Chapter 642 [662] Invisible

The moment he regained consciousness, the sound of knocking on the door and the soft and soft touch in his arms came to his mind almost at the same time. Lin Xuan's drowsiness almost dissipated at a speed controlled by quicksilver. He also raised his head, at first he was a little dazed, then he quickly woke up from Lin Yi's shout outside the door, turned his head to look at him, his big eyes showed a little panic and helplessness, he was almost crying out of shame He lowered his voice and said anxiously, "What should I do?"

As she spoke, she looked around, as if she wanted to find a place to hide, and wished that there would be another secret room in Lin Xuan's room, but she couldn't find it, so she turned back and pinched him and said, "Aren't you sure?" Is the alarm clock on?"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xuan vaguely remembered that he had heard the alarm clock not long ago, and the remaining thoughts at that time were a little vague. It seemed that Xiao Nizi was sleeping soundly and was still talking vaguely. He was worried about disturbing her, so he quickly called The alarm clock was turned off, and I thought about waking her up after sleeping for a while... Then I lost my memory.

Have you been asleep for so long?

Lin Xuan was also a little dazed, but it was useless to think about it at this time, he quickly comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, don't worry, wait until you find a chance to go back..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Yi had already opened the door and entered.

Lin Xuan immediately shut up, sat up quickly like a spring, and at the same time pretended to be afraid of the cold, bent his knees and hugged the quilt, piled the two quilts around his neck, and tried his best to support Xiao Nizi more But to cover the hiding space, Jiang Qianyu's reaction was also very fast, no need for verbal communication, the moment Lin Xuan pulled the quilt and sat up, she understood Lin Xuan's intention, curled up and lay down next to him, trying to Put your body closer to him, and don't even care about sticking your face next to his buttocks.

According to Lin Yi's past habits, when calling Lin Xuan, most of them would push the door and come in. However, because the relationship between the father and son was a little tense these two days, he knocked on the door twice more to calm down his emotions. After a brief buffer, he walked in and saw Lin Xuan sitting on the bed, looking at him with a sleepy look, and said in a very soft tone: "It's time to get up, your mother is cooking Well, I bought buns, get up quickly, get up quickly."

"I see."

Lin Xuan responded vaguely, still looking sleepy, looking at Dad sleepily, Lin Yi avoided his eyes, waved his hands and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, wait a while The food is cold." Turning around and leaving the room, he closed the door halfway and did not close it.

Lin Xuan waited for his father's figure to disappear in front of the door, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the cold sweat was about to flow down, but he still didn't dare to relax. Where is it pressed? I just feel that the palm is very soft and feels very good, but it is a pity that it was taken away before I could touch it a few times.

Before Jiang Qianyu could make a sound, Lin Yi shouted outside again: "Qianqian? Qianqian? Why can't I sleep until now? It's time to wake up. Your brother has been up for a long time and you are still sleeping..."

Jiang Qianyu didn't care about settling with Lin Xuan, so she pushed him with her hand and said, "Hurry up and get out."

Lin Xuan said angrily: "Why are you ashamed at this time, get dressed quickly!"

"Wear your sister, all my clothes are in my room!"

Xiao Nizi looked like she was about to cry when she heard that, she curled up under the blanket and grabbed his thigh vigorously, but fortunately she didn't accidentally touch it, and said anxiously: "What should I do?"

Lin Xuan quickly reached out for the clothes, and at the same time comforted in a low voice: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll get up first and get Dad away, and you can go back to your room when you find a chance."

Jiang Qianyu pouted and glared at him, and said aggrievedly, "Why should I go back to my room? I've lost my face, and when my parents find out, I might as well commit suicide."

Lin Xuan suppressed a smile and said, "No, no, sooner or later, what's there to be ashamed of?"

Before Xiao Nizi could speak, he put on his pants, took off his shoes, and walked out of the room while putting on a sweater. Lin Yi was still at the door of Jiang Qianyu's room. He had always been more tolerant of Jiang Qianyu than Lin Xuan. When calling her The voice was also smaller and more gentle, and even shouted a few times, there was no sound in the room.

