Chapter 641 [661] True!caught in bed

Lin Yi's wine quality has never been very good. He said he was going to sleep, but he came back to the living room after a while, but he didn't come. He just stood in front of the bedroom door and looked at Lin Xuan and the three of them. Xiao Nizi called her to come and watch TV. He waved his hand and went back to the room. Within 2 minutes, he called Jiang Ya again, saying that he couldn't find the clothes. Jiang Ya had to go to help him find them, and soon came back to watch TV. She and Xiao Nizi have been chasing each other recently. Lin Xuan had no choice but to watch an inspirational drama in the 90s. At first, he was somewhat disapproving, but after watching it, he found that it was quite delicious, so he followed it.

Just as Jiang Ya sat down and didn't watch for 3 minutes, Lin Yi yelled again in the room, saying that she couldn't find the socks. Jiang Ya was a little helpless and complained, "You..." She went back to the room and told Lin Yi to come back to the living room after a while. Xuan and the others went to bed early, and then went back to the room.

Xiao Nizi originally rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan because she kept peeking at her chatting screen. Hearing what her mother said, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out, she raised her chin and snorted at Lin Xuan, saying to Daidai He said good night and went back to his room.

When Lin Xuan came out of the bathroom after washing, he saw that his parents' room was tightly closed, so he went back to his own room and turned on the light, then came out and turned off the living room light, and sneaked into Xiao Nizi's room quietly.

Jiang Qianyu was wearing earphones on the phone, lying on the bed in a disfigured manner, her feet wrapped in cotton socks printed with cartoon patterns were kicking up and down, looking very leisurely, she seemed startled when she heard the door opening , turned around and saw that it was Lin Xuan, obviously heaved a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "You are going to die, scare me."

Lin Xuan sat down on the chair in front of her desk, and said with some amusement: "Who are you calling?"

"My sister!"

Xiao Nizi rolled her eyes, and then answered again: "Yes", it was obviously Shen Yuan who answered the phone. Lin Xuan didn't bother to eavesdrop on the chat between the two sisters, so he picked up the book that Xiao Nizi put on the table. , is a "Three-Body Problem" - she bought two e-books some time ago, but after the initial novelty passed, she still prefers paper books.She had read this book in an e-book and recommended it to Lin Xuan. Later, she ordered online and bought a commemorative edition of the complete works. What was on the desk at this time was its third book "Death and Immortality".

Lin Xuan opened the bookmark and found the location of the bookmark. What caught his eyes was Yun Tianming's brain being sent into space. Cheng Xin broke down and cried after learning that he was the one who gave her a star. He didn't know if it was a coincidence. Turning his head to look at Jiang Qianyu, he caught a glimpse of her lying on the bed, her curvy back was very attractive, immediately forgot what he was thinking, walked over and lay down beside her.

Jiang Qianyu turned her head and glanced at him, looking a little suspicious, then pouted again, Lin Xuan came over and kissed her on the lips understandingly, before the phone was hung up, Xiao Nizi blushed instantly, hurriedly Hiding back, stretched out his hand to hit him, and said angrily, "Pour me a glass of milk!"

"Then you don't make it clear!"

Lin Xuan, who could get it wrong, got up resentfully, picked up the cup on the bedside and left the room, poured the milk and heated it in the microwave, waited there for the time, and when it was ready to go back with the cup, he Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him, he turned around and saw Jiang Ya standing in front of the door looking at him.

Probably because Lin Xuan had some bad intentions towards Xiao Nizi just now, Lin Xuan was a little guilty, subconsciously took a sip of milk, and slightly raised it to his stepmother to show that he was still warming up milk when he was still awake. Said: "I'll warm it up..."

Before finishing speaking, seeing the stepmother staring closely at the cup in her hand, she immediately realized that the cup in her hand was Xiaonizi's cup, and quickly changed her words: "Oh, that, shallow, let me give it to her Warm up the milk."

