Chapter 613 [632] You like your sister

"It barked because it was woken up by me talking to mom. It went back to sleep because mom and I poured water and went back to the room. There was no one in the living room, so it went back to sleep. You came out just at this time... "

Lin Xuan resisted the urge to vomit blood and explained the truth to Xiao Nizi, "It's just a cat, okay? Don't always add drama to it. If you really want to make up something, I should be the protagonist."

"What did Mom tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, just came out to pour a glass of water. Aren't you going to throw Daidai out and take me back?"

"not going to."

"Why? Tell me why! Why can a cat sleep on my wife's bed, but I can only stay in the empty room?"

"For your legs."


After saying good night to Xiao Nizi, Lin Xuan put down his phone, turned off the lights, and lay in bed for a long time before falling asleep. He got up as usual the next morning, and when he came to the living room, his stepmother was preparing breakfast, and his father went down for a walk again. Hey, he glanced at Jiang Qianyu's room, the purple "Qian" on the door was as cute as ever, the overly familiar scene almost made him think that everything in the past few months was like a dream.

After washing up and coming out of the bathroom, Xiao Nizi has already woken up, and is telling her mother how sensible she was in Dadai last night at the door of the kitchen. Jiang Ya was still listening at the beginning, and quickly realized what was going on, and couldn't help but laugh. , said unhappily: "Okay, okay, if you don't come to help, just wash your face and brush your teeth."

"My brother occupies the bathroom."

As Jiang Qianyu said, when she heard the sound of the bathroom door closing, she turned her head and looked over. Lin Xuan gave her a bright smile, and Xiao Nizi gave him a big white eye in return.

Tomorrow, I am going to visit my grandma in Rongcheng. After breakfast, the whole family will go out to buy things. The little girl is always rushing to pay, and Lin Yi, who is used to treating her and Lin Xuan as children, is very dissatisfied with this. Jiang Ya said angrily: "If she wants to spend money, let her spend it. The two of them can catch up with the money we both earn in a year's hard work. Are you afraid that she can't afford this money?"

"That's right, I'll take care of everything I want to buy today!"

Jiang Qianyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a sweet smile, as obedient and pleasant as she wanted, and she didn't forget to add: "Anyway, it's Lin... brother's money."

Jiang Ya and Lin Yi looked over at the same time, and Jiang Ya asked, "Is all your brother's money with you?"

Jiang Ya and Lin Yi didn't interfere too much with their income, they just told them not to spend money randomly, and they didn't even ask how much their monthly income was, but Xiao Nizi would tell them in a showy tone from time to time.

Jiang Qianyu said confidently: "So much money can't be put in the account to rot? Anyway, I study finance, so I can just practice investing."

Jiang Ya laughed angrily, tapped her forehead vigorously with her finger, and said, "I haven't learned any professional courses yet, you're practicing investment!"

Jiang Qianyu leaned back to avoid her mother's fingers, stuck out her tongue, and said coquettishly: "Learn slowly, I didn't buy stocks or funds randomly, and there is a lot of interest in Alipay."

Jiang Ya glanced at Lin Xuan again, Lin Xuan spread his hands to express helplessness, Jiang Ya was not asking anything.

Both Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu are very popular now. The shopping mall was crowded with people a few years ago. Many people recognized the two of them. Some said hello, some took pictures, and some came to ask for a group photo. It was the first time Lin Xuan experienced this kind of treatment. Yi is obviously very "proud" and smiles very kindly.

Lin Yi and Jiang Ya have already prepared the things in their own supermarket, and there are not many other things to buy, so work will be over soon. After returning to the car, Lin Yi said: "If you have nothing to do later, you two will go to the Internet later." Shop around and advertise.”

Jiang Qianyu lifted her chin, looked out the window, and hummed, "I'm very expensive to appear now."

Jiang Ya glanced at her from the rearview mirror and said, "Then why don't you make a price? Let me see how expensive it is."

Xiao Nizi immediately changed into a flattering smile, blinked her eyes flickeringly, and said sweetly: "One meal is enough."

There are many gatherings around the Spring Festival, and Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu naturally cannot do without invitations from classmates and friends.

Before Lin Xuan returned to Yicheng, many people came to him, saying that he was free to get together when he was home a few years ago, and he basically agreed to it. He was planning to go to the class reunion in Class [-], and Xiao Nizi also had an appointment in the afternoon, so after returning home, Lin Xuan drove Xiao Nizi to the Internet cafe in his father's car.

The two are more famous here, and there are many people watching before entering the Internet cafe. For Lin Xuan, this is not a big scene, and they can handle it freely. The two found the situation a bit embarrassing after entering the Internet cafe.

There is no place left.

There is no way to do this, we can't drive people away, so Lin Xuan had to wait for the machine to be vacated at the front desk with Jiang Qianyu. There are several cups of milk tea to be adjusted, so I volunteered to help.

