Chapter 649 [669] Five years later

There is no shortage of self-righteous people in this world. If this kind of person is always ordinary, then he or she is just one of countless mediocre beings. If for some reason, whether it is innate or artificial, when he or she can affect the fate of others , then it is undoubtedly the disaster of the latter.

Lin Xuan was one of the sufferers.

He has an outstanding talent in e-sports, otherwise he would not be confident enough to play professionally, and it would be even more difficult to stand out from the many young players who are struggling with dreams. When he was bought by other clubs, he once thought that his fate would change. Although It's just the secondary league, and it's also a position that most youth players can only look into the distance until they retire.

Because he can play.

For a player who is extremely dependent on his performance on the field, a chance to perform on the field may change his life. Fortunately, he seized the opportunity. From a good performance in the training game to a tentative appearance, he gradually established himself as the starting position. His performance on the field has become more and more stable, and his team's performance has also improved all the way, successfully entering the LPL.

Lin Xuan can still vividly remember the joy and excitement at that time, but unfortunately, who would have thought that the team would jump into the dragon's gate, and he would also dream of the dragon's leap to the nine heavens, but fell into the abyss because of this.

After being promoted to the LPL, the club received a new capital injection, everyone's wages increased a lot, and everyone's emotions were high. In the past, the teams in the secondary leagues were basically at the bottom after being promoted to the LPL. Not to mention the playoffs, they won even one victory It was extremely difficult, and not only did they make it to the playoffs unprecedentedly, but they also got upset one after another in the playoffs and reached the final all the way. Although they failed to win the championship, it was already a historic feat.

It's a pity that because of the competition system, they are not eligible to participate in the World Championship selection, otherwise they may make history again and become the first team to achieve triple jumps in a year.

Because he was addicted to online games when he was a teenager, and he maintained high-intensity training day and night after playing professionally, his injuries forced him to be hospitalized. At that time, the LPL ushered in a wave of Korean aid that affected the fate of countless players.

The feat of reaching the final is not only the pride of the players, but also the boss is very excited. He made a big statement that he will set a new high next season, so he introduced a more professional coaching staff and more powerful players - all from South Korea People, the management has not changed much, but there is an extra female team leader, she is the new boss.

The responsibility of the team leader is daily management and operation, including training plans and match arrangements, and cooperating with the coaching staff to implement. This female team leader usually dictates orders. When Lin Xuan just returned to the team for training, she didn't know that she was one of the bosses. He said a few words for a teammate when he was swearing, and since then he has been targeted by this brain-dead girl everywhere. It was nothing at all, but he didn't expect that the team leader was still doing the work of the coaching staff and management.

The two Korean players in the team were brought by the Korean coach, and the Korean players are naturally given priority in training on weekdays, but they didn't show any malice towards him at first, they just didn't allow him to play. I don't know why, but suddenly even the coach started to target me. As long as I play a training match, no matter how I play, I will be the one who performs the worst and makes the most mistakes.

It was only later that I found out that because the introduction of Korean aid this year cost a lot of money, the club had a third boss. In a high-level meeting not long ago, the new boss mentioned, "Didn't you say that the original ADC is back? Why didn't you see him play?" It is rumored that the new owner is a Chinese-American who plans to invest in the domestic market. He heard that e-sports is developing well, so he invested some money casually. He usually does not participate in club management. The so-called high-level meeting was actually just a meeting between them. leisure activities.

It's just that a small stone, thrown down from a high enough position, can kill a person.

The contracts signed by the two Korean aids both indicated the starters, and the other Korean aid contract even clearly stated that no substitutes were allowed. Lin Xuan was "honored" to be a substitute because the contract was still in place. With the coaching staff of the same line, he probably didn't pose any threat in their eyes, but the boss spoke up, and the bottom lane was really not good, so Lin Xuan was naturally qualified to play.

If there is a threat, it will naturally be suppressed. The so-called competition in the arena has turned into a factional strife. With the addition of a brain-dead girl who doesn't know what has to do with the second boss, Lin Xuan began to suffer in dire straits, and since then the only The first time he played, it was also because the new boss was very dissatisfied with the club's current results, which made Lin Xuan have the amazing comeback with the pentakill to save the world.

The greater the threat, the greater the force of the suppression, and even resorted to unscrupulous means. After several provocative conflicts turned into hands-on actions, Lin Xuan was completely frozen. His only hope was that the new boss still remembered this person, but later got rid of him. Knowing that he withdrew the capital, the reason was divorce. After hearing the news, he finally despaired. After getting drunk, he never thought that he would come to another world.

In this world, the third time I met Mr. Shen, he became his father-in-law.

This is the only "outsider" he has seen in this world in his previous life memory.