Jiang Ya looked up at him slightly, but didn't speak.

Lin Xuan continued to explain in embarrassment: "I'll try to see how the temperature is. It's too hot, isn't it?"

He was getting darker and darker, but fortunately, Jiang Ya didn't mean to pursue it, she just said: "Okay, send her there and go to bed quickly."


Lin Xuan responded, and before turning around, he saw that his stepmother was empty-handed, she didn't seem to come out to pour water, and he didn't know if she came here specially to "observe the situation", he didn't dare to delay, and walked to Xiao Nizi's door, as if to prove himself With a clear conscience, I opened the door and entered the house in one go, but I didn't dare to close the door.

Xiao Nizi didn't know what she was talking about with Shen Yuan, she couldn't stop laughing, Lin Xuan said in a low voice: "Be quiet, mom is outside."

Jiang Qianyu immediately silenced, and stared out the door with big eyes, as if she thought she was good-looking and could turn around with her eyes. Lin Xuan had just been warned, so how could he dare to tease her again, so he put the cup on the bedside for her, After exhorting, "Sleep quickly after drinking, be careful not to wet the bed", then turned around and left the room, and even straightened his clothes when he walked to the door, so as not to be misunderstood.

As a result, Jiang Ya was no longer seen in the living room. Lin Xuan was even more sure of the guess that the stepmother had come out to observe on purpose. He secretly slandered, turned off the light in the living room and went back to his room.

It was almost 10:30 in the evening, and he was lying on the bed without feeling sleepy. Thinking of the parting soon, he felt somewhat melancholy, and when he thought of his stepmother's attitude, he felt a little more at ease. The current situation is already worse than he originally expected The future is much better, and the future is promising, so I should be satisfied.

And although Xiao Nizi is precocious, she is still young after all. From a long-term perspective, a few years of experience in different places may not be beneficial to the two of them, whether it is their feelings for each other or self-improvement.

The effect of self-comfort was not good. Lin Xuan was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. He reached for his mobile phone and wanted to play a song. After searching for a long time, he couldn’t find one that was pleasing to his eyes. So he found Xiao Ni’s piano music and played it immediately. .

Jiang Qianyu's piano skills are not bad. She dares to say that she is not bad among ordinary people, but if she is compared with those world-class masters, she is undoubtedly far behind. Compared with professional equipment, she played it, and when the notes bounced and reverberated in her ears, it was as if she was sitting beside her playing the piano, which was beyond the reach of others no matter how skilled they were.

Besides, Lin Xuan couldn't hear the difference, and even really felt that her playing was more beautiful than everyone else's.

It was halfway through the piano piece that Lin Xuan remembered the name of the piece. It was called "LieBeslied". Play less.

Lin Xuan didn't know why he was sad, and he didn't feel sleepy after listening to it for a long time. Just as he was about to change another song, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a familiar beautiful figure sneaked in, and came back to the song with lightning speed. After closing the door, Lin Xuan felt deeply ashamed with his slight and quick movements. If he hadn't just glanced there, he would probably have been touched on the bed without realizing it.

He lowered his voice and asked, "Why?"

Jiang Qianyu walked to the bed, pushed him and said, "Save me some space."

Lin Xuan doesn't like to turn on the air conditioner in winter, so in most cases, his room is the coldest in the house, and he is also the only one covered with two layers of quilts. In the dark, he can vaguely see that Xiao Nizi has only one layer of quilt, which is not thick. He quickly moved inside the pajamas, lifted the quilt and pulled her in.

Jiang Qianyu got into bed, lay down in his arms, and hugged him with outstretched arms. She didn't make a sound for a long time, and Lin Xuan asked, "What's the matter? Here we go again."

Jiang Qianyu looked up at him, and asked in a low voice, "You don't like it?"

Lin Xuan hugged her delicate and soft body, and tightened his arms to make her body stick closer, and said with a smile: "I wish for it."

