it's just a cat in the pet box.

When he asked that question, he held his breath subconsciously, as if waiting for something that existed in an unknown sense to come, but he didn't wait for a long time, not even waiting, before he heard the answer
——This may be a small regret. It seems that without a long wait, it will appear that this relationship that is about to end before it begins is not heavy enough.

Of course, that's nothing compared to the bigger regrets.


The answer was very light and short, straightforward, but the meaning it represented still had a huge impact on Liu Handong. People always do this. Obviously the facts have long been in front of them, but they still feel very abrupt when accepting them. It's like... Or in other words, knowing it a long time ago doesn't make it easier to accept it?
He thought about these thoughts a little stiffly, and was a little surprised that he asked the next words smoothly: "Is that person... Lin Xuan?"

If Jiang Qianyu knew what he was thinking at the moment, he would probably be surprised, he still felt that he could speak fluently.Still without hesitation, Jiang Qianyu gave a soft "hmm" and admitted frankly.

Liu Handong looked away from the head of the black cat on the screen, and looked up at the dim crescent moon outside the window. Knowing that the girl on the phone couldn't see it, he still squeezed out some bitter smiles. I don't know how long it took, It shouldn't be long, otherwise she should have asked, Liu Handong let out a breath and said with a smile, "Am I a bit stupid?"

Jiang Qianyu said: "No, I don't think so, you are a master who can play professionally."

Liu Handong was finally able to show an unhappy smile a little naturally, and after hearing the girl who belonged to others without even saying a few words since the first crush, he added: "But Lin Xuan It should feel that way."

Liu Handong couldn't help laughing when he heard the smile in her voice. Although it was for the sake of others, he couldn't help feeling happy, and asked with a smile, "What did he say?"

Jiang Qianyu smiled and said, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Liu Handong let out a "huh".

Hearing his low voice, Jiang Qianyu knew that he was depressed, and said with a smile: "Forget it, you can ask him when you have time."

Liu Handong didn't speak, and he didn't know why his mood fluctuated so quickly. He was obviously happy when he heard her laugh just now, so why is he feeling so uncomfortable now?

Think again about how Lin Xuan would respond to this situation. I couldn't imagine it, but I felt frustrated inexplicably, and there was a sense of frustration, but I quickly thought that Lin Xuan would not encounter this situation. Think, so feel more depressed and frustrated.

There are only unexpected things in the world, how can they not be encountered?

Although Lin Xuan doesn't feel depressed and frustrated now, his situation is not much better than Liu Handong.

The light in the living room had already been turned off. After Lin Xuan opened the door and left the room, the light in the room shone into the living room. The light illuminated brightly, while the dark place became darker. Lin Xuan didn't turn on the light, and tiptoed to the door of Xiaonizi's room , leaned to the door and listened secretly, but didn't hear anything, pouted and straightened up, planning to pour water.

As a result, as soon as he turned around and raised his feet, he caught a glimpse of a figure standing quietly in the darkness leading from the living room to the master bedroom. Lin Xuan was so frightened that he was caught off guard and almost jumped out.

In the end, after taking a closer look, she recognized her stepmother Jiang Ya. Now she was not worried that she would jump out, and she was about to stop.

Lin Xuan felt that the expression on his face was stiff with fright, but fortunately he didn't turn on the light, so he didn't worry about being seen by his stepmother. He pretended not to recognize him, and tentatively called out: "Mom?"

Jiang Ya said: "What else can it be if it's not a mother?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

I can't accept this!

Jiang Ya reached out to turn on the light in the living room, and saw Lin Xuan smiling like a giant panda looking at her, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Xuan raised the glass in his hand, "I'll come out and get a glass of water."

Jiang Ya didn't speak, and glanced at the door of Jiang Qianyu's room with her eyes. Lin Xuan followed her gaze and saw the cute and crooked "Qian" hanging on the door of Xiaonizi's room, and then turned his head with a surprised expression, "Oh, this... ...Qianqian is on the phone."

He lowered his voice and said, "Didn't I tell you when I called last time, Qianqian might be secretly in a relationship, so I'll try to see if I can hear who she's calling and what she's saying."

A smile appeared on Jiang Ya's beautiful face, "Did you hear that?"

Lin Xuan shook his head, "I can't hear you."

Jiang Ya nodded with a smile, then asked as if thinking of something, "How do you know she's on the phone?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

It can't be said that we have to talk before going to bed when we don't sleep together, right?
Seeing that he was speechless, Jiang Ya didn't ask any further questions. She took the cup and walked to the water dispenser. Lin Xuan hurried over, took the cup from the stepmother, and said very courteously: "Mom, mom, mom , I'll come, I' you want it warm or hot?"

