Chapter 633 [652] Keep your grandson smart and cute
It was common for Lin Yi to drink, and it was not the first time that he was drunk, but the quality of the wine was much better. He greeted Lin Xuan and the others in a drunken way, and then walked to the bedroom in three steps, feeling that he had been recognized Xiao Nizi, who has changed her identity from a daughter to a daughter-in-law, behaved well and said in a timely manner: "Dad, I will make you tea."

"No, no, just watch TV."

Lin Yi waved his hands and went back to the bedroom. The little girl who didn't get a chance to show off pouted and wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction. Jiang Ya said, "Get a glass of cold water and send it to your dad."

"it is good."

Probably because Lin Yi hadn't entered the bedroom yet, Xiao Nizi agreed very readily, and after a sweet answer, she jumped up and ran over to fetch a glass of water for Lin Yi, Jiang Ya probably worried that Lin Yi was drunk In the last situation, she also went back to the bedroom. After a while, Jiang Qianyu returned to the living room, but she didn't follow her.

Lin Xuan asked, "Where's Mom?"

"She's going to take a shower."

Jiang Qianyu sat down next to him and continued to watch TV. What was broadcast was a collection of crosstalk sketches from various TV stations' Spring Festival Gala. Suddenly stopped again, opened the distance, looked in the direction of parents' bedroom, and called out: "Dad."

Lin Yi walked to the sofa and sat down, followed by watching TV for a while, Xiao Nizi very attentively brought him drinks or snacks and he refused to eat them. After a while, when Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu discussed the things mentioned in a sketch When talking about hot words, he suddenly turned his head, still looking drunk, and asked vaguely, "Why are you going to Hangzhou?"

Jiang Qianyu, who was about to speak, hesitated for a moment, but Lin Xuan didn't look surprised, turned to look at Lin Yi and asked calmly, "Why do you think?"

Lin Yidao: "How do I know why you are?"

Lin Xuan said: "Then why are you suddenly concerned about this question?"

This conversation sounded familiar, and Jiang Qianyu suddenly had an illusion, as if time had returned to last night, and the calm and normal Lin Yi he saw after waking up this morning seemed to not exist at all, or in other words, he was drunk He and the sober him are like two separate entities.

"Can't I ask?"

"Yes, then what do you want to ask, ask clearly."

"What I said is very clear. I asked you why you have to go to Hangzhou to go to school. It's not good to go there, so why do you have to go there?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I want to ask this, can't I?"

Lin Yi tilted his head and stared at Lin Xuan, his hazy eyes were still drunk, but his eyes were serious, even serious. Over the years, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were basically taught by Jiang Ya, while Lin Yi Most of them act as a protective umbrella, so Jiang Qianyu is used to seeing his mother's serious look, but rarely sees his father like this.

Of course she knew what the two were talking about, but just because she knew, seeing that the two of them were talking more and more stiffly, and wanted to break the tense atmosphere, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Okay, if you want to ask, of course you can."

"Okay, then you answer, you are a bitch, you are here to give me a hard time." I don't know if he was stimulated by Lin Xuan's calm appearance, Lin Yi tilted his head slightly and stared at him, but said cursingly swear.

Lin Xuan looked at his father who didn't know whether he was drunk or awake, his expression and words were still calm, and there was even a faint smile on his face, he spread his hands and said: "What can I do, go to school, when you and Didn’t mom agree? Isn’t Western University good? It’s one of the top three universities in China.”

Lin Yi stared at him and asked, "Just go to school? Nothing else?"

Lin Xuan said lightly: "What do you think I did?"

Jiang Qianyu looked at him with a little doubt and anxiety, because she noticed that Lin Xuan's mood seemed a little abnormal, as if he was deliberately provoking Dad, or he, like Lin Yi, was also venting some kind of dissatisfaction or anger emotions—is it because of his mother?

Lin Yi paused, looked at Lin Xuan for a few seconds, and then said, "How do I know what you are doing?"

Jiang Qianyu was about to speak, but Lin Yi jumped up without warning, like a nimble monkey. It looked a little funny, but his expression and voice suddenly became extremely angry, and he grabbed a teacup next to him and smashed it hard. He landed on the floor, with a bang, the broken porcelain splashed, and he stared at Lin Xuan and shouted: "You think I don't know? Your mother isn't good enough for you, is she? You have to go find that She, what's so good about that bitch? She doesn't want you anymore! She doesn't want you anymore! Do you have any conscience? Even if you don't have a conscience, you have to show some face, right? She doesn't want you anymore! She doesn't even want you don't you know?"