Jiang Qianyu snorted softly, pressed his hand on his chest for strength, turned over and lay beside him, hugged one of his arms, leaned his head against him, and said softly: "I can't sleep."

Lin Xuan said: "So you can't sleep well even if you come here to seduce me?"

Jiang Qianyu pinched him, and said shyly, "Who seduced you? Besides, do you still need to seduce? Big! Pervert! Wolf!"

It's not the first time for the two of you to share the same bed in the dark room, but obviously it hasn't reached the level where Lin Xuan can be immune to it. Hearing her soft words, her voice is crisp and tender, I don't feel my heart beating faster, but I also know that she came here in the middle of the night What is the reason for looking for yourself? Pressing Qi Nian, she turned slightly sideways, looked at her and said, "Then you still come here to throw yourself into your arms?"

"Who threw himself into the arms?"

While denying it softly, Xiao Nizi put a sticker on him again, and asked quietly: "Are you really willing to let me run so far?"

Lin Xuan sighed, hugged her delicate body into his arms, but thought nothing else, stroked her beautiful hair and said, "Of course I can't bear it, there's nothing I can do, mom don't worry..."

Jiang Qianyu complained sullenly: "If you don't let go, what if she is worried?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "I can't really make her sad, do I want her to feel that I have raised two white-eyed wolves."

Jiang Qianyu arched restlessly in his arms like revenge, and after a while, asked again: "Then will you visit me?"

Lin Xuan said: "Of course, you won't be able to leave until the end of this month at the earliest. MSI will start in May, which means you can meet each other in at most two months, very soon."

Jiang Qianyu pouted and said, "Two months is a long time, you think it's fast, you must just miss me."

Lin Xuan lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek, and said with a smile, "Isn't it because we haven't separated yet? I have to cherish the present, and I can't always think about things that make people unhappy."

Jiang Qianyu snorted softly, and said in a low voice, "Even if you can't go to the mid-season game, you still have to visit me after the spring game is over."

Lin Xuandao: "Of course, the competition is secondary, not to mention that you are not eligible to go to the mid-season game, even if you go to the mid-season game, it is to see my wife, and play a game by the way."

Xiao Nizi couldn't help laughing, stretched out her hand to hit him, and said softly, "I hate it."

Lin Xuan hugged her and asked, "Do you think we have no hope of going to the mid-season game?"

Jiang Qianyu said sullenly: "You are all counting down now, the playoffs are pending, how about the mid-season?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here. Although I can go to see you even if you don't play the mid-season game, if you play the game, the club will reimburse you for the air ticket, right? Besides, I have nothing to offer Score, can mom rest assured that you will marry me?"

Jiang Qianyu raised her head, her bright eyes were shining in the darkness, she seemed to be very happy, she lowered her head again and put her face on his chest, but didn't speak, Lin Xuan was a little strange and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you want to win the championship so much because of me?" Xiaonizi's soft voice could not conceal the sweetness.

"Nonsense, if it wasn't for marrying you, why would I go out of my way to be a professional? Get a diploma from Xida University, start a live broadcast when I have nothing to do, pick up a girl to talk about life and dreams... No, no Sister, it's sister, sister."

Xiao Nizi gave a soft "hum" and didn't bother with him, she lay in his arms, and after a while she said without thinking: "I knew it."

Lin Xuan wondered, "Know what?"

"You played games back then because of me...pervert!" She scolded pervert, but her tone was condescending and complacent, arrogant and sweet, but there was no trace of distaste or disgust that it should have.

Lin Xuan coughed, sighed slowly, and said, "It's up to now, let me tell you about it. After all, we two want to know each other for the rest of our lives, so we should tell you about this."




"It's for Xu Qingru."

"Can you say that again?"

"That is impossible."

Jiang Qianyu snorted again, and after a while, said again: "Actually, I know, even if it's for Xu Qingru, it's nothing, you still liked her at that time, it's nothing, I'm not so unreasonable. "

"Do you think you can lie to me like this? Naive! I'm not that kind of person, let me tell you, if I say it's for you, it's for you!"

