Chapter 648 [668] Father-in-law is here

Shen He's arrival was very sudden. Except for Xiao Nizi who said that her father-in-law would come to see him in Hangzhou, Lin Xuan never got any news about him. As a result, it happened just this morning that "the four Chinese can't win." "The other club probably hasn't responded yet. After dinner in the afternoon, he received a call from Xiao Nizi.

Shen He has already got off the plane and is coming from the airport.

Even she didn't know where Shen He came from. Shen He didn't call her until after getting off the plane. After all, the father and daughter had a blank period of nearly ten years. Since the last call, the two have talked to each other from time to time. But Shen He never said anything about his coming to China. Until a sudden call came 2 minutes ago, he had already stepped on the land of his homeland.

"What should I do?" It could be heard that Xiao Nizi was also a little nervous. Shen He's arrival was too sudden, and she was also unprepared.

Probably because of the divorce of his parents, childhood memories are very precious. Jiang Qianyu still remembers many things when he was a child. Although his father is busy in his impression, he is gentle and loving. He loves his sisters very much. During the call, the voice on the other end of the phone gradually overlapped with the influence of his father in his childhood impression.

But from what Shen Yuan said, Shen He had a completely different image.

When Lin Xuan was in Paris, he heard Shen Yuan mention that the annual revenue of the company founded by Shen He exceeded 70 billion U.S. dollars. Lin Xuan did some calculations, and the equivalent in RMB was about 470 billion. After he came back, he asked Xiaonizi’s father-in-law What exactly does the old man do, but Jiang Qianyu didn't care about it when he was a child, he didn't know about it, he only vaguely remembered something related to finance.

Later, she asked her sister again, and learned that Shen He's career has been booming over the years, involving hotels, finance, and electronics, and his personal assets have already set foot in the tens of billions of dollars club, so Shen Yuan has always wondered if he has done something Shameful deeds, especially since he originally loved traditional Confucian culture and began to study Buddhism in the past two years, Shen Yuan suspected that he had done something wrong and wanted to seek psychological comfort.

Of course, Shen Yuan did not doubt his love for his daughter as a father. These complaints were probably originally due to Shen He's busy career and dissatisfaction with the breakdown of the family. Get along well.

Although Shen He's business is mainly in North America, he is not without connections in China. In fact, with the overall rise of China, Shen He has turned his investment attention to China as early as a few years ago. After Jiang Qianyu called, he was already in the car heading to his daughter's residence.

When Lin Xuan returned to the residence, Jiang Qianyu was tidying up the room. He was afraid that there would be some dirty and messy place, which would make the old man feel that she had been wronged. Before Lin Xuan could help tidy it up, Xiao Nizi dragged her away with disgust. He approached the room and asked him to take off his clothes. Lin Xuan yelled strangely, "Isn't it? If your father sees that although the raw rice is cooked, my three legs will be hard..." Then he realized that he was thinking too much, Xiao Nizi just disliked the ugly clothes on his body and asked him to change them again.

After Xiao Nizi picked out clothes for Lin Xuan again, Lin Xuan changed into them, and was forced to wash his face, comb his hair, and even brush his teeth, Xiao Nizi also tidied up and stood together holding Lin Xuan's arm. After looking at him in front of the full-length mirror for a while, seeing that he is sweet, cute and handsome, and the guy next to him is almost in his best condition, he nodded in satisfaction and said sweetly: "Okay, let's go."

Lin Xuan then went downstairs with her to wait for her father-in-law to come. When she went downstairs, Jiang Qianyu said: "I will lose my temper on purpose later. Don't be angry. You have to act like you dote on me so that my father will be sure. I think you're fine."

Lin Xuan turned to look at her and said, "Please, don't act like it's not like this usually, okay?"

Jiang Qianyu reached out to pinch him, glared at him fiercely and said, "What did you say?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "Well, my Qianqian family is the most gentle, considerate, considerate, cute and cute. I usually bully you, but this time you bully me, just to win my favor in front of my father-in-law. I am really wronged." is you."