As a result, the number of people ordering suddenly increased, and many people were watching her at the front desk, and some of them even took pictures with their mobile phones.Lin Xuan was relatively free, so he was sitting next to him, holding his mobile phone to read the latest news on her Weibo Chaohua, and asked Xiao Nizi to make a cup of milk tea for him by the way.

So when he appeared in Xiao Nizi's Weibo chat, he was almost like a dude with his legs crossed, in stark contrast to the well-behaved and sensible Xiao Nizi who offered to help.

Jiang Qianyu was just waiting to be bored, wanted to help out, and found something to do by the way, but unexpectedly, more and more people were ordering, and it was impossible to let go of the trouble she caused herself. Most of the people came for Xiao Nizi. Lin Xuan wanted to replace her, but she was unwilling. Seeing that there were more and more orders, Lin Xuan had no choice but to ask everyone not to follow orders if they didn't need them. Seeing that I was too busy, I stopped ordering, so the situation would be better.

Even so, Jiang Qianyu still mixed the milk tea at the front desk for nearly two hours without stopping from the beginning to the end. After making the last cup of milk tea, it was past eleven o'clock. Naturally, there was no need to think about the live broadcast or anything. Go home.

Back in the car, Jiang Qianyu called Lin Yi to complain, saying how many people ordered milk tea, how tired he was, and how many cups of milk tea he made, while Lin Xuan was sitting next to him playing with his mobile phone, as leisurely as he wanted , as heartless as you want...

Lin Xuan said angrily: "If you don't help out, there will be no such thing, okay?"

"Isn't it just for our Internet cafe to make more money? How is it like you, you don't know how expensive you are if you are not in charge of the family, do you think you are dad?"

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "You can earn more by holding more meetings and live broadcasting than this."

"That's different. Can live broadcasting make money the same as this? People can drink milk tea in this way. What can people get by swiping gifts during live broadcasting? I..."

"Then when you go back to the live broadcast, warn everyone not to give you gifts."

"Am I sick?"


"Are you in need of a beating?"

Lin Yi said: "Okay, okay, come back quickly, your mother is already preparing to cook."

"Well, I'm so hungry, I'll be there soon."

Xiao Nizi hung up the phone, and when she looked at Lin Xuan again, she lost the angry look just now, and looked at him with aggrieved eyes. Lin Xuan asked softly, "Are your arms sore?"

Jiang Qianyu pursed her lips and gave a "hmm", and continued to look at him with watery eyes.

Lin Xuan turned to look at her, and said, "It's useless for you to seduce me, why don't I stop here and give you a massage?"

"Who seduced you?"

Xiao Nizi subconsciously raised her hand. If Lin Xuan wasn't driving, she would have pinched her. She blushed and retorted, then turned her head arrogantly to look out the window to show her innocence.

When I was in Hangzhou, although it was not easy to be intimate in public places, there was still a lot of room for the two of us at home. When I returned to Yicheng, there was no private space outside the house. Lin was obviously not the only one who felt uncomfortable. Xuan alone.

At the red light at the intersection ahead, Lin Xuan stopped the car, held her hand, and said softly: "Mom should have noticed it, but she seems to be thinking about how to deal with it or face it, wait a minute, I promise, such a day Surely it won't be long."

Jiang Qianyu smiled and gave a soft "hmm".

Back home, Jiang Ya had already prepared the meal. After the meal, Xiao Nizi went to take a nap as usual. Seeing that her stepmother was going to mop the floor, Lin Xuan volunteered to help with the work. After mopping at home and outside, Xiao Nizi also woke up. So I talked to my parents, went out together, and went to their respective appointments.

Lin Yi was sitting on the sofa playing Doudizhu with his mobile phone, cursing, "This bastard is so stupid, what kind of bad card is he playing?" When Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu said they were going out, he just responded and focused on Continue to play cards.

Jiang Ya also responded, took a cup of warm water, took a sip while standing in front of the water dispenser with the cup in her hand, and watched the two of them leave the house one after the other. After the door was gently closed, she sighed faintly, as if There is helplessness.

The reunion of Xiaonizi's class is tomorrow night, and her family will go to Rongcheng tomorrow morning, so Xiaonizi will basically be absent. She has an appointment with Zhao Han, Jiang Yuqing and Liu Shuangshuang in the afternoon to go shopping.

Lin Yi didn't need a car anyway, so Lin Xuan drove the car out. Zhao Han had already arrived at the appointed place. Lin Xuan sent Xiao Nizi there, greeted Zhao Han, and then went to his agreed place.

Feng Guangliang is one of the organizers of this party, and he came quite early. When Lin Xuan came to KTV, he was sitting in the lobby waiting for someone. Asked who it was, Feng Guangliang pointed behind him, turned around, and saw Zhang Qianqian and two other girls from the class, next to Xu Qingru, and another girl from Class Five.