The water dispenser used at home was just replaced two years ago. It has a temperature control function. You can choose the water temperature when pouring water. Otherwise, even if Lin Xuan thinks about it, he can't control the water temperature. Jiang Ya said, "Warm is fine", Then she looked at him with a half-smile.

Seeing that there was honey in the white porcelain cup, Lin Xuan chose the water temperature of [-] degrees, poured it six to seven cents full, and handed it to Jiang Ya with both hands. Jiang Ya took the cup and turned back to the room without saying a word.

Lin Xuan picked up his own glass and took half a glass of water. Turning around, he saw that Jiang Ya had already walked to the door, and shouted: "Mom."

Jiang Ya turned around and looked over.

Lin Xuan opened his mouth and only said the word "I", Jiang Ya waved his hand, not letting him go on, saying: "Okay, go to sleep now."

Lin Xuan watched her go back to the room and close the door, but after all he couldn't say anything else, he stood there for a long time in a daze, and Daidai, who was sleeping in his new nest, probably saw him standing there for a long time, so he slowly Walking over slowly, looking up at Lin Xuan, he let out a "meow".

Lin Xuan turned around, bent down and patted it on the head, turned off the light, and returned to the room with the cup.

Jiang Qianyu vaguely heard some movement in the living room, and was a little worried, wondering if it was not used to sleeping at home. Seeing that Liu Handong was still silent for a long time, she said, "I'll hang up if it's okay?"

Liu Handong knew very well that his silence was a bit long this time, and he felt that even if he didn't talk, it would not be boring if he continued like this. However, it was impossible for Jiang Qianyu to accompany him like this, and it would be the same if it was Lin Xuan.

Thinking about it this way, I felt even more uncomfortable, and asked hesitantly, "Can I still chat with you in the future?"

Jiang Qianyu thought for a while and asked, "If I say yes, will you look for it?"

Liu Handong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Maybe."

Jiang Qianyu said: "That's still not allowed."

Liu Handong was silent again.

Jiang Qianyu listened carefully. She thought it was someone talking, but when she listened carefully, there was no human voice. Instead, she seemed to hear a vague "meow", which was the sound of Dazed. She became even more worried. Dadai was indeed sleeping at home Not used to it, he said: "Okay, if you can't find Lin Xuan, you can find me again."

Liu Handong let out a "huh".

Jiang Qianyu said: "Then go to bed early, bye."

"Well, you go to bed early too, bye."

Jiang Qianyu hung up the phone, left the room, turned on the light in the living room, saw that the doors of the other rooms were closed, and saw no one, so she was just pacing towards its nest in a daze. Looking at her with big blue-green eyes, she gave a soft "meow".

The little girl walked over and hugged Daidai in her arms, kissed it on the head, and said gently: "Hey, you will sleep with me tonight, okay?"

He looked up at the little master blankly with his cute face, and let out another "meow".

Jiang Qianyu hugged her and turned off the light in the living room, then went back to the room and closed the door, put Daidai on his bed, got into the bed himself, patted it on the head, and said, "Okay, go to bed quickly."

There was a ding dong on the phone, and the screen lit up. She glanced at it and saw that it was a message from Lin Xuan, so she took it and opened it, and saw two unread messages from Lin Xuan.

The first one is: "Have you finished chatting yet?"

The second is: "Isn't it over yet?"

She angrily replied a voice message: "It's over!"

Then continue to post the next one: "I just hugged Dadai, she couldn't sleep at home, so I let her sleep with me."

Lin Xuan had just drank half a glass of water, and after hearing Xiao Nizi's news, he quickly replied: "I can't sleep either."

Xiao Nizi was probably comforting Dazed, and replied after a while: "Get out, you have been sleeping for ten years and still can't sleep!"

Lin Xuan asked: "Then how do you know that it's not good to sleep in a daze?"

Xiao Nizi first sent him a blank photo, and after a while, she sent a long voice. Lin Xuan clicked on it, and only heard her soft voice: "I just heard the sound in the living room. There was some movement, at first I thought it was you, but later I heard it was barking blankly, and then when I went out, I just saw it returning to its nest, it must be not used to sleeping, so it wandered around in the living room for a while I found no one to take care of the tower, and I was afraid of disturbing us, so I went back to sleep in the nest obediently. Look at how obedient it is, it is obviously not used to sleeping in this nest, so I still go back to sleep, let it rest in my nest tonight Sleep here, tomorrow we will make a new nest for it..."

Lin Xuan almost vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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