It was as if a torch was thrown into the air full of flammable and explosive substances, which instantly detonated everything that existed, and when it burned, it returned to emptiness and silence. After Lin Yi finished roaring, the living room fell into a brief silence.

Then Lin Xuan stood up.

Since his body has grown, he has already been half a head taller than Lin Yi. Generally speaking, people with an advantage in height seem to have more aura, but in the final analysis, this aura comes from the precipitation of experience, With a mature mind and a strong heart, the tall appearance can't hide the youthfulness and immaturity, especially when standing with the elders when he was young, the contrast is very obvious.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was standing in front of Lin Yi, staring blankly at the man who gave him life. He was obviously angry, calm and even indifferent, completely different from Lin Yi's drunken and angry appearance. Compared with each other, the superior and inferior judges.

"Do you think that I don't remember what happened when I was young? Or do you think that after so many years, I never mentioned it, those things can be regarded as never happened?"

Lin Xuan stared coldly at the man in front of him who was not sure whether he was really drunk or fake drunk. Lin Yi was silent for a while, then shook his body, tilted his head, then turned back and looked at Lin Xuan drunkenly. Said in an innocent and casual tone: "What happened? I don't remember."

Lin Xuan let out a sigh of relief, sat back on the sofa calmly, leaned his upper body on the back of the sofa and looked at him, with a thick sarcastic smile on his lips, "Since you don't know anything, why are you asking me? "

Lin Yi stared at him for two seconds, as if he still couldn't believe that he was the cowardly and obedient son who grew up to be obedient when he was a child. Then he suddenly became furious. There were no tea cups on the coffee table, so he turned around and grabbed the remote control Then, facing Lin Xuan, he slammed it on the floor and shouted angrily: "What do I ask you for? I ask you if you want to show your face, she doesn't want you, you still go to her What are you doing! Do you want to show your face, huh? I'm ashamed for you, do you know that, huh?"

He seemed to be very emotional, and when he talked about the latter, he even cried out, then lowered his head, stroked his face with his hands, looking very sad, sucking his nose, with tears in his eyes, choked up and hated it He said in a tone of voice: "I'm ashamed for you, people don't want you anymore, why do you go to them?" He dragged his questioning voice very sadly, "Ah——"

In his previous life, Lin Xuan had already understood Lin Yi's extreme complexity in many conflicts with him. He sat on the sidelines and watched with cold eyes, not even showing any changes in his expression, but just looked at him sarcastically.

However, Jiang Qianyu saw him like this for the first time. He was a little frightened by Lin Yi's angry appearance, but now he was full of sympathy, regardless of his camp, and hurried up to comfort him: "Dad, don't get excited, you have something to say Speak well and slowly."

Lin Yi looked up at her, cried "Qianqian" with tears in his eyes, held her hand and said with a choked voice, "Dad is sad, how has Dad treated you all these years?"

"Very good." Xiao Nizi nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice, her voice was gentle, as if she was comforting an injured child, "Dad, don't be angry, do you want to go to sleep first? I'll clean it up first, or I will accidentally step on it later."

Lin Yi didn't answer, and continued on his own: "Although Dad is not your own father, I raised you as my own daughter, right?"

Jiang Qianyu nodded her head vigorously, glanced at Lin Xuan secretly, and blushed a little, but Lin Yi obviously didn't notice, he was still immersed in his narration, "Your mother also treats your brother like her own son, right? "

Jiang Qianyu gave a "hmm", and Lin Yi suddenly became angry again, raising his voice and shouting: "But your brother has no conscience, and he went to find that woman, and they don't want him anymore, don't you think? Your mother is not enough for him Okay? You have to be conscientious to be a human being, don't you think?"

Jiang Qianyu didn't speak, but Lin Xuan said coldly: "What do you mean no? She has already knelt down and begged you in front of everyone, what do you want from her? If you insist on giving up the divorce, you will threaten her with me for the rest of her life." ? Destroyed my whole life in your hands, so you are willing to want me?"

Jiang Qianyu was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Lin Yi. Lin Yi turned around suddenly as if someone had lifted his scales, stared at Lin Xuan and said, "Okay! Okay! You have grown up, haven't you? Your wings are stiff Yes or no……"

Lin Xuan met his gaze and interrupted him expressionlessly, "Yes."