Probably because there was no blood relationship, Lin Yi paid special attention to avoiding some taboos when dealing with Jiang Qianyu. Naturally, he couldn't just push the door in like he did to Lin Xuan. Just when he saw Lin Xuan coming out of the room, he glanced at him, sighed and complained: " What kind of laziness is everyone, young..."

While speaking, he turned and walked towards the kitchen. Lin Xuan hurriedly turned back to his room and gestured to Xiao Nizi. Jiang Qianyu had just finished her pajamas, and when she saw Lin Xuan beckoning her to go out quickly, she hurriedly stepped on her slippers and ran out, secretly glad in her heart Fortunately, my father is not as careful as my mother. I didn't notice to take off my shoes just now, otherwise I would have revealed my secrets long ago.

Seeing her coming out, Lin Xuan turned around to help observe the "enemy's situation", but within a few seconds, Lin Yi, who had just walked to the kitchen, had come out of the kitchen with a casserole, so he quickly stretched his hand behind his back and He gestured to Jiang Qianyu not to come out, and went up to him, reached out to catch the casserole in Lin Yi's hand, and said, "Dad, I'll come."

Lin Yilian said: "No, no, no, you should brush your teeth quickly."

As Lin Yi was talking, he hid aside with the casserole. Lin Xuan was worried that he might accidentally smash the pot, so he had to get out of the way. Lin Yi put the casserole on the dining table. Seeing that Lin Xuan was still standing there, he waved his hands and urged: : "What are you still doing here? Go brush your teeth, young people must pay attention to personal hygiene."

Lin Xuan replied: "Okay, I'll go right away, you go and help my mother first."

Lin Yi said: "There's nothing to help, you go brush your teeth, I'll call your sister."

Lin Xuan felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat. If he dragged on until his stepmother finished her work, it would be over. He hurriedly said, "It's okay, I'll call her, and you can help my mother..." Having said that, he lowered his After making some noise, he said with a doggy look: "My mother was so angry last night, you should hurry up and coax her."

Lin Yi obviously didn't expect Lin Xuan to say such a thing. He looked at his son with a straight face, and Lin Xuan winked at the kitchen with a smile on his face. Lin Yi stopped talking and turned around to go to the kitchen. Lin Xuan hurried to Jiang Qianyu's door Before, he slammed the door twice and shouted loudly, "Jiang Qianyu, it's time to get up!"

Jiang Qianyu popped out of Lin Xuan's head in her pajamas, her big eyes were agile and clear, and carefully looked left and right, then she ran out of Lin Xuan's room lightly and sensitively like a little mouse, swishing, swishing She quickly ran to the door of her room, Lin Xuan had already opened the door, she quickly got into her room, and then quickly and gently closed the door.

Lin Xuan continued to knock on the door: "Jiang Qianyu! Do you still eat?"

I don't know how Lin Yi "coaxed" him. He hadn't had a big meeting before, but Jiang Ya came out of the kitchen and asked Lin Xuan, "Qianqian hasn't woken up yet?"

Lin Xuan spread his hands towards her, signaling that he was powerless, and saw Jiang Ya walking over, so he went to the bathroom to wash up, and heard Jiang Ya knock on the door twice, and shouted: "Jiang Qianyu!"

When mom called your full name, it meant she was angry. Xiao Nizi obviously understood, she didn't stay in the house too long, opened the door as if she had just been woken up, and got up with a little sleepiness. Angrily, pouted his mouth and said aggrievedly: "What are you doing? They keep arguing all night long..."

Jiang Ya reprimanded: "Sleep, sleep, sleep! What time are you still sleeping? Can't you hear me calling you for a long time?"

"I heard it, I don't want to talk about it, I'll go to sleep again..."

Jiang Qianyu's voice was still full of sleepiness, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing secretly, and then heard her "Ah! Ah..." in pain, turned her head and saw her being grabbed by her ear by her stepmother Pulled out of the room, in order to prevent the fish from being affected, he hurried into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, but he could still hear Xiao Nizi's voice of "I haven't changed my clothes yet".

After Lin Xuan finished washing, he returned to the living room. Xiao Nizi had just changed clothes and came out. Lin Yi glanced at Lin Xuan, and then softly asked Jiang Qianyu to wash his face and brush his teeth and come over to eat. Go to the table and sit down to eat.