"It's okay, I don't blame you anymore."

"You're blaming me. I played League of Legends for you! Otherwise, this broken game will be full of brains, the skin will be sold like a monkey, and the client will be stuck like a dog. Beg me, I won't play it!"

"Tch, so you quit now?"

"That won't work, I have to rely on this broken game to marry my family Qianqian back home."

"Aren't I at your house?"

"That's different. You belong to my parents and me in my house now. I want to make you mine alone."

Lin Xuan leaned against her ear, and said softly, with a hint of seduction and abduction: "The kind that can do whatever you want."

Jiang Qianyu was sweet and shy at the same time, using the darkness to hide her shame, she leaned into his arms and said softly: "When the time comes, you go to MSI...I'll let you do whatever you want, okay?"

Lin Xuan swallowed his saliva and asked: "Then the LPL will win the championship, what if we don't make it?"

"'ll see me too."

"That's different. Going to MSI means that you have won the LPL championship. You should be rewarded and you should do whatever you want. If you don't win MSI, it means you haven't won the championship and you can't give rewards. There must be differences to be motivated."

Jiang Qianyu looked at him with big eyes, bit her lip and asked, "Then what do you think?"

Lin Xuan laughed and said, "If you don't get the MSI ticket, I'll let you do whatever you want with me."

Jiang Qianyu pinched him and did not speak.

Lin Xuan continued to ask without hesitation: "How is it?"

Jiang Qianyu rolled her eyes, lying in his arms and still not speaking, Lin Xuan continued to ask: "Acquiescence?"

Jiang Qianyu pinched him again.

Lin Xuan shook her hand and said with a smile: "It seems that there is no need to fight for the championship so hard, and it can save some energy, oh no, not a little, but two energy... Hey! Lightly lightly... Baby, baby, baby, it hurts..."

Jiang Qianyu was so ashamed that she didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, Lin Xuan suddenly called out in annoyance: "It's over."

Xiao Nizi was taken aback and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Xuan said: "I suddenly remembered something."


"Mom seems to say something to me a lot in the past two days. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. Now that I think about it, it seems that there is no deep meaning."

Jiang Qianyu's attention was attracted all of a sudden, she raised her head, her big eyes sparkled, she stared at him without blinking, and said nervously: "What did she say?"

"Go to sleep now."

Jiang Qianyu hit him angrily, and said angrily, "What are you sleeping on? I asked your mother what she told you?"

Lin Xuan hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Mom told me: 'Go to bed now', I won't lie to you, she told me at least three or four times, I never cared about it, now Think about it, maybe she looks down on me so much..."

Lin Xuan soon suffered retribution.

The two of them chatted without mentioning Xiao Nizi going back to the room, but when Lin Xuan turned off the music regularly, Xiao Nizi reminded him to advance the alarm clock for getting up tomorrow morning by an hour, Lin Xuan naturally understood the reason and set the alarm clock, I planned to let her sneak back into the room tomorrow morning, but ended up kissing me and me lingeringly for two days, chatting for a while, I don’t know when I fell asleep, and I don’t know if it was because I slept late or slept soundly. When they woke up almost at the same time the next morning, the two were hugging and sleeping on the bed, and Lin Yi was knocking on the door outside the door.

Lin Yi has always had the habit of calling Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu to wake up in the morning, but in the past year, Lin Xuan rarely had a lazy bed, and he had no room to use it. He couldn't continue to reprimand Lin Xuan for being lazy, and did not inherit his fine style .After getting drunk last night, he probably resolved the embarrassing situation on his own initiative, or he finally met Lin Xuan's lazy bed again, hoping to ease the embarrassing situation of the father and son...

Anyway, after knocking on the door and calling Lin Xuan a few times, he opened the door and walked in!

(End of this chapter)

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