"Then get out! Get out!"

Lin Yi pointed at the door of the house and shouted angrily, "Get out! Never come back to this house again!"

Jiang Qianyu tugged on Lin Yi's sleeve and anxiously persuaded, "Dad, you have something to say."

Lin Xuan didn't speak, stood up, picked up the mobile phone on the sofa, turned around and walked out, Lin Yi stared at his back and shouted: "What are you talking about? What's there to say, shit, I've been talking about it for more than ten years If I raise a white-eyed wolf, I will treat it as if I don’t have this son, and I haven’t reached the time to lie in bed and beg you to take care of me, not to beg you.”

Lin Xuan stopped and looked back at him, and said calmly: "Don't worry, we will take good care of you one day, even if you are not good in every way, at least you still have filial piety to your grandparents. you."

He knew the occasion was inappropriate, but Jiang Qianyu didn't know why, he couldn't help laughing when he heard this conversation, and almost laughed out loud, but Lin Yi continued to curse: "Why raise a son, I shouldn't have kept you in the first place Why do you keep it so big? There is no courtesy!"

Lin Xuan had already walked to the door, turned to him and said, "It's up to you!"

Lin Yi became angry again: "Get out! Get out of here, never go back to this house again, don't you ever come back to this house again, you know? I'll pretend I didn't raise your son, why should I raise you? Let you go to school Yes! Why are you going? I raised you so much, and you hooked up with your own sister?"

Jiang Qianyu froze there.

Lin Xuan had already opened the door, but stopped when he heard the words, closed the door, turned to look at Lin Yi, Lin Yi squinted and shouted: "What were you doing last night? Isn't she your sister? Do you really think I didn’t see it? I’m not that drunk yet!”

He slapped his face hard, making a loud slap, and roared angrily: "Do you have any shame? Do you know what a face is? What is etiquette, righteousness and shame? I'm ashamed of you, do you know? Do you know?" ?”

Lin Xuan looked at him and slowly let out a breath, still shook his head calmly and said: "I don't know. She is not married, I am not married, I like her, she likes me, which law is violated, who is in the way, Or is there something wrong?"

Lin Yi took two steps forward, and shouted with his eyes wide open: "Are you still reasonable? Are you reasonable? Which law did you violate? She is your sister, do you know? Which law allows brothers and sisters to get married?"

Lin Xuan stood there, looked at him and said, "Her surname is Jiang, and I am surnamed Lin. One has a different surname, and the other is not related by blood. How can she be my sister? As long as there is no genetic disease, the law only prohibits the marriage of direct blood relatives within three generations. Not to mention three generations, even going back thirty generations, do we have a little bit of blood relationship? If you don’t believe me, you will watch and keep your grandson smart and cute..."

"You know shit!"

Lin Xuan was so angry that he started roaring again, jumping and cursing: "Get out! Get out and never come back again! I don't have a son like you!!"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Okay."

After a pause, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lin Yi: "I have my mobile phone and ID card with me. I won't be hungry or cold. You'll be sober and angry. There's no need to quarrel with my mother or go to Qianqian. Look for me, I will come back to pick up my luggage when it’s time to leave, of course, if you get angry again and want to swear, I’m here at any time, you can beat me or swear as you please, don’t blame me for being angry Shallow."


Lin Yi bent down and picked up a wreckage of the remote control and smashed it over. Lin Xuan picked up his down jacket to block it, put it on, and looked at Xiao Nizi, revealing a big and thrilling event that he should be proud of. And with a rather self-respecting smile, "Hey, clean up the floor and explain to me after Mommy takes a shower. Don't make your parents angry. I'll pick you up in two days."

Jiang Qianyu was anxious, amused, and shy, blushing as if she was about to burn, she didn't dare to look at Lin Yi, and nodded slightly at him in a subtle way.

Lin Xuan smiled brightly at her, opened the door and walked out, then closed the door softly with a "bang", opened the door again after about two or three seconds, leaned half of his upper body in, glanced at the same time The father and daughter who came came in, holding the door with one hand, picked up the shoes placed under the shoe cabinet in the entrance, and walked out holding the door with one hand while carrying the shoes with the other.

The door was closed again with a "bang", but it did not open again.

(End of this chapter)

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