When Jiang Qianyu finished washing and came out, Lin Yi, who ate the fastest, had already finished eating. He was sitting on the sofa playing Landlords, and he did not forget to call Jiang Qianyu to eat quickly. Yi asked again if he didn't sleep well, Jiang Ya said with a straight face: "I'm in college, and I still sleep in all day, the more I live, the more I go back."

"Who's sleeping in all day?"

Jiang Qianyu put the chopsticks on the bowl angrily, pouted and said, "I won't eat!"

Lin Yi didn't even play cards, and looked up with concern: "What's wrong? Why don't you eat? Hurry up and eat, or it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Jiang Ya glanced at her, and said indifferently: "If you don't eat, clean up the dishes."

Jiang Qianyu stared at his mother and said loudly: "Why should I clean up when I haven't eaten?"

Jiang Ya said: "Next time you don't eat, tell me sooner."

Jiang Qianyu glared at her mother angrily, but Jiang Ya ignored her, and ate porridge and watched TV leisurely. Jiang Qianyu snorted, picked up her chopsticks again, took a bite of a steamed bun.

Jiang Ya looked up at her and said, "Didn't you stop eating?"

Xiao Nizi bit the bun and said vaguely: "Don't waste food, I won't eat it until I tell you in advance next time."

Xiao Nizi was deliberately antagonizing Jiang Ya, and the family knew it well, but Lin Xuan knew that she was deliberately acting normal, and Jiang Ya and Lin Yi naturally thought that she was dissatisfied with being sent abroad. On the contrary, Yi felt very happy about her dissatisfaction. In his understanding, he probably equated this with the weight dispute between his family and the one in North America.

The result of the confrontation is naturally a disastrous failure. Jiang Ya is almost invulnerable, but she also has an understanding and tolerant attitude towards Xiao Nizi's emotions. Even Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were both lazy in bed this morning. , Mostly it is also a way of expressing dissatisfaction.

——If Jiang Qianyu's hair hadn't been found on Lin Xuan's bed.

The sun was fine yesterday, so Jiang Ya asked Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu to take out the quilts to dry. The balcony at home is relatively large, but naturally it is impossible to dry all three quilts at once. Mother's quilt was taken out to dry, and Lin Xuan asked her to take her quilt to dry when there was still room. Then, because of the two of them, the whole family forgot to change his quilt to dry in the afternoon.

Two machines in the Internet cafe broke down. The original network administrator went back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year, but now he is only recruited for part-time work during the Spring Festival. Yi was interrupted, and replied to ask to replace the spare machine first, and then complained that the person just recruited didn't understand shit, so Xiao Nizi recommended that Lin Xuan understood and asked him to take a look.

After eating, Jiang Qianyu, who thought she had cheated, followed Lin Xuan to the Internet cafe, Lin Yi went to see the decoration of the new supermarket, Jiang Ya planned to tidy up the house before going out, but ended up taking out Lin Xuan's bedding to dry At that time, two or three black and soft long hairs were found on Lin Xuan's pillow and quilt.

With her complexion changing, she immediately checked the sheets and the trash can again, and then she was relieved a little, but her complexion just improved, and she was so bored that she followed her around blankly. For some reason, she put Lin Xuan aside. The backpack was pulled down, and the little guy jumped out of the way before the backpack fell down. Jiang Ya stared helplessly at this little black cat, which has been regarded as a town house warding off evil spirits since ancient times. Pick up the backpack and put it back in place.

At this time, she was completely unconscious, or because she just found her daughter's hair on Lin Xuan's bed, she subconsciously opened the backpack and took a look. The backpack was very light, so she didn't care, so she subconsciously I closed the zipper again, only belatedly realized that something was wrong, and opened the backpack again.

There are very few things in the backpack, an e-book, a pair of socks, and an exquisite and compact packaging box with the series slogans of "AiR" and "Hidden Thin" printed on it...

Jumping back to the floor, Daidai looked up at the little master's mother who hadn't moved for a long time after picking up the backpack, and let out a "meow", blinking her big blue-green eyes, with an innocent expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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