Lin Xuan was surprised when he met "for the first time" two days ago, but he didn't think too much about it, but Shen He's meaningful eyes always gave him a very weird feeling, but even so, he wouldn't believe it There was another person who had the same bizarre experience as himself, and it wasn't until Shen He's clearly pointed words just now that Lin Xuan finally involuntarily raised this somewhat terrifying conjecture.

There was a momentary blank in my mind.

Shen He smiled slightly and asked, "It's surprising, isn't it?"

Lin Xuan took a deep breath slowly and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Shen He looked at him, suddenly laughed, and said: "Not bad, very good." Before Lin Xuan understood what his two compliments meant, the smile on Shen He's face stopped, and he sighed In one breath, he asked, "Do you believe in past lives?"

Both of them already had an almost certain answer in their hearts, but they obviously still had scruples, so even though Shen He was more certain than Lin Xuan, they still refused to say it clearly, but when asked this question, what exactly did he want to say? It is already obvious.

Lin Xuan shook his head, "I don't know."

Shen He smiled, and asked again: "Do you know Su Hui?"

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Every family has different understandings of Su Hui. I don't know what you are referring to."

Shen He said: "Born to know it."

Lin Xuan said: "It may not be known from birth, maybe two years old, maybe five years old, maybe 50 years old, it's just that children don't know how to hide."

Shen He laughed, and then sighed: "Buddhas believe that Su Hui is the wisdom from the previous life, but sometimes, I am still me. How can there be any past and present lives?"

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, and then said: "The "Book of Jin-Yanghu Biography" records that when Yanghu was five years old, he asked his nanny for a gold ring, saying that he had played with it before, but he didn't know where he put it. Yang Hu had never played with a golden ring before, so Yang Hu went out by himself and found a golden ring in a hole in a mulberry tree outside the low wall to the east of the neighbor Li’s house. Later, the owner of the Li family confirmed that the golden ring was His son used to play with it when he was alive. After the news spread, everyone believed that Yang Hu was the reincarnation of the neighbor Li's son. There is also Ge ​​Hong's father-in-law, Bao Liang, who told his parents when he was five years old, saying, "I am the son of the Li family in Quyang, He fell and died at the age of nine', he went to search and found the Li family in Quyang, and according to records, the result was 'push to, all agree'."

Lin Xuan exhaled, and said again: "This is recorded in the official history, not the unofficial history, but it seems that there are not many records in this regard in other dynasties."

Shen He shook his head and said: "Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty respected Confucianism alone, Confucianism established a feudal order and also imprisoned Chinese thought. There has never been a grand occasion of contention among a hundred schools of thought. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, etiquette collapsed and self-awareness was awakened. Compared with the contention of a hundred schools of thought, it can also be regarded as a time when the feudal dynasty had a relatively free mind. If it were placed in other dynasties, even if there were such incidents, how could it be included in the official history?"

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, and said: "The official history records may not be the facts. The official history also records that it snowed heavily in June after Ran Min's death. Zhu Di asked Fang Xiaoru to draft the enthronement edict. Who can be sure if it is true or not?"

Shen He shook his head again, and said: "Ran Min is a hero of the Han nationality, and it is inevitable that literati will exaggerate it. In the eyes of literati at that time, Zhu Di's proclaiming emperor was rebellious. Naturally, he must find a way to pour dirty water on him. As for beautifying Fang Xiaoru, let us Later generations of literati set an example, and secondly, it is just the need for political propaganda.”

He paused for a moment, and Lin Xuan continued: "According to this statement, there were a lot of people seeking immortality in the Jin Dynasty, plus they were some legendary figures, so the people who recorded the history played tricks, that's not true. "

Shen He laughed and said, "Do you really want to deny this?"

Lin Xuan didn't speak.

Shen He smiled and said: "Now, there is actually no need to test each other out. Speaking of which, we can still be regarded as a family."

When he said this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but glanced at him, Shen He smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't stop you anymore, but I didn't expect that fate would be so strange, you actually..."

When Lin Xuan heard the two words before him, he couldn't help being a little puzzled. Even if Shen He was in a state of turmoil at the moment, he immediately noticed Lin Xuan's strange expression, stopped speaking immediately, and stared at Lin Xuan with burning eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

After a while, Lin Xuan said, "Have you ever stopped us?"

Shen He asked back: "You don't remember... you know?"

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, and then asked softly, "When?"

Shen He's face was cloudy and uncertain, he stared at Lin Xuan without blinking, and said slowly: "The first time she brought you to see me was her 23rd birthday."

Lin Xuan was completely dumbfounded.

Xiao Nizi's eighteenth birthday will be in November this year, and her 23rd birthday...five years later?

(End of this chapter)

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