Jiang Qianyu snorted coquettishly, "It's good that you know."

When the two arrived at the gate of the community, Xiao Nizi knew how to please others, and pretended to be inquiring, and told Shen He that "the two of us are already waiting for you outside". Shen He is such a person, but Lin Xuan is sure that Shen He will only feel happier for his daughter's little thought.

After waiting for about ten minutes, an ordinary black Mercedes-Benz slowly slowed down and stopped by the side of the road. Lin Xuan looked somewhat surprised, and when he walked past with Xiao Nizi, he deliberately turned Looking under the car, Xiao Nizi tugged at his sleeves and glanced at him. Lin Xuan quickly straightened his waist and showed her a handsome, bright and confident smile. Jiang Qianyu didn't She rolled his eyes at him angrily, tugged at his sleeves and trotted a few steps to the front of the car.

Lin Xuan originally thought that he would see the driver bend down and make a polite gesture to open the car door. The perspective of the president spread from the shoes up. The middle-aged man opened the car door and appeared in front of his eyes. The black zippered jacket was opened, and inside was a dark gray T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Apart from the fact that he could see it or subconsciously felt that the texture was very good, he was different from ordinary people. His clothes were the same, but he was slender and strong, with a handsome appearance, well-defined outlines, sharp eyes, and a calm demeanor.

He stood there looking at Jiang Qianyu, Xiao Nizi also looked at him, and called softly: "Dad", with a slightly strange voice, Shen He smiled at her, stretched out his hand to touch her head, and said with a smile: "It's better than the one in the photo. Still pretty."

Jiang Qianyu sniffed, smiled a little shyly, then realized, turned around and grabbed Lin Xuan's sleeve, wanting to introduce to him, she had rehearsed the scene of meeting many times, and now she really In front of his father, he found that the prepared words were a bit difficult to say.

Shen He seemed to know what the girl was thinking, and smiled at her again, signaling her to be relieved, withdrew his hand from stroking the girl's head, and looked away at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, was also staring at him. The two stared at each other for three or four seconds. Jiang Qianyu stared at Lin Xuan fiercely, and said angrily, "Why are you in a daze? ?”

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Hello, Uncle."

Shen He smiled slightly, said "Hello", then looked at his daughter again, and said with a smile: "Let's go, take Dad to see where you live."

He didn't deliberately emphasize the word "men", but Jiang Qianyu still blushed a little when he heard it, looked at the young man standing by the car, and nodded with a smile. He smiled and said, "Stop the car for a while."

Jiang Qianyu said: "It doesn't matter if you can stop inside."

Shen He nodded, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu went to the security booth to talk first, Jiang Qianyu saw that his father didn't follow, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter with you?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Jiang Qianyu reached out to grab his arm, the movement was very obvious, and said fiercely: "You still want to lie to me, do you want to tell me?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "Don't allow me to be nervous... Your father is very handsome, no wonder your daughter is so good-looking."

Jiang Qianyu lifted her chin proudly and hummed, "Of course."

Shen He's assistant parked the car on the side of the road in the community. Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu accompanied Shen He and walked back slowly, chatting casually. Neither Lin Xuan nor Jiang Qianyu were dull people, and neither was Shen He. , It's not that he can't find words, but Lin Xuan doesn't talk much, and Jiang Qianyu only thinks it's because he met his future father-in-law for the first time, and doesn't really feel relieved, but feels sweet because of his nervousness.

When he got home, Shen He looked at his daughter in private with great interest. When Xiao Nizi specially introduced the room of the two of them, he glanced at Lin Xuan, and there was a hint of probing and examining in his eyes. Lin Xuan just smiled and said nothing. say.