Lin Xuan did not expect to meet Xu Qingru by such a coincidence. It has been a long time since she saw her. Her appearance has not changed much, but her demeanor seems to have become more tranquil. He soon learned from other people's greetings that Class [-] was also gathering here. He smiled. After saying hello to Xu Qingru, the other party also responded generously, and even made a small joke. After exchanging greetings, they each went to their reserved boxes.

Lin Xuan, Feng Guangliang, Zhang Qianqian and others entered the box together, and then some students came over one after another. There were about 20 people, and they hadn't seen each other for a semester. Many students had changed, and they were quite familiar with each other. I feel more enthusiastic than when I was in the same class, playing games, drinking, singing, chatting, and naturally taking pictures.

Yu Ze also came, and raised his glass to Lin Xuan after a few people, as a greeting, but did not speak.

During this period, I didn't see Xu Hui, the monitor at the time.

After playing for a long time, when Lin Xuan was about to leave in a while, Zhang Qianqian suddenly left the box, and when she came in again soon, Xu Qingru and the girl from Class [-] that she had just met also followed in. Lin Xuan greeted Yaoyao, and then I also heard from other people that the fifth class had already left, and Xu Qingru was obviously waiting for Zhang Qianqian when she came over.

Although they are in different classes, Class [-] and Class [-] are next to each other, and many people are familiar with each other. Xu Qingruben also has a certain reputation. Although she may not know everyone present, basically everyone recognizes her. It is natural for her to come to hang out No one had any objections, instead they all booed her to sing.

Xu Qingru couldn't shirk it, and sang "I hope people will last forever". Her voice was clean and gentle, and she was quite surprised when she opened her mouth. After she finished singing, she sat there quietly, sometimes chatting with people, with a demure and soft appearance Very eye-catching.

Chatting, playing games, toasting with each other, the seats were always changing. Lin Xuan was being booed by Feng Guangliang, Guo Jia and others, and also made a round of toasts. Since Xu Qingru was here, she was naturally indispensable.

Xu Qingru originally poured juice, but Lin Xuan clinked glasses with Zhang Qianqian next to her and poured the wine again. Just as he was about to continue the chat, she picked up the glass and raised her head. Looking slender and graceful, he drank the remaining half glass of juice in one go, then put the empty glass in front of Lin Xuan, and motioned him to pour the wine with his eyes.

Lin Xuan laughed and said, "Why, do you want to drink?"

Xu Qingru nodded.

The two attracted quite a lot of attention, but there were so many people in the box, but not many people kept looking at them, so Lin Xuan poured her a small glass, and Xu Qingru said with some dissatisfaction: "Don't look down on people like this, okay?" ?”

Lin Xuan said: "Wait, if there are still people toasting with you, will you drink or not?"

Xu Qingru looked at him with bright eyes like water, her fair face was slightly flushed, but she said calmly, "I never kissed them."

Zhang Qianqian and the other two girls who were watching the two were stunned.

Lin Xuan was also dumbfounded.

Xu Qingru picked up the wine glass and continued: "It's my first time to drink alcohol. After drinking, you can answer me a question truthfully, okay?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "I will answer if you don't drink."

Xu Qingru touched him with the wine glass, and after a clear and crisp impact sound, she raised the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Lin Xuan also finished drinking with her, put down the wine glass and looked at her, Xu Qingru's eyes sparkled, his cheeks were slightly flushed, but he didn't ask anything, Lin Xuan understood that it was not appropriate to say it here, and continued to respect the next one.

After the show ended, Lin Xuan walked out of the KTV among the crowd, and saw Xu Qingru waving goodbye to Zhang Qianqian and the others. Turning around, he saw him, but didn't step forward, just staring at him.

Lin Xuan talked to Feng Guangliang and Hou Xiaohu who were beside him, walked up to Xu Qingru and said, "Find a place, or should I take you back?"

Xu Qingru ignored the gazes around her, thought for a while and said, "Go back."

"I came here in my dad's car." Lin Xuan was worried that she was thinking of taking a walk, so he reminded her.

"I know."

Xu Qingru rolled his eyes at him, "Otherwise, in such a cold day, you think I want to blow cold wind?"

Lin Xuan also rolled his eyes.

After getting into the car, Xu Qingru didn't speak, so Lin Xuan didn't rush to ask questions. He turned to look at her when he stopped at the first red light, and asked strangely, "Didn't you want to ask questions?"

Xu Qingru stared at him for a while, then looked away, and looked forward. I don't know if it was because of the drink she had just had, or the warmth in the car, or other reasons, but her cheeks were still slightly flushed, and her profile was charming and charming.

Lin Xuan thought that she didn't intend to ask, nor forced her, but suddenly she heard her soft voice ask softly: "You like your sister, don't you?"

After Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, he smiled wryly and said, "Why does it seem like the whole world knows about it all of a sudden?"

(End of this chapter)

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