Chapter 632 [651] The closest war to the world

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you acquiesce or not, it's the same anyway."

"Everything is the same?" Xiao Nizi bit her lip and glanced at Lin Xuan with her big eyes. She obviously knew the answer, but she still wanted to hear Lin Xuan say it. She probably understood that Lin Xuan couldn't hide it, and she was half shy and half shy. It's the expectation, the eyes are clear, and it's very moving.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hands to pinch her soft and smooth cheeks, and said with a smile, "The result is the same."

Jiang Qianyu nodded lightly. Lin Xuan had just been caught, but he didn't have the attitude of learning a lesson. Instead, he was a little ready to move, but before he could make any moves, Jiang Ya came out of the bedroom again, glanced at He glanced at him and asked, "Why are you dragging all over the floor with ink stains?"

Jiang Qianyu hurriedly lowered her head and mopped the floor, while Lin Xuan took a few steps towards Jiang Ya, moved away from Xiaonizi without leaving a trace, and said naturally: "Mom, have you washed your clothes? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Jiang Ya pointed to the bathroom, Lin Xuan tactfully went to wash the clothes, Jiang Ya sat down on the sofa, took the remote control to find the TV series she was chasing and watched leisurely, Jiang Qianyu mopped the floor seriously in the corner , while making a face at my mother, and when she glanced over, she stopped working instantly, making a look like she hadn't dragged it clean while patrolling.

After Lin Xuan finished washing the clothes, Jiang Ya was still watching TV in the living room. It seemed that she didn't intend to let Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu have time to spend alone in the evening. The main reason is that he felt a little guilty in front of Jiang Ya, so he went back to the room first.

The start date after Sky is relatively late, otherwise he will have to go back to the base for training tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but even so, Lin Xuan will not be at home for a few days, and he was still a little hesitant when to completely settle the matter with Xiaonizi It's time to explain clearly, but at present, the situation seems to be clear.

Just need to go through a storm.

"Just now I heard my mother ask my father if he wants to drink water, which means that he is not asleep at all, maybe he is not drunk, even if he is drunk, he is not drunk to the point of unconsciousness, right? So he just affirmed I saw it, but he pretended not to see it. Think about it, if he didn’t acquiesce, which father would be so calm when he saw this situation? And Mom must have told Dad about it a long time ago. Do you think I said Right?"

Xiao Nizi probably returned to the room soon, and called Lin Xuan. She sounded in a good mood, her sweet voice was full of cheerful emotions, and she analyzed with Lin Xuan all the things that her parents had acquiesced to the two of them. The basis is clear and convincing. Lin Xuan also agreed with the tone and said: "It makes sense."

Oranges grown in Huainan are oranges, while oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges. The leaves are similar, but the taste is different.

This sentence is used to describe that the nature of things changes when the environment changes. However, it is not only true of oranges, but also of people. In front of different things and different people, the characters and images shown are different. Very different.

For example, Lin Yi's performance in the two marriages. It can be said that he was responsible for almost all the shattering of the previous family. Compared with the marriage, it is undoubtedly much better, it can be said that they are different people.

So Lin Xuan knew very well that the image of Jiang Qianyu's stepfather was very different from the image of Lin Xuan's father, and she didn't even have much aversion to alcohol, because she didn't Not having had the chance to witness so many annoying cognitions it elicits is something to hate.

Lin Xuan knew what was going to happen next, but it didn't prevent him from coaxing Xiao Nizi to be happy first. Unknowingly, he was bored for more than an hour, said good night to each other, and kissed again in the air at Lin Xuan's request After two clicks, the phone was hung up. The blushing little girl fell asleep in the next room, but Lin Xuan lay on the bed for a long time without sleepiness. The upcoming conflict seemed to be turned into a movie, constantly playing back in his mind .

Lin Xuan didn't know when he fell asleep. When he heard Xiao Nizi's knock on the door and opened his eyes, it was already past eight o'clock. For young people, this time of waking up during winter holidays is not too late. But for Lin Xuan who has been getting up before seven o'clock for more than half a year, it is a rare thing.

He responded, but didn't get up immediately, lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze, Jiang Qianyu pushed open the door and walked in, she had obviously washed, wearing black slim jeans and a white sweater decorated with red stripes, delicate She has a graceful body, jade-like skin, and bright eyes, like a ray of sunshine in the morning, fresh and bright, and the room that has been sleeping all night seems to wake up because of her arrival.

"It's time to eat, you still don't get up."

Jiang Qianyu walked to the bed, helped him to open the half-opened curtains, and opened the window a little, probably to avoid suspicion, Xiao Nizi did not close the door when she came in, and when the window was opened, the air formed a convection, which was bitter The cold wind blew in instantly, Lin Xuan wrapped the quilt, turned around and looked out the window, seeing that there was no sunlight, but it was very bright, and asked, "Is it snowing?"