When she arrived at the piano room, Shen He asked Xiao Nizi if she was still practicing the piano, and Xiao Nizi pouted and said to play for you, she sat there playing the piano, looking towards Shen He and Lin Xuan from time to time, Jiao The cute and sweet expression seemed to be saying come and praise me, Lin Xuan was full of thoughts, but he couldn't help but feel a little funny, and felt warm and sweet in his heart, and his fearful and suspicious heart gradually settled down.

In the evening, the team had a training match. Lin Xuan accompanied Xiao Nizi and Shen He to dinner and then returned to the base. During the period, Shen He and Jiang Qianyu were mostly chatting, and Lin Xuan would also participate. What was Jiang Qianyu doing? What to do, plus Shen Yuan who is far away in Paris, the father and daughter have too many topics, and it is inevitable that there will be the matter of Xiao Nizi going to North America next. It would be better for the girl to take her away, but the formalities still have to be done, so let Xiao Nizi go home before school starts.

The two knew that they were going to part, but when the parting was about to come, they still couldn't give up. Coupled with the shock of seeing Shen He today, Lin Xuan couldn't calm down for a long time. He made two mistakes in the training match at night, causing everyone else to panic I wonder if something serious happened to him.

On the third day Shen He came to Hangzhou, that is, on the morning of February No. 19, Cui Mingxiu publicly apologized for his remarks. Lin Xuan still had no time to pay attention to this matter, because Jiang Qianyu wanted to go back to Yicheng to go through some relevant procedures. After seeing her off at the airport, they took Shen He's car back to the city together. When passing by the hotel where Shen He was staying, he turned to Lin Xuan before getting off the car, "Do you have time for a chat?"

Along the way, the two who sat in the back row together but didn't talk much went to the coffee shop downstairs of the hotel. After taking a seat in the private room, Shen He's face darkened, and he stared at Lin Xuan who was a little embarrassed and confused. After a while, he smiled lightly and asked, "Lin Xuan?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Of course."

Shen He's expression froze, then he sighed softly, and said: "You are very courageous."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

While the two looked at each other in silence, the waiter with exquisite makeup knocked on the door lightly, and brought up the coffee and desserts ordered by the two of them. Shen He thanked them with a gentle smile, and after the waiter closed the door and left, he sat down again. His face darkened, and after a long while, he sighed softly: "I had someone check your affairs, Lin Xuan, born on August 1998, 8, your parents divorced in 3, and you lived with your father Lin Yi In 2003, Lin Yi remarried and married my ex-wife, so you and Qianqian lived together in the same family, but your relationship is not good, and almost no classmates even know that you have a brother or sister."

"Until last year, when you confessed to Xu Qingru, after being rejected, you had a car accident, and you were lying in the hospital for more than two months. After you were discharged from the hospital, everyone's impression of you began to change dramatically... your personality, speech, behavior, As for ability, you are now a professional e-sports player. The first time you play a game, it is a new account, with Xu Qingru, and then in an Internet cafe... Your skills are very good, not like a novice, but No one knows when you started playing games. The account can be borrowed, but you always have to use the computer, but on your computer, the installation date of the game client is also the first time you use the current account to play the game that day."

Lin Xuan listened to Shen He saying these things calmly, his expression was equally calm, or indifferent and expressionless, only when Shen He talked about checking his computer, he showed some fluctuations, Shen He naturally couldn't sneak into him At home, then it is self-evident who checked it for him.As the saying goes, paper cannot cover fire, and not many lies can withstand investigation, not to mention that he has never taken any precautions, and the other party has found Jiang Ya, who raised him since childhood, to verify?
Lin Xuan gave a wry smile in his heart, and finally understood why Shen He said that he did not come to Hangzhou to see his daughter, but to see him. For a while, he didn't know whether to be happy or angry or fearful. Since he established a relationship with Xiao Nizi, his heart has gradually settled down, and he has also begun to consciously forget the memories of his previous life and the bizarre experience that has not been explained so far.

But he never thought that in this world, there is actually another person who has the same bizarre experience as him.

(End of this chapter)

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