"That's right, it was still falling when I woke up. It wasn't too long ago. Let's go build a snowman, shall we?" Jiang Qianyu opened the window for a while, and then closed it again, leaving only a small gap to keep the air flowing. Walked to the bed and slapped him on the knee through the quilt, "Get up quickly."

Lin Xuan took two deep breaths, glanced outside the door, but saw no movement, then raised his face at her, "Kiss."

Jiang Qianyu leaned back defensively, and said with disgust in his eyes: "No, get up quickly, I'm going to build a snowman."

Lin Xuan rascally said: "If you don't kiss me, I won't afford it."

Jiang Qianyu slapped him with a blushing face, then glanced at the door guiltily, then looked at him and said, "Just one."

Lin Xuan nodded seriously, "Just a moment."

Xiao Nizi just bent over and came over, suddenly stopped, straightened up and said: "Not for a long time."

"it is good."

"Don't mess around...touch me."

"it is good."

"You didn't lie to me, did you?"

It can be seen that Lin Xuan's reputation in this area is extremely poor. Under repeated assurances, Xiao Nizi was still skeptical, but she still leaned over and kissed him lightly on the face, straightened up and said : "Okay, get up quickly."

Lin Xuan pointed to his lips, "I kissed the wrong place, try again."

Jiang Qianyu said angrily, "Why didn't you say that before?"

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Jiang Qianyu punched him in the chest, but still bent down obediently, kissed him on the lips again, and stayed there for two or three seconds, then stood up again and said, "Is it okay now? Big pervert! "

She seems to be in a good mood, her voice is crisp and tender, with her exquisite face and curvaceous figure, especially in the morning, people have the urge to turn into a beast and throw her on the bed, Lin Xuan Sighing: "If I was really a big pervert, I would have pushed you by force. How can I still be so useless in bed asking for kisses?"

Xiao Nizi, who was originally half-ashamed and half-happy, stared at him fiercely and said, "You mean... say... you won't want to kiss me in the future, right?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "What after? Don't always omit it, I don't know what you are talking about."


With a blushing face, Jiang Qianyu thumped him, picked up the clothes beside him and threw them on the bed, turned around and walked out of the room, "Hurry up and accompany me to build a snowman."

Lin Xuan put on his clothes and came to the living room. Lin Yi just opened the door and came in. He should be out for a walk in the morning habitually, and he still carried the decoction in his hand. Lin Xuan greeted "Dad" with his usual expression. Lin Yi only responded vaguely, handed the packing bag to Jiang Qianyu who came up to him, and then went to the kitchen.

When Lin Xuan came back after washing, his parents and Xiao Nizi were already sitting at the table eating. Xiao Nizi held half a fried bun in her chopsticks, chewing with puffy cheeks. variety show, vaguely introducing gossip news about a celebrity to parents.

"Why did you wake up so late today?" After Lin Xuan sat down, Jiang Ya asked casually, but Lin Xuan didn't dare to answer casually, the ghost knows what the mother with great associative ability is suspicious of.

"I woke up before seven o'clock, but after thinking about it, I finally got back home. Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I fell asleep again."

Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu have been strictly controlled by Jiang Ya since they were young, but after they both developed good living and rest habits, she was not harsh on their willful behavior occasionally, and she didn't say anything after hearing what Lin Xuan said. After breakfast, she and Lin Yi had some things to do, saying that they might not be able to come back at noon, and asked Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu what plans they had today.

Lin Xuan said: "I have a class reunion."

Jiang Qianyu said: "I'm going to find Yuqing and the others."

After the meal, Lin Yi and Jiang Ya left first, while Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were responsible for cleaning up the aftermath. After Xiao Nizi assigned her to clean up the leftovers and Lin Xuan washed the dishes, she stood by the side with her arms in her arms and smiled and said: "Am I fair?"

Lin Xuan said angrily: "Fair ass, there are no leftovers at all, you should clean up your yarn!"

Jiang Qianyu snorted, "Then why do you still agree?"

Lin Xuan said: "I feel sorry for my daughter-in-law, can't I?"

Jiang Qianyu blushed and let out a "tch", but couldn't hide the sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, she left Dazed and came over to help clean up the dishes and chopsticks, took them to the kitchen to wash, and asked, "Do you really have a class reunion?"

Lin Xuan said: "Of course I do, do I look like a casual liar?"

Jiang Qianyu pouted and said, "Then you won't build a snowman with me?"

Lin Xuan curled his lips and said, "Aren't you going to find Jiang Yuqing and the others too?"

Xiao Nizi glared at him, angrily stacked the washed bowls together, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "But I don't intend to go."

Jiang Qianyu stared at him expressionlessly, but she still couldn't hold back, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she couldn't help it anymore, she bit her lip and looked angry , reached out and pinched him.

"Then you still want to go to Jiang Yuqing and the others?"

"not going."

"Then I'll tell my parents that you were lying to them just now."

"Who lied to them, can I change my mind?"

After tidying up, Lin Xuan went to the balcony to have a look, wondering if it had snowed all night. As far as he could see, the sky and the earth were covered with snow. The environment of the community here is good, and there is a park next to it. At this moment, it is covered with a layer of white snow, which is even more beautiful.

"Do you want to go?"

Xiao Nizi's voice came from behind, it was so soft and sweet, Lin Xuan smiled inwardly, but he deliberately made his voice softer and said, "Of course I want to go."

While talking, she turned her head, and saw Xiao Nizi walking into the balcony holding Dadai, holding one of its cat paws to tease it. Hearing Lin Xuan's words, she raised her head and looked at Lin Xuan strangely, Afterwards, he probably understood, rolled his eyes and said, "I asked Dadai, who asked you? Pretending to be sentimental!"

Lin Xuan understood this when he looked back at Dadai, and said a little angrily, "Don't blame me for not warning you, parents are not at home now."

"So what, Daida will protect me, right, Daida? Scratch him." Xiao Nizi hugged Dadai and shook Lin Xuan's face, Lin Xuan took two steps back, helplessly said : "Okay, let's go now."

Xiao Nizi glanced at him with her big shining eyes, let out an aggrieved "Oh", let go of her daze, turned and went back to the living room, Lin Xuan sighed, and followed inside.Jiang Qianyu put on her coat, saw him close the balcony door and walked over, glanced at him with bright autumn eyes, then raised her chin slightly, turned around to change her shoes.

When Lin Xuan put on his coat to change his shoes, she was already standing in front of the door waiting. Lin Xuan put on his shoes, saw her staring at him, and asked a little strangely: "You don't open the door, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Qianyu came over and hugged him with both arms around his waist, with half of his body in his arms, and asked softly, "Are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Xuan didn't deny it, he embraced her delicate body, stroked her smooth and soft hair, and said after a little hesitation: "Didn't you realize that Dad basically didn't speak during breakfast?"

Jiang Qianyu looked up at her, a smile slowly opened on the corner of his mouth, and then he burst out laughing, "So you are worried about this? Don't worry, Dad didn't say anything."

Over the years, Jiang Qianyu's inherent impression of this stepfather is undoubtedly a good one. Under the preconceived situation, she felt that her father had acquiesced in the matter between herself and Lin Xuan, so after learning that Lin Xuan was worried about it Instead, she breathed a sigh of relief, and softly comforted Lin Xuan, "Don't be too greedy, this situation is much better than what we thought at the beginning."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It seems reasonable to say so."

Ever since the relationship between the two got closer, Xiao Nizi has been worrying about this matter, and now the situation is more optimistic than she imagined at the beginning. , kissed her hard on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's accompany you to make a man."

"What makes a man?"

Jiang Qianyu was a little shy, but couldn't help but reached out and hit him, and corrected: "Build a snowman."

"Morning and night are the same."

There are already many children in the community who are accompanied by adults or play in the snow in small groups. The space here is not wide enough to use it. Lin Xuan took Xiao Nizi to the nearby park, and the two made a pile of snow together. Fat snowman, you hit me and I hit you during the period, and I had a lot of fun.

The two played here until noon. After confirming with their mother that they would not come back at noon, they ate outside and watched a movie. When they returned home, it was almost evening, and large snowflakes began to fall from the sky again. .

When Jiang Ya came back, the two turned off the lights and windows, and were watching a horror movie in the living room. Jiang Ya suddenly opened the door and both of them were startled. Jiang Qianyu screamed in fright, which scared Jiang Ya too. Not lightly, she turned on the light and scolded them angrily.

"Where's my dad, didn't he come back with you?" After changing the TV again, Jiang Qianyu asked strangely.

"Zhao Yan's house has gone."

Jiang Ya didn't say much, she had a short rest at home and was about to go out to buy groceries, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu looked at each other, and followed them out with a sense of humor.

Lin Yi didn't come back to finish the meal. After the three of them finished their dinner, they cleaned up and watched TV in the living room. It was around ten o'clock in the evening when Lin Yi finally returned home. There was no mistake between Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu, but they were destined to For the first time, the most ups and downs of a love affair than ordinary people ushered in, and it was also the most intense, a frontal "war" with the closest human being.

(End of this chapter)

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